Wild Rose Middle School Supply List Grade 6 Middle School Assignment Notebook •Ear buds (headphones) for plugging into chrome books •Calculator Colored pencils Markers Red, blue, and black pens Scissors Big eraser No. 2 pencils Crayons ●Box of Kleenex (will be stored in the classroom) One-subject spiral notebooks Blue (2), green (1), red (1), yellow (1), black or purple (1) One-subject folders Blue (1), green (1), red (1), yellow (1), black or purple (1)
Grades 7 & 8 Middle School Assignment Notebook Literature & Language Arts 7-8 Grade (Mrs. Miller’s Classes Only) •Scissors •Pencils and pens (black or blue ink) •Checking pen (red, green, purple, or other colored ink) •Pencil case •Glue sticks •highlighters •loose leaf paper •Pocket Folders •(2) One subject spiral notebooks •(1) 2” wide three-ring binder with clear plastic cover(7th grade only) •Plastic sleeves (50) for three-ring binder (7th grade only) Health 7th Grade •Pocket folder •Spiral notebook
Grade 6 •El horario •Una kaja de los lapices de colores •Los marcadores •Las Tijeras •El borrador grande •Los lapices #2 •Los bolis rojo, azul, y negro •Los lapices de pastel •Se necesita el cuaderno de cada color: azul, verde, rojo, amarillo, y negro o morado •Se necesita el carpeta de cada color: azul, verde, rojo, amarillo, y negro o morado •Cinco cubierta para los libros •La Calculadora
Math & Science 7-8 Grade – Mr. Murphy’s Class Only •1 1 ½” Binder •1 Spiral Notebook •1 Folder •Red checking pen Geography – Grade 7 & History – Grade 8 •Headphones/Earbuds •1 notebook •1 folder •1 pack of sticky notes •1 box of Kleenex
Wild Rose High School Supply List Science Supply List
10th Grade Health
9th Grade Physical Science 1. Binder – 1 or 1 ½inches 2. Notebook for labs ONLY 3. Notebook or loose leaf paper for notes and assignments 4. Pencils and erasers 5. 4-pack of white board markers 6. Calculator
•Pocket folder •Spiral Notebook
General Chemistry 1. Binder – 1 or 1 ½inches 2. Notebook for labs ONLY 3. Notebook or loose leaf paper for notes and assignments 4. Pencils and good erasers 5. Calculator Physics (Physical Chemistry) 1. Binder 1 or 1 ½inches 2. Notebook for labs ONLY 3. Notebook or loose leaf paper for notes and assignments 4. Pencils and good erasers 5. Calculator 6. 4-pack of white board markers Advanced Chemistry 1. Binder – 1 or 1 ½inches 2. BOUND notebook for labs (Composition notebooks work well for this) 3. Black or blue ink pen for lab notebook 4. Notebook or loose leaf paper for notes and assignments 5. Pencils and good erasers 6. Calculator
English 9 Highly suggested: •2 inch 3 ring-binder •Loose leaf paper •Dividers An alternative would be: •(3) Single subject notebooks •(1) 2 Pocket folder
Social Problems, US History, Social Studies •Notebook •Sturdy/durable folder, or 3 ring binder (11/2” or 2”) •Headphones or ear buds •Students may also want to pick up colored pencils or crayons, which can be stored in their locker until needed.