Why is Spanish so much like English? The many similitudes (similarities) between Spanish and English are due to Guillermo el Bastardo (William the Bastard). Guillermo became better known for his deeds than his illegitimate birth after 1066AD. Since then he's been known as Guillermo el Conquistador, (William the Conqueror).
His Norman invasion of Britain in 1066 saw French become the official language of school and law courts. And they imposed the language on the conquered people. It stayed that way for the next 300 years. As a result, to this day thousands of words from French are an everyday part of English
French and Spanish are both romance languages. So the left over French words are a lot like Spanish words also. There are literally thousands of words that you'll instantly recognize in Spanish. Por ejemplo,
Universidad Problema Constitución Instante Aniversario In honor of Guillermo's conquest in 1066, here is an extract from the Shortcut to Spanish course that can give you 1066 Instant Spanish words.
Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 8 Al The rule to create Spanish from English The words in this category are almost all written identically in English and Spanish. Some have minor spelling and pronunciation changes. When you have a letter T in English that is pronounced SH change the T to C to create Spanish. English Initial Partial
Spanish inicial parcial
Pronunciation Tip The letter A in Spanish is always pronounced ah So animal is pronounced ah ni mahl A great thing about learning Spanish is that all vowels have just one sound. You learn it once and you have got it forever. English pronunciation of vowels varies, even within one word. For example, the name Abraham has 3 different A-sounds - ay brah haam. Three different sounds for the letter A in the same word. In Spanish Ah brah ahm has just one A sound that never changes. This consistency really helps with learning Spanish, in fact by reading Spanish you can learn new words from context. When you know the pronunciation rules you instantly know exactly how to pronounce new words in Spanish.
Here are 266 more Instant Spanish words you can use right away. abdominal accidental antisocial anual artificial audiovisual bilateral bisexual brutal caníbal carnaval casual catedral corral correccional credencial criminal cristal crucial cultural decimal dental departamental devocional diagonal dictatorial diferencial digital dimensional disfuncional dual editorial electoral emocional esencial especial espinal espiritual estructural excepcional existencial experimental exponencial extramarital facial factual fatal federal fenomenal festival fetal
The Shortcut to Spanish course has 31 audio lessons that show you how to use these Instant words to speak in flowing Spanish http://www.shortcuttospanish.com/course.html
Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 11 IBLE-ABLE The rule to create Spanish from English Most English words that end in ible or able are the same as Spanish. Some have minor spelling changes. There is a significant difference in pronunciation. In Spanish each letter is pronounced as it is written. Able Ible
Spanish pronunciation ahblay eeblay
Here are 126 more Spanish words you can use right away. aceptable adaptable admirable admisible adorable afable adjustable aplicable apreciable audible biodegradable cable calculable combustible comparable compatible considerable consolable consumible contestable controlable convertible corruptible culpable curable demonstrable deplorable
Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 12 ATE-AR The rule to create Spanish from English Many English words that end with ATE can be made into Spanish infinitives by changing ATE to AR. abreviar acelerar activar acumular administrar afiliar agitar agravar agregar alienar altercar alternar amputar animar anticipar apreciar (admire) aproximar articular asesinar (assassinate) asfixiar asimilar asociar discriminar diseminar dislocar domesticar dominar donar duplicar educar
Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 18 IVE-IVO The rule to create Spanish from English Many English words that end with ive can be made into Spanish by changing ive to ivo. Here are 164 more Spanish words you can use right away. abrasivo abusivo activo acumulativo (cumulative) adhesivo adictivo aditivo adjetivo administrativo adoptivo afectivo afirmativo agresivo alternativo alusivo aprensivo (apprehensive) archivo asociativo atractivo autoritativo cognitivo cohesivo colaborativo colectivo combativo comparativo competitivo compulsivo comunicativo conclusivo conductivo conmemorativo consecutivo conservativo constructivo contemplativo cooperativo correctivo
Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 24 ITYIDAD The rule to create Spanish from English Many English words that end with ITY can be made into Spanish by changing ITY to IDAD. This is a wonderful category, it is very easy to use and full of useful and versatile words. Plus all dad words are feminine, so you will always use una to say a or an and la for the. Here are some dad words that aren't immediately obvious, but they are easy once you know them. Spanish English habilidad ability ciudad city oscuridad darkness humedad humidity propriedad property libertad liberty ansiedad anxiety lealtad loyalty caridad charity calidad quality dificultad difficulty cantidad quantity seguridad security igualdad equality crueldad cruelty humildad humility
Spanish( (
Here are 231 Spanish words that you can use instantly. anormalidad accesibilidad aceptabilidad actividad adaptabilidad adversidad afinidad agilidad agresividad amenidad ambigüedad animosidad ansiedad anualidad aplicabilidad artificialidad atrocidad autenticidad autoridad barbaridad brevedad brutalidad calamidad calidad cantidad capacidad celebridad ciudad civilidad claridad comodidad compatibilidad comunidad conformidad continuidad creatividad credibilidad cristiandad curiosidad debilidad deformidad densidad dignidad deshonestidad disparidad diversidad divinidad domesticidad dualidad duplicidad durabilidad
The Shortcut to Spanish course has 31 audio lessons that show you how to use these Instant words to speak in flowing Spanish sentences. http://www.shortcuttospanish.com/course.html
Instant Spanish Vocabulary Category 32 Spanish Adverbs mente - ly The rule to create Spanish from English Most English adverbs end in ly. Many have a Spanish cousin, which you will recognize right away that ends in mente. There are in fact thousands of words in this category. To keep the list to a manageable level, here are the most useful mente-ly words. Here are 98 more Spanish words you’ll recognize right away. absolutamente aceptablemente afortunadamente (fortunately) aparentemente aproximadamente automáticamente básicamente claramente completamente constantemente continuamente correctamente decididamente definitivamente desafortunadamente (unfortunately) diariamente (daily) directamente dramáticamente económicamente efectivamente enormemente (enormously) especialmente (specially) específicamente (specifically) espontáneamente (spontaneously) estrictamente (strictly) evidentemente exactamente excesivamente exclusivamente extraordinariamente
The Shortcut to Spanish course has 31 audio lessons that show you how to use these Instant words to speak in flowing Spanish sentences. http://www.shortcuttospanish.com/course.html
medication or placebo over 7-17 days. Of 190 ado- lescents who completed the eight-week acute phase,. 119 entered the 6-month continuation phase (paroxe-.
Cuidado. Pay attention to your job. Pongan atencion de su area de trabajo. If you don't know, ask. Si no saben, pregunten. You are in charge of safety. Ustedes estan encargados de seguridad. Your family is waiting for you at home. La familia lo esper
To join call or come to class. Advanced English Classes. Registration is required to enroll ... obtener un folleto en español. King Street Community Center-.
El Código de Educación de California, artículo 35330, establece que: “Se ... los reclamos contra el distrito o el estado de California por lesiones, accidentes, ...
Dirección: A cambio de la posibilidad de que el Estudiante participe en la ... la naturaleza de las Actividades y desea voluntariamente participar en ellas. 3.
Estudiante: Dirección: Grado: Fecha de nacimiento: Escuela: Teléfono: ... El Estudiante y el Adulto comprenden la naturaleza del Equipo, incluso los riesgos ...
Mi estudiante es alérgico a los cacahuates □ No – Enviaré un almuerzo preparado en la casa para mi estudiante. (**Las normas y procedimientos federales ...
central, u otra cultura o el origen españoles, a pesar de carrera. ... Oriente, Asia del sudeste, o el subcontinente indio incluyendo, por ejemplo, Camboya, China,.
par: número par even number el par pair, 4.1 el par de tenis pair of tennis shoes, 3.2 para for. ¿para cuándo? for when?,. 14.2; 2.2 el parabrisas windshield, 11.1.
This English To Spanish And Spanish To English Mosby Medical Dictionary Diccionario Ingles Espanol Y. Espanol Ingles Mosby De Medicina PDF on the files/S3Library-Bfec9-F0d4b-Cabb3-944d4-B3547.pdf file begin with Intro, Brief Discussion until the Inde
El original del alta médica firmado debe ser entregada al Distrito, deben conservar copias el entrenador ... Médico que lo efectuó/Médico de cabecera: ...
presentación de la Actividad, esto incluye el viaje de ida y vuelta de toda ... cualquier bien dañado como resultado del incumplimiento del Estudiante, (b).
El Maestro Supervisor/Patrocinador llevará una copia de este formulario en la Excursión. El Formulario original se conservará en la Oficina Principal por un.
Maestro Supervisor: Trastornos médicos/Medicamentos: Al firmar al pie, el Padre o Tutor autorizado del Estudiante que planea participar en la Excursión objeto ...
un vehículo conducido por otro estudiante ni por ninguna persona menor de 21 ... el Estudiante debe ser transportado ida y vuelta por los medios normales ...
estado de la Licencia de Conductor del Estudiante, (b) efectúe una revisión de antecedentes penales y/o (c) se comunique con la compañía de seguros para ...
y el Distrito/la oficina de la escuela por un período de un (1) año después de que ... regresar a la práctica ni participar hasta que el Distrito reciba un alta médica ...
Pulso: Después del examen: Abdomen, genitales/hernia (hombres). BP: ... Evaluación para conmoción cerebral (sólo si es necesaria basada en información ...