Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama

hace 6 días - and education, plus 100ss of adults, we simply need much more room. ... receiving Him in His Word and in the Holy Eucharist to do so, and then as those who are His Body, the Church, as we ..... get to the root of the trouble?
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H N  J C  Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh 

715 Nazareth Street

Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh

Rev. Monsignor David D. Brockman, V.G., Pastor Rev. John A. Kane, Parochial Vicar | Rev. Pedro Muñoz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael Alig | Deacon Juan Banda

S 15, 2019  T 24 S  O T 15  S  2019  XXIV D O Mass Times | Horario de Misa

Saturday Vigil............................. 5:00 PM Sunday.........................................7:00 AM Sunday.......................................10:00 AM  Sunday........................................12:00 PM Domingo......................................8:30 AM Domingo.......................................1:30 PM 

Catholic Campus Ministry Sunday.......................................7:00 PM 

Confessions | Confesiones

Saturdays 3:005:00 PM at Holy Name of Jesus Daily at Sacred Heart Church  following the 12:10 pm Mass  

Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón Miércoles 5:30 pm  Jueves 6:30 pm  

Forma Extraordinaria (Latin) First Sundays............................4:30 PM

Holy Hour | Hora Santa

Daily Mass MondayFriday..................12:10 PM SHC Tuesday & Friday............7:00 AM HNOJ Miércoles.............................6:30 PM SHC Saturday..............................9:00 AM SHC

Jueves 7:00 PM Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón

First Fridays at 11:00 AM Sacred Heart Church 

Adminstrative Information

Parish Office….....................9198326030 Fax........................................9198334667 Mailing Address...........219 W Edenton St.   Raleigh 27603 Office Hours..................9:00 AM4:00 PM General Email… Social Media....................@HolyNameNC #raleighcathedral My Parish App.............text ‘app’ to 88202 

Please see the website or call the office for information on scheduling Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals, Quinceañeras and Mass Intentions. 

Please see the website for  the staff directory.

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Phase II: Parish Center for our Parish Family ± Growing in Faith, Building Together ± This last weekend, our Building Campaign for the new Parish Center began, running through December 2019. With now triple the needs for additional meeting space for faith formation and community activities, let alone the inadequate parking resources, our tremendous growth in our parish has far exceeded the capacity of our facilities, which were largely built in the 1930’s. With almost 1000 children now in Catholic formation and education, plus 100’s of adults, we simply need much more room.  

Thus, we are beginning this great endeavor to build a Parish Center, doing so as a parish family. Our family is Catholic in the best sense of the term, comprising people, literally from all over the world, walks of life, vocations, all serving Our Lord in many varied ways. We are not though just a group of people, but part of the family of Our Lord ± the Body of Christ, who seeks to grow in Him, receiving Him in His Word and in the Holy Eucharist to do so, and then as those who are His Body, the Church, as we bring His presence and action into our world.  

As a family, we know that what we do, serves now and in the future. We also know that it often takes sacrifice, what we do out of love for our family, to help others prosper and reach the potential Our Lord places in every human soul. Begin then with me, to prayerfully consider the sacrifice you can make for our parish family, toward our goal to raise what we need for our Parish Center ± a place we can continue all of the good work God has begun in us.  

Join me then in praying at Mass and at home for our success. Also, see the trifold brochure on our project, which will be sent to you and prayerfully begin considering a sacrificial gift to this great endeavor for our parish. I will then be in contact with you directly on the process for making a sacrificial gift, mindful that together we will succeed and together we will continue to give glory where it is forever due: all things, on behalf of the Holy Name of Jesus. 

Phase II: Sacred Heart Campus Improvements ± Growing in Faith, Building Together ± In order to have a solid understanding of the facility needs on our Scared Heart campus, I commission a comprehensive engineering study on our faith formation and school building. It was recently completed, listing priorities and anticipated CapEx improvements that will be needed to this structure over the next 20 years. Chief among these needs and as expected, is the replacement of the HVAC, which is incorporated into our Phase II improvements in our Building Campaign, in addition to planned technology upgrades. Each of these are updates which reflect our stewardship of these places in our parish history, now entrusted to our care, and which we now use for all of our prayer, formation and activities associated with the mission of our parish.  

Phase I: Athletic Fields Update ± Growing in Faith, Building Together ± Now underway as our first new improvement to our Cathedral campus is our athletic fields. Construction is led by Clancy and Theys, with the build about 3 months and completion anticipated later in Fall 2019, using funds on hand for the work. 

Habitat for Humanity ± New House Underway ± Our next Habitat project is now underway, in partnership with 7 other parishes, to provide a home and pattern of living to those who have been challenged with doing both. Difficult to do on our own as a parish, what a blessing to join together with other Catholics in the Raleigh area, as well as other Christians in addressing this great need and assisting others, not only in having a home, but in how to make their contribution to society. See the website for more details with how you can help, anything from driving nails to painting, even planting.  

Parish Pastoral Staff Updates ± A transition in our administrative staff. After generously assisting in admin support my predecessor, Father Justin Kerber, C.P. for 5 years and then myself for the last year, our parishioner, Anne Speicher retired this week. Anne has been a leader in our Diocese, not only here at our parish, but also as Executive Secretary to Bishop Gossman for 33 years, when he served as Bishop of Raleigh and then following his retirement. For these many years of faithful and dedicated service, I join you in expressing our great gratitude to Anne, along with our prayerful best wishes. Then joining our staff is Gigi Rastelli starting Monday of this week. Gigi is new to our community with her husband and two children. Gigi is fully bilingual in English and Spanish and brings with her a great deal of parish experience and expertise. Kindly keep all of our parish pastoral staff among your intentions.  

Annual Priests’ Retreat this Coming Week ± The priests serving in our Diocese will be on retreat with Bishop Luis Rafael this coming week, from Monday through Friday for this important time of prayer and reflection. Mindful though of the need for priestly ministry in the event of any emergencies, especially in the Raleigh area parishes, I am grateful for the presence and availability of some of our religious order priests serving in our Diocese, who will remain and serve any urgent and immediate needs for priestly ministry. In our Cathedral parish, all of our emergency line protocols are in place, as always, should any urgent need for a priest arise.  

Save the Date: Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi and Blessing of Animals ± The Church throughout the world celebrates the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi this year on Friday, October 4, 2019. We will do so, but for ease of our parishioners and pilgrims who wish to participate in another tradition associated with this feast, we will bless animals after our Saturday morning daily Mass at Sacred Heart Church, which will be celebrated on Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 9:00 am. Plan to join us!

Thank You for All your Prayers and Condolences ± My great gratitude for your prayers and condolences to me, my step mother, Johanna Brockman and my sisters and family on the death of my dear Dad on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 in Chicago. We were blessed to celebrate his 97th birthday on August 4th, but then his health took a dramatic turn and he is now with my dear Mom (Martha Brockman), both commended to Our Lord for all eternity. Kindly keep my Dad (Dean Brockman) among your intentions, as well is my family. It is in these times that we truly are renewed by the hope we have in Christ, in and through our Catholic faith and also by the great blessing it is to be part of a parish family, who loves and prays for the needs of all. Thank you! 

Page 2 | September 15, 2019

The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

L(,-$". %# ,/ W%$1 First ReadingEx 32:711, 1314

The LORD said to Moses, "Go down at once to your people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt, for they have become depraved.  They have soon turned aside from the way I pointed out to them, making for themselves a molten calf and worshiping it, sacrificing to it and crying out, 'This is your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!' "I see how stiffnecked this people is,"  continued the LORD to Moses. Let me alone, then, that my wrath may blaze up  against them to consume them.  Then I will make of you a great nation." 

Please remember to silence your mobile devices before Mass begins. 

Second Reading  1 Tm 1:1217

Beloved: I am grateful to him who has strengthened me,  Christ Jesus our Lord, because he considered me  trustworthy in appointing me to the ministry.  I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and arrogant, but I have been mercifully treated  because I acted out of ignorance in my unbelief.  Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been abundant, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.  This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.  Of these I am the foremost.  

But for that reason I was mercifully treated, so that in me, as the foremost, Christ Jesus might display all his patience as an example for those who would come to believe in him for everlasting life.  To the king of ages, incorruptible, invisible, the only God, honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 

But Moses implored the LORD, his God, saying, "Why, O LORD, should your wrath blaze up against your own people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with such great power and with so strong a hand?   Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, The Word of the Lord R. Thanks be to God. and how you swore to them by your own self, saying,  'I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky; Alleluia2 Cor 5:19 and all this land that I promised, R. Alleluia, alleluia. I will give your descendants as their perpetual heritage.'"  God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ So the LORD relented in the punishment and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.  he had threatened to inflict on his people.  R. Alleluia, alleluia.   The Word of the Lord R. Thanks be to God.   GospelLk 15:110 Responsorial PsalmPs 51:34, 1213, 17, 19 Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen   to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain,  R. I will rise and go to my father.  saying, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”  Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; So to them he addressed this parable. in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of Thoroughly wash me from my guilt them would not leave the ninetynine in the desert and go after and of my sin cleanse me. the lost one until he finds it? And when he does find it, R. I will rise and go to my father. he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival  home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to A clean heart create for me, O God, them, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’ and a steadfast spirit renew within me. I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven Cast me not out from your presence, over one sinner who repents than over ninetynine righteous  and your Holy Spirit take not from me. people who have no need of repentance. R. I will rise and go to my father.   “Or what woman having ten coins and losing one would not light O Lord, open my lips, a lamp and sweep the house, searching carefully until she finds and my mouth shall proclaim your praise. it? And when she does find it, she calls together her friends and My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; neighbors and says to them, a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn. ‘Rejoice with me because I have found the coin that I lost.’ R. I will rise and go to my father.   In just the same way, I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the For the 5p, 7a an 10a Masses: angels of God over one sinner who repents.”  

The Gospel of the Lord R. Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ.

For the 12p Mass:


The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 15, 2019 | Page 3

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Weekend Mass Day Date Time Intention Requested by: Joe & Cathy Freida Sat 9/14 5:00 pm † George Gilbert Moncur  Sun 9/15 7:00 am  Pro Populo Maria Esther Laguna Dom 9/15 8:30 am  Aurelia & Manuel Lagunas Bill Findlay Sun 9/15 10:00 am † Vi Burt Delores Swails Sun 9/15 12:00 pm † Amelia Witteveen Fam. Robalino Dom 9/15 1:30 pm † Maria Luisa Calvache Daily Mass    daily Mass this  week (MonFri) due to Priests’ Retreat. No Sat  9:00 am † Sefika Nachmann Zoraida Gonzalez

Oscar Romero Lima, Tom Greene, Geoff Rodgers,  Gregory McCallum, Florence Murray, Melvin Meacham, Drew Pescaro, Joanne Ragge, Trent Handley, Federico A. Gonzalez, Jennifer Pendergraft, Shawn Rolison, Darlene  Duncan, Cresenciana  Rodriguez, Mason Hiester, James Hiester, Constance  Prokop, Tiana Pitstick, Jennifer  Deloatch, Ron Crowson,  Richard Garcia, Kendall  Family, Aidan Day, Allen Roy,  Margaret Virginia Carter, Chuck Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Ken Hopper, Frank Marshall, Elizabeth Lewis, Malinn Welch, Mike Szafran, Christopher Luttz, Terri Zito Lee, Angela  Lombardo, Eric Fletcher,  Mildred Banks, Jake Hanley & family, Rik Kiszely, Lucina Chaverria, Alan Torres, Baby Hannah, Maria G., Jason,  Forrest, Philip Hatcher, Bill Wolf, Allen Willis IV, Tom Krisulewicz, Lori Cove, John George, Esther Cole, Brent Upton, Amanda Dennis, Jadon Kalp, Dennis Maestro, Bella Amodio, Infant Grace Mullis, Pat Skelly, Manolito Rodriguez, John McCauley, Leonard St. Peter, Loreto Correa Becerra, Cheryl Zelek, Murray Ingerham

Weekend Masses are at HNOJ; weekday daily Mass in English at 12:10 pm and 9:00 am Saturday Mass are at SHC; 7:00 am Daily Mass in English on Tue & Fri is at HNOJ; daily Mass in Spanish on Wednesday is at SHC

S2)(!6 O8 $9!') ,/( W* Mon 9/16 Sts. Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs Tue 9/17 St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Thu 9/19 St. Januarius, Bishop & Martyr Fri 9/20 Sts. Andrew Kim Taegón, Priest,  Paul Chong HaSang, & Companions, Martyrs Sat 9/21 St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist

R!1('" #%$ ,/ W* A/!1 Mon 1 Tm 2:18/Ps 28:2, 7, 89 [6]/Lk 7:110 Tue 1 Tm 3:113/Ps 101:1b2ab, 2cd3ab, 5, 6 [2]/Lk 7:1117 Wed 1 Tm 3:1416/Ps 111:12, 34, 56 [2]/Lk 7:3135 Thu 1 Tm 4:1216/Ps 111:78, 9, 10 [2]/Lk 7:3650 Fri 1 Tm 6:2c12/Ps 49:67, 810, 1718, 1920/Lk 8:13 Sat Eph 4:17, 1113/Ps 19:23, 45 [5]/Mt 9:913 Sun Am 8:47/Ps 113:12, 46, 78 [cf. 1a, 7b]/1 Tm 2:18/Lk 16:113 or 16:1013

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Let us offer congratulations and sincere best wishes to Nicole Hlebak & Kevin Acken who celebrated the sacrament of marriage on Saturday at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral. In addition, we thank the couple for generously donating their wedding flowers to adorn the altar.

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If you or a loved one requires a home visit or reception of the Holy Eucharist at home, please email Deacon Michael Alig at or call the main office at 9198326030.

In addition, the floral array which lies before St Andrew Kim Taegón’s statue honoring his feast day (Sep 20) was donated by Vivianne and Paul Kim. Contact the Altar Guild for sponsorship opportunities for our Cathedral saints’ feast days at

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You can call or email Katia in the parish office to request a Mass Intention to remember a departed loved one or for prayers of healing,

For the weekend of Sep 78 Mass Offertory $ 23,077 Online Giving $ 14,784 Weekly Total $ 37,861 Catholic University $ 3,694

Page 4 | September 15, 2019

Today’s second collection proceeds will support Cathedral School. Next weekend you are invited to support relief efforts for the Bahamas through Catholic Relief Services.

You can see the full 2019 schedule on the parish website. The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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The HNOJ K of C will be sponsoring its annual Billy Scott Golf Tournament on October 14 at Pine Hollow Golf Club, 3300 E. Garner Rd., Clayton.  Registration begins at 12 noon with a shotgun start at 1:00 pm. 

Save the Date  Parish Picnic! LFC will sponsor the annual parish picnic on Sunday, October 13. Plan on spending some time with your faith community over food and fellowship.   Cathedral Visitors & Greeters As those crazy lazy days of summer come to an end, is it time for you to have a tour of our sacred Cathedral? Get together a group (6 or more of friends, family or colleagues) to tour the Cathedral. The Cathedral is open Monday through Friday from 102. Please sign up on our website for a tour. Looking for a new Ministry to join? Consider the Greeter Ministry by filling out the Volunteer Inquiry Form on our website. If you have any questions email   Next weekend HNOJ will invite you to participate in a second collection to Catholic Relief Services for the victims of Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas.  Living Faith Committee Looking for Volunteers Can you spare an hour or two to help at Cathedral events? The LFC was founded to assist parishioners in participating in the life of the parish. We're especially looking for some young adults who can help with setup of tents/tables/chairs prior to and following each event. Please send an email to or text/call 9195892124 to be added to the list!  Financial Peace University In our In our third class we learn how to save 36 months of expenses in a fully funded emergency fund. Sponsored by the Living Faith Committee in conjunction with HNOJ and St. Andrew of Apex. Contact Dan Dunbar;       Blessing of the Pets Saturday, October 5 at Sacred Heart Church after the 9:00 am Mass. Leashed or crated critters only, please.

 Premium hole sponsorships are available for $125/hole; please contact Tim Kilpatrick at 9198803463/ $500 Company Sponsorship (includes 4 players and extras); Tournament Sponsorship $1500 includes Logo Golf balls. Tourney details include: Superball Captain’s Choice Format; $75 pp...includes Greens Fees, Cart Breakfast and Lunch; Door Prizes & Fun; Optional Mulligan's and Red Tee for $15.00; Red Solo Cup Tee shot, Hole in One

Tournament Proceeds will benefit The Women’s Center! Please log onto the parish website to learn more about the shelter and what the needs are to help local women in crisis.

Mark your calendar for the annual Downtown Church Walk on October 5 at Sacred Heart Church from 9:00 am ± 12:00 pm. The downtown churches participating are: Christ Church; First Baptist Church, Salisbury St.; First Baptist Church, Wilmington St.; First Presbyterian Church; St. Paul AME Church; The Church of the Good Shepherd; Christ Church and our own Sacred Heart Church. Why not consider attending daily Mass at 9:00 am and then remain to give witness to visitors of our love of Christ and our roots in North Carolina? 

Everyday Catholic

Q: Someone close to me has left the Church. How should I reach out to them? 

A: For many of us, this can be a challenging question. When people we love leave the Church, we may not always know how to relate to them in certain ways. Are some conversation topics off limits? Are there certain behaviors or decisions we can't support in good conscience? When someone or something is lost, Jesus shows two different attitudes in his parables.  

One is actively seeking. Don't give up on this person and their life of faith. Ask them about their spiritual journey. Invite them to spend time with you in faith settings, as appropriate, and outside of them. Continue in relationship with those you love. 

The other attitude Jesus shows is consistent witness in the waiting. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the father doesn't go after the son. He waits for his return. However, the son knows his father is trustworthy. He remembers his father's fair treatment of the hired hands and knows it is safe to return, despite all he has done.  

Your ability to change someone is quite small. However, you can change yourself. Make sure you consistently treat others with kindness, compassion, and respect. If your loved one wants a deeper conversation, they'll know you are a person to trust, a place to which they can return.                      © LPi 2019 

Page 5 | September 15, 2019

The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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So the Lord relented in the punishment  he had threatened to inflict on his people.

Exodus 32:14

In this reading from Exodus the people of Israel, whom God had liberated from slavery, have turned away to worship false gods. The Lord becomes righteously angry but thanks to Moses’ mediation, the wayward people are spared. The more I read this recounting, the more I see nonviolence in action. Thomas Merton OCSO was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist, and scholar of comparative religion. He was a deeply reflective person and his words on violence/nonviolence are important to consider. *“The real focus of American violence is not in esoteric groups but in the very culture itself, its mass media, its extreme individualism and competitiveness, its inflated myths of virility and toughness, and its overwhelming preoccupation with the power of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological, and psychological overkill. . .Can we get to the root of the trouble? In my opinion, the best way to do it would have been the classic way of religious humanism and nonviolence exemplified by Gandhi.” ² Thomas Merton edited with an introduction by Gordon C. Zahn (Boston, MA: McCall’s Publishing Company, 1971), p. 230.  *“Nonviolence seeks to “win” not by destroying or even by humiliating the adversary, but by convincing him that there is a higher and more certain common good than can be attained by bombs and blood.” ² Thomas Merton, Faith and Violence, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press: 1968, p 12 

This week is Campaign Nonviolence Week (9/1422) across the nation and here in NC. The national CNV Movement states: “We stand at a monumental crossroad in human history. At a time of permanent war, growing poverty, threats to civil liberties, ecological devastation, the enduring terror of nuclear weapons, and the scourge of the structural violence of racism, sexism, homophobia, and economic injustice, humanity faces the challenge and opportunity to choose powerful and creative nonviolent alternatives, We can opt for the devastating spiral of violence and injustice, or we can build democratic, multiracial, and nonviolent societies where the dignity of all is respected and the needs of all are met. True peace and longterm human survival depend on this.” This year, CNV NC is focusing on racism and dismantling today’s Jim Crow, please join the path of nonviolence.

Raleigh events posted on the national website: https:// Also, locally on Facebook“Campaign Nonviolence NC” 

Barbara Molinari Quinby, MPS

Director of Social Justice Ministries 

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Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si: On Care for Creation: To be facilitated by Msgr. Michael Shugrue and Barbara Quinby. We have the dates for the fall 6week seminar as follows on consecutive Monday nights: Sept. 23, 30 Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 7PM 8:30PM in the St. Monica Center building (16 N. Dawson St.) on the downtown Sacred Heart campus. I will be ordering the workbooks in August and the cost to you will be $5 payable at the first session. RSVP ASAP at The link to the document online is: http:// papafrancesco_20150524_enciclicalaudatosi.html The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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HNOJ Marriage Formation Ministry  We are seeking married couples who feel called to share the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage with the newly engaged couples of our Parish and join our current team of mentor couples who are serving more than 100 newly engaged couples who come to our faithful community to celebrate their wedding. We are hoping and praying for 7 additional mentor couples who have been happily married for at least 5 years and desire to share their experience of living out the unity, fidelity and fruitfulness of married life. Interested couples please contact Suzanne Carter at or call 9198326030 and ask for the Office of Marriage and Family Life. Register for training to be held October 11, 2019 from 6:30pm 9:00pm or Saturday October 12, 2019 from 9:30am12:00pm. RSVP for the training by  Friday, October 4:   Single/Single Again Ministry  If you are a single, separated, divorced or widowed person, you are invited to join us at our monthly Mass held at Cardinal Gibbon HS chapel at 5:30 pm with a potluck social to follow. Next Mass is today, September 15. For more information contact Celia Keator at or visitus at  The Worldwide Marriage Encounter  The Weekend is a positive and personal experience. It offers married couples an opportunity to learn a technique of loving communication that you can use for the rest of your lives. It is a chance to look deeply into your relationship with each other and with God. Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends onSept. 2022, 2019, in CHARLOTTE, NC, and Nov. 810, 2019, in ATLANTIC BEACH, NC.Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: nbsp; or contact or 7043152144.   Retrouvaille “We were the couple who never fought. We don't like conflict so we just didn't talk. Never. Discussed. Issues. He lived his married single lifestyle, and I lived mine.” Sound familiar? Retrouvaille is a marriage help program that teaches effective communication. The presenting team  three couples and a priest  presents practical tools to enable you to take a good look at many areas of your relationship. They have been there and done that. They will tell you what worked for them. For confidential information or to apply to attend the program beginning with the weekend of October 11, 2019, call 800470 2230 or email or visit the website   Wedding Anniversary Mass The annual Wedding Anniversary Mass will be celebrated Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh. We will honor those celebrating their wedding anniversary, with special recognition to couples with 25, 50, and 60 years of marriage. Please register at: https:// For questions, call Rebekah Tolson at 9198219753.

September 15, 2019 | Page 6

Blessing for Catechetical Leaders

Our Faith Formation, RCIA, Youth Ministry and Cathedral School Catechetical Leaders

Good and gracious God, your truth is revealed in your word, and your love is shown forth in your mighty acts as you care for your people, guiding them with your providential care. Bless those who share the story of our faith. May their teaching be filled with the power of your Spirit. May their lives be an example of love poured out in service to our brothers and sisters. May the students they teach be receptive to the knowledge they impart and the faith that is a gift from you. Make us all witnesses to the command of your Son to teach all nations until he comes again. Amen.

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September 15: Middle School and High School Youth Ministry Fall KickOff ± “Scavenger Hunt” ± 3:005:30 PM ± Meet in the Cathedral School Hall ± We will be kicking off both the Middle School and High School Youth Ministry programs this fall with a scavenger hunt downtown. You will need a permission form which can be found on our website. We will not be serving dinner on this night!  

September 22: Life Night ± “Same Wavelength” ± 6:008:30 PM ± Cathedral School Hall  The goal of Same Wavelength is to introduce Jesus as the living sacrament, who we can encounter concretely in the Mass, and provide the teens an opportunity to deepen their relationship with Him. Pot Luck  AG bring a main dish, HN bring a side dish, OU bring salads, and VZ bring a dessert.

September 29: Life Night ± “Parallel Universe” ± 6:008:30 PM ± Cathedral School Hall  The goal of Parallel Universe is to reveal the reality of grace and help the teens understand and cooperate with it. Pot Luck  AG bring a Side Dish, HN bring a salad, OU Desserts, and VZ main dish.

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Class Schedules

Jeannie Barron

Jazmín Gallegos

Kent Bloms

Kristy Chander

Juana Gallegos

Allison Sullivan

Eileen Ciriello

Erlinda García

Lalena Haro

Allie Lindahl

Vanessa Estrada

Claudia Valencia

Jennifer Strickland

Elsa León

Azalea Garza

Deborrah Murray

Nelly Candela

Leni Crook

Dutchie Sexsmith

Damary Ayestas

Pilar Riley

Carly Griffin

Alma Blanco

Jim Lucas

Karen Ross

Miguel Rodríguez

Kristiana Dowling

Ashleigh Schmitt

María Betancourt

Cathy Hill

Kathleen Tuohy

José Garzón

Gayle Dworkin

George Naderman

Salvador Rodríguez

Daniella Brady

Michelle Gilliam

Fernando Ríos

Virginie Birgand

Benetta Thai

Alfonso Hernandez

Diana ArteroRojas

Tiffany Rabiega

Paula Ramírez

Kaleigh Sheedy

Martha Centeno

Gladys Siegel

Carol Fagan

Shannon Thai

María Gloria Rincón

Dianne Buckley

Agartha Owusu

Mónica Marentes

Christa Devitt

Karine Stallings

Ashley García

Melissa Ellis

Richard Kross

Eduardo Orellana

Barbara Hannon

Gina Kross

Abad Nolasco

Lisa Reidy

Kyla Brazel

Janet García

Mary Anne Richard

MaryAnn Berry

Guadalupe Ávila

Kim Wheeler

Maria Yeager

Zach Hallock 

Brigid Buchanan

Ethan Queen

Garrett Mark

Jenna Kennedy

Marco Longo

Jon Kennedy

Shelby Shallue

Sabrina Pietrosemoli Jeannese Castro

Stacie Miller

Elizabeth Queen 

Andrea Blanco

Peggy Lane

Arianna Kross

Elsa Engelbrecht Marjorie Miller


Wednesday 6:207:20 pm

4:005:30 pm

Sep 22

Sep 18

Sep 22

Sep 29

Sep 25

Oct 6

Ryan Payne

Emma McLurkin

Oct 6

Oct 2

Oct 20

Molly Lucas

Cathy SpargoFreida  David Ingrassano 

Adam Melton 

Christy Goudy 

Georgia Maimone 

Amaya Watters

Don Ingrassano 

Joe Freida 

Brian Cristante 

Katherine Lee 

Kristen Booth 

Cassidy Meiners 

Matt Meiners 

Patrick McLaughlin

Paul Katsirubas 

Randy Ferguson

Ronnie Booth 

Sandra Ingrassano 

Sharon Sands 

4:305:30 pm


Dina Lumia

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Children Liturgy of the Word will being on Sunday September 22 at the 10 am Mass. This program is for children ages 4, 5, 6. The children will be called up to the altar with the catechist of the day before the first reading. To ensure that children are returned to you in a timely manner, we ask that families who take part in the Children's Liturgy of the Word please sit in the south transept (St. Joseph’s side) for the entire Mass. Page 7 | September 15, 2019

The 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Recuerde silenciar sus dispositivos móviles antes de que comience la misa.

Gloria Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor. Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, te bendecimos, te adoramos, te glorificamos, te damos gracias, Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor. Señor Dios, Rey celestial, Dios Padre todopoderoso. Señor, Hijo único, Jesucristo, Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, Hijo del Padre;Gloria a Dios en el cielo,  y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor. tú que quitas el pecado del mundo,ten piedad de nosotros, tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, atiende nuestra súplica; tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre, ten piedad de nosotros;Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor. porque sólo tú eres Santo, sólo tú Señor, sólo tú Altísimo, Jesucristo, con el Espíritu Santo, en la gloria de Dios Padre. Gloria a Dios en el cielo, y en la tierra paz a los hombres que ama el Señor. 

de nuestro Señor se desbordó sobre mí al darme la fe y el amor que provienen de Cristo Jesús.

En aquellos días, dijo el Señor a Moisés: "Anda, baja del monte, porque tu pueblo, el que sacaste de Egipto, se ha pervertido. No tardaron en desviarse del camino que yo les había señalado. Se han hecho un becerro de metal, se han postrado ante él y le han ofrecido sacrificios y le han dicho: 'Éste es tu Dios, Israel; es el que te sacó de Egipto' ".

Evangelio  Lc 15, 110

Puedes fiarte de lo que voy a decirte y aceptarlo sin reservas: que Cristo Jesús vino a este mundo a salvar a los pecadores, de los cuales yo soy el primero. Pero Cristo Jesús me perdonó, para que fuera yo el primero en quien él manifestara toda su generosidad y sirviera yo de ejemplo a los que habrían de creer en él, para obtener la vida eterna.

Al rey eterno, inmortal, invisible, único Dios, honor y gloria por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. 

Palabra de Dios R: Te alabamos Señor. 

Aclamación antes del Evangelio  2 Cor 5, 19

R. Aleluya, aleluya. Dios ha reconciliado consigo al mundo, por medio de Cristo, y nos ha encomendado a nosotros el mensaje de la reconciliación.  R. Aleluya.  

Primera LecturaEx 32, 711. 1314

En aquel tiempo, se acercaban a Jesús los publicanos y los pecadores a escucharlo; por lo cual los fariseos y los escribas murmuraban entre sí: "Éste recibe a los pecadores y come con ellos".

Jesús les dijo entonces esta parábola: "¿Quién de ustedes, si tiene  cien ovejas y se le pierde una, no deja las noventa y nueve en el El Señor le dijo también a Moisés: "Veo que éste es un pueblo de campo y va en busca de la que se le perdió hasta encontrarla? Y cabeza dura. Deja que mi ira se encienda contra ellos hasta conuna vez que la encuentra, la carga sobre sus hombros, lleno de sumirlos. De ti, en cambio, haré un gran pueblo". alegría y al llegar a su casa, reúne a los amigos y vecinos y les  Moisés trató de aplacar al Señor, su Dios, diciéndole: "¿Por qué dice: 'Alégrense conmigo, porque ya encontré la oveja que se me ha de encenderse tu ira, Señor, contra este pueblo que tú sacaste había perdido'. Yo les aseguro que también en el cielo habrá más de Egipto con gran poder y vigorosa mano? Acuérdate de Abra- alegría por un pecador que se arrepiente, que por noventa y nueve ham, de Isaac y de Jacob, siervos tuyos, a quienes juraste por ti justos, que no necesitan arrepentirse. mismo, diciendo: 'Multiplicaré su descendencia como las estrel-  ¿Y qué mujer hay, que si tiene diez monedas de plata y pierde las del cielo y les daré en posesión perpetua toda la tierra que les una, no enciende luego una lámpara y barre la casa y la busca con he prometido' ". cuidado hasta encontrarla? Y cuando la encuentra, reúne a sus  Y el Señor renunció al castigo con que había amenazado a su amigas y vecinas y les dice: 'Alégrense conmigo, porque ya enpueblo.  contré la moneda que se me había perdido'. Yo les aseguro que  así también se alegran los ángeles de Dios por un solo pecador Palabra de Dios R. Te alabamos Señor. que se arrepiente".   

Salmo Responsorial ± Salmo 50, 34. 1213. 17 y 19

Palabra del Señor  R: Gloria a ti Señor Jesús.  R. Me levantaré y volveré a mi padre. El Credo Por tu inmensa compasión y misericordia,  Creo en un solo Dios Padre todopoderoso,  Señor, apiádate de mí olvida mis ofensas.  Creador del cielo y de la tierra, de todo lo visible y lo invisible. Lávame bien de todos mis delitos Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del y purifícame de mis pecados. R.  Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios  verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misCrea en mí, Señor, un corazón puro,  ma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosoun espíritu nuevo para cumplir tus mandamientos. tros, los hombres, y por nuestra salvación bajó del cielo, y por No me arrojes, Señor, lejos de ti, obra y gracia del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y ni retires de mí tu santo espíritu. R.   se hizo hombre; y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos Señor, abre mis labios de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, y cantará mi boca tu alabanza. según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha Un corazón contrito te presento del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y y a un corazón contrito, tú nunca lo desprecias. R.  muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor  y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y del Hijo, que con él Segunda Lectura1 Tm 1, 1217 Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló Querido hermano: Doy gracias a aquel que me ha fortalecido, a por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y nuestro Señor Jesucristo, por haberme considerado digno de con- apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo bautismo para el perdón de fianza al ponerme a su servicio, a mí, que antes fui blasfemo y los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del perseguí a la Iglesia con violencia; pero Dios tuvo misericordia  mundo futuro. Amén.  de mí, porque en mi incredulidad obré por ignorancia y la gracia 

pagina 8 | 15 de septiembre del 2019  

XXIV Domingo Ordinario

M('( ,$(% H( 2!'% Horas de Oficina: La oficina parroquial está ubicada en 219 W Edenton St. 

Lunes, Martes y Jueves  9:00 am4:00 pm 

Miércoles  4:008:00 pm 

Domingo 10:00 am²3:00 pm  

Clero | Padre Pedro Muñoz Coordinadora | Olga Salas 

Para solicitar una cita con el P. Pedro, llame al 9198326030, x104 y hable con Olga Salas. 

Horas de Misas Domingo

Catedral de Santo Nombre de Jesús

8:30 am | 1:30 pm 

Misa Diaria Iglesia Sagrado Corazón  Miércoles | 6:30 pm 

Hora Santa

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón 

Jueves | 7:00 pm 


Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón 

Miércoles a las 5:30 pm Jueves a las 6:00 pm 

Quinceañeras Llame a la oficina parroquial para programar una cita con el coordinadora de ministerio hispano, Olga Salas. 

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Certificado de Nacimiento del niñno (a) que se bautizara, Los Padrinos deben tener 16 años de edad y recibido el sacramento de Confirmación. Prácticante católica en Buena communion con la Iglesia. Padres y padrinos asistir a las pláticas o traer comprobante de su parroquia de que participó en las pláticas prebautismales. 

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Intenciones de la Misa son una maravillosa manera de recordar a un familiar querido que ha fallecido, celebrar un cumpleaños o un aniversario, o para cualquier intención que tengan. Para pedir una Misa llamar a la oficina y contactarse con Katia a 9198326030. XXIV Domingo Ordinario

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Todos luchamos con adorar a otras cosas que no son Dios. Estas son cosas que colocamos en nuestras vidas y reverenciamos más que a Dios mismo. Podemos permitir que cosas tales como: nuestra autoimagen, el poder, el estatus, las posesiones, las seguridades e incluso ideologías tomen una parte importante de nosotros. A veces, quién es "dios" para nosotros es lo que hacemos que este "dios" sea. Nuestros dioses construidos por nosotros mismos tienen poco propósito, aparte de aplacarnos y hacernos sentir mejor con nosotros mismos y nuestro mundo. Este no es el Dios de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, ni el Dios a quien Jesús llamó Padre. El verdadero Dios nos desafía a salir de nuestras zonas de confort y nos empuja a descubrir nuestro potencial. Pero, lo hace con paciencia y con gran amor. Él sabe cuán caprichos podemos ser y siempre está dispuesto a darnos la bienvenida a casa. 

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Una Sola Familia Humana “La Iglesia no cesa de recordar que el sentido profundo de este proceso histórico de globalización y su criterio ético fundamental vienen dados precisamente por la unidad de la familia humana y su desarrollo en el bien. Por tanto, todos, tanto emigrantes como poblaciones locales que los acogen, forman parte de una sola familia, y todos tienen el mismo derecho a gozar de los bienes de la tierra, cuya destinación es universal, como enseña la doctrina social de la Iglesia. Aquí encuentran fundamento la solidaridad y el compartir.”… Santo Padre Benedicto XVI, Mesaje para la jornada mundial del Migrante y del Refugiado, “Una Sola Familia Humana”. Si está interesado en Justicia para Inmigrantes, por favor, póngase en contacto con Luisa MartinPrice través

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La Oficina de Evangelización y Discipulado de la diócesis de Raleigh te invita a la Misa de celebración de la Herencia Hispana 2019, el sábado 12 de octubre del 2019, a las 11:00 a.m. en la Catedral “Holy Name of Jesus”. Nuestro Señor obispo Luis Rafael Zarama estará presidiendo la Misa. Celebremos juntos nuestra fe y cultura, compartiendo con alegría. Tendremos la Misa, seguida de comida latina, aguas frescas, música, danzas y exposición de nuestra cultura. Todos están invitados. Para más información (flyer)… ¡Te esperamos!  

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Tendremos una Misa de Aniversario de bodas el sábado 19 de octubre del 2019 a las 10:00 a.m. en la Catedral “Holy Name of Jesus” en Raleigh. Celebramos a quienes festejan su aniversario de bodas, con reconocimiento especial para los parejas que cumplen 25, 50 y 60 años de matrimonio. Regístrese en Para más información llamar a Roberto Cortes al (919) 8219735.

L! L),-$! 1 6! S&!'! Lunes: 1 Tim 2, 18/Sal 28, 2. 7. 89 [6]/Lc 7, 110 Martes:

1 Tim 3, 113/Sal 101, 12. 23. 5. 6 [2]/Lc 7, 1117

Miércoles: 1 Tim 3, 1416/Sal 111, 12. 34. 56 [2]/Lc 7, 3135 Jueves: 1 Tim 4, 1216/Sal 111, 78. 9. 10 [2]/Lc 7, 3650 Viernes: 1 Tim 6, 212/Sal 49, 67. 810. 1718. 1920/Lc 8, 13 Sábado: Ef 4, 17. 1113/Sal 19, 23. 45 [5]/Mt 9, 913 Domingo  Am 8, 47/Sal 113, 12. 46. 78 [cfr. 1. 7]/1 Tim 2, 18/Lc 16, 113 o 16, 1013 Siguiente

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Horarios des Clases



C12020 ±Domingo

22 de septiembre

18 de septiembre

22 de septiembre

29 de septiembre

25 de septiembre

6 de octubre

6 de octubre

2 de octubre

20 de octubre

4:305:30 pm

6:207:20 pm

4:005:30 pm

15 de septiembre del 2019 | pagina 9

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Hoy celebramos el Domingo Catequético, 15 de Septiembre.  Estimados Padres de Familia,  Hemos iniciado hoy nuestra primera clase de la catequesis en español con gran emoción y alegría al tener en el programa a más de doscientos niños y jóvenes. El guiarlos en su caminar de Fe, es una responsabilidad muy grande y exige un compromiso arduo y constante. Por eso en la Iglesia celebramos hoy el Domingo Catequético “El tema… será Quédate con nosotros. Aquellos a quienes la Comunidad haya designado para servir como catequistas serán llamados a ser comisionados para su ministerio. El domingo catequético es una oportunidad maravillosa para reflexionar sobre el papel que desempeña cada persona, en virtud del bautismo, al transmitir la fe y ser un testigo del Evangelio. El domingo catequético es una oportunidad para todos de volver a dedicarse a esta misión como una comunidad de fe”. Todos estamos llamados al servicio dando nuestros dones y talentos; tenemos el deber como católicos de colaborar con la misión de la Iglesia, es decir, practicar y llevar el Evangelio a todo lugar.  

Me gustaría citar a continuación las palabras de Msgr. Robert Barron (Presidente del Comité de Evangelización y Catequesis, de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos) y el análisis de los tiempos difíciles que viven nuestros jóvenes católicos y de la importancia en atenderlos urgentemente mediante la formación en la Fe “Vivimos en una sociedad cada vez más secularizada, que influye poderosamente nuestros jóvenes, a menudo obligándolos a abandonar la Iglesia por completo. El 2018 estudio de Saint Mary´s Press, La dinámica de la desafiliación en los jóvenes católicos, incluye una extensa investigación sobre los jóvenes católicos que han abandonado la iglesia. Uno de sus hallazgos más alarmantes fue que los jóvenes dejan de identificarse como católicos a la edad promedio de 13 años por razones que van desde la incredulidad hasta la insatisfacción con la enseñanza de la Iglesia. El sociólogo Christian Smith, famoso por su investigación del fenómeno de la desafiliación, señala que muchos de los jóvenes que dejaron de identificarse como católicos solían tener " débiles signos de asociación a la iglesia" en primer lugar. En otras palabras, no se formaron muy bien en la fe. Al mismo tiempo, tenemos signos de esperanza. Tuve la suerte de participar en el Sínodo de los Obispos del Vaticano de octubre de 2018 sobre los jóvenes, la fe y el discernimiento vocacional ", que encontró que los jóvenes que terminan la práctica religiosa no necesariamente terminan su deseo espiritual. La iglesia debe caminar con los jóvenes y sus familias, escucharlos con atención y amor, y luego estar listos inteligentemente para dar una razón para la esperanza que hay dentro de nosotros. En su reciente exhortación apostólica postsinodal, Christus Vivit! el Papa Francisco nos recuerda que, además de la doctrina y la moral, “Es igualmente importante que esté centrado en dos grandes ejes: uno es la profundización del kerygma, la experiencia fundante del encuentro con Dios a través de Cristo muerto y resucitado. El otro es el crecimiento en el amor fraterno, en la vida comunitaria, en el servicio.... Toda formación cristiana es ante todo la profundización del kerygma que se va haciendo carne cada vez más y mejor. (213214) 

Les invito a que hoy nos unamos en oración, para pedir por nuestros Catequistas, que el Señor quien les ha llamado, les continúe animando y fortaleciendo para guiar a nuestros niños, jóvenes y adultos al encuentro con Cristo. Que Dios les conceda sabiduría y discernimiento en esta misión y al igual que los discípulos en el camino de Emaús, sientan arder su corazón al reconocer a Cristo como su centro y Salvador.  Andrea Blanco J.D. M.A. Director of Hispanic Faith Formation | 9198325764

M('( ,$(% 1 J-9',-1

 15 de septiembre: Inicio del otoño del Ministerio de Jóvenes de  la Escuela Secundaria y Secundaria  "Búsqueda del tesoro"  3: 005: 30 PM  Reunirse en el Salón de la Escuela de la Catedral  O Dios, nuestro Padre celestial,  Comenzaremos el Ministerio de Jóvenes de la Escuela Secundanos has dado el don de estos catequistas  ria y Secundaria programa este otoño con una búsqueda del tesopara que sean heraldos del Evangelio  ro en el centro. Necesitará un formulario de permiso que se puede en nuestra familia parroquial. encontrar en nuestro sitio web. ¡No vamos a servir la cena esta  noche! Los presentamos ante ti en acción de gracias   e intercedemos por ellos en sus esperanzas y necesidades.  22 de septiembre: Noche de vida  "Same Wavelength"  6: 00 Haz que estemos atentos a la presencia de tu Palabra en ellos, 8: 30 PM  Cathedral School Hall  El objetivo de Same WavePalabra que eleve y afirme, y que a la vez convoque y desafíe, length es presentar a Jesús como el sacramento vivo, a quien poque sea compasiva y que consuele. demos encontrar concretamente en la Misa, y proporcionar el Los  adolescentes tienen la oportunidad de profundizar su relación con Oremos para que nuestra familia parroquial siempre  él. Pot Luck: AG trae un plato principal, HN trae un plato de sea bendecida con aquellos que han respondido al llamado  acompañamiento, OU trae ensaladas y VZ trae un postre. a compartir la misión profética de Cristo como catequistas.   Que estemos también abiertos al llamado universal  29 de septiembre: Noche de Vida  "Universo Paralelo"  6: 00 al servicio que Cristo dirige a todos sus discípulos,  8: 30 PM  Salón de la Escuela de la Catedral  El objetivo del contribuyendo con nuestros dones  Universo Paralelo es revelar la realidad de la gracia y ayudar a a la comunión de la fe, la Iglesia.  los adolescentes a comprenderla y cooperar con ella. Pot Luck  Pedimos esto en el nombre de Jesús. AG trae una guarnición, HN trae una ensalada, postres OU y Amen.  plato principal VZ. 

Oración por los Catequistas

pagina 10 | 15 de septiembre del 2019 

XXIV Domingo Ordinario



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