Los articulos Q,
an, the
* a noun is a person, animal, place object, or the name of an idea (concept).
* all Spanish nouns (the
word itself) have masculine or feminine gender.
* When nouns identify
one thing, they are singular. When nouns identify more than one, they are plural.
* Adjectives
tell Which one? What kind? Or How many?about a noun.They modify (or describe) it.
* Spanish adjectives
agree (match) in number (Singular or plural) and gender (masculineor feminine) with the noun it modifies (describes).
* The gender of nouns MUST be learned. It's super important!! Nouns ending in -0, or -MA are masculine. Nouns ending in -A, -TAD, -DAD, or -CION are feminine. If it refers to a guy (human!), it's masculine. If it refers to a girl, its feminine. If it doesn't use one of the above rules, you just have to memorize its gender (boo who @)
* To make a Spanish noun plural... 1. if it ends in a vowel, add an -5. 2. if it ends in a consonant, add -ES. 3. if it ends in a Z, change t to C and add -ES. There are
masculine feminine the the the the
ways to say "the" in Spanish. Singular el
plural los las
notebook = el cuaderno notebooks = los cuadernos chalkboard = la pizarra chalkboards = las pizarras
the the the the
pencil = el lapiz pencils = los ldpices sheets of paper = las hojas de papel erasers = los borradores
There are 2 ways to say "a/an"
I ~~ngular
I masculine
There are 2 ways to say "some"
I masculine feminine
I ~Iural unos unas
,Cuantas cosas hay? Cuantos/ cudntcs = how many hay = there is or there are ,hay? = is there or are there ,Cuantas sillas hay? Hay trienta sillas.
,Cuantos libros hay? Hay diez libros.
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\;;y/ ji/ ,Cuantos prof~sor~~ hay? ~ r Hay un profesor. 4-
,Cuantas preguntas hay? Hay una pregunta. ,Cuantos bollgrafos hay? Hay veintitin bollgrafos. ,Cuantas puertas hay? Hay cuarenta y una puertas.