Year C: Advent Christus Rex 2018-2019
Year C: Advent - Christus Rex 2018-2019
Year C: Advent Christus Rex 2018-2019
Year C: Advent Christus Rex 2018-2019
Year C: Advent Christus Rex 2018-2019
May 12, 2019
May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
May 26, 2019
May 26, 2019
Pascua IV Shepherd Sunday Year C
Easter 5: Year C G1075
Pascua V Year C
Easter 6: Year C G 1078
Pascua VI Year C
Order Of Service
Order Of Service
Order Of Service
Order Of Service
Order Of Service
Preludio Cancion de entrada-166 Cristo Resucito Kyrie-141 El Senor (Sprinkling Rite) Gloria-595 Hechos 4, 8-12 Outside Him, no salvation. Salmo-R and A 1 Juan 3, 1-2 We shall see Him as He is. Aclamacion-R and A Juan 10, 11-18 I am the good shepherd. Musica para las ofrendas-479 Jesus, El Buen Pastor Santo-Pueblo Imigrante Aclamacion Memorial-Pueblo Imigrante Amen-Pueblo Imigrante Cordero de Dios- Melodia 703 Canto de Communion-394 O Jesus, Oh Buen Pastor Meditacion Canto de salida-162 Jesus Nuestra Pascua Postlude
Sing to the Lord a new Song, alleluia; for the Lord has accomplished wondrous deeds, alleluia; he has revealed his justice in the sight of the Gentiles, alleluia, alleluia. 521 Christ is Risen Shout Hosanna Kyrie-Missa Pacem (may be omitted for sprinkling) and/or Vidi Aquam Gloria- Missa Pacem Acts 14: 21-27 First missionary journey of Paul. Psalm 145- Use Response G92 Rev. 21: 1-5a Behold, I am making all things new. Gospel Acclamation- G537 Verses: 2 John 13: 31-33a, 34-35 Love one another. 744 As a fire is meant for burning OR Anthem - Oct. 129 Majesty and Glory Sanctus- Missa Pacem Memorial Acclamation- Missa Pacem Great Amen- Missa Pacem Agnus Dei- Missa Pacem 696 Ubi Caritas – Hurd – SATB handout for choir 744 As a Fire is meant for burning Benediction- G187 533 Come You Faithful Postlude
Preludio Cancion de entrada-161 Cristo Jesus Resucito Kyrie-141 El Senor (Sprinkling) Gloria-595 Hechos 9, 26-31 Paul in Jerusalem w/ the Apostles. Salmo-R and A 1 Juan 3, 18-24 To love in deed and in truth. Aclamacion-R and A Juan 15, 1-8 I am the tree vine. Musica para las ofrendas-296 Un Mandamiento Nuevo Santo-Pueblo Imigrante Aclamacion Memorial-Pueblo Imigrante Amen-Pueblo Imigrante Cordero de Dios-Melodia 703 Canto de Communion-332 El Vinador Meditacion Canto de salida-414 Himno de la Alegria Postlude
Prelude-JESU JOY OF MAN’S DESIRING – JS BACH OCT. 102 WITH Orchestra Opening Song/Hymn613 Praise My Soul Kyrie- Missa Pacem (may be omitted) or Vidi Aquam Gloria- Missa Pacem Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29 The Council of Jerusalem. Psalm- Handout Rev. 21: 10-14, 22-23 The holy city. Gospel Acclamation-537__ Verses: __6 John 14: 23-29 My peace I give to you. Offertory Music-556 Come Down O Love Divine OR Anthem - Oct. 548 O God we kneel before your throne Sanctus-Missa Pacem Memorial AcclamationMissa Pacem Great Amen-Missa Pacem Agnus Dei- Missa Pacem Communion Song/ Hymn-847 Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today, and Forever Meditation-556 Come Down O Love Divine OR OCT 478 Ubi Caritas Benediction- G187 Closing Song/Hymn-536 At the Lamb’s High Feast Postlude
Preludio Cancion de entrada-252 Alegria de Vivir Kyrie-141 El Senor (sprinkling rite) Gloria-595 Hechos 10, 25-26. 34. 44-48 Peter at Caesarea. Salmo-R and A 1 Juan 4, 4-10 God is love. Aclamacion-R and A Juan 15, 9-17 You are my friends. Musica para las ofrendas-162 Jesus, Nuestra Pascua Santo-Pueblo Imigrante Aclamacion Memorial-Pueblo Imigrante Amen-Pueblo Imigrante Cordero de Dios-Melodia 703 Canto de Communion-121 Donde Hay Caridad Meditacion Canto de salida-141 El Senor Ha Resucitado Postlude