Englewood Public Schools
Students Entering Third Grade Summer 2017 ReadingPacket
ENGLEWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS SUMMER READING LIST FOR STUDENTS ENTERING GRADE THREE During the summer all students entering Grade 3 should read 20 minutes every day. Dear Families: Summer is a time for fun and relaxation. It is also a great opportunity to read! A major goal of our schools is the promotion of reading as a lifelong pleasure. You can help your child avoid reading loss referred to as the “summer slide” by setting aside the time for daily reading. Research has shown that children who do not read over the summer will lose more than two months of reading achievement. A child should read throughout the summer and not just prior to the beginning of the school year. During the school year, your child has been learning to choose books that match his or her independent reading level, called “just right” book. We encourage you to give your child the opportunity to read “just right” books that are of interest to your child throughout the summer. We also suggest that: You and your child visit the Englewood Public Library and select from the many books available. Your child read at least 20 minutes every day; ask your child to read to you. You talk to your child about the characters, plot, sequence of events, etc. in the book he/she is reading. You encourage your child to reread books that he/she truly enjoys. Your child reads a variety of books (fiction, non-fiction, science, history, poetry, etc.) Your child keeps a Reading Log of the books he/she has read, with your signature. While your child is expected to read many books over the summer, please help your child select one book from the books listed below and ask him/her to complete the attached required activity for the selected book; the completed activity will be collected by his/her teacher the first week of school in September. Magic School Bus Series Magic Tree House Series Books by Beverly Cleary Books by Judy Blume Books by Cam Jansen Your child is asked to use the attached Reading Log to keep a record of all the books he/she has read over the summer. After reading a book, your child should write it on their Reading Log; copies of the form can be made by duplication or drawing. The Englewood Public Library, as well as the school’s website on www.epsd.org, will have a copy of the reading list on file. The completed assignment, as well as the Reading Log, should be given to your child’s new teacher the first week of school in September. Certificates will be awarded for reading excellence. Please visit the following websites for information on books and related online resources for students and parents: www.readwritethink.org/beyondtheclassroom/summer www.scholastic.com/summerreading www.c-t-l.org/kids_recommend.html www.rif.org/summer www.readingrockets.org/calendar/summer Best wishes for a happy, safe, and book-filled summer vacation!
ESCUELAS PÚBLICAS DE ENGLEWOOD Lista de lectura de verano para los estudiantes del tercer grado Durante el verano, todos los estudiantes que ingresan al tercer grado deben de leer 20 minutos al día. Queridas familias: El verano trae mucha diversión y también es una buena oportunidad para leer! Una de las metas de nuestras escuelas es promover el amor a la lectura. Para evitar la pérdida referida como “summer slide” tome tiempo para leer con su hijo(a) todos los días. Las estadísticas muestran que los niños que no leen durante el verano sufren un retraso dos meses en su nivel de lectura. Los niños deben leer durante el verano y no solo unas semanas antes del año escolar. Durante el año escolar su hijo(a) ha aprendido a seleccionar libros que van de acuerdo con su nivel de lectura. Les animamos a que le den la oportunidad a su hijo(a) a que escoja libros de su interés durante el verano. También les sugerimos que: Visite la biblioteca y comparta con su hijo(a) la emoción de seleccionar libros entre las colecciones disponibles. Su hijo(a) lea por veinte minutos al día; pídale a su hijo(a) que le lea en voz alta. Hable con su hijo(a) de los personajes, el trama, el tema, la secuencia de eventos, que aparecen en el libro que está leyendo. Anime a su hijo(a) a que lea libros de su interés. Su hijo(a) lea libros de una variedad de géneros (ficción, no-ficción, ciencias sociales, ciencias naturales, poesía, etc.) Su hijo(a) mantenga un registro de lectura de los libros con la firma del padre, que haya leído. Se espera que su hijo lea una variedad de libros, y que su hijo(a) lea uno de los siguientes libros y complete la página adjunta que se requiere para ese libro. Debe entregar esta página al maestro(a) la primera semana de septiembre. La serie de Magic School Bus La serie de Magic Tree House Libros por Beverly Cleary Libros por Judy Blume Libros por Cam Jansen Su hijo(a) debe mantener un registro de los libros que haya leído durante el verano (Use la copia de registro adjunto). Después de leer un libro, su hijo(a) debe de escribir el nombre del libro en el registro; usted puede hacer varias copias de la página de registro. Puede adquirir una copia del registro en la biblioteca Pública de Englewood y en nuestra página escolar, www.epsd.org. La primera semana de septiembre debe devolver este registro al maestro(a) de su hijo(a) y su hijo(a) recibirá un certificado por haber leído durante el verano. Por favor tenga la amabilidad de visitar las siguientes redes para obtener más información sobre libros y recursos para estudiantes y padres. www.readwritethink.org/beyondtheclassroom/summer www.scholastic.com/summerreading www.c-t-l.org/kids_recommend.html www.rif.org/summer www.readingrockets.org/calendar/summer Les deseamos unas felices vacaciones de verano disfrutando de la lectura!
Name________________________________________________ Grade 3 Book Talk Outline After reading your summer books you will select one book to give a book talk. In a book talk the book talker gives the audience a glimpse of the setting, the characters, and/or the major conflict without providing the resolution. Book talks make listeners care enough about the content of the book to want to read it. A long book talk is usually about five to seven minutes long and a short book talk is generally thirty seconds to two minutes long .In September you will share your books using the Book Talk format. To help you organize your thoughts you can use the following outline: Book Title: _______________________________________________________ Author: __________________________________________________________ Illustrator: ________________________________________________________ This Book was about: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I liked/didn’t like this book because:_______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ You should/shouldn’t read this book because: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Third Grade
The Cloud Book
Tomie DePaloa
Amber Brown Series
Paula Danzinger
Flat Stanley
Jeff Brown
Julian Series of Books
Ann Cameron
The Magic Finger
Ronald Dahl
Max Malone Makes a Million
Charlotte Herman
More Stories Huey Tells
Ann Cameron
Chocolate Fever
Robert Smith
Class President
Johanna Hurwitz
Herbie Jones
Suzy Kline
Beverly Cleary Series
Beverly Cleary
Zack Files
Dan Greenburg
K-4 Spanish Titles
Lola en la Biblioteca
Anna McQuinn
Los Colores de los Animales
Brian Wildsmith
El Bebe de la Mochila
Miriam Cohen
Caillou : El Osito de Peluche y otroscuentos
Minn Chanhassen
Sopa de Frijoles: Un Poema para Cocinar Jorge Argueta Abuelos
Pat Mora
Los TresCerditos
Julio Vivas
La Liebre y la Tortuga
Eulalia M. Valeri
Aladino y la la LámparaMarvillosa
Súper Oscar
Oscar De la Hoya
Gabriela Baeza Ventura
Silvestre y la Piedrecita Mágica
William Steig
Teresa Angulo Cárdenas
Hola Jalapeño
Amy Wilson Sanger