8: 14-17. Abba Father. Aclamacion-R and A. Mt. 28: 16-20. Go Forth and. Baptize. Musica para las ofrendas ... from heaven…handout. Mark 14:12-16,22-26.
Preludio Cancion de entrada-174 Espiritu Santo Ven Kyrie-Ubi Caritas Mass Gloria-595 Hechos 2, 1-11 Pentecost in Jerusalem. Salmo-R and A 1 Cor. 12, 3-7, 12-13 The fruits of the Spirit.. Aclamacion-R and A Sequencia- Veni Sanctae Spiritus – Solo Juan 20, 19-23 The Spirit makes the truth known. Musica para las ofrendas-180 La Buena Nueva Santo-Ubi Caritas Mass Aclamacion Memorial-Ubi Caritas Mass Amen-Ubi Caritas Mass Cordero de Dios-Ubi Caritas Mass Canto de Communion-287 Jesus El Pan de Vida Meditacion Canto de salida-330 Iglesia Peregrino Postlude
Prelude- Ave Verum Corpus by Mozart WITH Orchestra Opening Song/Hymn- Vigil – 919 I come with Joy | Sunday 567 Holy Holy Holy_ Kyrie- 301 Gloria- 302 Prov. 8: 22-31 Eternal Wisdom. Psalm 8 Rom. 5: 1-5 The love of God in our hearts. Gospel Acclamation-272 __ Verses: _Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to the God who is, who was, and who is to come. John 16: 12-15 The Spirit of truth. Offertory Music-563 How Wonderful the 3 in 1 OR OCT 448 Praise to the Lord, The Almighty Sanctus- 308A Memorial Acclamation- 309 Great Amen- 374 Danish (Extended) Agnus Dei- 313A Communion Song/Hymn-560 Spirit Wind Meditation-The Cherubic Hymn – Oct. 382 Closing Song/Hymn-546 Go to the World Postlude
Preludio Cancion de entrada-408 Santo Santo Santo Kyrie-Ubi Caritas Mass Gloria-595 Deut. 4: 32-34, 39,, 40 The Lord is God. Salmo-R and A Rom. 8: 14-17 Abba Father. Aclamacion-R and A Mt. 28: 16-20 Go Forth and Baptize Musica para las ofrendas Santo-Ubi Caritas Mass Aclamacion Memorial-Ubi Caritas Mass Amen-Ubi Caritas Mass Cordero de Dios-Ubi Caritas Mass Canto de Communion-296 Un Mandamiento Nuevo Meditacion Canto de salida412 Gracias, Senor, Es Nuestra Melodia Postlude
Prelude- OCT 60 I was Glad by Parry Opening Song/Hymn- 137 O Saving Victim / O Salutaris Kyrie- Chant 301 Gloria- Chant 302 Ex. 24: 3-8 This is the blood of the Covenant. Psalm 110 Heb. 9: 11-15 The blood of Christ will purify our conscience. Sequence Gospel Acclamation-272 __ Verses: _ I am the living bread come down from heaven…handout Mark 14:12-16,22-26 Institution of the Eucharist Offertory Music-785 Now We Remain OR OCT 144 O Living Bread Sanctus- 308A Memorial Acclamation309 Great Amen- 374 Danish (Extended) Agnus Dei- 313A Communion Song/HymnPanis Angelicus – Cesar Franck Oct. 543 WITH orchestra Meditation- 619 Let All Mortal Flesh Closing Song/Hymn-615 Holy God We Praise Thy Name Postlude
Preludio Cancion de entrada-Ven, Ven al banquette (handout for choir) Kyrie-Ubi Caritas Mass Gloria-595 Ex. 24: 3-8 This is the blood of the covenant. Salmo-R and A Heb. 9: 11-15 The blood of Christ will purify us. Sequencia-Ecce Panis – Solo Aclamacion-R and A Mk. 14: 12-16, 22-26 Institution of the Eucharist. Musica para las ofrendas-277 Cuando Partimos Santo-Ubi Caritas Mass Aclamacion Memorial-Ubi Caritas Mass Amen-Ubi Caritas Mass Cordero de DiosUbi Caritas Mass Canto de Communion-288 Humildes Gracias Meditacion Canto de salida-426 Loor a Dios Postlude
justice in the sight of the Gentiles, alleluia, alleluia. 521 Christ is Risen Shout Hosanna. Kyrie-Missa Pacem (may be omitted for sprinkling) and/or Vidi Aquam.
Easter 2 (Divine Mercy):. Year C. G1066. Pascua II. Divine Mercy. Ano C. Easter 3: Year C. G1069. Pascua III. Ano C. Easter 4: ... alleluia, so my soul longs for.
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1713-1722. Morris, R., Kirschbaum, C. R., & Picard R. W. (2010). Broadening accessibility through special interests: a new approach for software customization.
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Escala. Dibujado. Nombre. Fecha. Proyecto. Nombre de plano. Nº Plano. Brazo Robótico AURA. Adrián de la Iglesia. J. J. CORTE J-J. 18,46. R. 3. O. 3. R. 3. R.
Cyber-bullying (en línea a través de las redes sociales). Trabajo infantil. Hacer que un niño realice trabajos que pueden interrumpir su educación y/o desarrollo.
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mi interés radica en tenerle a usted fuera de combate. ...... Vaya técnica la suya - dijo sardónicamente Quail; su disgusto y su ...... Era un cuchillo de metal, un ...