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News Items:

[email protected]) or Patti Porter at 704.507.8416. (Email:[email protected]). Español. • Padres de familia de CSS: El comité de apreciación de ...
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Past Issues

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Important dates: Tuesday, October 14: @ 6pm CSS Math Night Wednesday, October 15: 6th grade trip to Renaissance Festival Thursday, October 16: 8th grade takes the ACT: PLAN and 10th grade takes the ACT: EXPLORE Friday, October 17: End of the Krispy Kreme fundraiser Tuesday, October 21: @ 5.30pm Open House for prospective Middle & High School students for next year

News Items: Police As you may have seen this morning, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department will be using our fields to train their K-9 unit throughout the school year.

Swim Team (CLARIFICATION) Info meeting: 3:30pm on Thursday, October 16 in the 6th grade clubhouse. Parents are invited too. Try-outs: Wednesday, October 21 at 4pm Practice starts: Wednesday, October 28th Practices will be Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 4:30-5:30pm @ the Simmons YMCA

After school programs Fall after school programs are beginning. Join Chorus (all grades), Fencing (all grades), and Creative Writing (7th and 8th). Pick up a registration form in the main office to participate or download the form using the following links: Chorus, Fencing, Creative Writing.

High School Needs There is a desperate need in for hand sanitizer and tissues in High School classrooms.

Do you know someone who is interested in CSS? Open House for prospective Middle & High School students for the 2015-16 school year Tuesday, October 21 from 5:30-6:30pm Please help us spread the word! More info:

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser The high school Krispy Kreme fundraiser is underway. Help support the High school social Committee • Krispy Kreme certificates that can be used at any Krispy Kreme in the country. • Certificates are selling for $8.00 each. • The fundraiser will run through October 17th. Contact Dee Ramseur with any questions at [email protected] Staff Appreciation • Teachers and Staff Appreciation Committee is organizing a Hispanic Heritage lunch, to be held on Friday, October 17th • ALL CALL for CSS families who would like to share traditional Hispanic dishes o For donated dishes, please label country of origin o Inclusion of recipes with each dish is encouraged, but not required • Decorations in keeping with the theme would be greatly appreciated (To be borrowed and promptly returned at the conclusion of the event, please label them

with name & phone no.) • Drop off of donations will be held the day of from 8 am to 11am. • Please direct any questions to either Diana Puente at 704.299.5764 (Email: [email protected]) or Patti Porter at 704.507.8416 (Email:[email protected]) Español • Padres de familia de CSS: El comité de apreciación de maestros organiza una comida mensual para los maestros y directivos de la escuela. • En Octubre 17 el tema será el Mes de la Herencia Hispana • Estamos haciendo un llamado a todos los padres de familia, sobre todo de origen hispano que se sientan orgullosos de sus raíces para compartir platillos y decoraciones tradicionales de sus países de origen. • Por favor comunicarse con Diana Puente al 704.299.5764 (texto/mensaje) Book Fair • Our Scholastic Book Fair is running from October 27th through October 31st. • Volunteers are needed throughout the day. • Sign-up sheets will be placed in the kitchen on Wednesday, October 1st. • Volunteer hourly or pick a morning or afternoon shift. If you can't make it into the school, email Tracy Tabone at [email protected] or Brenda at [email protected]. They can add you to the list that way. Please email them with any questions.

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