The Lantern! Our Summer Newsletter for August 2012 A Brief Calendar for August The complete calendar for the month may be viewed on our web page at . Special Events Sun Jul 29 - 4:40 PM - VBS Fiesta Finali Potluck with the Cathedral Mariachis. Sun Aug 19 - 3:00pm - Community Hymn Sing and Recpetion Recurring Events Sunday 9:00 AM - Holy Eucharist 11:15 AM - Misa en Español Monday 9:00 AM - Card Making Workshop - 2nd and 4th Mondays 6:30 PM - Vestry Meeting - 4th Monday Tuesday 9:30 AM - Super Staff Meeting - 2nd Tuesday Wednesday 10:00 AM - Chapel Eucharist & Healing Service 10:00 AM - Prayer Shawl Ministry - 3rd Wednesday Saturday 8 AM - Bargains Galore
Fr. Peter's Letter to the Parish
A Reflection on an Evening Prayer from Iona One of my favorite devotions, one we've used in Vestry from time to time, is an Evening Prayer from the Iona monastic community off the coast of Scotland. I share the following excerpt with you as it speaks to the work of the Holy Spirit within our own community of faith to energize and empower us to do God's work. My reflections are interspersed throughout in [brackets].
Let us pray.
If you were busier, Lord, you would not bother with us. But you have time for all: You have time to listen. [How wonderful to be reminded how very much we matter to God! ...not just as a people, but each and every one of us. We are beloved of God.] R: So we praise you, for having all things in proportion, and a time in your silence for us to speak. [If God sets aside time to listen to us, how do we use that time? Do we in turn set aside time to speak to God, knowing that He cares and that He listens? ...or do we set our own priorities, and go about our own business, ignoring our Creator?] V: If you were wiser, Lord, you would not bother with us. But you are foolish, and so we are your choice. [What?? God unwise and foolish? Perhaps, in the eyes of the world. Do we focus on that not making a lot of sense in our limited understanding, or do we bless God and give thanks that we have indeed been chosen to be loved and to be cared for?] R: So we praise you that your kingdom is indeed upside down; that your standards are not those of the world; that you have bent down to touch us. [If we are to be inheritors of the kingdom, as Scripture reminds us, then we too have to change our paradigms, "think outside the box", and seek new ways of sharing the good news of the kingdom with others.] V: If you were content, Lord, you would not bother with us. But you are restless: through anger, through excitement, and through love, you will all things to change and be made new. [God stirs us up! The Spirit moves us! We are called to be renewed, redeemed and
transformed as a new creation. The word "re-creation" takes on a whole new meaning!] R: So we praise you that your restlessness has been born in us, as the pain of the world, the cries of your people, the urgency of your gospel, and the call of your Holy Spirit upset our easiness and require us to respond. [That is a call to action if I ever heard one! Not only are we to be transformed, but are called to be agents of change in this broken world.] V: With the eye of a weaver, You have chosen us--such different threads--to be gathered into unity that the world might believe. [There is so much more power in those things we share in common than in the things that separate us from one another. We each bring our own unique Gifts of the Spirit to the work of proclaiming the Good News and building up the body of Christ. Individually, it would seem impossible... together, we really can make a difference - one step at a time.] R: So may we not serve your purpose unless we are open to each other; not care for each other unless we reflect your love- not care for each other unless we are glad to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, as friends and followers of Jesus in whose name we pray. [We are family, empowered by our Creator to be instruments of His love. It is not always easy, and there is a cost in being disciples - but in Christ all things are possible, and the rewards are immense and eternal. ...and to that I say "Amen!"] With every blessing, Fr. Peter+
Una Reflexión Sobre una Oración Vespertina de Iona Una de mis devociones favoritas, una que hemos utilizado en la Junta Parroquial de vez en cuando, es una oración vespertina de la comunidad monástica de Iona en la costa de Escocia. Yo comparto la siguiente cita con ustedes, ya que habla de la obra del Espíritu Santo dentro de nuestra propia comunidad de fe, para darnos energía y poder para hacer las obras de Dios. Mis reflexiones se intercalan a lo largo entre [corchetes]. V: Oremos. Si fueras más ocupado, Señor, no te preocuparas con nosotros. Sin embargo, tienes tiempo para todos: Tienes tiempo para escucharnos. [¡Qué maravilloso ser recordados cuanto importamos a Dios! ... No sólo como un
pueblo, sino cada uno de nosotros. Somos amados de Dios.] R: Por eso, te alabamos, por tener todas cosas en proporción, y tiempo en tu silencio escucharnos. [Si Dios nos otorga tiempo para escucharnos, ¿cómo usamos ese tiempo? ¿Reservamos tiempo para hablar con Dios, sabiendo que Él se preocupa con nosotros y nos escucha? O mantenemos nuestras propias prioridades, siguiendo nuestros propios deseos, sin darnos cuenta de nuestro Creador?] V: Si fueras más sabio, Señor, no te preocuparías con nosotros. Pero Tú eres imprudente, y por eso nos has elegido. [¿Qué? ¿Dios no sabio e imprudente? Tal vez, en los ojos del mundo. ¿Nos fijamos en lo que parece absurdo en nuestra comprensión limitada, o bendecimos a Dios y damos gracias por haber sido elegidos por Él para ser amados y cuidados?] R: Por eso, te alabamos porque tu reino es hecho al revés, que tus normas no son las del mundo, que te has inclinado a tocarnos. [Si vamos a ser herederos del reino, como nos recuerda la Escritura, entonces también tenemos que cambiar nuestros paradigmas, "pensar fuera de la caja", y buscar nuevas maneras de compartir las buenas nuevas del reino con los demás.] V: Si fueras contento, Señor, Tú no te preocuparías con nosotros. Pero Tú eres inquieto: a través de la ira, a través de la emoción, y a través del amor, tu voluntad para todas cosas es ser cambiadas y renovadas. [Dios nos despierta! El Espíritu nos mueve! Estamos llamados a ser renovados, redimidos y transformados como una nueva creación. La palabra "re-creación" adquiere un significado totalmente nuevo!] R: Así, te alabamos porque tu inquietud ha nacido en nosotros, como el dolor del mundo, los gritos de tu pueblo, la urgencia de tu Evangelio, y la llamada de tu Espíritu Santo nos molesta y nos obliga a responder. [¡Esta es una llamada a la acción como ninguna otra! No sólo hemos de ser transformados, pero estamos llamados a ser agentes de cambio en este mundo quebrantado.] V: Con el ojo de un tejedor, Tú nos has elegido - tales hilos diferentes - reunidos en la unidad para que el mundo crea. [Hay mucho más poder en las cosas que tenemos en común que en las cosas que nos separan unos de los otros. Cada uno de nosotros traemos nuestros propios y únicos Dones del Espíritu a la obra de proclamar la Buena Nueva y la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo. Individualmente, esto parece imposible ... juntos, podemos verdaderamente hacer una diferencia -. Un paso a la vez.]
R: Así, no podemos servir a tu propósito sin estar abiertos a los demás; no cuidar uno al otro sin reflejar tu amor - no cuidar uno al otro sin ser contentos de aceptar el costo y la alegría del discipulado, como amigos y seguidores de Jesús, en cuyo nombre oramos. [Somos una familia, con el poder de nuestro Creador para ser instrumentos de su amor. No será siempre fácil, y hay un costo de ser discípulos. Pero en Cristo todas cosas son posibles, y las recompensas son inmensas y eternas. ...Y a esto digo "¡Amén!"] Con toda bendición, Padre Pedro+
A Few Words From Your Senior Warden How many ways do we use to communicate? Here are a few: via both spoken and written words, through silence and active listening, with body language and music. We employ all of these as we praise and thank God for the many blessings he gives us, our families, friends and communities. Those who planned or participated in our creative Vacation Bible School and lively fiesta used all of these ways to communicate, and we thank them. Think about communication as we head into August. On the 19th, we'll host the "Hymn Sing" as other churches have in recent months. Let's get the word out to as many people as we can; invite them to join us that afternoon in making a joyful noise to the Lord and sharing some light refreshments. With greater communication we will no longer be a well-kept secret. In His Love, Beth
Unas palabras de la Guardián Mayor ¿Por cuántas maneras comunicamos? Hay algunas de ellas: por la palabra hablada y escrita, por el silencio mientras escuchamos atentamente, por los manierismos y la música. Usamos cada una de estas maneras para alabarle y agradecerle a Dios por la gran cantidad de bendiciones que nos da a nosotros mismos, a las familias, a los amigos y a las comunidades. Le damos muchas gracias a cada uno de ustedes quien planeó o tomó parte en la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones y la gran fiesta final usando todas estas maneras de la comunicación. Piensen en la comunicación en el mes de agosto porque en el día 19 seramos los anfitriones para "Cantar los himnos" como han sido otras congregaciones en los últimos
meses. Vamos a ver si podemos invitarles a todos para cantarle a Dios aquella tarde y compartir algo lígero de comer y beber. Con más y mejor comunicación podemos dejar de ser el buen secreto de aquí. En el amor del Señor, Beth
Beginning Tai Chi Class Being Offered Would you like to improve your balance, increase energy and stamina, improve your bone density and muscle strength, reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, and increase your feeling of well-being? Tai Chi, when practiced slowly, may help you obtain these benefits. Tai Chi combines slow, gentle movements and stretches with deep breathing and relaxation in a low-impact form of exercise. No special equipment is necessary; just wear loose, comfortable clothing and flat shoes. Classes are being held in Harte Hall on Wednesdays starting on July 25th from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. for six weeks. Classes are $40 in advance or $10 each class, pay as you come. For more information contact Diane Plein at 623-972-7102.
Growing Our Faith by Barbara Fabre July was a REALLY busy month for our kids at St. Christopher's. VBS was awesome!! We are already planning for next year's VBS! Many thanks go out to everyone that helped make Son Fiesta such a grand success! Our story tellers; Gary, Clive, Frank, Fr. Peter and Tad were wonderful. The children loved having the stories told to them in such animated ways. Good Job fellas. Thank you to Andy for all his help all month. He was our "go-to guy". We couldn't have done all that we did without him! Thank you to Jo for helping us assemble our craft kits every week. And, last but not least, I want to especially thank my two right arms GG and Miss Betty!! I really think that the three of us had just as much fun as the children did. FIESTA! Jesus is our life. VIVA!! August is our time to prepare for the start of Sunday School on September 9th. Registration will start August 12th in the Narthex. With God's help, we will have two classes going this year. We'd like to convert the old nursery into a class for the kids 12 years and older. All we need at this point is a pair of teachers to team
teach. Wouldn't it be a blessing to draw the "tweens" back to church and get a Youth Group going? Look for the adult classes to start simultaneously. Word has it that there might be more than one adult class to choose from. Watch your bulletins. Many blessing and lots of love, Miss Barbara
VBS Fiesta Finale Potluck! The urging to "Bring a 'fiesta' dish to share and bring a friend too!" this weekend was clearly headed as our Son Fiesta VBS Finale and Potluck Celebration brought together over 100 people from St. Christopher's and the community on July 29th. Children from our English, Spanish and Korean language church families enthusiastically shared stories, performed songs they'd learned during their month-long experience and displayed crafts they'd made. It brought a delightful end to our VBS month and we hope you came and joined in the festivities. Many thanks to all who made VBS and the celebration such a success this year. Ole!
A Financial Update by Mona Guarino, Budget & Finance Chair We continue to work aggressively on improving financial matters at St. Christopher's: At its July 23rd meeting, the Vestry approved the composition of the newly formed Budget & Finance Committee which is called for in our Bylaws. The committee includes Mona Guarino and Al Franco as non-vestry members and Diane Plein and Marj Kassien as vestry members. Wynn Lawry will serve as a resource to the committee. The Sr. Warden, Treasurer, and Priest-in-Charge serve as "Ex Officio" members. Mona Guarino will serve as Chair. The Committee is drafting a formal description of the composition, duties, and responsibilities. The transition to an experienced QuickBooks bookkeeper was completed on June 23. The new air conditioner in parish hall was installed the first week of July in time for VBS without touching the endowment. PLEASE be sure to keep your pledge up during the summer. We continued to
be slightly under budget as to expenses for June, but income was also under budget.
A Note Regarding Contribution Statements 2nd quarter statements are now available in the mail cart folders located in the Narthex. After reviewing it, should you have questions about your pledge statement please contact Mona Guarino at 202-309-4045 or E-mail
[email protected] . We are attempting to save on postage by distributing as much as possible via the mail cart. For those of you who are away for the summer, and may have need for it before you return, please contact the office to have it e-mailed or mailed. Thank you.
Special Events and Notices "One in Spirit/One in Song" - A Community Hymn-Sing Join us in the church on August 19th at 3:00 PM for a joyous Sunday afternoon hymn-sing. It is sponsored by The Ecumenical Planners of Sun City and all who enjoy singing are cordially invited to attend. We will sing and learn about the hymns for approximately an hour. Following, there will be an opportunity for getting better acquainted over light refreshments.
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry by Barbara Fabre The St. Christopher's Prayer Shawl Ministry Team has continued to make beautiful shawls throughout the summer. As of this writing, we have given out 59 prayer shawls. It's very rewarding to read in thank you notes how they've touched the lives of their recipients. If you know of someone, anyone, who would benefit from a shawl and all the prayers that go with it, please contact the church office, Fr. Peter, or any member of the team! Many blessings!
I SING A SONG OF THE SAINTS OF GOD..... by Marinell Eron Maybe not an "official" saint, but a holy man indeed is Jonathan Myrick Daniels. Born in Keene MA, in 1935 , Jonathan was called to the seminary on Easter Day 1962 with a profound conversion experience. While in the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, he heard and answered
with joy the call of Martin Luther King, Jr. to come to Selma and help secure voting rights there and expose the nation's racism. He answered that call with joy and, after being imprisoned for joining a picket line, he and several others were suddenly released. Four of them were walking to a small store when they were accosted by a man with a gun. Jonathan pulled 16-year-old Ruby Sales aside and shielded her, and was killed. His letters express the profound effect Selma had on him, and underscore his belief that he was called there for a purpose. " I began to know in my bones and sinews that I was truly baptized into the Lord's death and resurrection....with them, and white, with ALL life, in Him whose Name is above all .....we are indelibly and unspeakably one." Feast Day assigned: August 14. .....AND I WANT TO BE ONE, TOO ! (Hymn 203)
Bargains Galore by Gary Welsh Bargains Galore? Yes! And I really mean Galore! We have been busy receiving lots of new clothes and other items. Thanks to everyone for stepping up to the plate for Saturday store management and other help. Sales have been slower, but cooler weather is on the way. Now is the time to prepare for better sales. The Vestry has approved the formation of the Bargains Galore Ministry Team. Amy Schultz will serve as the Coordinator of the team. A small group will work with her to manage Bargains Galore with designated volunteer managers for each week of the month. Al & Bonnie Franco will manage the 1st Saturday of each month, Eva Quiles the 2nd, Ann Gay the 3rd, Gary Welsh the 4th, and Amy Schultz the 5th. A volunteer coordinator will use data from the Time & Talent cards that have been coming in to staff other positions on Saturday for sales and on Tuesday and Wednesday for sorting, marking, and displaying merchandize. If you are interested in helping please contact Amy Schultz. We are getting more volunteers for during the week work. Thank you.....All of you! Your help is so very valuable. Our outreach is two fold.....low prices for those in need, and "Hello! Welcome to our Church! Our services are 9:00 and 11:15. Come join us!" It's going to work, folks. The church will grow through your efforts!
News from the Bookshelf by Charlotte Powley
Thanks to Gary Welsh and Al Franco, we have 5 new book cases in our book store. The 3 tall white ones have our overflow collection of hard back fiction for only 50 cents each and all our craft books and patterns. We have knitting, crochet, and counted cross stitch brochures. The brochures are only 10 cents each. The two short bookcases will become part of our children's section. We have even been able to expand our Spanish books section. We have received a lot of new paper backs which always sell well and we even have some Westerns. The New non fiction bookcase has been completely changed and we even have some new tall books. It is time for everyone to check their bookshelves and sort out those books you have enjoyed but will not be reading again. Donate them to your church bookstore for others to enjoy. While you are there, see if you can find some titles to fill in the empty spaces. We also have some new VHS tapes in very good condition if you would rather watch a movie. We now have a Request jar, so if you cannot find your favorite author or a book you want, fill out the form and as soon as it comes in, Barbara or Charlotte will call you. As always, Barbara & I keep your fiction books in alphabetical order and the non fiction sorted by subject so it is easy to find what you need, If you see many books by an author unfamiliar to you, perhaps that is a sign that this is a very readable writer and you might want to make his/her acquaintance. The jigsaw puzzles are also new and only 50 cents each. We had a good response to our detectives table so look for special event displays in the future. As always, put the money in the Book Banks and it will go into the general fund.
Birthdays for August 1 Mona Guarino 1 Pat Lundvick 1 Glen Vogt 4 Ken Singleton 7 William Craine 8 Louis Van Scoter 12 Elaine Bathurst 17 Virginia Hofmeister 18 Beverley Bracy 19 Bob Martin 19 Don McCune 20 Pedro Alejandro
21 22 24 25 26 30
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