2018 April Messenger PDF

8 - Kathy Gallaher. 9 - Anna Greenwood. 9 - Tomasa Platon. 10 - Gary Wildfang. 10 - Jesus Onofre Jr. 10 - Andre Taque. 11 - Jason Surface. 12 - Barbara Nunn.
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The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 49 Issue 4

SENT OUT TO SERVE After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. Luke 10:1

APRIL 2018 ABRIL 2018 ENVIADO A SERVIR Después de esto, el Señor escogió también a otros setenta, y los mandó de dos en dos delante de él, a todos los pueblos y lugares a donde tenía que ir. Lucas 10:1

In 1785 the first General Convention of the Episcopal Church, the laity were 24, the clergy 16. It was a radical idea then, to involve the baptized in the running of a Church! No one else was doing it. The decisionmaking roles in most churches then were held solely by clergy (i.e., bishops, priests and deacons).

En la primera Convención General de la Iglesia Episcopal en 1785, asistieron 24 laicos y 16 cleros. ¡En aquel día era una idea radical incluir los bautizados en el liderazgo de una Iglesia! Ninguna otra iglesia lo hacía. Los papeles para líderes eran reservados solamente para los cleros (p.e., obispos, sacerdotes y diáconos).

Inclusion in decision-making in the Episcopal Church used to be reserved for men, then was reserved for those who received Confirmation from a Bishop, and most recently have extended to Baptized Members in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. Baptism has become more and more theologically important in our understanding. We now recognize from the Catechism that there are many ordinations in the church, many vocations, and they all start with Baptism. Baptism is the most ample, fullest and most complete expression of our inclusion in the Body of Christ, the Church.

El liderazgo era entonces reservado para hombres solamente, y después fue reservado para los Confirmados por un Obispo, pero al final fue extendido a todo Miembro Bautizado en el Libro de Oración Común de 1979. Bautismo se ha hecho mas y mas importante en nuestro entendimiento teológico. Ahora reconocemos en el Catecismo que hay muchas ordenaciones en la Iglesia, muchas vocaciones, y todos comienzan en el Bautismo. El Bautismo es el mas amplia, mas repleta y mas completa expresión de nuestra inclusión en El Cuerpo de Cristo, la Iglesia.

Baptism is everyone’s ordination. It is being “set aside” to be the body of Christ in the world today. It is a calling to be Christ, to receive Christ, to do Christ. It is the highest universal vocation from God – bishops, priests and deacons derive the meaning of their narrower ordinations from Baptism.

Bautismo es la ordenación para todos. Es ser “apartado” para ser el cuerpo de Cristo en el mundo de hoy. Es un llamado para ser Cristo, recibir a Cristo, hacer Cristo. Es la vocación mas alta de Dios – obispos, sacerdotes y diáconos derivan el significado mas estrecho de su ordenación en el Bautismo.

Every Easter we hope and pray for Baptisms, so that in the renewal of our Baptismal Covenant we might have an Incarnate, visible sign of the meaning of our own Baptism. We remember who we are when we welcome the newly baptized with these words:

Cada Pascua esperamos y oramos para tener Bautizos, para que en la renovación de nuestro proprio Pacto Bautismal tengamos una señal Encarnada del significado de nuestro propio Bautismo. Recordamos quienes somos cuando damos la bienvenida al recién bautizado con estas palabras:

We receive you into the household of God. Confess the faith of Christ crucified, proclaim his resurrection, and share with us in his eternal priesthood. BCP p. 308 The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector English articles continue on Page 6.

Nosotros te recibimos en la familia de Dios. Confiesa la fe de Cristo crucificado, proclama su resurrección y participa con nosotros en su sacerdocio eterno. LOC pág. 229 El Rev. P. Jaime Case, Rector



DE LA GUARDIANA MAYOR De alguna manera, el año parece estar a medio camino. Ya estamos en abril. Los estudiantes y los maestros ya están en las vacaciones de primavera. Todos nos hemos acostumbrado a escribir 2018 en nuestros cheques, o donde escribimos fechas en estos días. ¡Pero el año de la iglesia se está preparando! ¡Pascua está aquí! ¡Él ha resucitado! ¡Y es hora de que todos nos ocupemos haciendo un trabajo importante! Beth Femling, Michelle Hamann y yo fuimos elegidas para la Junta Parroquial a fines de enero. Jaime me pidió que sirviera como Guardián Senior poco después de las elecciones. Me sentí honrado de que me lo pidieran, y después de reflexionar y orar, acepté servir. Nosotros, como junta parroquial, empezamos nuestro año con un retiro a fines de febrero, donde nos conocimos un poco mejor, acordamos un pacto para gobernar nuestro trabajo juntos y establecimos nuestro rumbo para el próximo año. Revisamos la estructura de nuestro comité, brindando una atención renovada a la Formación Cristiana, la Vida Congregacional y la Visión y Misión de San Lucas y San Lucas. El comité de Formación Cristiana será un recurso para nuestros grupos y actividades de Educación y Desarrollo Cristianos existentes, como el Grupo de Espiritualidad de Mujeres, EBV, Grupo de Jóvenes y Escuela Dominical. También buscará formas en que podamos fortalecer y desarrollar nuestras ofertas para satisfacer las necesidades de más parroquianos y familias de SL2. El comité de Vida Congregacional simplemente está agregando un poco de estructura y coordinación parroquial a un amplio grupo de ministerios que ya funcionan, como Friday Night Live, Lunch Bunch, Coffee Hour Hosts, Funeral Hospitality y cualquier otro grupo social dentro de la iglesia. El comité de Visión y Misión buscará ayuda de la Diócesis de Olympia para comenzar el proceso de actualización de nuestras declaraciones de Visión, Misión y Meta. Nos dimos cuenta de que nuestras declaraciones actuales tienen casi cinco años, y con el crecimiento y desarrollo de nuestra congregación y la comunidad que nos rodea, necesitaban algunas actualizaciones. A algunos de ustedes se les ha pedido

que sirvan en algunos de estos comités nuevos o existentes, y espero trabajar con ustedes más e invitar a otros a unirse a nosotros. Si está interesado en participar en una de estas áreas, hágamelo saber. Jill McClellan

RESUMEN DE LA ACCIONES DE LA JUNTA - MARZO DE 2018 Evaluación Diocesana: Podemos disminuir esto reclamando gastos adicionales por mejoras a nuestra planta física. Enlaces parroquiales: cada persona de la Junta parroquial servirá de enlace con un grupo de ministerios. No tienen que dirigir a los grupos, pero proporcionarán comunicación bidireccional entre los grupos y la Junta Parroquial completa. Administrador de la Parroquia: Según lo permita su agenda, Kris Lawless está asumiendo este trabajo vital hasta que se contrate a su sucesor. Se necesitará tiempo adicional para entrenar a la nueva persona. WHAT Refugio: Algunos de nuestros 18 huéspedes se han mudado a una vivienda permanente. Algunos asisten a servicios a las 8:00 o 10:00. Por favor, hágales saber que son bienvenidos como parte de nuestra familia parroquial. Podríamos involucrarnos más con ellos teniendo una tarde Ice Cream Social. TIME OFF: el padre Jaime estará ausente del 2 al 14 de abril. La mayor parte de eso será tiempo de vacaciones, y el resto se dedicará a la educación continua. Tom Amies, Secretario de la Junta Parroquial

REPORTE DEL GUARDIAN MENOR A menudo escucho decir que si no tienes nada bueno que decir entonces no digas nada, o algo así. Sin embargo, creo que a veces es mejor dejarlo salir. El progreso en prácticamente todos mis proyectos en el edificio se ha detenido y el ascensor, AKA "Betty" sigue siendo mi némesis. Cada tormenta de primavera que pasa me tiene en pánico por las inundaciones en el sótano de la iglesia. Ah, me siento mejor ahora. Quiero hacer otro lanzamiento para la tripulación del jueves. Creo que es una manera fácil para que traigas uno de tus tres T, talento, a la iglesia. Tal vez tengas talento para pintar (mira el frente del escenario o las

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO cercas de la propiedad), talento de carpintería (mira la barandilla del coro), talento de jardinería (el Jardín de la Paz necesita tu TLC) e incluso si crees que no tienes talento, puedes dar tu tiempo. La tripulación del jueves se reúne los jueves, por supuesto, desde alrededor de las 8:00 a.m. hasta alrededor del mediodía. No se requiere registro o compromiso a largo plazo. Estamos muy relajados y prometo café y donas. John Mathieu

VACACIÓN DE PADRE JAIME Padre Jaime va a tomar un descanso 2 -14 de abril. En caso de necesidad llame por favor a la oficina.

SE BUSCA SECRETARIO EJECUTIVO Nuestra Administradora Parroquial renunció su puesto. Estamos buscando una persona para el puesto. Es un trabajo difícil con muchos beneficios y un buen sueldo. Inglés es esencial, español deseable. Entrega su resumen a [email protected].

REPORTE DEL TESORERO Resumen De Presupuesto: “dólares y centavos” Al final de febrero esperábamos que obtuviéramos porcentajes hasta de 16.7% del ingresos y gastos. Resumen hasta Febrero 28, 2018 Presupuesto total Montos para el año reales del año hasta la fecha Revenues $530,508 $102,430 Expenses $530,508 $87,934 Net Income 0 $14,496

Porcentaje del presupuesto Total 19% 17%

Ingresos: los ingresos para febrero están por delante de donde esperábamos que estuvieran en este momento del año, lo cual es algo muy bueno. Gastos: los gastos son menores de lo que esperaríamos que fueran a fines de febrero, lo cual también es algo muy bueno. Comentarios adicionales: Desde una perspectiva presupuestaria, estamos en el lugar donde queremos estar. Actualmente contamos con 120 unidades comprometidas ... ¡una menos de nuestra meta original! Tuvi-


mos 46 unidades que se quedaron igual que el año pasado, 14 disminuyeron su promesa del año anterior, 31 aumentaron su compromiso, 18 promesas fueron nuevas y 11 pagaron sus promesas temprano. Felicidades y gracias a todos los que hicieron una promesa. Para aquellos que aún no lo han hecho, aceptamos compromisos de compromiso en cualquier momento. Si no ha recogido sus sobres y aún los quiere, consulte a Jamie Mathieu, Janet Butler o Doug Goodlett y se le proporcionará un juego. Recuerde que las donaciones se pueden hacer desde nuestro sitio web; o, una forma más fácil es directamente desde su banco a San Lucas ~ San Lucas. Es fácil de hacer, así que pruébalo. Gracias por su continuo apoyo financiero de San Lucas ~ San Lucas. Doug Goodlett, Tesorero

BAUTISMO Ofreceremos bautizo sabado Día de Pentecostés el 20 de mayo, a las 8am, 10am, y 1:00pm. Inscripciones en el Atrio.

¡ENTRENAMIENTO "GODLY PLAY" OFRECIDO EN VANCOUVER! La Iglesia Luterana de San Andrés en Vancouver está ofreciendo entrenamiento de Juego Divino empezando en la noche del viernes 10 de agosto y todo el día el sábado 11 de agosto. El costo sería $ 100 por persona o $ 500 para un grupo. Si desea tomar el entrenamiento y lo ayudará en la Escuela Dominical, St. Luke's ~ San Lucas pagará la tarifa de capacitación. Por favor contacte al P. Jaime si estás interesado.

GRUPO DE JOVENES Los jóvenes de 9° a 12° grado no olviden inscribirse en el HYC del 6 al 8 de abril en St. James, Kent. Durante nuestras reuniones de abril discutiremos el significado del Padrenuestro. • 14 de abril, 6-8PM .en la iglesia. • 28 de abril, 6-8PM .en la iglesia Invita siempre a amigos, solo dame un aviso para el recuento de alimentos! Donna Greene, Líder Juvenil



EVENTOS DIOCESANOS JUVENILES Mientras trabajan en los planes para eventos de los grupos juveniles, me gustaría invitarlos a considerar adherir a su calendario los retiros para el grupo Juvenil y trabajar en el horario de otros eventos alrededor de estos para que los jóvenes puedan tomar ventaja de todo lo que la iglesia les ofrece. HYC es un retiro para jóvenes en grados 9-12, JYC es un retiro para los grados 6-9. Estas son las fechas para el otoño del año escolar 2018 • Primavera HYC Abril 6-8 at St. James, Kent • Seis Días (Campamento de Verano) Julio 17-23 (Tentativa) Campamento Huston • Otoño JYC Noviembre 17-19 location TBD • Primavera JYC Mayo 4-6 at St. Andrew's Port Angeles

CAMP HUSTON Campamento de la Iglesia Episcopal de la Diócesis de Olimpia Orientamos a nuestros campistas a medida que crecen: ¡se convierten en líderes, descubren su lugar en la naturaleza, desarrollan su autoestima y se divierten!

de descubrimiento, toda la comunidad se une a las comidas en Curtis Lodge, además de una fogata, un espectáculo de variedades y un baile durante la semana. ¡Esperamos que hagas amigos, experimentes la naturaleza y te diviertas! Un sacerdote episcopal de la Diócesis de Olympia se une a nosotros en cada sesión, para brindar asesoramiento, participar en las actividades del programa y planificar servicios de adoración. Un grupo de descubrimiento diferente se reúne con el capellán para planear la adoración todos los días. Camp Huston está acreditado por la American Camping Association, y aseguramos que haya una enfermera registrada durante todas las horas del programa.

NUEVO AMANECER La conferencia Nuevo Amanecer se lleva cabo en el campamento de la Iglesia Episcopal en Kanuga el 27-30 de agosto. La conferencia equipa a los participantes con las herramientas y el apoyo para conectar con la comunidad latina/hispana. SL2 ha enviado Ernesto Zurita, Marlene Pérez y Lee Wilson. Becas disponibles por la parroquia. Representa a tu iglesia.

Horario de Summer Camp 2018 26 de junio al 5 de julio: capacitación de consejeros 7-13 de julio: Discovery Camp 1 & Horse Camp 1 15-20 de julio: Teatro para niños Missoula 29 de julio al 4 de agosto: Discovery Camp 2 y Horse Camp intermedio 6-9 de agosto: Mini campamento 12-18 de agosto: Camp Discovery Camp & Buckaroo Internacional Para más información http:// huston.org/summer-camp/


Becas disponibles para una parte de las tarifas. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con el Padre. Jaime Case en [email protected] o 360-606-4285.

Imagínense si cada persona que viene por la Eucaristía cada semana trajera diez artículos de comida. Tendríamos alrededor de 1500 artículos que distribuir durante la semana siguiente. Cuando vaya de compras, puede poner algo en su carrito de compra y designarlo para ayudar a los más necesitados. Que buen ritual seria ese --- una extensión de hospitalidad de La Casa. Gracias. Ministerio de ayuda a los mas necesitados durante el día.

¿Qué pueden esperar los campistas? Pasamos mucho tiempo en grupos de descubrimiento: dos cabañas de campistas de edades similares, sus consejeros y un DGL (rima con águila). Cada grupo es único y tiene una identidad propia. Habrá juegos, canciones, caminatas, trabajo en equipo, salidas para acampar, tiro con arco, natación, manualidades y un momento para la reflexión al final del día. Fuera de nuestros grupos

Santiago escribió: "... y dijiste, “Adiós y que tengan buen día; manténganse calientes y coman bien” --pero no le das a esa persona comida y ropa. ¿Que bien hace eso?” Nuestra parroquia provee comida cuatro veces a la semana para personas que llegan con hambre. Las donaciones en el cuarto de despensa no se da abasto.




abundantes bendiciones Bendiciones, Kitty Ash, Directora de Babies In Need www.babiesinneed.org

El domingo 6 de mayo, a las 11:30 p. M. En el Salón Parroquial, los invitamos a la Baby Shower de San Lucas ~ San Lucas para "Bebés necesitados". Estamos solicitando obsequios de suministros de canastilla nuevos o usados con suavidad (consulte la lista a continuación) o donaciones monetarias. Si regalas con cheque, hazlo a nombre de "Babies In Need". Comité de Alcance


"Babies In Need" es un programa de alcance de All Saints Episcopal Church en Hazel Dell que comenzó en 1999 para servir a nuestros vecinos y madres recién dadas enfrentando grandes desafíos: monoparentalidad, muy pocos ingresos, discapacidades físicas o mentales, alcohol o drogas historias, bebés prematuros, personas sin hogar, o la pérdida de trabajo del sostén de la familia. No tienen nada o muy poco para su nuevo bebé.

Los voluntarios de extensión diurna a menudo están abrumados con solicitudes de una sola vez, pero a veces tenemos tiempo para conocer a nuestros visitantes. Un voluntario recuerda a un hombre diabético que vino con zapatillas mojadas. Él los quitó y reveló los dedos vendados. Él se sorprendió y agradeció cuando el voluntario le proporcionó calcetines limpios y secos y zapatos usados con suavidad que realmente le quedaron, lo cual es importante para los diabéticos. Sin duda una bendición para ese hombre ese día. El voluntario también recuerda a un chico joven que llegó deprimido, solitario y sin esperanza, y simplemente quería un bocadillo. El voluntario tuvo tiempo para hablar con él, y expresó que finalmente sintió que alguien realmente se preocupaba por él, y se fue con más de un sándwich. Sin duda una bendición para ese hombre ese día. ¿Quieres ofrecer bendiciones como esas? Únete a nosotros. Ministerio de ayuda a los mas necesitados durante el día.

Debido a las donaciones de muchos, este programa siempre está listo con una bolsa de regalo con artículos básicos y un asiento para el automóvil para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades inmediatas. Centro de partos Los trabajadores sociales de PeaceHealth SW y Legacy Los hospitales de Salmon Creek identifican a las madres que necesitan ayuda. Cuando las mamás reciben nuestro asiento para el automóvil y una bolsa de hermosas cosas para bebés, saben que a alguien le importa y que no están solos en el mundo. Las bolsas de regalo para bebés de "Babies In Need" contienen batas, pijamas, sacos de lana, onesies, suéteres, gorras, mantas y edredones, pañales y toallitas húmedas, un juguete suave y tierno y accesorios útiles. Muchos artículos son nuevos, bellamente hechos a mano o usados con cuidado. ¡Todos los pañales son donados por PeaceHealth Southwest! Los asientos de automóvil son un gran gasto. Incluso con la caza de gangas, nos costó $ 10,000 + el año pasado. Ponemos en buen uso las donaciones en efectivo para asientos de automóvil. Al servir a otros en nuestra comunidad en el nombre de Cristo, nuestras vidas se transforman. Dios es fiel. Gracias por ser un fuerte vínculo en la cadena de

La próxima junta de l comité del programa para los mas necesitados será abril 18, 6:30pm en la capilla de los niños.


BÚSCANOS EN FACEBOOK Busca nuestra página de Facebook, /stlukesvancouver, y danos una Buena recomendación. Diga algo en particular que le gusta en SL2. Apreciamos su apreciación.

ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL DIRECTORIO ¿Es usted un miembro nuevo que quiere un directorio y no lo ha recibido? ¿Hay cambios de su información en el directorio? Contacte la oficina por (teléfono) o por email [email protected] (Abajo).



DIRECTORY UPDATES Changes to your directory information? Please contact the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email, [email protected].

Esmeralda 12611 NE 99th St H-55 Vancouver, WA 98682 360-723-3049

SENIOR WARDEN’S MESSAGE CHANGES / CAMBIOS: NASH, Shasta 204 NW 111th Loop Vancouver, WA 98685-3879 SMITH, Diane Home phone disconnected. Use cell phone only. 360-907-3165 ROSS, David and Clair P O Box 1865 Woodland, WA 98674-1700

ADDITIONS /ADICIONES: BEAGLE, Gail and JOHNSON, Earl 904 NE Minnehaha St Apt C 39 Vancouver WA 98665 (H) 360-694-6695 [email protected] (C) 360-448-1442 MAXON, MARY 11316 NE 28th St. Unit 35 Vancouver, WA 98682-7761 206-890-1668

In some ways, the year seems to already be half way over. We’re already in April. Students and teachers are already on Spring Break. We’ve all gotten used to writing 2018 on our checks, or where ever we write dates these days. But the church year is just gearing up! Easter is here! He is Risen! And it’s time for us all to get busy doing important work! Beth Femling, Michelle Hamann and I were elected to the Vestry at the end of the January. Jaime asked me to serve as Senior Warden shortly after the election. I was honored to be asked, and after some reflection and prayer, I agreed to serve. We as a Vestry kicked off our year with a retreat at the end of February where we got to know each other a bit better, agreed to a covenant to govern our work together, and set our course for the year ahead. We reviewed our committee structure, giving renewed attention to Christian Formation, Congregational Life, and St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Vision and Mission. •

The Christian Formation committee will be a resource for our existing Christian Education and Development groups and activities, such as Women’s Spirituality Group, VBS, Youth Group and Sunday School. It will also look for ways we can strengthen and develop our offerings to suit the needs of more SL2 parishioners and families.

The Congregational Life committee is really just adding some structure and Vestry coordination to a wide-ranging group of already highly functioning ministries such as Friday Night Live, Lunch Bunch, Coffee Hour Hosts, Funeral Hospitality and any other social groups within the church.

The Vision and Mission committee will be seeking out assistance from the Diocese of Olympia to begin the process of updating our Vision, Mission and Goal statements. We realized that our current statements are nearly five years old, and with the growth and development of our congregation and the community around us, they needed some updating. Some of you have been asked to serve on

RODRIGUEZ-ROCHA, Norma Aldo Montiel-Rodriguez 3921 E Fourth Plain Blvd Unit #81 Vancouver WA 98661-7907 360-869-5090 [email protected] PEREZ, Jaime and AGOVE, Sue Vianney, Alison, Rosa 3407 NE 130th Ave Vancouver, WA 98682 360-460-2983 SANCHEZ-RAMOS, Jose and SALAZAR-SANCHEZ, Maria Maria, Katy and Erik 4200 Gibbons St. Vancouver WA 98661 503-821-9667 [email protected] SARGENT, Diana J. H. 11316 NE 28th St Unit 35 Vancouver WA 98682 206-399-4843 [email protected] VARONA, Adela Zaragoza

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO some of these new or existing committees, and I look forward to working with you more and inviting others to join us. If you are interested in getting involved in one of these areas, please let me know.


part of our parish family. We might engage more with them by having an afternoon Ice Cream Social.

Jill McClellan

TIME OFF: Father Jaime will be away on April 2-14. Most of that will be vacation time, with the remainder devoted to Continuing Education. Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry



I often hear it said that if you don’t have anything good to say then say nothing, or something like that. However, I think sometimes it feels better to let it out. Progress on virtually all my projects in the building has ground to a halt and the lift, AKA “Betty” continues to be my nemesis. Every spring storm that passes through has me panicking about church basement flooding. Ah, I feel better now.

BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense” At the end of February percentages should to be at 16.7% of budgeted revenue and expense.

I want to make another pitch for the Thursday Crew. I believe it is an easy way for you to bring one of your three T’s, talent, to the church. Maybe you have some painting talent (look at the front of the stage or the picket fences around the property), carpentry talent (look at the choir loft railing), gardening talent (the Peace Garden needs your TLC) and even if you think you have no talent you can give your time. Thursday Crew meets Thursdays, of course, from around 8:00 AM to around noon. No registration or long-term commitment is required. We’re very relaxed and I promise coffee and doughnuts. John Mathieu

VESTRY SUMMARY -- March 2018 Diocesan Assessment: We may decrease this by claiming additional expenses for improvements to our physical plant. Vestry Liaisons: Each Vestry person will serve as the liaison to a group of ministries. They do not have to lead the groups, but will provide two-way communication between the groups and the full Vestry. Parish Administrator: As her schedule allows, Kris Lawless is taking on this vital job until her successor is hired. Additional time will be needed to train the new person. WHAT Shelter: Some of our 18 guests have moved to permanent housing. A few are attending 8:00 or 10:00 services. Please let them know they are welcome as

Summary as of February 28, 2018 Total Budget for the Year Revenues Expenses Net Income

$530,508 $530,508 0

Year to Date Actual Amounts $102,430 $87,934 $14,496

Percent of Total Budget 19% 17%

Revenues: Revenues for February are ahead of where we would expect them to be at this time in the year, which is a very good thing. Expenses: Expenses are less than we would expect them to be at the end of February, which is also a very good thing. Additional Comments: From a budget perspective we are right where we want to be. We currently have 120 pledging units...one shy of our original goal! We had 46 units who stayed the same as last year, 14 decreased their pledge from the prior year, 31 increased their pledge, 18 pledges were new, and 11 paid their pledges early! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who made a pledge. For those who have not done so yet, we welcome pledge commitments anytime. If you have not picked up your envelopes and you still want them, please see Jamie Mathieu, Janet Butler, or Doug Goodlett and a set will be provided. Remember that donations can be made from our website; or, an easier way is directly from your bank to St. Luke’s~San Lucas. It’s easy to do so try it out.



Thanks for your continued financial support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

more information, please contact Gerry Grover at 503246-1454.

BREAD GUILD NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM Easter in 2018 falls on the very first day of April with Spring in the air. "Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain," to quote the Easter song (Blue Hymnal #204) which is based appropriately on a French Christmas carol. The brilliant trumpeter Scott Winks will be our special guest at the 10 AM service on Easter morning. Scott is a middle school teacher in the Evergreen District. He has played for over a decade with the Vancouver Symphony and co-founded the Columbia River Brass Quintet. Our own dynamic doublereed duo of Hannah Femling and Mike Grigsby-Lane will join him, Catherine van der Salm and the choir for some festive music for the day. Our Jazz Vespers series continues the following Saturday. Trombonist “Jazzy John” Moak returns on April 7th at 6 PM to join pianist Mike Horsfall and our house band for some jazz standards to frame a meditative service of prayers, psalms, and scripture. (If you haven’t yet eaten at Jazzy John’s BBQ near the NE 79th St. exit off of I5, you’ll find that John can smoke a brisket as well as he can cook a jazz chart.). Arlen Farley will preside and bring the message. Bring a friend or a neighbor to this easy-going alternative worship experience.

“Love is come again like wheat that springeth green.” Tim Nickel, Music Director

RECEPTION FOR TIM NICKEL Our parish has been invited to a reception for Tim Nickel at St. James Lutheran Church in Portland at 1315 SW Park Avenue on Sunday, April 15, at 6 PM, following the 5 o’clock Jazz Vespers service. They will be celebrating Tim and his many contributions to the music program at St. James with as many of you who also appreciate his musical talents as can attend. For

We are seeking a new Communion bread baking scheduler. Please contact Kathleen Brown for more information at: [email protected]

ALTAR FLOWERS Why not choose a Sunday to remember someone dear to you or to offer thanksgiving for a blessing in your life? Altar Flower sponsor forms are in the Narthex. When completed these forms can be placed in the offertory plate. Cost is $35. If you have any questions, please Sandra Kimura (360-693-8518) or Carol Hiltz (360-597-3094).

BAPTISM OFFERED May 20, Day of Pentecost. If you are interested in baptism for either yourself or a family member, please complete a Baptism information form found in the Narthex and contact the church office or Fr. Jaime.

“GODLY PLAY” TRAINING OFFERED IN VANCOUVER! St Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Vancouver is offering Godly Play training starting in the evening on Friday, August 10 from 5-9 PM and all day Saturday, August 11, 8:30 AM - 4 PM. The cost would be $100 per person or $500 for a group. If you want to take the training and will help in the Sunday School, St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas will pay the training fee. Please contact Fr. Jaime if you are interested.

YOUTH GROUP Youth in grades 9-12, don’t forget to register for the HYC on April 6-8 at St. James, Kent! During our April Meetings we will be discussing the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer. • April 14, 6-8PM at church. • April 28 , 6-8PM at church. Always invite friends, just give me a heads up! Donna Greene, Youth Leader


SPRING HYC RETREAT! St. James, Kent April 6, 7:30pm - April 8, 12:45pm



Every fork in the road brings us the opportunity to make a choice - turn left or right, go north or south, head east or west. The forks in the road we encounter in life offer us the same opportunities to decide what we will do with our lives and who we will be. Join other youth from across Western Washington for the Diocese of Olympia's Spring High School Youth Conference (HYC). Spring HYC is a fun and lively weekend of faith exploration through contemporary worship, workshops, and small groups conversations. Enjoy fellowship and games with other Episcopal high school students and explore the impact of the choices we make.

UPCOMING DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCES These weekend retreats include faith formation and exploration, fun, and fellowship, through contemporary music, worship, small group conversations, games, workshops and special activities. (Scholarships available through Fr. Jaime.) More High School Youth Conferences: Grades 9-12 April 6-8, 2018, Spring HYC, St. James in Kent, $35 September 28-30, Fall HYC 2018 at St. Paul’s in Bellingham, $35 Junior High School Youth Conferences: Young people in grades 6-9 from all over the diocese. May 4-6, 2018, Spring JYC at St. Andrew’s in Port Angeles. $35 November 16-18, 2018, Fall JYC, location TBD. $35

CAMP HUSTON Episcopal Church Camp of the Diocese of Olympia We guide our campers as they: grow into leaders, discover their place in nature, build self esteem, and have fun! Summer Camp 2018 Schedule June 26-July 5: Counselor Training July 7-13: Discovery Camp 1 & Horse Camp 1 July 15-20: Missoula Children’s Theater July 29-August 4: Discovery Camp 2 & Intermediate Horse Camp August 6-9: Mini Camp

International Discovery Camp & Buckaroo Camp For more information visit: http://huston.org/summer-camp/ Scholarships available for a portion of the fees. For more information please contact Fr. Jaime Case at [email protected] or 360-606-4285.

WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP All women are welcome to join us for our April monthly session on Saturday, April 14 when we will gather from 10AM to 12PM. This month we will be gathering at the home of Claudia Frahm, 15810 NE 41st St. Vancouver 98682 (360-254-7925). Each Saturday session is a time to come together and expand our spiritual experiences with a feminine view. We begin with refreshments and friendly conversation then we will begin our study and discussion based on the book, The Heartbeat of God – Finding the Sacred in the Middle of Everything” by Katherine Jefferts Schori, former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The pre -March reading assignment is found in Part IV, Called by Name, The Web of Life, Saints and Superheroes and Holy Conversion. As part of taking action to help those in the margins of our society, we are requesting donations of a feminine sanitary products to donate to the Outreach Ministry. Hoping you will join us! If you have any questions please contact one of the conveners: Janet Butler (360-947-0404) [email protected] Kris Lawless (360-904-7365) [email protected]

NUEVO AMANECER The biennial conference to equip participants with the tools and resources to support and spiritually connect with the Latino/Hispanic community is the purpose of this national conference of the Episcopal Church. Held in Kanuga, NC, August 27-30. Represent your church at this conference. Assistance with fees and travel provided. The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

SPANISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE: IDIAM (Instituto de Español de la Iglesia Anglicana de México = “Spanish institute of the Anglican Church of



Mexico”). It is located in Cuernavaca, capitol of Mexico’s Morelos state. It is sponsored by the Anglican Diocese of Cuernavaca, and held in their diocesan compound. Father Jaime started the Instituto in 2003. It is a total-immersion course in Spanish culture, language, dance, and cuisine. The 2018, dates are August 4- 18. The program is limited to 18 persons, at $1,800 each. Stu and Catherine Hennessey took part in the Instituto last year. They liked it well enough to return this year, Lizzy will join them. The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector

13th ANNUAL BABY SHOWER FOR “BABIES IN NEED” SUNDAY, MAY 6 You’re invited to St. Luke's ~ San Lucas’ Baby Shower for “Babies in Need” on Sunday, May 6, at 11:30PM in the Parish Hall. We are asking for gifts of new or gently used layette supplies (see list below) or monetary donations. If you are gifting by check, please make it payable to “Babies In Need”. Outreach Committee “Babies In Need” is an outreach program of All Saints Episcopal Church in Hazel Dell that began in 1999 to serve our neighbors and newly-delivered moms facing daunting challenges: single-parenthood, very little income, physical or mental disabilities, alcohol or drug histories, premature infants, homelessness, or the breadwinner’s job loss. They have nothing or very little for their new baby. Due to donations from many, this program is always ready with a layette gift bag of essentials and a car seat to help meet immediate needs. Birth Center Social Workers at PeaceHealth SW and Legacy Salmon Creek hospitals identify moms who need help. When moms receive our car seat and bag of lovely baby things they know someone cares and that they are not alone in the world. “Babies In Need” layette gift bags contain gowns, pajamas, fleece sacques, onesies, sweaters, caps, blankets & quilts, diapers & wipes, a soft, cuddly toy and useful accessories. Many items are new, beautifully handmade or gently-used. All diapers are donated by PeaceHealth Southwest! Car seats are the big expense. Even with bargain-

hunting, they cost us $10,000+ last year. We put cash donations to good use for car seats. As we serve others in our community in Christ’s name, our own lives are transformed. God is faithful. Thank you for being a strong link in God’s chain of abundant blessings. Blessings, Kitty Ash, Director of Babies In Need www.babiesinneed.org

TEMPORARY W.H.A.T. CONTACT Kathy Gallaher will temporarily be the St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas contact person for the WHAT Shelter. This is only temporary while Deb Stavig is focusing on supporting Bob during his illness. Contact Kathy at 360-326-3641 (home), 360-981-3356 (cell) or by email at [email protected].

OUTREACH TALES Daytime outreach volunteers are often swamped with requests all at once, but sometimes we have time to know our visitors. One volunteer remembers a diabetic man who came wearing wet slippers. He removed them and revealed bandaged toes. He was surprised and grateful when the volunteer provided clean dry socks and gently used shoes that actually fit -- important for diabetics. Surely a blessing for that man that day. The volunteer also remembers a young guy who came in depressed, lonely, and hopeless, and simply wanted a sandwich. The volunteer had time to talk with him, and he expressed that he finally felt that someone actually cared about him, and left with more than a sandwich. Surely a blessing for that guy that day. Want to offer blessings like those? Join us. Daytime Outreach

CHURCH BELL The bell in our tower is usually silent during the week, but on March 14 at 10am, as students walked out of Vancouver School of Arts and Academics, along with students across city and nation. Our bell rang out seventeen times, to tell those students and our city that we care about them, and seventeen names were read aloud in our sanctuary as each bell rang.


PASTORAL CARE COMMITTEE Please let us know if you have someone who is not able to come to church, is in some type of crisis, medical or otherwise, or, perhaps, is in the hospital, by making a call to the office. Our meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The next meeting will be on April 24 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, (Children’s Chapel). The Rev. Dennis Cole


ing the following week. When we grocery shop, the little collapsible shelf on the cart could be for outreach. What a cool ritual that would be --- an extension of the hospitality of The Table. Thank you. Daytime Outreach

OUTREACH COMMITTEE MEETING Now held on the third Wednesday of the month. Next meeting is April 18, 6:30 pm in the Children’s Chapel.



Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. Our regular February meeting will be on Thursday, April 26 at 2PM. At Glenwood Retirement Center (5500 NE 82nd Ave, Near the Vancouver Mall). The Rev. Dennis Cole

Hopefully you saw the display case containing the “Mysteries of the Vault”. There are a number of ‘mysteries’ that we have in our Archive Vault that haven’t been displayed yet. One is a set of sales tax tokens from Colorado and Utah. What on God’s green earth are these?

WHAT MINISTRY – REQUEST Our women's shelter (WHAT) has been a life raft for many of the occupants in our basement. Our WHAT Ministry's mission is to not only provide shelter but also to support these vulnerable and homeless women. In this vein, occasionally, one of the residents may have unique needs which can not be met by the program. If you would like to be part of an email group notifying you of those needs, please contact Deb Stavig - [email protected]. Additionally, Share would like residents to be able to check out lap tops to look for jobs, emails, etc. They are looking for two used lap tops, chromebooks or tablets with keyboards. Contact Deb Stavig if you can donate!

FOOD ASSISTANCE NEEDS ASSISTANCE St James wrote: "... and you say, 'Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well'-- but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?" Our parish provides food four mornings per week for people who come in hungry. Yet donations to our Pie Room are not keeping up. Imagine if every person who comes for Eucharist each week brought ten food items. We'd have around 1500 items to distribute dur-

Prior to the Great Depression beginning in1929, there was little use of the Sales Tax. But the need to support local relief efforts amid the severe downturn caused a number of states to enact sales taxes, including Washington State, Utah, and Colorado. In Washington, the tax was a flat 2% on the purchase price. Retailers, as they do today, could set their prices so that there was an even result of the calculation, such as charging $5.00 and assessing a sales tax of 10 cents. But what does the retailer do if the items were 10 cents or 5 cents? The customer would have to suffer from a round-up to a penny on both the 10 cent item and the 5 cent item. States and retailers came up with a nifty solution; they would create their own coinage, valued in a manner that fit their tax rate. So in Washington, it was valued 1/5 of a cent to meet the state’s 2% tax rate. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Needless to say, the tokens were not popular with consumers, or with retailers. In 1935, you would spend 8 cents for a loaf of bread, 5 cents for a bottle of Coke, 5 cents for a candy bar, 10 cents for Bran Flakes, 9 cents for two rolls of toilet tissue, 7 cents for lettuce, and 9 cents for ketchup. The small envelope containing these ‘valuables’ is labeled “Coins & Tokens, Found in Williams House Walls”. The Colorado token is square with a round



hole in the middle, issued by the State Treasurer. The Utah token is round, with a star hole in the middle, and indicated that it is a part of the Emergency Relief Fund. Both tokens are aluminum.

ny & Bob Stevens) at 9:00 AM at Dulin’s Café located at 1929 Main St, Vancouver WA.

Included in the envelope are three pennies. One is a 1903 Indian Head penny; the other two are from 1918 and 1927. It makes you wonder whether these coins date the tokens, or whether they were all a part of someone’s coin collection. I checked, none of them is worth a ton of money today, but they may have once been valuable to someone, so much so that they hid them in the wall of the house. Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist and Historian

If you play an instrument and/or like to sing, please join us on Thursday, April 26, in the Children's Chapel, at 7:00 PM. Bring whatever instrument you play---guitar, uke, banjo, harmonica, dulcimer, harpsichord (okay, maybe not the dulcimer or harpsichord), and a willingness to play along with whatever we end up playing! Please bring lyric sheets/chord charts to share, so others can play and sing along with you.

COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour hosts for the month of April are: 8 April Ruth Werts & Sandy Geer 15 April Catherine & Stu Hennessey 22 April Kris & Pat Lawless 29 April Pam Goodlett & Shelly Briggs 6 May Outreach – Babies in Need Please refer any questions to Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator 360-574-2441.

IT TAKES A VILLAGE Young families will be gathering at Kari and Justin Little’s home for a potluck dinner on Sunday, April 8th at 4pm The Little’s address is 3410 Q St Vancouver 98663. All are welcome!

LUNCH BUNCH Every second Tuesday at noon the Lunch Bunch meets to share food, companionship and a special program. April 10, our program sponsors are Roy and Mary Ellen Sandberg, who will be bringing us: “Jewel of the Desert - the Kartchner Caverns of Arizona”. These are one of the world's few living wet caves open to the public for viewing. Please sign up if your are coming and if you can bring a dish to share.

"R @ R" GROUP Retirees or others available to come are invited to the Retirees @ Restaurants for breakfast and lively conversation on Wednesday, April 18 ( Greeters: Nancy Den-


This is strictly for fun, and if it goes well, we may do it on a regular basis----come give it a try! (I think I can promise that at least one or two Johnny Cash tunes will be in the mix). Questions? email Don Lawry at [email protected]. See you on April 26! Don Lawry

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE There's always room for you at Friday Night Live! Each month we see new faces and reacquaint ourselves with old friends. Please join us for an informal gathering the 4th Friday of each month with food, drink, friends and laughter. This event is a potluck, with guests bringing appetizer, salad/side, entrée or dessert and a beverage of choice. April FNL will be hosted by Jill and Phil McClellan (312 Tucson Way Vancouver 98661 360-600-0663) on Friday, April 27 at 6:30 PM. Please be sure to sign up so the host can plan ahead. The monthly sign up sheet is located in the Parish Hall by the kitchen door. Contact Sharon Mayhew with any questions. Sharon Mayhew, 360 952-0334 or 360 574-0074

CATHEDRAL DAY Saturday April 28, 11:00am – 3:00 pm Come one, come all to Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle. Bring your parish banner, join the grand procession and special service of diocesan confirmations. See the newly renovated cathedral! Launch a paper airplane, jump in the bounce house, ogle the organ, laugh with clergy, and much more. Complimentary lunch from

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO food trucks. Please register today (it’s free!) at https://2018-cathedral-day.eventbrite.com The agenda for the day is as follows: 10:00am - Candidates and Sponsors meet in the Nave for a short rehearsal. 10:30am - Vesting & Assemble outside the Nave. 11:00am - The service begins. 12:30pm - Food Trucks & Cathedral Day activities ‘til 3:00pm.


Bach, Beethoven and the Blues SUN / APRIL 29, 2018 @ 3:30 PM Bach - BRANDENBURG / WACHET AUF Beethoven - PIANO TRIO Chris Brubeck - DANZA DEL SOL Pachelbel - CANON VENUE: St. Luke's Episcopal Church Tickets @ http://www.bravoconcerts.com/vancouverseries.html Who said classical musicians can't swing? This concert features highlights from J. S. Bach's famous BRANDENBURG CONCERTOS, Beethoven's PIANO TRIO - and the coolest, hippest Swingle Singers vocal jazz arrangements of Bach's WACHET AUF and Pachelbel's CANON on the planet! Also on this concert is the classicaljazz crossover piece DANZA DEL SOL by our friend Chris Brubeck. It's the FUNNEST concert of the season!

SIZE TO SIZE God meets us where we are, using our specific gifts and talents for a divine purpose within our current circumstances. However, we're also called to grow out of our comfort zones.


October 1-5, the Diocese of Olympia's Office of the Bishop is pleased to present "The Bishop's Leadership Conference: Size to Size - Strength to Strength" - a conference that explores what it means to be faithful, healthy, and effective in your church's current, local context and help you discern if God is calling your congregation to grow in new ways. Over the course of the week, each church will attend two days of the conference. The first day, connect and network with other churches of similar size to share and discover strengths specific to your congregational size. On the second day, learn more about how growth would look by joining the next congregational size up. We'll be exploring how stewardship, marketing and evangelism, discipleship, communications, faith formation, finances, and property and building maintenance operates at all congregational sizes. The bishop is strongly encouraging all churches to send a team of clergy and lay leaders. So mark your calendars and save the date!

GUIDING GOOD CHOICES The West Van for Youth coalition is offering free evidencebased parenting classes for up to 30 parents living in downtown Vancouver (98660, 98661, and 98663 ZIP codes). Guiding Good Choices® is a five-week program for parents and other caregivers of children in grades 4-8 residing in west Vancouver. Participants will learn to keep their youth healthy by learning real strategies to set clear family guidelines on alcohol and drugs, as well as learn and practice skills to strengthen family bonds, help their children develop healthy behaviors, and increase children’s involvement in the family. One session is interactive where parents and children work together. The program will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church starting April 12 from 6-8 pm. Seats are available for 15 Englishspeaking parents and 15 Spanish-speaking parents. Meals and childcare will be provided. When participants complete ALL five sessions they will receive a $25 gift card. To register, contact Gloria Dominguez, Guiding Good Choices® Facilitator, at 360-859-3168 or [email protected]

The coalition, made up of students, individuals and public and private agencies, works to promote healthy choices and reduce substance misuse among youth. It was established in 2011 as part of the Com-



munity Prevention and Wellness Initiative program funded and administered by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. Clark County is the fiscal agent for the coalition.

SPRING FLOWER BASKET SALE Just in time! Friends of Hospice Southwest Washington is having their annual Spring Basket Sale just in time for Mother’s Day!! These beautiful 10 inch hanging baskets of ivy geraniums, fuchsias or mixed flowers, provided by Fessler’s Nursery, are only $35 each. To purchase one or more of these amazing baskets, click on the link below (Friends of Hospice SW Washington website) and scroll down to the Spring Basket Sale.

https://www.friends-of-hospice.org/otherfundraisers.html#fund2 Orders must be place by April 12, 2018. These beautiful baskets will be ready for pick up on Saturday, May 12th from 12 – 5pm at the Columbia Industrial Park Warehouse off Highway 14, Vancouver, Washington. Follow the signs directing you to the exact pickup location. Thank you for helping us help others!

“LIKE US” ON FACEBOOK Please go to our Facebook page, /stlukesvancouver, and “like” us. Give us the best endorsement you can. Say something specific about what you like! We’d appreciate your comments.

Prayer Requests Peticiones de Oración ~

For those celebrating their birthday in April / Para los que celebrant en abril. 3 - Dena Cassidy 3 - Michelle Hamann 4 - Henrietta Hoyt 4 - Polanca Villa 5 - Jim Kimura 6 - Carla Badillo 8 - Nancy Schram 8 - Kathy Gallaher 9 - Anna Greenwood 9 - Tomasa Platon 10 - Gary Wildfang 10 - Jesus Onofre Jr

10 - Andre Taque 11 - Jason Surface 12 - Barbara Nunn 13 - Eveling Ramirez Cabello 13 - Jedrick Tachiquin 15 - Joan Casey 15 - Gail Bauhs 15 - Crystal Vazquez-Andrade 15 - Emily Klucas 16 - Oscar Badillo

17 - Miranda Aguilar 17 - Pablo Vasquez 18 - Aaron Snoey 19 - Gary Sawyer 19 - Alice Huerta 20 - John McCullum 20 - Lindsey Luis 20 - Miguel Tachiquin 21 - Fr. Dennis Cole 21 - Catherine Rogge 22 - Anne Christie 22 - Mireya Estrada

23 - Peter Holman 23 - Blanca Maldonado 23 - Victoria Ornelas 24 - Hector Huerta III 25 - Den Mark Wichar 25 - Janeth Hernandez 28 - Joan McLean 29 - Paul Hamann 29 - Noah Conger 30 - Bob Hiltz 30 - Chris Kellett

CYCLE OF PRAYER / CICLO DE ORACION Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem & Middle East Congregations, Ministries & Institutions

April 1

St. Matthew/San Mateo, Auburn Good Shepherd, Federal Way

April 1

St. George’s College, Jerusalem

April 8

St. George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem

April 8

St. Elizabeth/Santa Isabel, Burien; St. John Sudanese, Tukwila

April 15

Saviour Church, Kufr Yasif, Israel

April 22

April 15

St. James, Kent and St. Columba, Kent

St. Margaret’s Guest House, Nazareth, Israel

April 22

St. George, Maple Valley

April 29

April 29

St. Luke, Renton

Good Shepherd Church, Rafidia, West Bank


Monday 2



Wednesday 4

The Sunday of the Resurrection



Friday 6


Fr. Jaime’s Vacation Office Closed


8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Easter Egg Hunt 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 2:30 Huevo de Pascua



15 Saturday

Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir






8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands JAZZ VESPERS 6:00




Fr. Jaime’s Vacation The 2nd Sunday of Easter

12:00 The Lunch Bunch



The 3rd Sunday of Easter


Office Closed



Office Closed

4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir Outreach

6:30 Vestry

The 4th Sunday of Easter

23 Office Closed




The 5th Sunday of Easter REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE

6:30 Pastoral Care Committee

30 Office Closed


4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 6:30 Outreach Committee 7:00 Choir



12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service



9:00 R@R (Dulins Café) 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service



Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service

4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir



8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

10 Women’s Spirituality (Off Site!!)

Youth Group 6:00





8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands






8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 2:00 Life Goes On 7:00 Song Circle

6:30 Friday Night Live at home of McClellan’s

Youth Group 6:00

REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa

Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the May issue of The Messenger, please submit your article on or before April 22 to the church office. [email protected] Thank you!

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero 16


Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663

Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804

Request delivery by dates: March 30 - April 2

Return Service Requested

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole, Assistant Rector The Rev. Amy Cox, Associate Priest Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director

www.stlukesvancouver.com (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email: [email protected] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/St-Lukes-San-Lucas

Senior Warden: Jill McClellan Junior Warden: John Mathieu VESTRY MEMBERS: Stu Hennessey, Beth Femling, Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes, Russ Roseberry, Michelle Hamann, Melanie Kenoyer and Marlene Perez. Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.