Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama

hace 3 días - Gospel Jn 16:12 15. Jesus said to ... Sts. John Fisher, , and Thomas More, ..... infancy as Roman Catholics and have received their First Holy.
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H N  J C  T M H T    J 16, 2019

Most Rev. Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh

Rev. Monsignor David D. Brockman, V.G., Pastor Rev. John A. Kane, Parochial Vicar | Rev. Pedro Muñoz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael Alig | Deacon Juan Banda A M  M   B    

Two New Priests for the Diocese of Raleigh ± Our Cathedral was honored last week to host the ordination by Bishop Luis Zarama of two of our transitional deacons to the Priesthood. I know you join me in extending congratulations and prayerful best wishes to Father David Miller and Father Noe Ramirez. Father Miller served a full career in the United States Army Special Forces, much of it at Fort Bragg, after which he discerned a vocation to the Priesthood. Likewise in discernment, Father Ramirez is a native to North Carolina, having grown up in Robbins, NC, which is located just west of Pinehurst. Kindly keep both of our two new priests among your intentions as they begin then priestly ministry here in our Diocese. Remember as well to pray for all of our seminarians, especially our own Cathedral parishioner, Nick Rapkoch, who is assigned to study this summer at the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha, NE. 

New Cathedral School Principal Search Process ± In collaboration with our Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dr. Mike Fedewa and our Diocesan Director of Human Resources, Mr. Gary Rosia, I have initiated the search process for our new Cathedral School principal. I have representatives from among our school parents and faculty to serve on this committee to discern and recommend the candidate who will be wellsuited to serve our parents in the Catholic education and formation of their children, as well as their development as future leaders in the Church and the greater community. I express my gratitude to each of the committee members, Christine Bost, Holly Greeves, Ted Mooney, Dawn Neuman and to Tim Nichols, who is serving as the Chair for the Committee, and also to Mike Fedewa, our Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, who is working closely with the committee in this process. Kindly, keep the committee and their important work among your intentions and look for future updates. 

Ministry of Catechist ± My great thanks to so many of you who have offered to serve in the ministry of catechist, assisting parents in the formation of their child in our Catholic faith, or to walk with an adult who is discerning becoming Catholic through the RCIA process. Your response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit for this ministry has been amazing ± it has basically doubled the amount of those currently exercising this ministry of catechist. Our parish staff leadership will be in contact with those who indicated they would serve.  

If you have been discerning during this last week and would like now to offer your ministry as a catechist, it is not too late to do so. On our pastoral staff, for grades K through 8th and for Confirmation, contact Stacie Miller; for middle school and high school youth ministry; contact Elizabeth Queen; for the RCIA process, contact Father John Kane; and for faith formation in our Hispanic community, contact Andrea Blanco.

What is this, but all part of our stewardship and being disciples of Our Lord Jesus, through our prayer ministry and offering towards the mission He has entrusted to us, all on behalf of His Holy Name. 

Parish Center Review and Building Phases Update Continues This Weekend ± As last weekend, representatives from our Parish Council and our parish Building Committee will be in the narthex to invite your review of our new planned parish center and the accompanying site plan for the soccer field and other play field construction on our Cathedral campus. For those of you who stopped by, thanks so much for your feedback comments ± very helpful! 

As you know, these athletic fields are currently in the permitting process with the City of Raleigh, having received all of the necessary Diocesan approvals. We anticipate City of Raleigh approval for these fields to be complete any day now here in midJune (from what the city has told us), after which construction on them will begin. With the decision to place artificial turf on the soccer field portion of these play areas, its regular use should begin in the Fall 2019, when all of the athletic field construction is planned to be completed. 

See the insert flyer in this bulletin again this weekend for further overall details on the planned parish center and the overall site plan and plan to stop by after Mass this weekend and next for a closer look and to see a Parish Council or Building Committee member with any questions. See there the much needed meeting rooms planned for our parish center, which will include a gym, meeting and social/fellowship rooms and spaces.  

Funding development on this phase of our Cathedral campus is planned to begin in the late Summer, early Fall 2019. Also included will be other infrastructure items for the Sacred Heart campus.  

For now though, if you did not get a chance after Mass last weekend or you were out of town, stop by after Mass for a closer look and let us know your thoughts and any questions as for our parish we continue, Growing in Faith, Building Together. 

Celebrating Corpus Christi ± Next week, we will join the Church throughout the world in celebrating the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Our Lord (Corpus Christi). Plan to join us for Mass at any of our scheduled liturgies and then for a eucharistic procession with benediction, which will begin at approximately 2:30 pm, directly following the 1:30 pm Mass in Spanish.  

We will process with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament from the Cathedral and outside around its circumference, stopping in the traditional three stations for devotions and prayer, before then returning inside the Cathedral for benediction and the conclusion of this great devotional prayer, which unites the Church in Her catholicity, across language and culture, as we honor Our Lord in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament. Page 2 | June 16, 2019

The Most Holy Trinity

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First Reading  Prv 8:2231

Thus says the wisdom of God: "The LORD possessed me, the beginning of his ways, the forerunner of his prodigies of long ago; from of old I was poured forth, at the first, before the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no fountains or springs of water; before the mountains were settled into place, before the hills, I was brought forth; while as yet the earth and fields were not made, nor the first clods of the world.

"When the Lord established the heavens I was there, when he marked out the vault over the face of the deep; when he made firm the skies above, when he fixed fast the foundations of the earth; when he set for the sea its limit, so that the waters should not transgress his command; then was I beside him as his craftsman, and I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while, playing on the surface of his earth; and I found delight in the human race."  

The Word of the Lord 

R. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm  Ps 8:45, 67, 89

R.O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth! 

When I behold your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you set in place ² What is man that you should be mindful of him, or the son of man that you should care for him? R. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth! 

You have made him little less than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him rule over the works of your hands, putting all things under his feet: R. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth! 

All sheep and oxen, yes, and the beasts of the field, The birds of the air, the fishes of the sea, and whatever swims the paths of the seas. R. O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!  

For the 5p, 7a an 10a Masses:

Please remember to silence your mobile devices before Mass begins.  

Second Reading  Rom 5:15

Brothers and sisters: Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.  

The Word of the Lord  

R. Thanks be to God.

Alleluia  CF. Rv 1:8

R. Alleluia, alleluia. Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; to God who is, who was, and who is to come.  R. Alleluia, alleluia. 

Gospel  Jn 16:1215

Jesus said to his disciples: "I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you."  

The Gospel of the Lord R. Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ.     

R1   ,/ W A/1 Mon 2 Cor 6:110/Ps 98:1, 2b, 3ab, 3cd4 [2a]/Mt 5:3842 Tue 2 Cor 8:19/Ps 146:2, 56ab, 6c7, 89a [1b]/Mt 5:4348 Wed 2 Cor 9:611/Ps 112:1bc2, 34, 9 [1b]/Mt 6:16, 1618 Thu 2 Cor 11:111/Ps 111:1b2, 34, 78 [7a]/Mt 6:715

For the 12p Mass:

Fri 2 Cor 11:18, 2130/Ps 34:23, 45, 67 [cf. 18b]/ Mt 6:1923 Sat 2 Cor 12:110/Ps 34:89, 1011, 1213 [9a]/Mt 6:2434 Next Gn 14:1820/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/1 Cor 11:2326/ Sun Lk 9:11b17

The Most Holy Trinity

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Weekend Mass Day Date Sat 6/15 Sun 6/16 Dom 6/16 Sun 6/16 Sun 6/16 Dom 6/16 Daily Mass Mon 6/17 Tue 6/18 Tue 6/18 Wed 6/19 Miér 6/19 Thu 6/20 Fri 6/21 Fri 6/21

Cindy Longo, Donna Anderson, Gregory McCallum, Florence Murray, Jan Fairweather, Melvin Meacham, Drew  Pescaro, Joanne Ragge, Trent Handley, Federico A. Gonzalez, Jennifer Pendergraft, Shawn Rolison, Darlene Duncan, Cresenciana Rodriguez, Mason Hiester, James Hiester,  Constance Prokop, Tiana  Pitstick, Jennifer Deloatch, Ron Crowson, Richard Garcia,  Kendall Family, William Houston, Aidan Day, Allen Roy,  Margaret Virginia Carter, Chuck Hilliard, Mark Hilliard, Ken Hopper, Tom Greene, Frank Marshall, Elizabeth  Lewis, Malinn Welch, Reuben Mathews, Mike Szafran,  Christopher Luttz, Derek  Hazell, Terri Zito Lee, Angela Lombardo, Eric Fletcher,  Mildred Banks, Jake Hanley & family, Rik Kiszely, Lucina Chaverria, Alan Torres, Baby Hannah, Maria G., Jason,  Forrest, Philip Hatcher, Bill Wolf, Allen Willis IV, Tom Krisulewicz, Lori Cove, John George, Esther Cole, Brent Upton, Amanda Dennis, Jadon Kalp, Dennis Maestro, Bella Amodio, Infant Grace Mullis, Pat Skelly, Manolito Rodriguez, Joan Staryak, John McCauley, Leonard St. Peter, Loreto Correa Becerra, Cheryl Zelek, Murray Ingerham



Jasmine Allen

Betsy Ann Blalock Marie Hailey Dennis & Linda Redoblado Eliberta Prieto Santos Dennis Redoblado  Milton Rodrigues and family James S. Degnan

Wed 6/19 St. Romuald, Abbot Thu 6/20 World Refugee Day Fri 6/21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious Sat 6/22 St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop;  Sts. John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs

C  ,-7,  Let us offer our congratulations and sincere best wishes to Mary Lanier Zaytoun and Brett Oliver Berne who were married at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Saturday, June 15th. In addition, we thank them for generously donating their wedding flowers to adorn the altar.

S,5 1/ 2 R2 ,  1 S 1 C 77, 

For the weekend of Jun 89 Second Collection: Today we will collect for the monthly support of Cathedral school. There is no second Mass Offertory $ 24,779 collection next weekend. Online Giving $ 15,039 The schedule for 2019 is posted on the parish website for Weekly Total $ 39,818 your reference.

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You can call or email Katia in the parish office to request a Mass Intention to remember a departed loved one or for prayers of healing, 

† Adriana & Gary Adler † Diane Smith † Jean Meierer † Joel Sugay † Encarnación Prieto Avalos † Ofelia Meneses   † Deceased members of the Rodrigues family 9:00 am  Emily Seison

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If you or a loved one requires a home visit or reception of the Holy Eucharist at home, please email Deacon Michael Alig at [email protected] or call the main office at 9198326030.

12:10 pm 7:00 am 12:10 pm 12:10 pm 6:30 pm 12:10 pm 7:00 am 12:10 pm

Requested by: John & Teresa Gaumont, Jr. Cathedral Staff Francisco & Mela Alvarez Jan Kovach Robert DeCarlo 

Weekend Masses are at HNOJ; weekday daily Mass in English at 12:10 pm and 9:00 am Saturday Mass are at SHC; 7:00 am Daily Mass in English on Tue & Fri is at HNOJ; daily Mass in Spanish on Wednesday is at SHC

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Time Intention 5:00 pm † John & Teresa Gaumont, Sr. 7:00 am † Lucina Beck Kane 8:30 am † Pedro Valdez 10:00 am † John O’Fallon 12:00 pm † Robert M. DeCarlo 1:30 pm  Pro Populo

If you’ll be out of town in the coming months, please consider moving your weekly offering to an electronic platform so your giving remains consistent during your absence. Through online giving, our parish can be supported consistently while attendance drops as fellow parishioners travel. See the parish website for the many options for online giving. We thank you in advance for your efforts and generosity in supporting he Cathedral. 

The Most Holy Trinity

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Last Call  Time to Update Your Availability! All ministers of the Mass (EMHCs, Readers, Ushers, Altar Servers and Cantors) are asked to log in to your MSP profile and update your availability by no later than tomorrow, June 17 to be considered for the Cycle D schedule, which will span Jul 6  Sep 1. Updates entered past the deadline cannot be worked into the schedule. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  Parish Guilds, Ministries & Groups  Info Needed! Rooms on the Sacred Heart campus are very much in use by all parish ministries. Please be considerate of your fellow parishioners by keeping a tidy calendar! Notify Michelle Connors ([email protected]) of your specific calendar adjustments for JuneSeptember. Keep in mind that use of the school is limited to the end of June and is not accessible at all for July, as it undergoes its annual refurbishing. Watch the bulletin for announcements later in the summer when we will open the meeting spaces for the 20192020 scheduling year, after the School’s and all  Formation Programs’ needs are met.   Door Fund/Ministry Update For all new parishioners to Holy Name of Jesus, we are a wonderful ministry that provides emergency assistance for past due rents and eviction notices. There is an affordable housing crisis across the USA and Raleigh is not exempt. As part of a small Emergency Assistance Provider Network, we help struggling people keep a roof over their head from September to the first week of June. In the summer months, we rely on parishioner' donations to the Door Fund to replenish our coffers. In 2018, we helped over 450 people who came to our door. Envelopes can be found in the display center in the narthex. Please make checks TO HNOJ Cathedral FOR the Door Fund and drop in the collection plate. Here are just two thankyou notes: x To the Catholic parish of Cathedral, You shared with me a couple of times when I was in need. I want to be a small blessing to you in return. Please find a small check enclosed. May God bless your work abundantly. x To the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral, Thank you so very much for paying $100 towards my February rent. God allows us a glimpse at what He's doing through the hearts and acts of others. I remain faithful to Him and I am encouraged through and by the love of His servants. Again, thank you for helping me during a difficult period.  Consider joining the Greeter Ministry at HNOJ Cathedral! The Greeter Ministry is still seeking additional guides to  welcome and assist visitors to our Cathedral, especially over the summer months when there is an increase to both visitors to Raleigh and vacations of current volunteers. Consider sharing your love of our new worship home with those who come to tour or pray. Email [email protected] with your interest or complete an Volunteer Inquiry Form on the parish website.  Usher Ministry Seeks Additional Help Many volunteers are needed to ensure that our liturgies run smoothly and put forth a welcoming face to visitors and pilgrims. The parish is experiencing a high need of Ushers, especially at the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass. Registered parishioners willing to assist at weekend Masses should contact Peter Ferket at  [email protected] with their interest.     

The Most Holy Trinity

Single Slice of Service Here is a great onetime project for you and your family this summer. The Women's Center of Wake County has an ongoing "Caring Crate Drive." You provide a 2031 gallon stackable, plastic storage tub with lid and fill it with items from your chosen category in one of the following: Beauty Products, Snack Attack, Pamper Me, Underneath It All, Spread the Word, Power Up, or Clean It Up. Then deliver the crate to The Women's Center at 112 Cox Ave. MF 9AM6PM or S/S 10AM3PM. The complete list for each crate can be found at: eventlogos/244077680/2019caringcrateweb2.pdf, This is a good way to teach your kids about our hidden homeless population and to learn more about The Women's Center. Happy collecting!  SAVE THE DATE: You and your family are cordially invited to join in the celebration of the Feast Day Mass of St. Josemaria Escriva, Saint of the Ordinary Daily Life and Founder of Opus Dei, on June 20, 2019, at 6:30 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral celebrated by Bishop of Raleigh Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L. Please bring the entire family and invite other families and friends for a gracefilled evening.  Worldwide Marriage NonResidential Encounter Are there times you wonder why relationships are so difficult? The Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend helps married couples to communicate in all areas of their relationship. Get your marriage on the right path by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on June 2123, 2019, at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Cary, NC. This June weekend is a nonresidential weekend, meaning that couples will return to their homes at night. Early sign up is recommended. For more information and to apply, visit our website at: https:// or contact us at [email protected] or 7043152144. Like and follow our “North Carolina WWME” Facebook page for additional information and community updates.  The NPM National Convention is coming to Raleigh this July 1619! The National Association of Pastoral Musicians fosters the art of musical liturgy. The members of NPM serve the Catholic Church in the United States as musicians, clergy, liturgists, and other leaders of prayer. Join pastoral musicians from all over the U.S. as well as local musicians in this weeklong convention of inspiration and musicianship. This year’s theme is: Healing, Reconciliation and Anointing: A Journey through James 5 ... that you may be healed. Find out more by visiting  Free Sunday Clinic, operated by St. Joseph Primary Care Day of Grace offers a free clinic, operated by St. Joseph Primary Care at St. Ann Catholic Church in Clayton, NC is now open to everyone on every last Sunday of the month from 9am1pm.  Come, get well, and be examined and treated by one of our volunteer nurses & medical doctors. For appointments and information, please call (919) 3866866.  Single/Single Again Ministry If you are single, separated, divorced or widowed person, please join us for our 24th Annual Single/Single Again Beach  Retreat,August 24, 2019, at Trinity Retreat Center in Salter Path, NC. It is a weekend of prayer, renewal and relaxation.The theme this year is "Come as you are ± Trust in God and see what He will do," and our retreat leader is Ms. Sally Orcutt, O.P. For more information, contact Celia Keator at [email protected].  June 16, 2019 | Page 5 

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. . .the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. Romans 5:5 

Do you know the persons sitting around you in the pew at Mass today (family members not included)? There is one thing that I know about the Trinityit is a loving RELATIONSHIP among Persons that make up one Divinity. It is also a loving relationship to which we are invited for participation. If that does not teach us about the importance of relationships in God’s realm, nothing will. 

In his Message for the World Day of Peace 2014, Pope Francis warns, “In his encyclical Caritas in Veritate, my predecessor reminded the world how the lack of fraternity between peoples and men and women is a significant cause of poverty[11]. In many societies, we are experiencing a profound poverty of relationships as a result of the lack of solid family and community relationships. We are concerned by the various types of hardship, marginalization, isolation and various forms of pathological dependencies which we see increasing. This kind of poverty can be overcome only through the rediscovery and valuing of fraternal relationships in the heart of families and communities, through the sharing of joys and sorrows, of the hardships and triumphs that are a part of human life.” Meaningful relationships need love and attention, which takes time. 

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It is not Just about Migrants It is not just about migrants: it is a question of seeing that no one is excluded. Today’s world is increasingly becoming more elitist and cruel towards the excluded. Developing countries continue to be drained of their best natural and human resources for the benefit of a few privileged markets. Wars only affect some regions of the world, yet weapons of war are produced and sold in other regions which are then unwilling to take in the refugees produced by these conflicts. Those who pay the price are always the little ones, the poor, the most vulnerable, who are prevented from sitting at the table and are left with the “crumbs” of the banquet (cf.Lk16:1921). … Pope Francis, Message for the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019. If you are interested in joining the Justice for Immigrants team, please contact Luisa MartinPrice through [email protected].   

C C  : NC C V  New Dates Scheduled! Join NC Catholics Volunteer on the following dates: June 22nd (Tar River Deanery). Help as we repair homes damaged by Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Florence in Edgecombe County and Cumberland County. Volunteers from all areas and of all experience levels are encouraged to participate! If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Altenau at [email protected] or at (919) 821 9767.  Spots are limited so sign up now!  

Furthermore, if we do not develop relationships with fellow members of our faith tradition, we have no hope of forming an active community of believers who can then work together to effectively “renew the temporal order” of the world (Vatican II Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People). Among the tasks of lay 25,/ A -7 R-  L  Christians, social action is preeminent (ibid 7). To state it another way, we cannot ever begin to achieve justice through social ac- SAVE THE DATE!25TH ANNUAL RUN FOR LIFE  We're tion without building loving relationships with other believers. looking for runners,sponsors and volunteers for the annual 5k  We live in a busy world. It is so easy to make excuses or to com- Run and 1 Mile Fun RunonSaturday, August 17,at Wake Med partmentalize our life in lists, like“Go to church on Sunday, Soccer Park in Cary. back to work on Monday, party on Saturday. But are we really or www.runnc.comformore info. If you have any questions, putting God first in our lives? Are we living the life we were cre- please contact Eileen Mayhew,9196783004,or Kathy ated for? Because we were created for greatness. However, great- Klein,9198151369. ness in God’s realm is modeled in service. Jesus is our most ex-  cellent example. We have so many outreach ministries where you  can share the love you have been given, your greatness, check P A, R/7 S-22 , G -2 them out at the bottom of: justiceprograms and give me a call. Abortion is experienced by millions of women, many of whom   are Catholic. The Project Rachel ministry assists women and men Barbara Molinari Quinby, MPS who have been wounded by abortion to find healing and peace. Director of Social Justice Ministries There is a support group beginning in the Triangle area in late  August. If you have experienced an abortion and would like  (confidential) information about the support group, contact Pro ject Rachel at (919) 8521021, visit the website: or email [email protected]. Calls and appointments are kept strictly confidential.  C   C ,   In June, wildlife fills our life with joy and refreshment. Songbirds   and birds of prey, squirrels and rabbits, butterflies and lightning bugs all carry a message worth discovering in early summer. Do S 27 T/  Y - C D  S  E  we see and hear them and appreciate them as the miracle they Number 1Stop Junk MailIf you saved up all the unwanted are, or do we overlook them, even despise them? Are they simply paper you receive in the mail this year, you would have the an annoyance, or do we come to know, love, and even serve these equivalent of 11/2 trees. And so would each of your neighbors. fellow creatures by providing protection and habitat? That adds up to about 100 million trees every year. To Do This Month: Take a June Jaunt into nature and see what Go to to see who to contact.  you can do to protect and nourish it. Together, let us build a zero waste community.    The Most Holy Trinity

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Faith Formation Grades 1 ± 5 

June 16: NO Life Teen ± We will return to regular Youth Group Sessions on July 14th!  

Registration for Elementary Faith Formation is now open for children in grades 1  5 who are baptized Catholic. To Register: 1) Navigate to the parish website at Click ’Catequesis’ in the main menú; click ‘Formation: Elementary Grades’ in the submenú. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the Registration Form. OR 2) Email Stacie Miller [email protected] for the form or to set an appointment to come into the office   If your child is over the age of 7, is not baptized or baptized in another faith, please email Stacie Miller to set an appointment to register for our Faith Formation.

Fundraiser Information  2ND ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL 

2nd Annual Summer Festival has been moved to July 27th following the 5pm Mass! This year the Summer Festival will be supporting both the Middle School and High School Youth Ministry Retreat and Mission Trip Funds. We are looking for people to donate for our Raffle and Silent Auction again this year!  


C   2020 R  I    In the Diocese of Raleigh, those who have been baptized in infancy as Roman Catholics and have received their First Holy Communion and entering the 8th grade may register for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation at the parish where they are registered. AllParents/Candidates must attend one of our meetings to register for C1  2020. These meetingswill take place in the  St. Monica Building on the Sacred Heart campus. July 28, 2019  11:30 am in English  3:30 pm in Spanish August 18, 2019 11:30 am in English  3:30 pm in Spanish

You were all so generous last year in your support and we hope that this year you will be just as supportive! To get more information about the Summer Festival or information on how to donate please contact Elizabeth Queen at [email protected] . 

Tickets on sale in the office and will be on sale outside of Masses closer to the Event. If you have already bought a ticket, please just hold on to it!!! 2 years old and Under Free Admission, $5.00 for kids tickets (3 years old to 12 years old child’s Ticket) and $10.00 for adult tickets (13 years of age and up Adult Ticket). 

M S EDGE Join us for our annual week of service! Rising 6th grade  rising 9th grade, consider joining us for the Annual Week of Service: July 2226 here in Raleigh. We will meet on Sacred Heart campus downtown in the St. Monica building. Schedule for Week of Service  Mon Note in the Pocket 9:30 am  12:00 pm Painting wine Bottles  1:00 pm  3:00 pm  Tue Diaper Train   4, 5 (collecting diapers sizes 3,  and wipes)  Wed Sacred Heart campus day 9:00 am  3:00 pm  Thu FB Clothing Ministry  10:00 am  2:30 pm  Fri Fun Friday 9:00 am  3:00 pm

Blessing of Fathers 

God and Father of all creation, we come before you today with humble hearts. You are our model of a loving father. When we fail and fall short of your expectations, you are always there at the end of the day  with open arms, ready to heal  the cuts and scrapes of the day and to encourage us  to try again and not to give up.

If you would like more information about our week of service or to sign up, please email Stacie Miller. 

We hold up these men in our midst who act in the world as fathers to their children or models of fathers for others. 

Bless them in their moments of doubt and frustration with their children. Give them warm and open hearts to forgive failures. Provide them with the words needed for encouragement and perseverance. We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen. Page 7 | June 16, 2019

The Most Holy Trinity

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Recuerde silenciar sus dispositivos móviles antes de que comience la misa.

Primera Lectura  Prov 8, 2231

Segunda Lectura Rom 5, 15

Esto dice la sabiduría de Dios: "El Señor me poseía desde el principio, antes que sus obras más antiguas. Quedé establecida desde la eternidad, desde el principio, antes de que la tierra existiera. Antes de que existieran los abismos y antes de que brotaran los manantiales de las aguas, fui concebida.

Hermanos: Ya que hemos sido justificados por la fe, mantengámonos en paz con Dios, por mediación de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Por él hemos obtenido, con la fe, la entrada al mundo de la gracia, en el cual nos encontramos; por él, podemos gloriarnos de tener la esperanza de participar en la gloria de Dios.

Antes de que las montañas y las colinas quedaran asentadas, nací yo. Cuando aún no había hecho el Señor la tierra ni los campos ni el primer polvo del universo, cuando él afianzaba los cielos, ahí estaba yo. Cuando ceñía con el horizonte la faz del abismo, cuando colgaba las nubes en lo alto, cuando hacía brotar las fuentes del océano, cuando fijó al mar sus límites y mandó a las aguas que no los traspasaran, cuanto establecía los cimientos de la tierra, yo estaba junto a él como arquitecto de sus obras, yo era su encanto cotidiano; todo el tiempo me recreaba en su presencia, jugando con el orbe de la tierra y mis delicias eran estar con los hijos de los hombres".  

Palabra de Dios R. Te alabamos Señor. 

Salmo Responsorial ± Salmo 8, 45. 67. 89 

R. ¡Qué admirable, Señor, es tu poder! Cuando contemplo el cielo, obra de tus manos, la luna y las estrellas, que has creado, me pregunto: ¿Qué es el hombre para que de él te acuerdes, ese pobre ser humano, para que de él te preocupes?  R. ¡Qué admirable, Señor, es tu poder! Sin embargo, lo hiciste un poquito inferior a los ángeles, lo coronaste de gloria y dignidad; le diste el mando sobre las obras de tus manos, y todo lo sometiste bajo sus pies.  R. ¡Qué admirable, Señor, es tu poder! Pusiste a su servicio los rebaños y las manadas,  todos los animales salvajes,  las aves del cielo y los peces del mar, que recorren los caminos de las aguas.  R. ¡Qué admirable, Señor, es tu poder! 

Más aún, nos gloriamos hasta de los sufrimientos, pues sabemos que el sufrimiento engendra la paciencia, la paciencia engendra la virtud sólida, la virtud sólida engendra la esperanza, y la esperanza no defrauda, porque Dios ha infundido su amor en nuestros corazones por medio del Espíritu Santo, que él mismo nos ha dado.  

Palabra de Dios R: Te alabamos Señor. 

Aclamación antes del Evangelio  Cfr Apoc 1, 8

R. Aleluya, aleluya. Gloria al Padre y al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Al Dios que es, que era y que vendrá.  R. Aleluya.  

Evangelio  Jn 16, 1215

En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: "Aún tengo muchas cosas que decirles, pero todavía no las pueden comprender. Pero cuando venga el Espíritu de la verdad, él los irá guiando hasta la verdad plena, porque no hablará por su cuenta, sino que dirá lo que haya oído y les anunciará las cosas que van a suceder. El me glorificará, porque primero recibirá de mí lo que les vaya comunicando. Todo lo que tiene el Padre es mío. Por eso he dicho que tomará de lo mío y se lo comunicará a ustedes".  

Palabra del Señor  

R: Gloria a ti Señor Jesús.

L L,-  1 7 S   Lunes: 2 Co 6, 110/Sal 98, 1. 2. 3. 34 [2]/ Mt 5, 3842 Martes: 2 Co 8, 19/Sal 146, 2. 56. 67. 89 [1]/ Mt 5, 4348 Miércoles: 2 Co 9, 611/Sal 112, 12. 34. 9 [1]/ Mt 6, 16. 1618 Jueves: 2 Co 11, 111/Sal 111, 12. 34. 78 [7]/ Mt 6, 715 Viernes: 2 Co 11, 18. 2130/Sal 34, 23. 45. 67 [cfr. 18]/ Mt 6, 1923 Sábado: 2 Co 12, 110/Sal 34, 89. 1011. 1213 [9]/ Mt 6, 2434 Domingo  Gn 14, 1820/Sal 110, 1. 2. 3. 4 [4]/ Siguiente 1 Co 11, 2326/Lc 9, 1117

pagina 8 | 16 de junio del 2019

Solemnidad de la Santísima

M , 1 J-: ,-1

R       C  20192020

16 de junio: NO Life Teen  ¡Volveremos a las sesiones regulares de grupos juveniles el 14 de julio! 

En la diócesis de Raleigh, aquellos que han sido bautizados en la infancia como católicos romanos y han recibido su primera Santa Comunión y entrando al menos en el grado 8º, pueden inscribirse para la celebración del Sacramento de la confirmación en la parroquia donde están Registrado. Todos los padres/candidatos deben asistir a una de nuestras reuniones para inscribirse en el C12020. Estas reuniones se llevará a cabo en St. Monica en nuestro campus sagrado corazón 28 de julio 11:30 AM en inglés 3:30 PM en Español

Información para recaudar fondos

 ¡El 2º Festival Anual de Verano se trasladó al 27 de julio después de la misa de las 5 pm! Este año, el Festival de verano apoyará los fondos para el viaje de la misión y el retiro del ministerio juvenil de la escuela media y la escuela secundaria. ¡Estamos buscando personas para donar para nuestra Rifa y Subasta Silenciosa de nuevo este año! 

18 de agosto 11:30 AM en inglés 3:30 PM en Español  

L   G 1 7  7  ,7    Inscríbase esta semana en nuestro campus del sagrado corazón: x La oficina parroquial martes 12:002:00 PM o miércoles 4:008:00 PM 

¡Todos fueron tan generosos el año pasado en su apoyo y esperamos que este año sean igual de solidarios! Para obtener más información sobre el Festival de verano o información sobre cómo donar, póngase en contacto con Elizabeth Queen en [email protected]

¡L        14   !

Llamando a todos los mayores de 5 a través de adultos para venir a nuestro St. Monica edificio para tomar parte en nuestros Fun Friday. Estos días apoyan a los niños de la misión ayudar a las manos que asisten al campamento de verano en Poole Road. Nuestro plan juvenil, preparar y participar en juegos, actividades, artesanías, y sentarse a almorzar con estos niños. Necesitamos muchas manos para que este verano sea un éxito. Regístrate para un viernes o para todos ellos. Los jóvenes son Bienvenidos a traer un amigo. Para obtener más información sobre esta oportunidad de servicio de verano, correo electrónico Stacie Miller.

Entradas a la venta en la oficina y estarán a la venta fuera de las Misas más cerca del Evento. Si ya ha comprado un boleto, por favor, ¡espere! Entrada gratis para menores de 2 años, $ 5.00 para boletos para niños (boleto para niños de 3 a 12 años) y $ 10.00 para boletos para adultos (mayores de 13 años).

L J-,   2  L  I   , 

No se trata Sólo de Migrantes No se trata sólo de migrantes: se trata de no excluir a nadie. El mundo actual es cada día más elitista y cruel con los excluidos. Los países en vías de desarrollo siguen agotando sus mejores recursos naturales y humanos en beneficio de unos pocos mercados privilegiados. Las guerras afectan sólo a algunas regiones del mundo; sin embargo, la fabricación de armas y su venta se lleva a cabo en otras regiones, que luego no quieren hacerse cargo de los refugiados que dichos conflictos generan. Quienes padecen las consecuencias son siempre los pequeños, los pobres, los más vulnerables, a quienes se les impide sentarse a la mesa y se les deja sólo las “migajas” del banquete (cf.Lc16,1921). …El Santo Padre Francisco, Mensaje para la Jornada Mundial del Migrante y Del Refugiado 2019. Si está interesado en Justicia para Inmigrantes, por favor, póngase en contacto con Luisa Martin Price través [email protected] 

E7 DI 1 G    El Día de Gracia (la Clínica Dominical Gratuita operada por St. Joseph Primary Care) en la Iglesia Católica Santa Ana en Clayton, NC está abierto para todos cada último domingo del mes de 9 am a 1 pm. Venga, y hágase examinar y ser atendido por nuestras enfermeras y médicos voluntarios. Para citas e información, por favor llame al (919) 3866866.    Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad


Que Dios continue benediciendo a los padres de nuestros hijos.

16 de junio del 2019 | pagina 9

M , H 2  Horas de Oficina: La oficina parroquial está ubicada en 219 W Edenton St. 

Lunes, Martes y Jueves  9:00 am4:00 pm 

Miércoles  4:008:00 pm 

Domingo 10:00 am²3:00 pm  

Clero | Padre Pedro Muñoz 9197586275 Coordinadora | Olga Salas

L C,K-   E2M 7

¿Por qué es importante ofrecer la catequesis en español en parroquias con presencia hispana? “Un número cada vez mayor de católicos necesitan materiales catequísticos en idiomas diferentes del inglés. Resulta más eficaz que estos materiales sean desarrollados por hablantes nativos de esos idiomas, que conozcan sus respectivas culturas y que también tengan experiencia catequística. Po lo general, no resulta suficiente traducir los materiales catequísticos preparados para angloparlantes a los idiomas de los catequizados” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Directorio Nacional para la Catequesis, Páginas 315 en español y 284 en inglés.  ¡Nuestra comunidad hispanocatólica en los Estados Unidos está creciendo! Cada vez más aumenta el número de personas que frecuentan las parroquias, no solamente en las celebraciones sacramentales o como miembros activos en ministerios, movimientos o grupos apostólicos, sino también como catequistas y estudiantes en programas de formación en ESPAÑOL (catequesis). 

¿Pero, por qué en algunas parroquias con presencia hispana no se da? ¿Por qué algunos padres hispanos son los primeros en rechazar esta opción de formación, bajo la premisa de que sus hijos  “hablan inglés”? Desde mi experiencia como Directora de formación en español en la Catedral Para solicitar una cita con el P. Holy Name of Jesus, les presento algunas ventajas que trae para las familias ser parte de este Pedro, llame al 9198326030, programa catequético, no solamente para los niños, sino para los padres que hacen parte de la x104 y hable con Olga Salas. “Escuela de Padre de Familia”. En los siguientes fines de semana estaré escribiendo sobre los  puntos más interesantes a considerar respecto a este tema, a continuación, expondré los tres priHoras de Misas Domingo Catedral de Santo Nombre de Jesús meros. 8:30 am | 1:30 pm Primero: Conservar nuestro idioma.   Misa Diaria El idioma español se extiende hoy por todo el planeta; es la segunda lengua más importante en Iglesia Sagrado Corazón  todo el mundo y la tercera más hablada, con 400 millones de hablantes nativos. La lengua espaMiércoles | 6:30 pm ñola (o castellana como también se le conoce) es una de las más expandidas en el orbe, es muy  rica en expresiones, sinónimos, adjetivación, y vocablos que han ingresado a la lengua desde los Hora Santa distintos aportes de quienes la utilizan. Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón   Jueves | 7:00 pm Segundo: Fomentar el bilingüismo.  El bilingüismo ofrece beneficios cognitivos y académicos, además de que influencia conductas Confesiones positivas en nuestra sociedad diversa y global. Cada día más los residentes de Estados Unidos Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón  están considerando la importancia y el valor de ser bilingües, y algunos investigadores han enMiércoles a las 5:30 pm contrado que los individuos que hablan más de una lengua: Jueves a las 6:00 pm  x Son más creativos y mejores resolviendo problemas que los que solo hablan un idioma. Quinceañeras x Con frecuencia tienen actitud positiva frente a otros grupos idiomáticos y más conocimiento Llame a la oficina parroquial y respeto por otras culturas. para programar una cita con el x Son capaces de aprender otros idiomas mejor, porque tienen un conocimiento de cómo funcoordinadora de ministerio cionan. hispano, Olga Salas. x Con frecuencia poseen el doble del vocabulario que los niños que hablan solo un idioma,  porque ellos conocen palabras en las dos lenguas.   x Tienen mejores oportunidades profesionales y son capaces de trabajar efectivamente con consumidores, clientes y negocios de diferentes países y culturas. RK- ,  2 

B-, L 

Tercero: Involucrar a la familia en la catequesis. Son muchas las editoriales católicas que ofrecen los programas catequéticos (libros) de manera Certificado de Nacimiento del bilingüe. Esto ha permitido ofrecer a las familias la catequesis en español, donde los niños reciniñno (a) que se bautizara, Los ben la formación y los padres participan involucrándose con las tareas y complementan las enseñanzas desde sus conocimientos y experiencias de vida. De esta manera hacemos realidad el pePadrinos deben tener 16 años de edad y recibido el sacramen- dido de nuestra Iglesia: “Los padres de deben ser para sus hijos los primeros predicadores de la to de Confirmación. Práctican- fe , mediante la palabra y el ejemplo” (Constitución Dogmática Lumen Gentium No. 11)  te católica en Buena commun- La próxima semana reflexionaremos sobre otros puntos importantes para tener en cuenta, los ion con la Iglesia. Padres y pa- cuales nos darán razones para apoyar el programa de la Catequesis en español y ojalá nos cuestione para servir como Catequistas en este ministerio.  drinos asistir a las pláticas o  traer comprobante de su parAndrea Blanco J.D. M.A. roquia de que participó en las Directora de Formación en la Fe Hispana pláticas prebautismales.   ¡P F: , M K- S- C7 1 !  Usted y su familia están cordialmente invitados a la celebración de la Misa de la fiesta de San Josemaría Escrivá, Santo de la vida ordinaria y Fundador del Opus Dei, que se realizará el día 20 de junio a las 6:30 p.m. en la Catedral del Santo Nombre de Jesús, que celebrará el Obispo de Raleigh, Luis Rafael Zarama, J.C.L. Usted, su familia y sus amigos están invitados. Esperamos verlos allí! pagina 10 | 16 de junio del 2019

Solemnidad de la Santísima


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