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A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church August 20, 2017

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

Fr. Stephen Lesniewski

Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

parochial vicar


Fr. Joseph Young

Fr. Gregory Dick, O. Praem

Priest in Residence


Humberto Ramirez

Dan Diesel



MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil Sunday Daily (Mon—Sat) First Friday National Holidays

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 5pm 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm 1:45pm, 6pm (Español) 8am (Rosary following Mass) 8am 8am


4pm—5pm 3:30pm—4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday Benediction

8am—7:45am Saturday 8am

MASS WITH ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Second Saturday of the Month



6pm 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)

M, T, W, T, F Sunday

8:30am—1pm, 2pm—8:30pm 9am—12pm, 1pm—5:30pm


21682 lake forest drive, lake forest, california, 92630 sdccatholic.org

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

August 20, 2017 Prayers for the Sick

Sunday/Domingo, August 20 9:00am 10:00am 3:00pm

Library Open RCIA Inquiry Meeting (Santiago Room) Baptisms (Church)

Monday/Lunes, August 21 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am

Daily Mass (Church) Library Open Funeral (Kaifesh) (Church)


Spiritual Exercise of St. Ignatius (Santiago Rm)

6:30pm 7:00pm

Hospitality Ministry (Church) Santo Rosario (Chapel)

Tuesday/Martes, August 22 8:00am 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass (Church) Altar Server Training (Church) Cristo Rey (Library) Coro (Church)

Wednesday/Miércoles, August 23 8:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass (Church) Guadalupanos (Santiago Room) Esemble Music Ministry (Church) Choir Camp (Room A)

Thursday/Jueves, August 24 8:00am 7:00pm 7:30pm

Daily Mass (Church) Chorale Music Ministry (Room A) Santiago Minstrels Choir Practice (Church)

Friday/Viernes, August 25 7:00am 8:00am 9:30am 2:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm

Christian Men in Commerce (Room A) Daily Mass (Church) Al-anon (Room G) Home School Dance (Room A) Confessions (Church) Quinceañeras Rehearsal (Church) Grupo de Crochet (Library) Knights of Columbus (Kitchen)

Saturday/Sabado, August 26 7:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:00pm

Catholic Men’s Fellowship (Santiago Room)

Daily Mass (Church) Burrito Ministry (Kitchen) Marriage in the Lord (Rms B,C,J,K) Al-anon (Room A) Quinceañeras (Church) Knights of Columbus Ice Cream Social (Kitchen, Rms D, E, F, G, H, I) Kyrie Music Ministry (Room A) Confessions (Church) Knights of Columbus Ice Cream Social (Rms B,C, J,K) Saturday Vigil (Church)

Schedule Subject to Change

Ofelia Alvizo, Susan Ampil, Burgos Family, Matthew Burgos, Mr. Caschetta, Castro Family, Sara Chacón, Patsie Covarrubias, Cherie Deeble, Laura Espinoza, Patrick Farrell, Marta and Mike Fowler, Frank LaFranco, Marlene Ford, Michael S. Garcia, Bill Goebel, Kathy Goebel, Stephen Gotfredson, Bea Gougeon, Rev. Dave Gruver, John Gutierrez, Mary Jane Haas, Andy Heidesch, Edith Herrera R., Robert Holohan,Trenda Hughes, Mark Hume, Debra Jackson, Candi & MAY 21, 2017 Piper Kelly, Christopher knight, Jean Sofka Kryzalka, Takoa Last, Norine Lawlor, Rosalia Leoncio, Serina Madison, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Mary Odierna, Lumi Palacio, Lara Pasi, Erika Pena, Liliana Pena, Cyrus Rhee, Michelle Robillard, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Doris Sinclair, Irene Sullivan, Hai Tran, Guadalupe Villegas.

Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected].

Mass Intentions for the Week of 8/21 to 8/26 Monday (8am) Tuesday (8am) Wednesday (8am) Thursday (8am) Friday (8am) Saturday (8am) Saturday (5pm) Sunday (7am) Sunday (8:30am) Sunday (10:15am) Sunday (12pm) Sunday (1:45pm) Sunday (6pm)

Henriette Groot † Josefino Goco † Virgen Milagrosa Margarita Castillo Ron Evans † Libertado S. Castro † Therese and James Nguyen † Alexander Gutierrez † Raymond C. Pineda Luis and Piedad Bourgeat † Felicitas Javier † Ricardo Fernandez † Luis Pelaez †

Readings for the Week Monday:

Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 22:19-23; Ps 138:1-3, 6, 8; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20

In Memoriam 2017 Steven Kaifesh, entered into Eternal Life on June 22, 2017. His Funeral Mass will be held on Monday, August 21, 2017.

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

August 20, 2017 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Jesus told the Canaanite woman of great faith, “It shall be done as you wish”. —Matthew 15:21-28

For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (8/13/17) Sunday Offertory: Average Weekly Parish Pay:

$ 12,389.52 $


$ 16,707.35 Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory:

Building Fund:

$ 22,350.00

Mass Intentions 2017

($ 5,642.65)

MAY 21, 2017 The Reception Office will be taking Mass Intention Requests for the fourth quarter of 2017 (October through December) after September 1st, and will continue to do so until that quarter is booked. The requested donation remains $10 per Mass. For more information, please contact our Reception Office. The schedule for quarterly start dates are as follows:



September 1st = October - December

PSA 2017 Parish Assessment: $122,000.00 Total Pledged to Date: $195,427.00 Total Paid to Date: $157,833.62 Number of Pledges: 406

Please continue to prayerfully consider the amount of your pledge. Together we are united in the Catholic faith and by helping others we are actively Living Our Faith. Thank you for your participation and generosity in the life of the parish and diocese. ANNUAL FRIENDS OF THE POOR WALK SVdP SOCIETY

What: 5K Walk/Run/Hop/Skip When: September 23rd, 2017 Time: 8:00am Where: Huntington State Beach 21601 Pacific Coast Highway Tower 15 @Beach Boulevard and PCH Sign up Now: www.fopwalk.org

Facility Scheduling Attention all ministry leaders: In an effort to avoid any scheduling issues or conflicts, all requests for scheduling the church, parish hall, or any other of our facilities needs to be submitted through [email protected].

IMPORTANT: Your generous donation should be designated for St. Vincent de Paul Society. If you require more information, please call: Santiago's SVdP 949-460-4220. ♦

Picture 0n Front Cover Living Rosary Prayer on August 13th. Submitted by Alvin and Grace Henson.

Artwork for Holy Rosary.

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

CRAFTS FOR CHRIST All knitters and crocheters are invited to join us from 2:00pm-4:00pm on August 29th ( last Tuesday of each month). We make scarves, hats, blankets etc. for the military, the homeless and Obria. We welcome yarn donations suitable for our projects. Call Joyce 949-581-8418 for information.

Deepen Your Love for Jesus with a more Intense Prayer Life Would you like to learn how to have an intimate relationship with God? The same God who created the entire universe and everything in it. A God who loves us and desires only the best for each one of us. The Santiago de Compostela Ignatian Ministry will be holding an information night for its upcoming 9 month Spiritual Exercise retreat. Come and see what it’s all about. Please join us Monday August 28th, 2017 at 7:00pm in the Santiago Room. Contact Grant Stockton at 714-350-9608 [email protected] or Kathleen Collins at 949- 230-4424 [email protected] for more information and to pre-register.

Meet Andre Rossignol– Director of Music Greetings! It is truly my pleasure to be joining the community here at Santiago de Compostela Catholic Church. I was born and raised in Santa Ana, which is also where I currently live with my wife and two children. I studied music at Chapman University and have been a professional musician for many years. This includes making music at various churches in the Diocese of Orange for the past 15 years. I am truly blessed to be heading up this group of musicians at Santiago that make up the Music Ministry. Our goal as musicians serving the Lord and his Church is to strive for excellence in our music in order to enhance the liturgical actions and prayers of the people. There are many exciting things to come including revitalizing the Chorale, expanding our Children’s Choir, and offering more opportunities for the youth at the Saturday vigil Mass. If you have the desire to join this ministry please contact me!

Musicianship/Vocal Classes The Music Ministry will be offering two classes to build up your musical skills. These are free classes and open to anyone in the parish. The classes will be held:

• Wednesday, August 23rd and August 30th • 7:00pm-9:00pm in Room A Please RSVP to Andre Rossignol at [email protected] or 949-951-8599, ext. 229

Children’s Choir Camp This will be an exciting day of musical skill building, tons of fun, and a brief performance for the families of the children who participate. All children grades 1st-8th are welcome! Free of charge! Bring a lunch for a picnic afterwards.

August 23rd 9:00am (8:45am drop off)

Performance: 11:45am, Lunch: 12:00pm


Our annual Festival Santiago is a couple of weeks away! All raffle tickets have gone out via ground mail. We encourage the community to participate on making this festival your own by selling tickets to a friend, family member, co-worker, etc. in order for our event to be a success! If you are interested in obtaining additional tickets or have not yet received yours, please contact our Parish Office MAY 21, 2017 949-951-8599.

Living, Learning, Loving: How the Body, Mind & Spirit Influence Wellness The Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s (ODCCW) invites you to a general meeting and luncheon at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Laguna Niguel, CA on Tuesday, September 19th, 2017. For a donation of $18.00 you will enjoy a continental breakfast, lunch, and a guest speaker. This month’s special guest speaker will be Kelly Hudson, a professional Athletic Trainer who is currently the lead athletic trainer on the NBC program “The Bigger Loser”. For reservations please contact Pat Martin 714-892-5219 or [email protected].

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

August 20, 2017

que los niños se entrenen para ser Servidores del Altar el 22 de agosto y para los adultos el 21 de agosto, para JMJ dar un paso más para ofrecer hospitalidad y seguridad en nuestras 20 August 2017 misas y otras celebraciones. Queremos agradecer a todos los que hacen posible estas maravillosas oportunidades. My Dearest Parish Family, MAY 21, 2017 Todavía nos enfrentamos a muchos desafíos en nuestra familia parroquial. God be with us always. Estamos en las etapas finales de conseguir que la construcción del patio We are in the final weeks of summer comience, después de la aprobación Love and prayers, and for some kids school has already final del proyecto de la ciudad y de la began. However, we are still going full diócesis. Adicionalmente, éstos nos speed with activities that will help us ayudarán a pedir a los contratistas que grow in our spiritual life and han sido aprobados por la Diócesis de stewardship-discipleship. Orange que hagan su oferta para la Fr. Thomas Our New Music Director, Andre construcción. Un poco más de paciencia Rossignol we have his short bio in this y llegaremos allí. issue of the bulletin- is giving us three Quizás usted lo haya notado, hemos workshops: one for kids and two for estado operando en un déficit durante adults August 23rd & 30th all in an muchos meses. La mayoría de las veces effort to bring to a new level music nuestra ofrenda dominical disminuye ministry which is integral to our cuando tenemos segundas colectas. Liturgical Celebrations especially the Nuestros gastos y las cuestiones de Eucharist. mantenimiento todavía abundan. Estoy We have one more opportunity to have humildemente implorándoles que kids train to be altar servers on August ustedes puedan buscar en sus corazones 22nd and for adults August 21st to step y hagan un presupuesto para contribuir up to provide hospitality and security un poco más a la limosna del domingo. in our Masses and other celebrations. Permítanme darles las gracias de JMJ We would like to thank all who make antemano por su respuesta afirmativa. these wonderful opportunities La mujer cananea del Evangelio, tenía 20 de agosto de 2017 possible. mucho en contra de ella, pero sabía que We are still faced with a lot of no pedía para sí misma, sino para su Mi querida familia parroquial, challenges in our parish family. We are hija. Nuestro Señor Jesús, después de on the final stages of getting the Patio ¡Qué Dios esté con nosotros siempre! probar su resolución así lo supo. Él Construction started after the final contestó sus oraciones a través de un approval of the project from the City milagro abrumador. No pido un Estamos en las últimas semanas de and the Diocese. They will also assist milagro, sino sólo que todos verano y para algunos niños la escuela us to ask contractors who have been encontremos en nuestros corazones, esa ya ha comenzado. Sin embargo, approved by the Diocese of Orange to seguimos avanzando a toda velocidad resolución para seguir trabajando make a bid on it. A little more patience con actividades que nos ayudarán a juntos para mantener vivo el espíritu de and we will get there. mayordomía en nuestra parroquia. Dios crecer en nuestra vida espiritual y en If you also noticed, we have been nuestro compromiso con la mayordomía los bendiga y cuide. operating on a deficit for many y el discipulado. months. Most often our Sunday Nuestro nuevo director de música Andre Con amor y mis oraciones, Offertory decreasing when we have Rossignol (su breve biografía esta en el second collections. Our expenses and boletín) estará ofreciendo tres talleres: the maintenance issues still abound. I uno para niños y dos para adultos, los am humbly pleading if you can find it días 23 y 30 de agosto, todos éstos en in your hearts and budget to add a un esfuerzo para llevar a un nuevo nivel little bit to the Sunday offertory. May I el Ministerio de Música que es parte Fr. Thomas thank you in advance for your integral de nuestras celebraciones affirmative response. litúrgicas, especialmente la Eucaristía. The Canaanite woman in the Gospel Tenemos una oportunidad más para had a lot going against her, yet she knew she was not asking for herself but for her daughter. Our Lord Jesus knew this so after testing her resolve He answered her prayers through an overwhelming miracle. I ask not for a miracle but only that we all find it in our hearts to continue working together to keep the spirit of stewardship alive in our parish. God bless and take care.

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

GLEANING FOR GOD— SEPTEMBER 23rd Picking Crops for the Poor with Second Harvest A Family Christian Service Project! JOIN US IN THIS FAMILY SERVICE EVENT! It’s fun &you’ll be helping others in poverty receive wholesome food, picked fresh from local fields. “Second Harvest distributes the crops we pick to our Orange County needy. What better way to honor God? SIGN UP NOW with Gloria Fetta, [email protected] 949-951-8599 x 230.

TRAINING FOR NEW ALTAR SERVERS Fr. Thomas invites all children who have already received their First Communion who are interested in Altar Serving, to come to training on: August 22 All training dates start at 5:30pm in the Church Information: [email protected]

Men’s Spiritual Retreat Santiago de Compostela annual Men’s Weekend retreat September 22-24-2017 at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center. The theme for this year is “Going without Knowing: Pitching Our Tent in Faith”. Join your fellow parishioners for this weekend of spiritual enrichment and growth. The Passionist team offers inspirational talks on the theme as well as time for quiet prayer, Mass, Confession, and Stations of the Cross. The retreat begins Friday evening with a buffet dinner and concludes Sunday after Mass. Requested donation: $250.00 ($50.00 non –refundable deposit) Facilitated by: Passionist Retreat Center 700 N. Sunnyside Ave. Sierra Madre, CA Call 626-355-7188, to ask for a reservation or for more information. www.materdolorosa.org Please call Raymond J. Puzio, our parish retreat captain 949-235-2612 or Ken Allen co-captain at 949-433-1727 for information or to make your reservation.

Please submit all articles for the bulletin to [email protected] Articles must be submitted no later than Monday morning at 9am.

August 20, 2017 Confirmation News: Incoming 9th graders: Registration for Confirmation Preparation 2017-2018 ends August 31st. Please stop by the youth ministry office or parish office to pick up the registration form. Forms are also available with envelopes in the youth ministry mailbox next to the youth ministry office. Or you may download the form on the parish website, under Confirmation. This program is available for all baptized high school students. Confirmation prep is a two-year 2017 process. Orientation for parents and the firstMAY class 21, for students th is September 5 , 2017 for Year 1 students and September 12th, 2017 for Year 2 students from 7:00pm-9:00pm. Next FNL/Youth Group meeting is : August 27 th, 2017 from 2:00pm-4:00pm in the parish hall, Rooms B and C. Please join us, newcomers are welcome. Next youth and young adult leader meeting is: August 27 th, 2017 from 4:00pm-6:00pm in the parish hall, Rooms, B and C.

RCIA/RCIA Registration As the Church liturgical year trends to study and reflection, we, the Santiago faith community, once again prepare for those who seek knowledge and information about our Catholic Christian tradition. The process of welcome and education in the Catholic Christian tradition is called the Order of the Catechumenate. The Order of the Catechumenate dates to the days immediately after the death of Christ. It’s a process whereby unbaptized and those baptized in another Christian tradition come to know, understand and embrace the Catholic faith. Many know and recognize this process as the RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Are you aware we also have an adapted RCIA program for unbaptized children grades 1 through 12? We offer the adult process in either English or Spanish and the Children’s process is bi-lingual. Registration forms for Adults and Children are available in the Parish Office or through the parish web site www.sdccatholic.org, select bulletins and forms and follow the instructions. CLASS BEGINS TODAY AUGUST 20th. Call the Office of Catechumenate for additional information 949-951-8599 ext. 231

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

August 20, 2017 COFESIONES LOS VIERNES EN LA TARDE Cada viernes por la tarde, de 4pm a 5pm, tendremos sacerdotes escuchando confesiones. Trataremos de tener siempre al menos un sacerdote para las confesiones. ENTRENAMIENTO PARA NUEVOS SERVIDORES DEL MAY 21, 2017 ALTAR Padre Thomas invita a todos los niños y jóvenes que ya hayan hecho su Primera Comunión y que deseen ser Servidores del Altar a participar de un entrenamiento en Agosto 22. El entrenamiento será en la iglesia y comenzará a las 5:30 pm. Para información comunícate con Jairo Morán al e-mail: [email protected]


La comunidad de Santiago de Compostela tiene un grupo de oración en español que es devoto al rezo del Rosario. Ven a la Capilla del Santísimo todos los lunes a las 7 pm y acompáñanos a rezar el Rosario por las intenciones de todas nuestras familias. ¡Te esperamos! Grupo de Oración Cristo Rey

AROUND THE DIOCESE Men Interested in Diocesan Priesthood: The Vocations Office cordially invites you to the next Priesthood Discernment Meeting. The purpose is to familiarize interested men with the life, prayer, and possible call to Priesthood in the Diocese of Orange. There is no commitment, other than the expression of interest to participate. The next Priesthood Discernment Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 13th , 2017 at 6:00pm ~ Diocese of Orange Pastoral Center, First Floor, Room 1D, on Christ Cathedral Campus. Please give serious thought to this invitation.

El grupo de oración Cristo Rey te invita a la noche de alabanza y oración este próximo viernes 15 de septiembre de 2017. Nuestras reuniones comienzan con la Santa Misa a las 6:30 pm.

"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." (Mt 9:37-38) If you have any questions regarding the Priesthood Discernment Meetings, please contact the Director of Vocations, Rev. John Moneypenny at 714- 282-3036, or via email [email protected].

Oremos por las Vocaciones Religiosas Hispanas

Priesthood Discernment Meetings are held on the 2 Wednesday of each month; 6:00pm.

6:30 pm


Zumba Class Our next Zumba Class will be on Thursday, August 31st, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in Rooms J and K in the Parish Hall. This class is for adults 18 years and older, led by parishioner and Zumba Instructor, Maria Rodriguez . To attend, we ask a free-will donation at each class that will go to the parish.

Agosto 25 de 2017 Capilla del Santísimo

Clase de zumba La próxima clase de Zumba será el jueves 31 de Agosto de 5:30pm to 6:30pm en los salones J y K en el Parish Hall. Esta clase es para adultos mayores de 18 años. La clase es gratuita solo les pedimos una donación voluntaria que será usada para ayudar a cubrir necesidades de la parroquia.

Twentieth Sunday in ordinary time

¿HAS PENSADO ALGUNA VEZ EN SER CATEQUISTA? ¿HAS SENTIDO ESE LLAMADO? Jesús nos sigue invitando a “convertirnos y a creer la Buena Noticia”, a que cambiemos de verdad, para que en nuestro mundo se haga presente ese Reino, cuya semilla Él ya ha plantado entre nosotros. ¡Ven y Sígueme!

Si quieres ser parte del ¡Ayúdame a equipo de catequistas de construir el Reino! nuestra parroquia ven a la oficina de los Ministerios Hispanos y pide más información.

August 20, 2017 EL NUEVO AÑO DE CATEQUESIS ESTÁ POR COMENZAR •Las clases de catequesis en español del nuevo año

escolar comenzarán el 8 de septiembre a las 6 pm. •La primera reunión para padres y tutores será el 1

de septiembre a las 6:30 pm. Esta reunión es MAY 21, 2017 solo para padres o tutores, los niños no tienen que asistir. Este día se entregará el calendario para el nuevo año escolar.

[email protected]

Nueva Clase de Biblia en Español

949-951-8599 ext. 239

Te invitamos a que participes de la Clase de Biblia en español, una interesante forma de aprender y crecer en nuestra Fe, ofrecida aquí en nuestra parroquia de manera gratuita. El próximo curso comenzará el jueves 7 de septiembre de 2017 a las 6:45 pm. El Nuevo tema de esta sesión será: PROFUNDIZANDO EN LOS MISTERIOS DEL SANTO ROSARIO ¿Qué conoces del rosario? ¿Dónde se originó? ¿A quién debemos su origen? ¿Sabes que el santo rosario nos habla de la vida de Jesús? No te pierdas la oportunidad de profundizar y entender los misterios del rosario. Recuerda: Todos los jueves a las 6:45 pm en el salón Parroquial. Solo adultos. No habrá cuidado de niños.

¿A QUIÉN LE GRITAS EN MOMENTOS DE ANGUSTIA? En la mayoría de las familias existen a lo que le llamamos: “la oveja negra de la familia”. En muchas familias tenemos un hijo rebelde, un hijo que anda en malos pasos, un hijo que se junta con amigos que lo llevan por el mal camino, un hijo que anda en drogas o en el alcoholismo. Cuando tenemos un hijo que va por el “mal camino”, lo que normalmente hacemos es gritarle, decirle palabras como: “no sirves para nada”, “Dios me castigó contigo”, “eres un inservible”. ¿La verdad? ésto no ayuda nada, sino que solo empeora las cosas. En el evangelio de este domingo tenemos a una madre que tiene una hija con un demonio que la atormenta, pero ella en lugar de gritarle a su hija, va y le grita a Jesús para que tenga misericordia de su hija. Ella sabe a quién gritar, a quien rogar, a quien acudir. A esta madre no le importa lo que diga la gente, ella tiene una necesidad y sabe que Jesús puede sanar a su hija. Esta mujer tiene hambre de misericordia y no le importa que sean tan solo las migajas. Hermano, hermana, si tienes un hijo que anda en malos pasos, no le grites, no le humilles, mejor ruega a Jesús por tu él o por ella y no te des por vencido. Acuérdate y aprende de esta madre del Evangelio que no se dio por vencida, hasta que Jesús dijo: “¡mujer qué grande es tu fe!, qué se cumpla lo que deseas”. Quiero también que sepas y que no olvides que siempre estoy orando, intercediendo por las necesidades de nuestras familias. Te invito a que tu también pongas en las manos de Jesús a tu familia. ¡Dios te bendiga! Diácono Humberto Ramirez


Los boletos de la rifa para nuestro Festival han sido enviados por correo. Pedimos de su colaboración a participar en nuestro festival bien sea comparando sus boletos o vendiéndolos a un amigo, un miembro de su familia, un compañero de trabajo, etc. para que nuestro evento sea un éxito. Si está interesado en obtener boletos adicionales o aún no ha recibido el suyo, comuníquese con nuestra Oficina Parroquial 949-951-8599.

MANTAS O CHALES DE ORACIÓN Gracias a la amabilidad de nuestro Grupo de Crochet en español, ahora podemos regalar a aquellos que están gravemente enfermos y para aquellos que necesitan un signo tangible de consuelo las “MANTAS DE ORACIÓN”. Las mantas pueden ser utilizadas por aquellos que van someterse a procedimientos médicos o tratamientos, como signo de consuelo después de una pérdida o en momentos de estrés o durante el duelo. El regalo de un chal de oración permite al destinatario estar rodeado de oración, y es un recordatorio tangible del cuidado de Dios y de su amor infalible e incondicional, son fuente de estímulo y de inspiración y consuelo porque se sienten como un cálido abrazo. Los chales serán bendecidos y distribuidos durante la Misa con el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos cada segundo sábado del mes a las 8:00 am. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Recepción de la Parroquia sobre cómo hacer una solicitud para ser un destinatario de estos chales o solicitarlos a alguien que usted conoce.