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Regional Catechist Training St. Pius X, Portland August 18, 2018

18 ago. 2018 - serves as Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Portland. Fr. Pedro Arteaga M.Sp.S Soy sacerdote Misionero del Espíritu ...
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Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation

Regional Catechist Training St. Pius X, Portland August 18, 2018 Schedule 8:30 Registration & Hospitality 9:00 Welcome & Opening Prayer Rolando Moreno and Deacon Felix Garcia 9:15 Keynote Address English:

Presentación Principal:

10:15 Mass and Adoration

Jesus the Gospel We Proclaim: On Holiness of Life and Evangelization by Bishop Peter Smith (Community Center, Main Hall) Jesús, el Evangelio que proclamamos: La santidad en la vida y la evangelización by Fr. Peter Arteaga (Church) Bishop Peter Smith

11:15 Break 11:30 Lunch 12:15 English Ministry Workshop: Making Disciple Makers: Changing the World through Spiritual Multiplication by Hilary Draftz (Community Center, Main Hal) Taller de Ministerio:

La Formación de Discípulos Misioneros: Cambiar al mundo por medio de la multiplicación spiritual by Deacon Felix (McMahon Hall)

1:15 Break 1:30 Breakout SessionsParish Leadership:

Forming a Team in the Manner of Christ: Investing More in Your Parish Leaders by Rolando Moreno (Community Center, Room 1)

Taller para líderes parroquiales: La Formación de equipos a la manera de cristo: Invertiendo en sus líderes parroquiales by Deacon Felix (Community Center, Room 2) Volunteer Catechists:

Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth: How to Share the Gospel through Your Life by Hilary Draftz (Community Center, Main Hall)

Taller para Catequistas Voluntarias: Testigos hasta los extremos de la tierra: Sembrando el Evangelio con su vida by Omar Torres (McMahon Hall)

2:45 Office Updates and Closing prayer

2838 E Burnside St Portland, OR 97214 | [email protected] | 503-233-8315 |

Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation

Regional Catechist Training Speakers St. Pius X, Portland

Bishop Peter Smith is originally from South Africa and was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon on June 9, 2001, by the Most Reverend John G. Vlazny. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Portland in Oregon on March 4, 2014, and ordained April 29, 2014. He currently serves as Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia for the Archdiocese of Portland.

Fr. Pedro Arteaga M.Sp.S Soy sacerdote Misionero del Espíritu Santo. Nací en Alemania y estudie Filosofía y teología en México, Italia, Alemania, Francia y los EEUU. Eh trabajado en Europa, África y Las Américas como sacerdote misionero. Actualmente soy profesor de teología en el Seminario de Mount Ángel, Oregón y soy el enlace de la Arquidiócesis de Portland para la Renovación Carismática Católica.

Hilary Draftz is the West Area Director for FOCUS. She became a full-time FOCUS missionary in 2005 after earning a bachelor’s degree in Film Studies and English Literature from the University of Colorado in Boulder. She has served FOCUS on various levels of campus and regional leadership and as Director of Quality, Growth, & Innovation. Hilary is currently is leading a team of eight Regional Directors who work directly with over 200 missionaries in 47 college campus from California to Michigan. She and her husband live in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

Omar Torres asistió al seminario en Bogotá, Colombia por siete años, donde estudió filosofía y teología en el centro FUSA de la Fundación Universitaria San Alfonso. Es bilingüe en español e inglés y una de sus metas es sembrar la Buena Nueva y ser testigo a Cristo. Actualmente, Omar Torres trabaja en el ministerio para los jóvenes y jóvenes adultos en la Iglesia de San Lucas en Woodburn. Omar y su esposa tienen dos hijos: Isaiah y Daniella.

2838 E Burnside St Portland, OR 97214 | [email protected] | 503-233-8315 |

Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation

Dcn. Félix García, Es originario de Córdoba Veracruz México, Ha trabajado en él ministerio por más de 27 años, trabaja como coordinador del Ministerio Hispano en la Arquidiócesis de Portland. Su esposa Denise es japonesa-brasileña y con sus 5 hijos nacidos en Estados Unidos, experimentan esta interacción de cultura día a día, esto le ayudado a comprender, cada día, un poco más él roll como Diácono y ministro Hispano en medio de una Iglesia con muchas culturas

Rolando Moreno serves as the Director of the Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Portland. He has taught Theology at Central Catholic High School, and served as Pastoral Associate of Catechesis and Family Life at St. Joseph’s in Salem. He received his master’s of Theological Studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in 2005 and a Bachelor of Arts in the Theology and Philosophy with a Concentration in Catechetics in 2003 from Franciscan University of Steubenville. Rolando and his wife Angela have five children and live in Keizer. OR

2838 E Burnside St Portland, OR 97214 | [email protected] | 503-233-8315 |