The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 49 Issue 9
I have spent some time thinking about how SL2 has developed some of what I call the essential signs of the catholic (universal) Church. It changed into a conversation on how to set up a part of the website. We hit upon five of them, like our five baptismal promises, of the five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion, or the five wounds of Christ. So here they are:
He pasado un tiempo pensando en cómo SL2 ha desarrollado algunos de los que yo llamo los signos esenciales de la Iglesia católica (universal). Cambió a una conversación sobre cómo configurar una parte del sitio web. Decidimos a cinco de ellos, como nuestras cinco promesas bautismales, de las cinco Marcas de Misión de la Comunión Anglicana, o las cinco heridas de Cristo. Entonces aquí están:
Five Essential Signs (Marks) of SL2
Cinco signos esenciales (marcas) de SL2
Outreach: I think we all recognize Outreach as an exCompromiso con la comunidad: creo que todos reconocepression of love for our neighbor and serving the “least mos a Outreach como una expresión de amor por nuestro of these.” prójimo y sirviendo a los "mas pequeños".
Pastoral Care: We can all understand that people go through many crises and our presence with them is comforting and meaningful.
Cuidado pastoral: Todos podemos entender que las personas pasan por muchas crisis y nuestra presencia con ellas es reconfortante y significativa.
The Sacraments: whether you think of two, seven, or innumerable sacraments, the importance of providing for the needs of the spiritual life begin with the sacrament as God reaching out to us, and it is vital to our lives to affirm.
Los sacramentos: Ya sea que piense en dos, siete o innumerables sacramentos, la importancia de satisfacer las necesidades de la vida espiritual comienza con la Santa Cena como Dios extendiéndose a nosotros, y es vital para nuestras vidas afirmar.
Stewardship: Wisdom says stewardship begins at home. SL2’s physical plan and grounds are a huge resource. From this place many good works are done. This extends to the world we live in and the Creation we inhabit.
Mayordomía: La sabiduría dice que mayordomía comienza en casa. El plan físico y los terrenos de SL2 son un gran recurso. Desde este lugar se hacen muchas buenas obras. Esto se extiende al mundo en que vivimos y la Creación en la que vivimos.
The Future: I think of Paul talking about handing down a story-tradition, of Jesus commending the children, of Timothy giving a good account of the faith that is in us. We have a future that we should be providing for, a living legacy of our Parish, our youth and children.
El futuro: Pienso en Pablo hablando sobre la transmisión de una tradición de la historia, de Jesús elogiando a los niños, de Timoteo dando una buena cuenta de la fe que hay en nosotros. Tenemos un futuro que deberíamos proveer, un legado viviente de nuestra Parroquia, nuestros jóvenes y niños.
Think with me on this: We are always rethinking how to best express the Gospel at SL2. New situations invoke new considerations, and by God we are blessed.
Piensa conmigo en esto: siempre estamos reconsiderando cómo expresar mejor el Evangelio en nuestra particularidad, SL2. Las situaciones nuevas invocan nuevas consideraciones, y por Dios somos bendecidos. El Rev. P. Jaime Case, Rector
The Rev Jaime Case, Rector English articles continue on Page 7
RESUMEN DE LA JUNTA PARROQUIAL - septiembre de 2018 Arlen Farley: La Junta Parroquial aprobó felizmente a Arlen por Candidatura para las Órdenes Sagradas. Todo va bien, seré ordenado diácono en aproximadamente un año.
REPORTE DEL TESORERO "Dólares y sentido" Los porcentajes deben estar en 66.6% de los ingresos y gastos presupuestados. Resumen al 31 de agosto de 2018 Presupuesto total Montos para el año reales del año hasta la fecha Ingresos $530,508 $389,677 Gastos $530,508 $348,287 Ingresos netos 0 $41,390
WHAT Refugio: Con fondos adicionales del condado, el refugio puede abrir todos los días a las 2 p.m., no a las 7 p.m. Subvención Diocesana: Recibiremos $ 7,500 el próximo año para financiar al Coordinador de Ministerios de Jóvenes y Familias. P. Jaime y algunos feligreses asistirán al Colegio Diocesano de Desarrollo Congregacional durante 2019.
Ingresos: Los ingresos reales a partir de agosto son mucho mayores de lo esperado cuando el presupuesto se desarrolló y aprobó originalmente.
Gastos: Los gastos generales están ligeramente por debajo de las proyecciones presupuestarias de YTD en $ 5,385.
Domingo de Ministerio: Eso será durante la Hora del Café el 4 de noviembre. Domingo de San Lucas: Todos los feligreses están invitados a celebrar el vigésimo aniversario de nuestro ministerio hispano asistiendo al servicio de la 1:00 pm el 21 de octubre. Cuarto signo llano: estará aquí la semana del 24 de septiembre. Fuentes de agua potable / llenadoras de botellas: ambas están instaladas y en funcionamiento. Administrador parroquial: se están revisando las solicitudes para ese puesto. Ventanas del atrio: vidrieras como el panel central del "Espíritu Santo" reemplazarán a las vidrieras. Conferencia de Liderazgo del Obispo: el P. Jaime y otros asistirán el 1 y 5 de octubre. Atención pastoral: la Dra. Ellen Richardson presentará un taller de fin de vida aquí el 13 de octubre y predicará a las 8:00 y 10:00 el día 14. Comité de compromiso: las tarjetas de compromiso se cerrarán en octubre. El domingo de recolección será justo antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. Sonido de la nave: las piezas están en orden para reparar y mejorar el sistema de sonido de la iglesia principal. Líderes ministeriales: Se reunirán la tarde del sábado 20 de octubre para hablar sobre los éxitos, inquietudes y planes de sus grupos. Tom Amies, Secretario de la Junta Parroquial
Porcentaje del presupuesto Total 73% 66%
Comentarios adicionales: • La combinación de ingresos mayores a los esperados y gastos menores a los esperados genera una posición financiera cómoda en este momento del año. Este pronóstico positivo es lo que ha permitido la publicación de un nuevo puesto de coordinador de Jóvenes y Familias. • Gracias por seguir cumpliendo con sus compromisos de compromiso durante los meses de verano. Los feligreses han cumplido consistentemente sus compromisos de compromiso y esto es muy apreciado. Y para aquellos que han estado de vacaciones, este es un momento para "ponerse al día". Gracias por su continuo apoyo financiero de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s. Doug Goodlett, Tesorero
CAMBIOS EN LOS EMPLEADOS Administrador Parroquial ¡Después de un tiempo demasiado breve a SL2, me iré a fines de septiembre para moverme por el mundo! Mi novio, Chris, aceptó un puesto como Organista Asistente en la Catedral Anglicana en Christchurch, New Zealand. Porque hay muchas oportunidades de crecimiento musical y espiritual para nosotros en Christchurch, así como esta oportunidad es
THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO "una vez en la vida", hemos decidido ir a esta aventura. Por supuesto, estoy muy triste por dejar de este lugar, especialmente tan pronto después de llegar, pero estoy agradecido por el tiempo que he pasado aquí, todo lo que he aprendido y el inmenso apoyo que he recibido de la parroquia. ¡Gracias! Astrid Caruso Hola San Lucas ~ San Lucas! Estoy muy feliz de ser su nuevo Administrador Parroquial. Un poco sobre mí es que tengo más de 10 años trabajando en ambiente de nómina / oficina. Tuve el placer de trabajar aquí en la oficina en 2016 durante aproximadamente 9 meses antes de dar a luz a mi hijo menor. También tuve el placer de ser el coordinador de la escuela dominical y pude crecer con muchos de nuestros pequeños. Me mudé aquí a Vancouver con mi esposo y mis dos hijos (Christian llegó un año después) en 2015. Hemos sido miembros de la comunidad SL2 desde 2013. Mi esposo y yo nos casamos aquí, y todos nuestros hijos fueron bautizados en SL2 también. ¡No puedo esperar para comenzar a trabajar aquí! Herlinda Marquez
Coordinadora de Jóvenes y Familias Hola San Lucas! Me llamo Leah Reshan, y tengo la suerte de comenzar como la nueva Coordinadora de Jóvenes y Familias. Soy originario del norte de Indiana y me mudé a Vancouver en junio. Antes de aceptar el puesto en San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s, trabajé como paraprofesional de educación especial, trabajé para Apple como Genius y enseñé informática elemental. Mi formación académica es en bellas artes, comunicaciones de voz y comunicaciones masivas. Soy el hijo medio de un pastor luterano retirado recientemente. Así que fui bautizado, confirmado y continúo siendo un luterano practicante. No puedo esperar para conocer y formar parte de la comunidad en SL2. Estoy increíblemente emocionado y bendecido de tener la oportunidad de agregar al ministerio en San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s. Leah Reshan
HORAS DE OFICINA: OCT. 2-5 Debido a los cambios de personal y las vacaciones, la oficina tendrá un horario limitado y solo estará abierto por las mañanas.
ESCUELA DOMINICAL ¡Hemos comenzado un nuevo año con más maestros!
Ahora tenemos cuatro maestros capacitados en Godly Play: Herlinda Marquez, Lee Wilson, Catherine Hennessey y Justin Little. Todavía necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar cada semana y estamos abiertos a más maestros. Es un momento maravilloso para pasar con nuestros miembros más jóvenes. Si está interesado en ayudar, de alguna manera, contacta a la oficina. Estamos entusiasmados por continuar ofreciendo el currículo de Godly Play y esperamos que los padres / abuelos nos apoyen llevando a sus hijos la mayoría de los domingos para que puedan experimentar y aprender sobre el profundo amor que Dios tiene para ellos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, contacta al P. Jaime,
[email protected] o 360-606-4285.
EL DÍA DE SAN LUCAS El domingo, 21 de octubre Nuestra celebración anual de nuestro santo patronal se observará en las tres misas en este domingo con el uso de las lecturas leccionarias para nuestro santo de la parroquia y la música especial. Además, este año, todos están invitados a asistir a la misa en español a la 1:00 PM y después a comida compartida del aniversario 20 del comienzo de la misa en español aquí en San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s. ¡Por favor marquen sus calendarios y únanse a nosotros para esta fiesta parroquial!
BENDICIÓN DE LOS ANIMALES El domingo 7 de octubre se ofrecerá solo una bendición de los animales después de todas misas.
BAUTISMO OFRECIDO Domingo, el 4 de noviembre de 2018 en todas las misas. Por favor contacte al P. Jaime antes del 21 de octubre si está interesado. La próxima oportunidad para bautismos será el 13 de enero de 2019.
CLASES DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Inscríbase ahora a todos que quieren asistir a las nuevas clases de Primera Comunión. Las clases comenzarán el 21 de octubre, a las 12 mediodía. La celebración será el 10 de enero. Comprométanse para asistir a todas las clases. Las clases serán bilingües y están diseñadas para niños de 3er grado o mayores que pueden leer y escribir y pueden participar completamente.
LIBRO DE RECUERDOS A partir del 14 de octubre, el Libro Conmemorativo estará disponible en el atrio de la iglesia para que pueda agregar los nombres de sus seres queridos que partieron. Los nombres serán leídos en todos las misas el domingo, 4 de noviembre para Día de Los Difuntos.
DOMINGO DE TODOS LOS SANTOS DOMINGO DE MINISTERIO Domingo, el 4 de noviembre Durante todos los servicios en este domingo honraremos a todos los santos, pero especialmente a los que nos han precedido. Leeremos los nombres de sus seres queridos escritos en el Libro de la Memoria. Además, honraremos el trabajo de muchos del pasado y el presente que participan en nuestros ministerios parroquiales y esperamos agregar más a estos ministerios. Únase a nosotros después de la misa 10AM durante la hora del café, cuando puede consultar las pantallas del Ministerio y obtener más información. Esperamos que vengas y aprendas más sobre todos nuestros ministerios e incluso descubras algunos de los que no sabías. Si aún no ha encontrado un ministerio en el que quiera participar, esta será una gran oportunidad para investigar.
CONFERENCIA “NUEVO AMANECER” Tuve el honor y el placer de asistir a la conferencia "Nuevo Amanecer" de Latino Ministries en Kanuga, N.C. junto con Joana Villaseñor y mi esposo Glicerio Zurita. Después de un vuelo de 5 horas y dos horas en coche, llegamos a Kanuga y nos recibieron con una cálida bienvenida. Pude conocer gente maravillosa de diferentes países latinos y de muchos lugares de Estados Unidos quienes han hecho maravillas de sus ministerios. Aprendí sobre la historia de la Iglesia Episcopal y su anhelo de ser incluyente y también escuché a los obispos y oradores invitados. Todos ellos expresaron su solidaridad con nuestros ministerios
latinos. Los talleres a los que asistí fueron excelentes, aunque fue difícil elegir ya que los temas eran muy interesantes. No fue una sorpresa saber que en la comunidad española nuestra iglesia es el "secreto mejor guardado" y hablamos de formas para darnos a conocer. Estas conversaciones me recordaron de los tres años que he asistido a San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s. No puedo olvidar el día en que tuvimos un grupo de hermanos y hermanas que asistieron a nuestra misa en español para mostrar su apoyo y desde ese día hemos tenido la compañía de nuestros guardianes protectores en todos los servicios. Es reconfortante formar parte de una iglesia tan acogedora. Estoy comprometida a sentirme orgullosa de mi iglesia y a hablar sobre las cosas maravillosas que suceden en ella. También quiero expresar mi gratitud a todos los que hicieron posible nuestro viaje y nuestra asistencia a esta increíble conferencia. Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes
CONFERENCIA DE LIDERAZGO DEL OBISPO Del 4 al 5 de octubre, voy con un grupo de feligreses a la Conferencia de Liderazgo del Obispo para aprender más sobre la preparación para el tamaño cambiante de nuestra Parroquia. Estamos ansiosos por traer de vuelta a SL2 nuevas ideas sobre cambios y crecimiento para nuestro ministerio. Puedes encontrar más información aquí: P. Jaime Case, Rector
CONVENCIÓN DIOCESANA Del 26 al 27 de octubre, la Diócesis de Olimpia celebra su reunión anual, que llamamos Convención. Legalmente, es la "corporación" la que debe reunirse para llevar a cabo el "negocio" de la iglesia en nuestra región del oeste de Washington. Nuestros delegados laicos este año serán Harry Gamble, Nancy Denny, Stu Hennessey, Catherine Hennessey, Kris Lawless y Pat Lawless y nuestro alterno es Amy Surface. Los Clérigos que son "residentes" o que figuran oficialmente como parte de la Diócesis, son automáticamente delegados del clero. Como delegados, aún estamos aprendiendo sobre los temas que se tratarán en la
THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO convención. La Convención ha sido fluida y breve en los últimos seis años, por lo que se espera lo mismo este año. Por favor oren por su delegación y por la convención.
DISCERNIMIENTO DE ARLEN FARLEY Arlen Farley y su familia llegaron a St. Luke's ~ St. Luke en el verano de 2017. Arlen se graduó del Seminario del Suroeste en Austin, Texas, con una Maestría en Artes en Religión. Durante su último año de seminario, he completado la Fase 1, Discernimiento Aspirante, en la Iglesia Episcopal de la Cruz en Austin, Texas. Durante ese año, Arlen ofreció sermones, creó medios de comunicación, ayudó ocasionalmente con música y participó en el Comité del Obispo. Después de muchas consideraciones, Arlen y su esposa, Andrea, decidieron que no se sentían como en casa culturalmente en Texas y no querían seguir el discernimiento de Arlen para el ministerio allí. Arlen se acercó a varios obispos en lugares que parecían más adecuados para su familia y encontraron un hogar en la Diócesis de Olimpia. El comité de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s para la Fase 2 del discernimiento de Arlen se reunió por primera vez el 19 de febrero de 2018 con el Muy Rev. Steven L. Thomason y el Rev. P. Jaime Case. El comité final consistió de Rychelle Reiling-Mullins, Kris Lawless y Kathy Gallaher. El comité se reunió dos veces al mes usando "Discerning Vocations in the Diocese of Olympia" como la guía para nuestro trabajo. Los miembros del comité compartieron mucho en cada sesión, así como en la oración y la lectura de las Escrituras. A lo largo de este proceso, Arlen fue muy abierto e introspectivo, e hizo de nuestro tiempo juntos una bendición y nos permitió a todos crecer en la fe. Al final de nuestro tiempo juntos, el comité recomendó con entusiasmo y alegría a Arlen para la candidatura a las órdenes sagradas. La junta parroquial votó para aceptar esta recomendación en la reunión de septiembre. Todos los documentos de Arlen han sido enviados al Obispo Rickel y su siguiente paso en este proceso es ir ante la Comisión del Obispo para el Ministerio en noviembre. Por favor, mantengan a Arlen y su familia en sus oraciones mientras se mueve a la ordenación como un sacerdote episcopal.
EL ÓRGANO MASON-HAMLIN A SL2 En 1997, nuestra propia Judy Sloane ayudó a llevar luz y conocimiento a uno de nuestros tesoros más preciados en San Lucas ~ San Lucas. Ella fue una de los miembros del Comité de Historia, y asumió un esfuerzo que recientemente dijo que fue uno de los esfuerzos más divertidos y gratificantes que haya hecho alguna vez. Al parecer, el señor y la señora Richard Fauble le habían devuelto un antiguo órgano de lengüeta que había pertenecido a su tía, Kate Fauble. Ella había sido la organista en la primera iglesia de San Lucas. Cuando se completó la segunda iglesia en 1873, la iglesia compró un órgano más grande y le dio el órgano de junco a Kate Fauble. Ese acto de agradecimiento por parte de la iglesia finalmente salvó al órgano de la destrucción, cuando la segunda iglesia se quemó en 1931. Judy investigó un poco y descubrió que el órgano había sido construido en 1868 y que probablemente lo enviaron a Vancouver al llegar al Cuerno. Había sido construido por Mason-Hamlin Company. Este órgano es uno de los pocos artículos que tenemos de nuestra primera iglesia, en Fifth and Reserve. Judy ayudó a encontrar un restaurador para el órgano, conocido internacionalmente como Frans Bosman, que trabajó en Mosier, Oregón. El Sr. Bosman le dijo a Judy que "en toda su experiencia, nunca ha visto un instrumento como este". La parte superior del órgano fue restaurada por nuestro propio Dick Berhow. Este órgano se encuentra actualmente en la Capilla del Santísimo Sacramento, a la izquierda del Altar. De vez en cuando, se vuelve a editar y se usa en los servicios de San Lucas ~ San Lucas, más recientemente durante la Celebración de la Consagración 152 en 2012. Muchas gracias de nuestra Parroquia a Judy Sloane, Dick Berhow, la familia Fauble y el Comité de Historia por todo su trabajo en este maravilloso regalo de la música. Pat Lawless, Archivista e Historiógrafo
“HABLANDO DE BASURA” A SL2 St Luke's ~ San Lucas está albergando a 18 mujeres en nuestro sótano de dos años. Varias de las mujeres se han ofrecido a ayudar a limpiar los terrenos de la Igle-
sia. Ahora estamos en la lista de áreas para limpiar en un programa llamado "Talkin 'Trash" administrado por el proveedor de servicios para personas sin hogar Share y financiado por el departamento de desechos sólidos de Vancouver. Sus empleados son personas sin hogar o anteriormente sin hogar, incluidas algunas de las mujeres a las que protegemos. Somos una iglesia en el centro de la ciudad con muchos visitantes cada día que a veces dejan basura. La necesidad es doble: abordar los problemas de la ciudad y nuestros desechos sólidos en el centro de la ciudad y promover la misión de Share de llevar a las personas sin hogar hacia la autosuficiencia. Las personas sin hogar nos ayudan mientras los ayudamos. Russ Roseberry, líder de extensión diurna
CLASES DE INGLÉS Clases de ESL estarán los lunes, miércoles y jueves a las 10 AM a la iglesia. Estudiantes y maestros interesados deben contactar a Stefanie Ashmann.
[email protected].
CAMPAÑA DE SANGRE Habrá un traslado de sangre de la Cruz Roja el 30 de noviembre de 2018 de 13:00 a las 18:00 en la oficina de YWCA. ¡Estamos buscando voluntarios y donantes de sangre! Contacte a la oficina si puede ayudar. Peggy Sue Snoey
VIERNES POR LA NOCHE EN VIVO El 4º viernes de cada mes nos encontramos, saludamos y comemos. Cada evento es una comida compartida, con invitados que traen aperitivo, ensalada / tamaño, plato principal o postre y una bebida de su elección. ¡Asegúrate de registrarte! Los anfitriones del 28 de septiembre son John y Jamie Mathieu a las 6:30 PM. ¿Preguntas? Llama a la oficina. El registro de huespedes para el año siguiente ya está disponible.
los Niños. Proporcionaremos comida para los mayores, y juegos y entretenimiento. Se aceptan donaciones, pero no es obligatorio. Requerimos que un padre complete un formulario de permiso / información antes de dejar a su hijo con nosotros. Los formularios y la hoja de inscripción para el cuidado de niños están al lado de la hoja de asistencia de FNL, junto a la puerta de la cocina. Esta es una nueva oportunidad para ministrar a estos jóvenes. Por favor contáctame si estás interesado en ser voluntario para ayudar con algunas de estas noches de Noche de Niños. El Rev. P. Jaime Case
ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DIRECTORIO ¿Eres un miembro nuevo que quiere un directorio y no lo ha recibido? ¿Hay cambios de su información en el directorio? Contacte a la oficina por (teléfono) o por email
[email protected] (Abajo).
DIRECTORY UPDATES Changes to your directory information? Please contact the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email,
[email protected].
ADDITIONS /ADICIONES: Ramirez-Berrelleza, Julio & Diana Teresa Anaid, Yulianne, Kairo
CHANGES / CAMBIOS: Ferreyra, Magnolia Hill, Deanna & Rose Stewart Torres, Claudia & Jesus Zaragoza Vazquez Andrade, Miguel Angel & Maria Lorenzo Miguel Vazquez
NOCHE DE NIÑOS ¡Proporcionamos cuidado de niños en la Iglesia de 6:00 AM a 9:00 PM para los padres que asisten a Friday Night Live! La próxima sesión es el viernes, 21 de septiembre. Llevaremos a los pequeños de 0-3 años de edad en la guardería y de 3 a 10 años en la capilla de
Vazquez Andrade, Crystal & German Hurtado Ariana & Leandro
PRAYER REQUESTS ~ PETICIONES PARA ORACIÓN 4– Ray Cubberly 4– Danielle Farmer 4– Cassandra Gutierrez 5– Bruno George 5– Traci McCormick 6– Kensie Dale 6– Guillermo Plaza 7– Hailey Weller 8– Sebastian R. Romagosa 9– Chuck Greenwood 10– Barb Charbonneau
10– Teresa Gallega O. 10– Dan Rogge 11– Gybran Martinez 11– Ruben Triana 12– Isabel Barba C. 12– Cindy Routtu 12– Catherine Hennessey 13– Alfonso Martinez 13– Nan Williams 13– Rosalba Torres 15– Jill Boyd
15– Tom Daniels 15– Lizbeth Onofre 15– Richard Reinhart 15– Dave Williams 15– Emilio Sotelo 16– Geri Hoekzema 17– Jose Luis Sanchez-Ramos 18– Mateo Perez 19– Willy Cruz Silva 20– Elizabeth Avalos-Tinoco
VESTRY SUMMARY – September 2018 Arlen Farley: The Vestry happily endorsed Arlen for Candidacy for Holy Orders. All going well, he will be ordained as a deacon in about a year. WHAT Shelter: With added county funding, the shelter may open daily at 2 PM, not 7 PM. Diocesan Grant: We will receive $7,500 next year to fund a Youth and Family Ministries Coordinator. Fr. Jaime and some parishioners will attend the Diocesan College of Congregational Development during 2019. Ministry Sunday will be during Coffee Hour on Nov. 4. St. Luke’s Sunday: All parishioners are invited to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our Hispanic Ministry by attending the 1:00 PM service and participating in the pot luck meal following the service on October 21.
Ministry Leaders: They will meet on the afternoon of Saturday, October 20th to discuss their groups’ successes, concerns, and plans. Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk
TREASURER’S REPORT BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense” Percentages should be at 66.6% of budgeted revenue and expense. Summary as of August 31, 2018 Total Budget for the Year Revenues Expenses Net Income
Drinking Fountains/Bottle Fillers: Both are installed and operating.
Bishop’s Leadership Conference: Fr. Jaime and others will attend it on October 1st-5th. Pastoral Care: Dr. Ellen Richardson will present an end-of-life workshop here on October 13th and preach at 8:00 and 10:00 on the 14th. Pledge Committee: Pledge cards will go out in October. Ingathering Sunday will be just before Thanksgiving.
27– Brayan O. Cootcelis 27– Ryan Hanrahan 28– Anthony Klucas 28– Brad Harris 29– Greg Brown 30– Jim Clark 30– Rachel Femling 30– Blanca Klucas 30– Pat McHargue 31– Cam Kellett
Nave Sound: Parts to repair and improve the mainchurch sound system have been installed.
New Fourth Plain Sign: It will be here the week of September 24th.
Narthex Windows: Stained-glass windows like the “Holy Spirit” center panel will replace the plain-glass ones.
20– Hector J Marquez 23– Peggy Jones 23– Aldo Montiel Rodriguez 24– Desteny Granillo 24– Ryan Sigurdson 25– Melanie Kenoyer 25– Mateo G. Aguilar 25– Diego G. Cortez 26– Gennesis Cazares G 26– Juliana van der Salm
$530,508 $530,508 0
Year to Date Actual Amounts $389,677 $348,287 $41,390
Percent of Total Budget 73% 66%
Revenues: Actual revenues as of August are far greater than expected when the budget was originally developed and approved. • Expenses: Overall expenses are slightly under YTD budget projections by $5,385. Additional Comments: • The combination of greater than expected revenues and less than expected expenses generates a comfortable financial position at this time in the year. This positive forecast is what has allowed the posting of a new position of Youth and Families coordinator. •
Thank you for continuing to fulfill your pledge commitments during the summer months. Parishioners have been consistently meeting their pledge commitments and this is very much appreciated. And for those who have been on vacation, this is a time to “catch up.” Thanks for your continued financial support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer •
STAFF CHANGES Parish Administrator After a far too brief time here at SL2, I will be leaving at the end of September to move across the world! My partner, Chris, has accepted a new position as Assistant Organist at the Anglican cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand. Considering the opportunities for musical and spiritual growth for both of us in Christchurch, as well as the “once in a lifetime” nature of this job offer, we have decided to take on this adventure. I will, of course, be very sad to leave this place, especially so soon after arriving, but I am grateful for the time I have spent here, all that I have learned, and the immense support I have received from the parish. Keep in touch! Astrid Caruso Hello St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas! I am so happy to be your new Parish Administrator. I have over 10 years working in payroll/office atmosphere and I worked here in the office in 2016 for about 9 months before I gave birth to my youngest child. I also have had the pleasure of being the Sunday school coordinator and got to grow with many of our little ones. I moved here to Vancouver with my husband and 2 kids (Christian came along a year later) in 2015. We have been members of the SL2 community since 2013. My husband and I were married here, and all our children have been baptized at SL2 as well. I look forward to working here and can’t wait to get started! Herlinda Marquez
Youth and Families Coordinator Hello St. Luke’s! My name is Leah Reshan, and I’m blessed to be starting as the new Youth and Family Coordinator! I’m originally from northern Indiana, and moved to Vancouver in June. Prior to accepting the position with St. Luke’s ~ San
Lucas, I worked as a special ed paraprofessional, worked for Apple as a Genius, and taught elementary computer science. My educational background is in fine art, speech communications and mass communications. I am the middle child of a recently retired Lutheran pastor. So I was baptized, confirmed, and continue to be a practicing Lutheran. I cannot wait to get to know and become a part of the community at SL2! I’m incredibly excited and blessed to have the opportunity to add to the ministry at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Leah Reshan
OFFICE HOURS: OCT. 2-5 Due to staff changes and vacations, the office will have limited hours and may only be open in the mornings.
SUNDAY SCHOOL We have started a new year with more teachers! We now have four Godly Play trained teachers: Herlinda Marquez, Lee Wilson, Catherine Hennessey, and Justin Little. We are still in need of volunteers to assist each week and are open to more teachers. It’s a wonder-filled time to spend with our younger members. If you are interested in helping, in any way, please contact our new Youth and Families Coordinator, Leah Reshan through the church office. We are excited about continuing to offer the Godly Play curriculum and hope parents/grandparents will support us by bringing your children most Sundays so they can experience and learn about the deep love God has for them. If you have any questions please contact Fr. Jaime,
[email protected] or 360-6064285.
FIRST COMMUNION CLASSES Registration starts now for those who plan to join our next First Communion class. The classes will start October 21 at noon. The celebration will be January 10th. Make the commitment to attend all the classes. The classes will be bilingual and are designed for children in 3rd grade or older that can read and write and can fully participate.
NUEVO AMANECER CONFERENCE I had the honor and the pleasure of attending the Latino Ministries conference "Nuevo Amanecer" in Kanuga, N.C. along with Joana Villaseñor and my husband Glicerio Zurita. After a 5 hour flight and two hour drive, we arrived at Kanuga and had a warm welcome. I got to meet wonderful people from different Latino countries and from all over the U.S. who had made wonders of their ministries. I learned about the history of the Episcopal Church and the eagerness to be inclusive; I listened to bishops and guest speakers. Every one of them expressed their solidarity to our Latino ministries. The workshops I attended were excellent even though it was hard to choose since the topics were very interesting. It wasn't a surprise to know that in the Spanish community our church is the "best kept secret" and we talked of ways to be better known. These conversations reminded me of the three years I have been attending St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. I can't forget the day we had a group of brothers and sisters attending our Spanish service to show their support, and having the company of our gatekeepers at every service since then. It feels reassuring to be part of such a welcoming church. I am committed to stand proud of my church and talk about the wonderful things happening within. I also want to express my gratitude for all who made our trip and our attendance to this amazing conference possible. Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes
ARLEN FARLEY’S DISCERNMENT Arlen Farley and his family came to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas in the summer of 2017. Arlen is a graduate of the Seminary of the Southwest, in Austin, Texas with a Master of Arts in Religion. During his final year of seminary, he completed Phase 1, Aspirancy Discernment, at the Episcopal Church of the Cross in Austin, Texas. During this year, Arlen offered sermons, created media, helped occasionally with music, and participated in the Bishop’s Committee. After much consideration, Arlen and his wife, Andrea, decided that they didn’t feel culturally at home in Tex-
as and did not want to pursue Arlen’s discernment for ministry there. Arlen reached out to several bishops in places that seemed more likely to be a fit for his family and found a home in the Diocese of Olympia. The St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas committee for Phase 2 of Arlen’s discernment first met on February 19, 2018 with The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason and The Rev. Jaime Case. The final committee consisted of Rychelle Reiling-Mullins, Kris Lawless and Kathy Gallaher. The committee met twice a month using “Discerning Vocations in the Diocese of Olympia” as the guideline for our work. A lot of sharing and self-reflection by all committee members was involved in each session as well as prayer and scripture reading. Throughout this process, Arlen was very open and deeply self-reflective making our time together a blessing and allowing all of us to grow in faith. At the end of our time together, the committee enthusiastically and joyfully recommended Arlen for candidacy for holy orders. The vestry voted to accept this recommendation at the September meeting. All of Arlen’s paperwork has been submitted to Bishop Rickel and his next step in this process is to go before the Bishop’s Commission on Ministry in November. Please keep Arlen and his family in your prayers as he moves toward ordination as an Episcopal priest.
BISHOP’S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE October 4-5 I am going with a group of parishioners to the Bishop’s Leadership Conference to learn more about preparing for the changing size of our Parish. We look forward to bringing back to SL2 new ideas about changes and growth to our ministry. You can find more information here: The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector
DIOCESAN CONVENTION October 26-27, the Diocese of Olympia holds its annual meeting, which we call the Convention. Legally, it is the “corporation” that has to meet to conduct the “business” of the church in our region of western
Washington. Our lay delegates this year will be Harry Gamble, Nancy Denny, Stu Hennessey, Catherine Hennessey, Kris Lawless, and Pat Lawless and our alternate is Amy Surface. The Clergy who are “resident” or officially listed as part of the Diocese, are automatically clergy delegates. As delegates we are still learning about the issues to be dealt with at convention. Convention has been smooth and brief in the past six years, so the same is expected this year. Please pray for your delegation and for the convention.
LESSONS IN MORTALITY October 13 and 14 will be very special days at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas as Ellen Richardson, nationallyknown author, physician and Episcopal priest will be here to inspire, challenge and lead us in conversations about Lessons in Mortality. Using her 2017 book, Holy Dying, Stories and Struggles, as a common resource, since many in the parish have already read it, the plan is to begin at 10 AM on Saturday, October 13 in the Parish Hall, and conclude the day by 4 PM with a very special liturgy. Sunday, Ellen will preach at the 8 and 10 AM services and be available after each for conversation. The Pastoral Care Committee has been talking with Ellen, who serves a parish in Williamston, North Carolina, and is in the midst of Hurricane Florence recovery. She plans to talk about seeing dying as normative, life-affirming, grace-filled, and holy. We are planning with her to focus on prayer, healing, letting-go, and caregiving, as well as the practical details we will all face. She has a spiritual and scriptural approach and has many years of first-hand experience as a hospice physician.
If you haven’t read Holy Dying, which is 150 pages of actual stories of people dealing with dying, let the office know and additional copies will be available. All are invited to hear the presentations, participate in conversations and spend some quiet time with the topics. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to the church office or sign-up on Sundays in the Narthex. Cost is $5 to cover food and materials (scholarships are available). Any questions, please contact me at 360 -904-8682. The Rev. Dennis Cole
WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP Women’s Spirituality Group resumes in October. Our first meeting will be on Saturday, October 20, 10 12 p.m. In November we’ll resume our second Saturday meeting dates. All women are welcome as we come together and expand our spiritual experiences through another year of reading, studying and sharing. Our new study book is Super Girls and Halos by Maria Morera Johnson. The reading assignment for our October meeting will be the Introduction through the first chapter, Crusade of Justice and Learning. Hoping you will join us! We enter the church building at the north entrance, through the kitchen. This door will be un-locked from 9:50 – 10:10AM for our safety. If you have any questions, please contact one of the conveners: Janet Butler (360-947-0404)
[email protected], Mary Boettcher (360-936-2425)
[email protected], Kris Lawless (360-904-7365)
[email protected]
PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEE Please let us know if there is someone unable to come to church, is in some type of crisis, medical or otherwise, or, perhaps, is in the hospital, by making a call to the office. Our meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be on October 23 at 6:30 PM in the Children’s Chapel. The Rev. Dennis Cole
LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. Our next regular meeting will be Thursday, October 25 at 2PM at Glenwood Retirement Center (5500 NE 82nd Ave, Near the Vancouver Mall). The Rev. Dennis Cole
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Blessing of the Animals will be offered on Sunday, October 7, after all services, just outside the Narthex doors.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE A Book of Remembrance will be available for you to add your departed loved one’s names in starting Oc-
THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO tober 14. These names will be read during the All Saints’ Sunday services, Sunday, November 4. Look for this book in the Narthex.
BAPTISM OFFERED Sunday, November 4, 2018 at all services. Please contact Fr. Jaime by October 21 if you are interested. The next opportunity for baptisms will be January 13, 2019.
ST. LUKE’S DAY AND ANNIVERSARY OF SAN LUCAS Sunday, October 21 Our annual celebration of our patron saint will be observed at all three services on this Sunday by using the lectionary readings for our parish saint and special music and hymns as applicable. In addition this year, all are invited to also attend the 1:00PM Spanish service and a pot-luck luncheon after in honor of the 20 year anniversary of the beginning of the Spanish service here at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Please mark your calendars and join us for this parish feast day!
ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY & MINISTRY SUNDAY Sunday, November 4 During all services on this Sunday we will honor all saints, but especially those who have gone on before us. We will read the names of your loved ones written into the Book of Remembrance. Additionally, we will honor the work of many from the past and present who participate in our parish ministries and hope to add more to these ministries. Join us following the 10AM service during Coffee Hour when you can peruse the Ministry Displays and find out more information. We hope you will come and learn more about all of our ministries and even discover some that you weren’t aware. If you haven’t found a ministry that you want to participate in yet, this will be a great opportunity to investigate.
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME CHANGE “Fall back” on November 4! Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour the night of Nov. 3.
NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM October means the beginning of the next series of Jazz Vespers services at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Trombonist Stan Bock will be the special guest joining pianist Mike Horsfall and company on Saturday, October 6th at 6 PM. These events are a great way to introduce a non-churched friend or relative to the many facets of the worship life at our parish. Some of the other guests who will join us on the first Saturdays of December, February, April, and June will include Marilyn Keller, Cheryl Alex, and an amazing Filipino sax player, Renato Carrano. The new Jazz Vespers CD recording will be out soon with a CD release party to follow. The Choir is off and running with some new additions to our male chorus. Welcome to Paul Hamman and Bill Cassidy! We are looking forward to another interesting year of singing, ringing, and worshiping our Lord with some new songs. Tim Nickel, Music Director
MASON-HAMLIN ORGAN AT SL2 Back in 1997, our own Judy Sloane helped to bring light and knowledge to one of our most valued treasures at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. She was one of the members of the History Committee, and took on an effort that she recently said was one of the most fun and rewarding efforts she has ever done. Apparently Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fauble had returned an antique reed organ that had belonged to their aunt, Kate Fauble. She had been the organist at the first St. Luke’s church. When the second church was completed in 1873, the church bought a bigger organ, and gave the reed organ to Kate Fauble. That act of appreciation by the church eventually saved the organ from destruction, when the second church burned down in 1931. Judy did some research and found that the organ had been built in 1868, and was probably shipped to Vancouver, by coming around the Horn. It had been built by Mason-Hamlin Company. This organ is one of the few items we have from our first church, on Fifth and Reserve. Judy helped to find a restorer for the organ, internationally known Frans Bosman, who worked in Mosier,
Oregon. Mr. Bosman told Judy that “in all of his experience, he has never seen an instrument just like this one.” The top of the organ was further restored by our own Dick Berhow. This organ is currently placed in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, to the left of the Altar. Occasionally it is retuned and used in services by St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, most recently during the 152th Consecration Celebration in 2012. Many thanks from our Parish to Judy Sloane, Dick Berhow, the Fauble family, and the History Committee for all of their work on this wonderful gift of music. Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist and Historian
ALTAR FLOWERS Why not choose a Sunday to remember someone dear to you or to offer thanksgiving for a blessing in your life? Altar Flower sponsor forms are in the Narthex. When completed these forms can be placed in the offertory plate. Cost is $35. If you have any questions, contact Barbara Charbonneau 360-433-9910.
problems downtown and furthering Share’s mission of moving homeless people toward self-sufficiency. The homeless are helping us while we help them. Russ Roseberry, Daytime Outreach Coordinator
ESL CLASSES ESL sessions are held Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10 AM at the church. Interested students or teachers should contact Stefanie Ashmann at
[email protected].
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE There will be a Red Cross Blood Drive on November 30, 2018 from 1 PM – 6 PM at the YWCA office. We are looking for volunteers as well as blood donors! Please be in touch with Peggy Sue Snoey at 360-9077606 if you are able to help out.
Saturday, November 4 at 10:30 AM there will be lector and Chalice Bearer training. If you are curious about this ministry, this will be a time to check it out and see if you would like to be part of it. If you are already a lector or chalice bearer, please plan to attend. There are always new things to learn and old things to practice.
The second Tuesday of each month at noon the Lunch Bunch meets to share food, companionship, and a special program. On October 9, Amy Case will share photos and anecdotes from her recent trip to Sweden and Norway (and a few side trips involving 3 other countries). All will be invited to discuss how family traditions from “the Old Country” (wherever that might be) have been reflected—or not—in our own lives as part of this nation of immigrants. Have an ethnic family dish? It would be welcome at this potluck lunch! Please sign up in the narthex if you are coming and if you can bring a dish to share.
St Luke’s ~ San Lucas is housing 18 women in our basement going on two years. Several of the women have offered to help clean up the Church grounds. Now we are on the list of areas to clean in a program called “Talkin’ Trash” run by homeless service provider Share and funded by Vancouver’s solid waste department. Its employees are homeless or formerly homeless people including some of the women we shelter. We are a downtown church with many visitors each day who sometimes leave trash behind. The need is twofold: Addressing the city’s and our solid waste
We have great kitchen help which makes hosting quite easy. The host provides simple treats and brings them to the kitchen before the 10:00 service. Examples of simple offerings are crackers, cookies, cheese, chips, vegetables, fruit, bagels, and muffins. Punch items for the children are appreciated, such as 1-2 cans of frozen juice. We do not expect hosts to provide lunch. The kitchen staff makes the coffee, tea and punch, and will
This has been a more difficult year filling the Coffee Hour schedule. We all enjoy our Coffee Hour time visiting with friends. It is also an important time to welcome newcomers to our church
THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO plate the food items. Tablecloths will be set out. It is helpful for the host to remove any leftover items at the end of Coffee Hour and to count any cash that has been donated. Someone will assist with getting the cash deposited into the safe. Hosts may submit their receipts for reimbursement or as an “in kind” offering. We have 10 Sundays that remain without hosts between December and June. Please check the open dates on the Coffee Hour schedule next to the kitchen door or call me at 360-574-2441. Signing up for this important ministry will be greatly appreciated. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator
"R @ R" GROUP Retirees or others available are invited to come to the Retirees @ Restaurants for breakfast and lively conversation on Wednesday, October 17 (Greeters: Nancy Denny and Bob Stevens) at 9:00 AM at Dulin’s Café located at 1929 Main St, Vancouver WA.
SONG CIRCLE! If you play an instrument and/or like to sing, please join us on Wednesday, October 24 at 7:00 PM in the Children's Chapel. Bring whatever instrument you play: guitar, uke, banjo, harmonica, dulcimer, harpsichord (okay, maybe not the dulcimer or harpsichord), and a willingness to play along with whatever we end up playing! Please bring lyric sheets/chord charts to share, so others can play and sing along with you. Questions? email Don Lawry at
[email protected].
FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! Summer is winding down but the weather is still perfect for Friday Night Live. On the 4th Friday of each month we meet, greet and eat! Each event is a potluck, with guests bringing appetizer, salad/side, entrée or dessert and a beverage of choice. Everyone always has a great time, you will too. Be sure to sign up! October 26 hosts are Barb and Gregg Garlisch,, 1607 at 6:30 PM. Child care will be provided at the church; see article below for details . Questions? Call Sharon Mayhew 360-952-0334.
KIDS´ NIGHT OUT We provide childcare at the Church from 6:00 to 9:00 PM for parents attending Friday Night Live! Next session is Friday, October 26. We will take little ones 0-3 years old in the nursery, and 3-10-year-olds in the Children’s chapel. We will provide food for the older ones, and games and entertainment. Donations are accepted, but not required. We do require a parent to complete a permission/information form before leaving your child with us. Forms and Sign-Up sheet for Childcare are next to the FNL attending sheet, by the kitchen door. This is a new opportunity for ministry to these young people. Please contact me if you are interested in volunteering to help with some of these Kid’s Night Out evenings. The Rev. Jaime Case.
Around the Diocese DEDICATION AND CONSECRATION OF CATHEDRAL RENOVATIONS Saint Mark's Cathedral | October 21, 4:30pm You are cordially invited to join The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel, Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, for a special service of Consecration and Dedication of the Saint Mark's Cathedral renovations and the new baptismal font. Among the donor recognitions will be a Donor Wall naming all 806 individual donors and every parish who contributed to this historic campaign.
UPDATES TO THE DIOCESAN SAFE CHURCH POLICY The Diocese of Olympia has enacted the following policy to help keep our Church a safer place for all, effective September 18, 2018. •
The renewal training for Safeguarding God's Children and for Safeguarding God's People MAY be taken online if the original training was done after 2009. If this is a first time training for either program, it is recommended that the training is taken in person. If one is not able to attend an “in-person” training, it will be possible to take this online but
there will be a secondary training component added to this for compliance purposes. Whether taken in person or online, • Safeguarding God's Children and People are still required for all canonically resident and licensed clergy. • Safeguarding God's Children is still required for non-clergy who have a key to the church facility, vestry and bishop committee members, church staff, and anyone who works with children in any capacity. • Safeguarding God's People is still required for non -clergy who have a key to the church facility, vestry and bishop committee members, church staff, and Eucharistic visitors. To find out when your Safeguarding certification(s) expire, you may contact the front desk of the Office of the Bishop at 206-325-4200 or
[email protected] or contact your parish office. Here are some upcoming local trainings: Safeguarding God's Children | All Saints, Vancouver October 13, 9:00 AM
rary music, worship, small group conversations, games, workshops and special activities. (Scholarships available, see Fr. Jaime.) Upcoming Conferences: Junior High School Youth Conferences: Grades 6-9 November 16-18, 2018, Fall JYC, location TBD. $35
CAMP HUSTON RETREATS Huston Scrapbookers: November 1-4, 2018 Get out your scissors, cropping tools, themed paper, and scrapbook the hours away. Quilters are also welcome to join us for this retreat—the more the merrier! Thanksgiving Family Camp: November 22-25, 2018 Bring the whole family to Camp Huston for turkey, a table full of pies, a friendly game of football, gingerbread house decorating extravaganza, wreath-making, tree decorating, and other holiday activities. Quilter’s Holiday: December 6-9, 2018 Join us for a long weekend of holiday cheer, tasty meals, and plenty of space to quilt or craft.
Safeguarding God's People | All Saints, Vancouver October 13, 12:30 PM To register with All Saints, just follow this link above, or call their office at 360.573.8106 or send an email to
[email protected] We are also offering training sessions here at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas: Safeguarding God’s Children on Saturday, Nov. 10, 1:00 -4:00 PM. Safeguarding God’s People on Saturday, Nov. 17, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM.
Register with St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas by calling the office at 360-696-0181 or through email,
[email protected].
DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCES These weekend retreats include faith formation and exploration, fun, and fellowship, through contempo-
“LIKE US” ON FACEBOOK Please go to our Facebook page, /stlukesvancouver, and “like” us. Give us the best endorsement you can. Say something specific about what you like! We’d appreciate your comments.
Reminder — If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the November issue of The Messenger, please submit your article on or before October 16 to the church office.
[email protected]. Thank you!
Church Office Hours: , Tuesday thru Friday If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office. 360-696-0181
Office Closed
Outreach 10:00 ESL Class
6:30 W.H.A.T. Committee Meeting
12:00 The Lunch Bunch
8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Nursery Care 10:00 Sunday School 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa
10:00 ESL Class
6:30 Vestry Meeting
20th Sunday after Pentecost
Blessing of Animals after all services
21st Sunday after Pentecost
REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE Ellen Richardson, guest preacher at 8 & 10 AM services
Office Closed
10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells
eGiving is now available on our website. Just use this QR Code
Bishop’s Leadership Conference Outreach
10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 ESL Class
10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service
11:00 Chess Getsinger Memorial Service 2:00 Diocesan Pre -Convention Meeting in Olympia
8:00 Thursday Crew
7:00 Choir
Saturday 15
8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 ESL Class
13 10:00 Lessons in Mortality —Ellen Richardson
4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir
Office Closed
Outreach Outreach
Outreach 10:00 ESL Class
12:15 Daytime Outreach Meeting
9:00 R@R - Dulin’s’ 10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting
6:30 Outreach Committee Meeting
8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 ESL Class
10:00 Women’s Spirituality Meeting 12:00 Ministry Leaders Meeting 5:00 Newcomers Dinner and Tour
12:15 Daytime Outreach Meeting
6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
FEAST OF ST. LUKE ~ SAN LUCAS All welcome to attend 1 PM Spanish Service followed by a festive reception
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
6:30 Pastoral Care Committee
Office Closed
10:00 ESL Class
10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service
8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 ESL Class
4:00 Staff Meeting
2:00 Life Goes On (off-site)
6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir
Office Closed
10:00 ESL Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service
Outreach 10:00 ESL Class
4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir
Nov. 1 Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 10:00 ESL Class
27 Diocesan Convention Outreach
6:00-9:00 Kids’ Night Out at church 6:30 Friday Night Live @ Barb and Gregg Garlisch’s
Nov. 2 Outreach
Nov. 3
10:00 Lector/ Chalice Bearer Training Daylight Savings: Set clocks back 1 hour!
The Messenger ~ El Mensajero 16
Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663
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Request delivery by dates: September 28-Oct. 2
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St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole, Assistant Rector The Rev. Amy Cox, Associate Priest Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director Herlinda Marquez, Parish Administrator Leah Reshan, Youth and Families Coordinator (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email:
[email protected] Facebook:
Senior Warden: Jill McClellan Junior Warden: John Mathieu VESTRY MEMBERS: Stu Hennessey, Beth Femling, Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes, Russ Roseberry, Michelle Hamann, Melanie Kenoyer and Marlene Perez. Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew
St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.