Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama

17 feb. 2019 - ber of advisory bodies, as well as to wor with him as Vicar for Africa Ancestry. In all this remar able ..... She earned a doctorate at The Catholic University of. America. ..... 1701 East Millbrook Rd. Raleigh, NC. 919-876-6900.
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H N  J C 

715 Nazareth Street

Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh 

Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh

Rev. Monsignor David D. Brockman, V.G., Pastor Rev. John A. Kane, Parochial Vicar | Rev. Pedro Muñoz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael Alig | Deacon Juan Banda

F 17, 2019  T S S  O T 17    2019  VI D   T O  Mass Times | Horario de Misa

Saturday Vigil............................ 5:00 PM Sunday........................................7:00 AM Sunday......................................10:00 AM  Sunday......................................12:00 PM Domingo....................................8:30 AM Domingo.....................................1:30 PM 

Catholic Campus Ministry Sunday.......................................7:00 PM 

Forma Extraordinaria (Latin) First Sundays............................4:30 PM 

Daily Mass

Sacred Heart Church / Iglesia de Sagrado Corazon MondayFriday.........................12:10 PM Miércoles....................................6:30 PM

Confessions | Confesiones

Saturdays 3:005:00 PM at Holy Name of Jesus Daily at Sacred Heart Church  following the 12:10 pm Mass  

Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón Miércoles 5:30 pm  Jueves 6:30 pm  

Holy Hour | Hora Santa First Fridays at 11:00 AM Sacred Heart Church 

Jueves 7:00 PM Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón

Adminstrative Information

Parish Office….....................9198326030 Fax.......................................9198334667 Address.........................219 W Edenton St.   Raleigh 27603 Office Hours..................9:00 AM4:00 PM General Email… Social Media....................@HolyNameNC #raleighcathedral My Parish App.............text ‘app’ to 88202  Please see the website or call the office for information on scheduling Mass  Intentions, Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals and Quinceañeras.

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Black History Month ± Each February, we are mindful of the tremendous contributions to our nation, our State and our Diocese of our brothers and sisters in the AfricanAmerican community. Often cited here locally among those is my predecessor as Rector, Msgr. Thomas Paul Hadden. Msgr. Hadden grew up here in Raleigh and converted to the Catholic faith during his education at Saint Monica Catholic School here in Raleigh. Following his discernment of a priestly vocation and commencement of priest formation, Msgr. Hadden was blessed with many firsts in his life on both a local and international level, as the first African American to graduate and be ordained to the Priesthood from the North American College in Rome, the first to serve as a Rector of a Cathedral in the United States and the first African American also in the United States to serve as the Chairman of a Diocesan Council of Priests, which is the principal advisory body to the Diocesan Bishop.  

I had the honor to serve as a seminarian under Msgr. Hadden several times, as well as to serve with him as a brother priest on a number of advisory bodies, as well as to work with him as Vicar for Africa Ancestry. In all this remarkable history though, he would have another first, as he would often immediately say that any honor given would not belong to him, but rather always to Our Lord.  

We are blessed with such great lights of Our Lord in the history of our parish, including many other brother and sister Catholics among the Black Catholic community whose history and contributions to the life of the Church here in Raleigh and beyond are not only notable, but have added to the remarkable witness of our Catholic faith in Our Lord Jesus, the holiness of His Name and the importance of His mission, in which we are all blessed to participate.  

Cathedral AAMEN Chapter Sponsored Concert ± Join us in celebrating Black History Month this Sunday, February 17th at 4 pm in Sacred Heart Church on our downtown campus for a concert of sacred music, celebrating 19th to 21st century AfricanAmerican spirituals, sung by our own parish Spiritual Choir, as well as invited guests soloists. Plan to join us!  

Update: 2019 Bishop’s Annual Appeal ± With Bishop Luis, know of our gratitude to those of you who have already made your annual gift to the appeal. Like our offering at Sunday Mass, the BAA is part of our regular giving and a great reminder that our financial stewardship extends beyond the walls of our parish to throughout our Diocese, as we join also in returning to God, giving thanks for His blessings in our life.  

If you have been prayerfully considering a gift to the BAA as part of your list of regular charitable giving, kindly consider a slight increase in your gift over last year, which will greatly assist us as a parish toward achieving our parish goal of $186,644. Currently and with many more gifts still to process, we are at 309 gifts with just over $165,000 pledged towards our goal.  

As always, with Kevin Green and Anne Speicher of our parish and who have assisted me in coordinating the BAA this year, my great gratitude to each of you for your fabulous support of our parish and Diocesan ministries and for the many ways you witness to stewardship as a way of life. 

What Happened to the New Hymnals? ± Short answer: they are in production and on the way to us, with receipt anticipated in May 2019. These are custom for the entirety of the repertoire of music we draw from including traditional and contemporary hymns and those used by our Spiritual Choir, as well as those by our Hispanic community choirs. I join you in expressing renewed gratitude to Dr. Mike Accurso, Diocesan and Cathedral Parish Director of Music for his leadership in this regard, as well as in looking forward to the availability of a more permanent resource for our use in our regular worship.  

Paternity Leave ± Congratulations to Brenda and Mike Accurso on the birth of their dear Elizabeth. Mike has asked to take paternity leave to assist Brenda with their now two small children and will do so beginning next week through the end of next month, as per our Diocesan policy in support of family life and federal law. My gratitude to our Assistant Director of Music, David Eaton, for his leadership and guidance during this time.  

Welcome to New Staff ± As you know, now with two campuses, which will be expanding, we have much greater stewardship to care and plan for all our facilities. Beginning Monday of this week, I am pleased to welcome to our staff, David Heinske, who will serve as Director of Facilities for both campuses. Additionally, with recent retirement of facilities management staff, I also welcome Francisco Salas, who is joining Walter Hernandez, already on staff. Both will be serving under the direction of David Heinske and will now be available to attend to facilities management on both of our campuses.  

New Parish Center, Gym and Athletic Fields Further Update ± Note that planning for our new athletic fields, parish center and gym on the Holy Name of Jesus campus, as well as further development and renovation of our downtown campus has not been forgotten and has been a high priority for me, as I know the great needs. Steady work on planning and pricing has been ongoing since my arrival as pastor last summer, with our Parish Council, Finance Council and our Building Committee, staff and many others working diligently on all the details.  

Great news this last week with the presentation of our revised site plan for the Cathedral campus to our Diocesan Building and Real Estate Commission, who granted us unanimous approval! With this permission, we are now scheduling information sessions on the planned phases of construction, which will include not only the Cathedral campus, but also future plans for our downtown campus as well. With a bias for action, note that the first phase of construction planned is now in the permitting process with the City of Raleigh, expected to take a couple months for approval ± everything takes time! 

My renewed thanks to Paul Bedo, who is the Chair of our Building Committee, as well as all the Committee members for their great dedication to this important project. Look for the upcoming dates for these information sessions as we continue to grow our campuses to meet our needs.  

Page 2 | February 17, 2019

The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Please remember to silence your mobile devices before Mass begins. 

First Reading  Jer 17:58

Second Reading  1 Cor 15:12, 1620

Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings, who seeks his strength in flesh, whose heart turns away from the LORD. He is like a barren bush in the desert that enjoys no change of season, but stands in a lava waste, a salt and empty earth. Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD. He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: it fears not the heat when it comes; its leaves stay green; in the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit.  

The Word of the Lord 

Brothers and sisters: If Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how can some among you say there is  no resurrection of the dead? If the dead are not raised, neither has Christ been raised, and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins. Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are the most pitiable people of all. 

But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.  

The Word of the Lord 

R. Thanks be to God.

Alleluia  Lk 6:23ab

R. Alleluia, alleluia. Rejoice and be glad; your reward will be great in heaven.  R.Alleluia, alleluia.  

R. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm  Ps 1:12, 3, 4 and 6 R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. Blessed the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked, nor walks in the way of sinners, nor sits in the company of the insolent, but delights in the law of the LORD and meditates on his law day and night. R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. He is like a tree planted near running water, that yields its fruit in due season, and whose leaves never fade. Whatever he does, prospers. R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. Not so the wicked, not so; they are like chaff which the wind drives away. For the LORD watches over the way of the just, but the way of the wicked vanishes. R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord. 

Gospel  Lk 6:17, 2026

Jesus came down with the twelve and stood on a stretch of level ground with a great crowd of his disciples and a large number of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon. And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who are now weeping, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your name as evil on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold, your reward will be great in heaven. For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way. But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep. Woe to you when all speak well of you, for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way.” 

 For the 5p, 7a and 10a Masses:

For the 12:00 pm Mass:

The Gospel of the Lord R. Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ.

T/( W*’ D!(4. R!1('"  Mon: Gn 4:115, 25/Ps 50:1 and 8, 16bc17, 2021 [14a]/ Mk 8:1113 Tue: Gn 6:58; 7:15, 10/Ps 29:1a and 2, 3ac4, 3b and  9c10 [11b]/Mk 8:1421

Thu: Gn 9:113/Ps 102:1618, 1921, 29 and 2223 [20b]/Mk 8:2733 Fri: 1 Pt 5:14/Ps 23:13a, 4, 5, 6 [1]/Mt 16:131 Sat: Heb 11:17/Ps 145:23, 45, 1011 [cf. 1]/Mk 9:213

Wed: Gn 8:613, 2022/Ps 116:1213, 1415, 1819 [17a]/ Next  1 Sm 26:2, 79, 1213, 2223/Ps 103:12, 34, 8, 10, 1213 Sun: [8a]/1 Cor 15:4549/Lk 6:2738  Mk 8:2226 The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

February 17, 2019 | Page 3

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Weekend at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral Day Date Time Intention Sat 2/16 5:00 pm  Pro Populo Sun 2/17 7:00 am  Ed O’Neill Dom 2/17 8:30 am † Alberta Marban Sun 2/17 10:00 am † Jeannie Lombardo Dom 2/17 1:30 pm  Cristo Jesús

Jennifer Pendergraft, Shawn Rolison, Darlene  Duncan, Cresenciana  Rodriguez, Janine Dasnoit, Mason Hiester, James Hiester, Constance Prokop, Tiana  Pitstick, Jennifer Deloatch, Ron Crowson, Richard Garcia,  Kendall Family, William  Houston, Aidan Day, Allen Roy,  Margaret Virginia Carter, Chuck Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Ken Hopper, Tom Greene, Frank Marshall, Elizabeth  Lewis, Malinn Welch, Reuben Mathews, Mike Szafran,  Christopher Luttz, Derek  Hazell, Terri Zito Lee,  Angela Lombardo, Eric Fletcher, Mildred Banks, Jake Hanley & family, Rik Kiszely, Lucina Chaverria, Alan Torres, Baby Hannah, Maria G., Jason,  Forrest, Philip Hatcher, Bill Wolf, Rachel Klosterman & family, Lisa Harter & family, Allen Willis IV, Tom Krisulewicz, Lori Cove, John George, Esther Cole, Brent Upton, Amanda Dennis, Jadon Kalp, Dennis Maestro, Bella Amodio, Infant Grace Mullis, Pat Skelly, Manolito Rodriguez, Joan Staryak, John McCauley, Leonard St. Peter, Loreto Correa Becerra, Cheryl Zelek, Murray Ingerham

Requested by:  The Hilliards Fam. Barcenas Marie Dasnoit Soledad Rios

Weekday at Sacred Heart Church Mon 2/18 12:10 pm † Gabriela Cossich Miér. 2/20 6:30 pm † Esteban Dublan Isidro Fri 2/22 12:10 pm † Mary Lowry Sat


Fernando & Margarita Ordoñez Fam. Dublan Ramos David & Elizabeth Mullaney Anonymous

9:00 am  Teresa Gaumont

S5)(!4O: $;!') ,/( W* Mon: Presidents' Day Thu St. Peter Damian, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Fri The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle Sat St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr 

Special 2nd Collections: The second collection today will support Cathedral School. Next weekend, , there is no planned second collection. The new schedule for 2019 is posted on the parish website. You can always make your contributions despite bad weather or travel plans by using the Vanco App or by the link in My Parish App, or on the parish website.

of Feb 

Mass Collections $ 21,712 Online Banking $ 12,432 Weekly Total $ 34,144 

C%' (1$ O'4(' G(;('" Do you pay your household and credit card bills online? Do you utilize your bank’s mobile app? Why not transfer that convenience to your method of charitable giving as well? You can set up your contributions on your own schedule and alleviate the hassle of envelopes, carrying cash or checkwriting. HNOJ offers multiple ways to conveniently support your parish: there is a desktop version from a computer, linked on our website; Vanco provides a free mobile app; the free MyParish app provides links for both parish and diocesan (BAA) giving; and your own bank surely offers a mobile app where you can set up automatic payments. Please prayerfully consider moving your contributions to an electronic format for efficient and consistent support.

M('( ,$. ,% ,/ S()* If you or a loved one requires a home visit or reception of the Holy Eucharist at home, please email Deacon Michael Alig at or call the main office at 9198326030.

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Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered for children ages 45 (K and PreK) present at the 10:00 am Sunday Mass. After the Gloria is sung, children will be invited by the celebrant to join a CWL Leader into the sacristy at the Saint Joseph transept. Children will return to their family after the homily is concluded. We do ask that families who wish to take part in the Children's Liturgy of the Word to please sit in the south transept (St. Joseph side) for the entire Mass to expedite the dismissal and return process of the children. Please note that the Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered through the generosity of parishioners who volunteer for this role. It is not guaranteed to occur every week.

You can call or email Katia in the parish office to request a Mass Intention to remember a departed loved one or for prayers of healing, Page 4 | February 17, 2019

The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Lunes: Gn 4, 115. 25/Sal 50, 1 y 8. 1617. 2021 [14]/Mc 8, 1113

Martes: Gn 6, 58; 7, 15. 10/Sal 29, 1 y 2. 34. 3 y 910 [11]/Mc 8, 1421 Miércoles: Gn 8, 613. 2022/Sal 116, 1213. 1415. 1819 [17]/Mc 8, 2226 Jueves: Gn 9, 113/Sal 102, 1618. 1921. 29 y 2223 [20]/Mc 8, 2733 Viernes: 1 Pe 5, 14/Sal 23, 13. 4. 5. 6 [1]/Mt 16, 1319 Sábado: Heb 11, 17/Sal 145, 23. 45. 1011 [cfr. 1]/Mc 9, 213 Domingo Siguiente 1 Sm 26, 2. 79. 1213. 2223/Sal 103, 12. 34. 8. 10. 1213 [8]/1 Co 15, 4549/Lc 6, 2738 pagina 8 | 17 de febrero del 2019

VI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

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L F: “F   P  ”

Conocemos las noticias que nos hablan de los sufrimientos de muchos hijos a causa de la violencia familiar; hemos, tal vez, visto la tristeza de otros que han sido abandonados y golpeados por sus padres o que viven en una familia donde los malos tratos, los castigos, las groserías, las faltas de respeto, no permiten que se respire un sano ambiente de amor, de serenidad, de acogida y de apoyo mutuo.

Primera Lectura El profeta Jeremías instó a sus compañeros israelitas de Judá a confiar en la Divina Providencia en lugar de la sabiduría humana. ¿Por qué crees que los creyentes de hoy todavía confían en las personas más que en Dios?  Segunda Lectura Pablo coloca nuestra participación en la resurrección de Jesús de entre los muertos como centro de nuestras creencias cristianas. ¿Qué podrías agregar a esta lista de nuestras creencias fundamentales?  Lectura del Evangelio Hoy escuchamos el relato de Lucas sobre el Sermón de Jesús en el llano que consiste en bendiciones y aflicciones. ¿Dónde te ves en esta mezcla de maldiciones y bendiciones?  

Las causas pueden ser muchas: la pobreza, la ignorancia, la falta de educación de los mismos padres, la irresponsabilidad, los vícios, la mala voluntad o el capricho de los que han debido entender su responsabilidad como padres. 

Muchos padres de familia con su ejemplo y palabra enseñan a los hijos el egoísmo, la falta de respeto a los demás, la dureza de corazón, el desprecio a los demás, el hedonismo, los vícios, la ley del menor esfuerzo, etc. Padres que forman a sus hijos “enclenques”, débiles de temperamento, vacíos de valores, de compromiso y de amor por los demás.

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Reconocemos en las familias negligencia, insolidaridad y pasividad para crear un orden familiar y social. Cuánta falta hacen al mundo “modelos de vida” en los padres de familia.

Salir adelante en el mundo es algo que muchos consideran importante. Éxito, una vida cómoda y los valores mundanos son vistos como lo que se necesita para alcanzar la felicidad. Nos guste o no admitirlo, estas actividades son claves en muchas de nuestras vidas. Por mucho que queramos creer en el Evangelio, también nos resulta difícil no aferrarnos a estas otras cosas. La confianza incondicional en Dios debe ser lo primero si vamos a percibir el reino de Dios. Y aunque Dios no quiere que nos compliquemos la vida tratando de ser miserables, Jesús claramente da preferencia ha aquellos que son pobres, hambrientos, que lloran, son marginados, vulnerables y despreciados. Cuando las personas se encuentran con estas cosas, tocan a Dios. Nos enseña a no sentirnos demasiado cómodos con nuestras riquezas y que hay mucho más en la vida real que las cosas que consideramos tan importantes.  

La verdadera formación de la persona se recibe al interior de la familia, conlleva una conversión auténtica en la manera de pensar y en el comportamiento. La primera educadora, es la familia, en la que todos aprendemos a respetar y amar. María, tu que conociste la lucha y la fatiga del trabajo diario, intercede por nuestras familias y concédenos fortaleza en las duras exigencias de una formación adecuada para la vida y el servicio a la  comunidad. 

Para la Reflexión: Qué podemos hacer para construir familias tranquilas y  estables? 

Andrea Blanco J.D. M.A.

Directora de Formación de Fe  

¿E ,E P' !'1% ' C! !$,?

Pues entonces te invitamos a que te prepares para lo que es tu mayor inversión en la vida: tu Matrimonio. Ven y prepárate para este gran proyecto que Dios tiene para ti y tu pareja; y, junto a otras parejas con ese mismo fin, profundiza lo que es la belleza del matrimonio y las bendiciones que recibes en él. ¿Como? Asistiendo a uno de nuestros Talleres diocesanos de Preparación Matrimonial de la diócesis de Raleigh. Puedes encontrar los detalles en: Mas información al teléfono (919) 8219735 o envíame un correo electrónico a  

¿T G- ,!$I! $;($4 ! D(% J-',% )%' ,P!$J!?

¿Estás listo para casarte? Ven, te invitamos a hacerlo. Contamos con talleres diocesanos de preparación matrimonial. Pero… ¿qué es eso? Bueno, es un día en que compartes con otras parejas que tienen la misma meta que tu: Ser Feliz en el Matrimonio. Pues en este taller te damos las herramientas de cómo lograrlo, y puedes recibir el testimonio de parejas que ya han recorrido esa experiencia del Sacramento. Tenemos varias fechas y lugares, búscalas en: Mas información al teléfono (919) 8219735 o envíame un correo electrónico a

H%$!$(% 1 M(K$)%4 1 C'(L!

Sabes, Dios te ha llamado al Matrimonio y puedes servirle a Él en pareja. Te invitamos a servir en este ministerio de vida matrimonial. Tu ayuda es muy importante y muy valiosa. Si quieres participar, buscamos parejas que nos ayuden en la preparación de las parejas que se van a casar. Puedes aportar tus talentos, cualquiera que estos sean. Tendrás un roll de acuerdo a lo que puedas y quieras desempeñar y la oportunidad de aprender para realizar otros. Solo necesitamos tus “ganas de Servir”, contáctame. Mas información al teléfono (919) 8219735 o envíame un correo electrónico a  

M G-($% )! !$ .…????

pagina 9 | 17 de febrero del 2019

Santa Misa a las 7:30 pm a Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral  


Viernes durante Cuaresma a las 7:00 pm en español SHC 8 de marzo 22 de marzo 5 de abril 

HNOJ 15 de marzo 29 de marzo 12 de abril 

VI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

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Horas de Oficina: La oficina parroquial está ubicada en 219 W Edenton St.

C1  Domingo 4:005:30 pm

C1 padres se unen al Diácono Juan en el sagrado corazón cada semana a las 4:15 pm 3 de marzo

Lunes, Martes y Jueves  9:00 am4:00 pm

Formación elemental de la Fe:

padres se unen al Diácono Juan en el sagrado corazón cada semana a las 4:15 pm Domingo Lunes Miércoles 4:305:30 pm 6:157:30 pm 6:207:20 pm

Miércoles  4:008:00 pm 

Domingo 10:00 am²3:00 pm 

17 de febrero no clase 24 de febrero 

Clero | Padre Pedro Muñoz 9197586275 Coordinadora | Olga Salas 

Para solicitar una cita con el P. Pedro, llame al 9198326030, x104 y hable con Olga Salas.  

Horas de Misas Domingo

Catedral de Santo Nombre de Jesús

8:30 am | 1:30 pm  Misa Diaria Iglesia Sagrado Corazón  Miércoles | 6:30 pm  

Hora Santa

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón 

Jueves | 7:00 pm  Confesiones

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón 

Miércoles a las 5:30 pm Jueves a las 6:00 pm  

Quinceañeras Llame a la oficina parroquial para programar una cita con el coordinadora de ministerio hispano, Olga Salas.

R B   Certificado de Nacimiento del niñno (a) que se bautizara, Los Padrinos deben tener 16 años de edad y recibido el sacramento de Confirmación. Prácticante católica en Buena communion con la Iglesia. Padres y padrinos asistir a las pláticas o traer comprobante de su parroquia de que participó en las pláticas prebautismales. 

P    B  N

Todos los primeros domingo de cada mes en la misa de 1:30 pm en la catedral. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para registrar a su hijo(a). pagina 10 | 17 de febrero del 2019

17 de marzo

18 de febrero no clase 25 de febrero

20 de febrero 27 de febrero

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  En este domingo las lecturas nos invitan a reflexionar en lo que es vivir siempre luchando por una sociedad más justa. El Papa Francisco hizo una meditación para pensar en los que no tienen ni siquiera lo necesario para vivir. Dice así: 

?se rinde un culto idolátrico al dinero. ¡Porque se ha globalizado la indiferencia!, se ha globalizado la indiferencia: a mí ¿qué me importa lo que les pasa a otros mientras yo defienda lo mío? Porque el mundo se ha olvidado de Dios, que es Padre; se ha vuelto huérfano porque dejó a Dios de lado. 

Algunos de ustedes expresaron: Este sistema ya no se aguanta. Tenemos que cambiarlo, tenemos que volver a llevar la dignidad humana al centro y que sobre ese pilar se construyan las estructuras sociales alternativas que necesitamos. Hay que hacerlo con coraje, pero también con inteligencia. Con tenacidad, pero sin fanatismo. Con pasión, pero sin violencia. Y entre todos, enfrentando los conflictos sin quedar atrapados en ellos, buscando siempre resolver las tensiones para alcanzar un plano superior de unidad, de paz y de justicia. Los cristianos tenemos algo muy lindo, una guía de acción, un programa, podríamos decir, revolucionario. Les recomiendo vivamente que lo lean, que lean las bienaventuranzas que están en el capítulo 5 de San Mateo y 6 de San Lucas, (cfr. Mt 5, 3 y Lc 6, 20) y que lean el pasaje de Mateo 25. Se los dije a los jóvenes en Río de Janeiro, con esas dos cosas tiene el programa de acción.

(Discurso de S.S. Francisco a los participantes del Encuentro Mundial de los Movimientos Populares, octubre de 2014).

¿Crees que vale la pena meditar lo que dice el Papa? 

L! J- ,()(! 5!$! L% I'&("$!', 

Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS 

La Iglesia y los Inmigrantes “La Iglesia escucha el grito de sufrimiento de los desarraigados de su propia tierra, de las familias forzadamente divididas, de los que, en los rápidos cambios actuales, no encuentran una morada estable en ningún lugar. Percibe la angustia de quienes carecen de derechos y de toda seguridad, quedando a merced de cualquier tipo de explotación, y se hace cargo de su infelicidad. Trabajar por la unidad de la familia humana quiere decir esforzarse por rechazar toda discriminación basada en la raza, la cultura o la religión como contraria al plan de Dios. Significa testimoniar una vida fraterna fundada en el Evangelio, respetuosa de las diversidades culturales y abierta al diálogo sincero y confiado.” …Santo Padre Juan Pablo II, Mensaje para la Jornada Mundial del Emigrante.  Si está interesado en Justicia para Inmigrantes, por favor, póngase en contacto con Luisa MartinPrice través  

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Caridades Católicas Caridades Católicas de la Diócesis de Raleigh ofrece servicios profesionales en el área de Inmigración. Puede ingresar a nuestra línea y llenar el formulario este sistema es rápido y seguro. Toda la Información es confidencial. 9198218148 or

VI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario



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Residential & Commercial Free Estimates! Freddy & Rosa Valenzuela, Parishioners

10% OFF with current bulletin

Member SIPC

We help our clients reclaim their assets and recover.

Protecting People, Business and Nations.

2011 Falls Valley Drive Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27615

919-866-0002 Janice Hong Messier, M.D.

(877) 487-8160

Specializes in diagnosis and treatment of all vein problems.

Michael Holesh DDS

St. Catherine of Siena Parishioner

919-782-6286 217 W. Millbrook Rd • Raleigh, NC

– Parishioners –

Mary & Alex Lee, Harold Hill,

Funeral Director Cary Cannady, Funeral Director

831 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC Para español, pregunta por el Abogado Mantilla


Paul Suhr


Attorney at Law Fighting for Immigrants’ Rights for 30 Years

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Website: Email:

Call (919) 876-4707

Local Family Owned & Operated Since 1977 Owners and Funeral Directors


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(919) 633-6755 501 N. Blount St. | Raleigh

Board Certified Vascular and General Surgeon


2217 Avent Ferry Rd. Raleigh, NC 27606

Financial strategies. One-on-one advice.

Se habla español

“The best defense against cyber threats is a good offense.” Theresa Payton, CEO

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1213 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 27603

150 Fayetteville Street, Suite 930, Raleigh, NC 27601

Specializing in Hardwoods 919-228-1913

M-Th 11am-10pm F 11am-11pm Sat 12-11pm Sun 12-9:30pm

Raleigh French Bakery

Attorneys At Law


El Cerro Bar & Grill

Tarlton | Polk Pllc

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1701 East Millbrook Rd. Raleigh, NC

Ben Stefan

No rotting, No splitting, No fading 100% Cooper Roofs with PVC Bodies

300 St. Mary’s St. Raleigh, NC

E-mail: 7200 Falls of Neuse Rd., Ste. 200 Raleigh

Parishioner 30 years

Olde Raleigh

For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •

Sundays at Lonnie Poole Golf Course

$12.50 bruch buffet | 11 A.M. - 3 P.M. |


Family & Cosmetic Andrew S. Martin Attorney Dentistry Wills, Trusts, Estates

Dr. Amy Savarese Moore, Parishioner 919-426-2002

Prenatal & Postpartum Physical Therapy to Prepare and Repair from the Effects of Pregnancy


Michael King, dmd

Visiting Angels

Parishioner, St. Raphael the Archangel


AMY MARTIN, Parishioner St. Francis of Assisi

N.C. License #HC2182

We are located at the NC State Farmers Market 1201 Agriculture St. Raleigh, NC 27603 HOURS: Monday-Saturday 11-8 Sunday 11-5

Real Estate Closings

1026 Washington St. • Raleigh

insurance filed


919-834-3431 (Next door in Mission Valley) SIGNATURE CALIFORNIA STYLE FOOD 2109 Avent Ferry Rd., Ste. 108, Raleigh

membership plan available for uninsured

919-833-4661 • Ncseafood. Com


Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning and Probate Law


Attorney-at-Law and Parishioner

Wills • Trusts • Elder Law • Probate • Guardianships



3714 Benson Drive • Raleigh, NC 27609

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Buy one entree, 2nd entree 50% off. Must present this postcard. Offers cannot be combined. May not be redeemed for cash.

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COMMERCIAL OFFICE FURNITURE AND SERVICES Office: (919) 361-4333 Cell: (919) 522-7954

Tara R. Wahl Sales Consultant

Anthony Maynor, St. Andrew Parishioner

10% Off


any repair service or system improvements

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Hablamos Español!


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Contact Keith Canyon to place an ad today! or (800) 477-4574 x6605


For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •
