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11 abr. 2017 - the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery ... bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.” This was the ...
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33700 Alvarado Niles Road, Union City, CA 94587 510-489-0687


April, 2017

Welcome to the Union City Apostolic Church! The mission of the Union City Apostolic Church is to connect with all people in the greater Bay Area through dynamic service by offering a life changing experience through Jesus Christ.

We’re happy to have you here with us today! Bienvenido a la Iglesia Apostólica de Unión City! La misión de la Iglesia Apostólica de Unión City es de conectar con todas las personas del Área de la Bahía a través de servicios dinámicos, ofreciendo una experiencia que cambia la vida a través de Jesucristo.

Estamos felices de tenerte aquí con nosotros hoy!

Regular Services/ Servicios Regulares Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am Servicio Español 11:15 am English Service 11:15 am Kingdom Kids Monday/Lunes 7:30 pm Family Prayer Night/ Noche de Oración de Familias

“And this is what He promised us— 1 John 2:25

Wednesday/Miércoles 7:30 pm Evening Prayer & English Bible Studies 7:30 pm Kingdom Kids & Junior Classes Thursday/Jueves 7:30 pm Servicio Español 7:30 pm Ministerio para niños Saturday/Sávado 8:00 am Morning Prayer/ La oración de la Mañana The UCAC Bulletin is a monthly publication distributed on the first Sunday of every month. If you would like to receive this publication in a digital format, or have any questions or comments please contact us at our email address: Este boletín se publica mensualmente y se distribuye en el primer domingo de cada mes. Si desea recibir esta publicación en formato digital o si tiene comentarios, preguntas o sugerencias enviarnos un correo electrónico. [email protected]

UCAC April, 2017, Message from the Pastor/Mensaje del Pastor

A Message from the Pastor “

Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” Hebrews 2:14-15

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Mensaje del Pastor “Así que, por cuanto los hijos participaron de carne y sangre, él también participó de lo mismo, para destruir por medio de la muerte al que tenía el imperio de la muerte, esto es, al diablo,y librar a todos los que por el temor de la muerte estaban durante toda la vida sujetos a servidumbre.”Hebreos 2:14-15

The Impact of the Cross A day after the crucifixion, life must have looked hopeless to the followers of Jesus. They’d watched their beloved Lord die and the enemy seemed to have won. Considering the prevalence of evil today, we could make the same assumption but we’d be wrong for sure! When Christ died on the cross, Satan was defeated! From the beginning, the evil one – who spoke through a serpent – was cursed for his part in Adam and Eve’s sin. Genesis 3:15 records God telling Satan, “He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.” This was the Lord’s way of foretelling “Christ will be victorious over you.”

El Impacto de la Cruz Un día después de la crucifixión, la vida debe haberse mirado sin esperanza a los seguidores de Jesus. Habían visto a su amado Señor morir, y el enemigo parecía haber ganado. Teniendo en cuenta la prevalencia del mal de hoy, podríamos hacer la misma suposición. Pero estaríamos equivocados, por seguro. Cuando Cristo murió en la cruz, Satanas fue derrotado! Desde el principio, el maligno que había hablado por medio de la serpiente- fue maldecida por su participación en el pecado de Adán y Eva. Genesis 3:15, registra a Dios diciendo a Satanas, " Está te herirá en la cabeza , y tú le herirás en el talón". Esta fue la manera de predicción del Señor, "Cristo será victorioso sobre ti!"

That’s why the enemy went to such great lengths in both testaments to derail God’s program of redemption Es por eso que el enemigo iba a tales extremos en ambos testamentos para descarrilar el programa de redeneven going so far as to attempt genocide to prevent ción de Dios, incluso el intento de genocidio para evitar Jesus’ arrival or otherwise disrupt the divine agenda. la llegada de Jesus o interrumpir la agenda divina. “

Yet having learned who Mordecai’s people were, he scorned the idea of killing only Mordecai. Instead Haman looked for a way to destroy all Mordecai’s people, the Jews, throughout the whole kingdom of Xerxes.” Esther 3:6 “

When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.” Matthew 2:16 Continued on page 3

"Pero tuvo en poco poner mano en Mardoqueo solamente, pues ya le habían declarado cuál era el pueblo de Mardoqueo; y procuro Aman destituir a todos los judios que había en el reino de Asuero, al pueblo de Mardoqueo." Ester 3:6 "Herodes entonces, cuando se vio burlado por los magos , se enojo mucho, y mandó matar a todos los niños menores de dos años que había en Belen y en todos su alrededores, conforme al tiempo que había inquirido de los magos." Mateo 2:16

UCAC - April, 2017 Message from the Pastor/Mensaje del Pastor Satan knew all the prophecies. He was well aware that Jesus Christ, the virgin-born, sinless, God in the flesh, came to give His life as a ransom for many. “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28

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Satanas sabiendo todas las profecías, era muy consiente de que Jesucristo, el nacido de una virgen, sin pecado, Dios en la carne, vino a dar su vida en rescate por muchos. " como el Hijo del Hombre no vino para ser servido, sino para servir, y para dar su vida en rescate por muchos." Mateo 20:28

Esto significa que si el Cordero de Dios murió en la This meant that if the Lamb of God died on the cross at cruz en la Pascua, su sangre derramada pagaría la deuda Passover, His shed blood would pay mankind’s sin debt de pecado de la humanidad en su totalidad. in full. " diciendo: Bienaventurados aquellos cuyas iniquidades son perdonadas, y cuyos pecados son “Blessed are those whose transgressions are cubiertos. Bienaventurado el varón a quien el Señor forgiven whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one no inculpa de pecado." Romanos 4:7-8 whose sin the Lord will never count against them.” Romans 4:7-8 Oh yes! Satan did want Jesus to die but at any other time and in any other way.

Oh, si hizo Satanas a Jesus al morir, pero en cualquier otro momento o en cualquier otra forma.

" y levantándose, le echaron fuera de la cuidad, y le llevaron hasta la cumbre del monte sobre el cual “ They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him estaba edificada la ciudad de ellos, para despeñarle. to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in Más El Paso por en medio de ellos y se fue." order to throw him off the cliff. 30 But he walked right Lucas 4:29-30 through the crowd and went on his way.” Luke 4:29-30 Sin embargo, todo sus esfuerzos han ascendido a " pellizcando en le talón" en comparación con el golpe Yet all his efforts amounted to nothing more than “nipping on the heel” compared to the deathblow Christ mortal que Cristo liberaría de la Cruz. would deliver from the cross. Satanás perdió su poder y no puede de ninguna manera interferir con nuestra vida eterna! Nosotros, los Satan lost his power and can in no way tamper with our hijos del Señor, los creyentes, recuerde: "Hijitos, eternal life! We who are children of the Lord and are vosotros sois de Dios, y los habeis vencido; “porque counted as believers in Him must always remember: mayor es el que está en vosotros, que el que está en el “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the mundo" 1 Juan 4:4 world.” 1 John 4:4

Welcome to the House of The Lord!

Pastor Adam Lopez

Bienvenido a la casa del Señor! Pastor Adam López

Special Easter Playlist to Celebrate the Risen King The Blood Still Works - Malcom Williams

Jesus Paid it All - Fernando Ortega

I Know it was the Blood - Beverly Crawford

Now Behold the Lamb - Kirk Franklin

At the Cross - John P. Kee

The Blood Medley - Donnie Mclurkin

Above All - Michael W. Smith

Alive - Israel Houghton

UCAC - April, 2017 - Ministry Fair 2017

Ministry Fair

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UCAC - April, 2017 UCAC Celebrates with Sis. Yvette Brown

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When we arrived at the church one service, I felt as though the ground was shaking. I heard words that I never heard before. It blew me away. I accepted bible studies from Pastor Sam Salazar. The presence of the Lord surrounded me as the brethren prayed over me and I heard them speak in tongues. All I could think of is how much I wanted to experience this. God Almighty filled me with the Holy Ghost! I was ready for baptism, but hesitated because I was with child. I was carrying my first son Henry. But Bishop Adam Lopez, said no, don’t wait, you need to get baptized.

Years and I’m still standing! Sis. Yvette Brown after 25 years washed in the blood – she’s still

standing on The Word. This is her story: My life before Jesus Christ was without love and one of no value. During my early childhood, I shared a young teenage single mother with my brother. I didn’t know what it was like to feel a warm embrace or hear any verbal acclamations. At times, I thought perhaps I am adopted. In looking back, our mother had no idea how to love her children. She died before my thirteenth birthday. Children Services were about to place us in Foster Care when my grandmother, begrudgingly took us in. See she had already raised 9 children and her youngest at that time was 18 years old. We compared her to a prison warden because she was so strict and she too never showed any physical or verbal love.

We were baptized by Pastor Art Lopez. We came out new creatures in Jesus! The love of the Lord consumed me. God knowing what I needed and wanted. True love, His Love surrounded me with people that embraced me as I grew in His Love. I began to shed away things that didn’t matter, things that weren’t good for me. I had no doubt I found what I have been missing in my life.

My husband quickly divorced me after the Holy Ghost changed my lifestyle. He told them I was crazy, crazy for Jesus! He was right, I couldn’t deny it. After a difficult custody battle, God allowed my boys to live with their father. However, it was not until they were both filled with His Spirit and names written in the Book of Life. And while they lived with their father during the week, they lived with me and the Lord on the weekends allowing them to attend the House of Worship. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” I called on the Lord and dispatched I met a Navy man and even though I was young, I was ready Angels to surround and to love and finally feel true love. As much as I didn’t want to protect those boys and they believe it, he didn’t really want a life with me. Knowing and did. Thank you, Jesus! living this way, anger and depression became my closest friends. Unable to hide my despair, one day while at work, a The Lord Jesus Christ perwoman approached me and asked me what was wrong. I told mitted me to live a loveless her that nobody loves me and I ran out of chances. She said, life so that HE would be my only true love – agape love. "Jesus loves you.". My answer,” yea well, where is He?" I Lover of my soul. We're still a work in progress and every wanted to know this Jesus who loved me. She opened her day I can hear Him saying, "He loves me, oh how much He Bible and said, “this is the Word of God”. She began to read loves me!" Had it not been for the love of God, where would the passages of how Jesus loves me. By the time she finI be? His love surpassed my childhood and has made me ished, I was crying uncontrollably. I lost track of time and whole. Jesus is the only love I have ever known. To Him be the fact that I was in the mists of company! The work place. all glory, honor, and praise!! Therefore, I sing, and I dance Co-workers thought the woman had done something to me. because…” Praise is what I do” …” To Worship you, I She said she had to get me to a church right away. live” ...” He’s a Powerful God”. There has been bumps on this journey, and you my brothers The next day at work, a Tech Maintenance man came in to and sisters you too may experience trials and tribulations. repair the company fax machine. There was something Keep your trust in Jesus and the Love He showed us by the about him. The woman from the day before noticed some- shedding of His blood on Calvary. There is still power in the thing different about him too. She said, “Praise the Lord” Name of Jesus! I love you all! to see what his response would be. It was our late brother in the Lord, Bro. Ewell Campbell. He told us about the Union City Apostolic Church. The church happened to be having a raffle fundraiser. We bought a ticket as the address of the church was on the raffle ticket. You can say it was a winning ticket!

UCAC - April, 2017 - Upcoming Events

UCAC Senior & Grandparent Morning Walks Tuesday, April 11, 2017 & Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:00 am Lake Elizabeth Fremont

SAVE THE DATE! UCAC Senior/Grandparent Conference Friday & Saturday, May 19th & 20th

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UCAC - April, 2017 - Upcoming Events

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Junior Camp Fundraiser! The children have begun their annual Junior Camp fundraising. This is an opportunity to be a great blessing by sponsoring a child for the annual walk-a-thon that will help send a child to camp!

April 2017 Sun






Sat 1 NPC DIST CBAI Jubilee 2:00p


A 3

9:00 am Spanish Service 11:15 am English Service




11 Senior &

Grandparent Morning Walk 9am

7:30 pm Family Prayer Oración

C 17



Integrate Program New Believers & New Members



Integrate Program New Believers & New Members

7:30 pm Family Prayer Oración

19 7:30 pm English Prayer & Bible Studies

7:30 pm Family Prayer Oración

A 24


7:30 pm Spanish Service


7 NPC DIST Young Adult Singles Service


25 Senior & Grandparent Morning Walk 9am

26 7:30 pm English Prayer & Bible Studies



7:30 pm Spanish Service

8:00 am Hour of Power Prayer


22 8 am Hour of Power Prayer

7:30 pm Spanish Service



8 am Hour of Power Prayer

National Growth Sum-

Easter 9:00 am Spanish Service 11:15 am English Service

6 7:30 pm English Prayer & Bible Studies

7:30 pm Family Prayer Oración

B 10

9:00 am Spanish Service 11:15 am English Service


28 UCAC Strong Men’s Fellowship


UCAC Juniors Walk-a-thon

8 am Hour of Power Prayer