Scope and Sequence

Literature Anthology. Leveled Reader. Vocabulary. Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2. Genre: Informational Text: Xxxxxxxxx. Essential Question: Xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx ...
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Scope and Sequence

Unit 1

Genre Focus

Read Aloud

Shared Read

Literature Anthology

Leveled Reader



Phonics and Spelling


Writing and Grammar

Research and Inquiry

Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2

Interactive Read Aloud: “Captar “Xxxxx xxx el xxxxxxxx mundo natural” xxxxxxx”

“Una vida “Xxxxxx xxxxxxxx” en el Genre: bosque” Xxxxxxx xxxxx Genre: Lexile: xxxL Narrative Nonfiction Lexile: 750L

Anchor Text Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Campamento con el xxxxx? presidente Genre: Narrative Xxxxxx xxxxx Lexile: xxxL Nonfiction Lexile: 730L Paired Selection Paired Selection “Xxxxxxxx” Genre: “Un paseo Xxxxxx con xxxxx Teddy” Lexile: xxxL Genre: Autobiography Lexile: 780L

Main Selections Genre: Expository Xxxxxx xxxxx Text A: ¡Protejamos Xxxxxx xxxxxeste lugar! Lexile: 620L xxxL O: ¡Protejamos Xxxxxx xxxxxeste lugar! Lexile: 700L xxxL B: ¡Protejamos Xxxxxx xxxxxeste lugar! Lexile: 780L xxxxL

Words: Xxxxxx xxxxx, desechos, encuentro, xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx, xxxxx énfasis, escarpada, espectacular, Strategy: generaciones, indicar, Xxxxxx xxxxx naturalista,

Strategy: Ask Xxxxxx and Answer Questions Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Skill: Text Structure: Cause and Effect Author’s Craft: Xxxxxxx xxxx

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Words with mb, mp

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy and Expression Week 2 Xxxxxxx Week 2 xxxx Intonation

Respond to Reading

Xxxxxxxa xxxx Xxxxxxx Product: Create Promotional xxxx Map

Strategy: Strategy: Xxxxxx xxxxx Homographs

Author’s Craft: Point of View

Differentiated Spelling Lists available Lists available

Genre: Narrative Informational Nonfiction Text: Xxxxxxxxx Essential Question: Essential ¿Cómo puede Question: una vivencia Xxxxxxx tu cambiar xxxxx manera xxx xxxxxxxx de pensar xxxxxxx sobre la xxxxxxx? naturaleza? Text Features: Primary xxxxx xxx and xxxxxxxx Sources Secondary

Paired Selections Genre: Expository Xxxxxx xxxxx Text A: “La “Xxxxxx travesía xxxxx” de Lewis y Clark” O: “La “Xxxxxx travesía xxxxx” de Lewis y Clark” B: “La “Xxxxxx travesía xxxxx” de Lewis y Clark”

Week 2 Xxxxxxwith nv Words

Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Personal Narrative Xxxxxxx xxxx Expert Model: Narrative Nonfiction Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Plan: Sequence Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Description

Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Study Skill: Relevant Information xxxx Blast: Protegiendo nuestros Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx parques

Grammar and Mechanics XxxxxxxSentences; xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 1: Simple Punctuation in Sentences Week 2: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Week 2: Subjects and Predicates; Commas and Colons

Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4 Genre: Realistic Xxxxxxx Fiction

Interactive Read Aloud: “Xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx” “Un refugio en la tormenta”

“Xxxxxx xxxxx “Travesía a la gran xxxxxxxxx” ciudad” Xxxxxx Genre: Realistic Lexile: xxxL Fiction Lexile: 760L

Essential Question: ¿Cómo Xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx conseguimos lo quexxxxxx? nos hace falta? Literary Elements: Xxxxxxx Literary Elements: Plot Differentiated Genre Passages available Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 3: Week 5

Interactive Read “Xxxxx xxx Aloud: “Los libros xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx” electrónicos”

Xxxxxxx Genre: Argumentative Text Xxxxxxx Essential Question: ¿Cuáles xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx? son losxxx efectos negativos y positivos de la nueva tecnología? Text Structure: Xxxxxxx xxxxx

“Xxxxxx xxxxx,” “¿Los dispositivos “Xxxxx” electrónicos son Genre: Xxxxxx buenos para xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx nosotros?” Lexile: NP Genre: Argumentative Text Lexile: 750L

Anchor Text Xxxxxxxxx Ecos del desierto Xxxxxxx Fiction Genre: Realistic xxxL Lexile: 810L Paired Selection “Leer “Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx con los dedos” xxxxx” Personal Genre: Genre: Xxxxxxx xxxxx Narrative xxxL Lexile: 660L

Anchor Text “Xxxxxx “Xxxxxxx El futuro xxxxx,” del transporte xxxxx” Argumentative Genre: Genre: Xxxxxx xxxxx Text NP Lexile: 740L Paired Selection: “Ir de “xxxxxx un lado axxxxx” otro” Xxxxxx xxxxx Genre: Technical Text Xxxxxx 740L Lexile: Lexile: NP

Text Structure:Genre Headings and Differentiated Graphs Passages available

Main Selections Genre: Realistic Xxxxxxx Fiction A: Castillos Xxxxxx xxxxx en la playa Lexile: 680L xxxL O: Arturo Xxxxxxyxxxxx la máquina Xxxxxxde xxxxx Lexile: xxxL atrapar imágenes B: Xxxxxx Lexile: 760L xxxxx Lexile: B: Cristina xxxLsalva el parque Lexile: 830L Paired Selections Genre: Selections Paired Xxxxxx xxxxx A: “Xxxxxx Genre: Expository xxxxx” Text O: “La A: “Xxxxxx edadxxxxx” dorada de B: “Xxxxxx xxxxxxxx” Hollywood” O: “Chicago: Central del jazz” B: “Una oportunidad para trabajar”

Words: xxxxxxconfiar, xxxxx, xxxxx xxxxx cocer, excavar, xxxxx, xxxxx garrafón, resguardo, sacudir, solidario, suplicar Strategy: Xxxxxxxx

Main Selections Genre: Expository Xxxxxx xxxxx Text A: Hablemos Xxxxxx xxxxx de xxxxxx robots Lexile: 690L xxxL O: Hablemos Xxxxxx xxxxx de robots Lexile: 770L xxxL B: Hablemos Xxxxxx xxxxx de robots Lexile: 880L xxxL

Words: xxxxxx, xxxxx, acceso, cita, xxxxxxx contraposición, datos, Poetry Terms: desventaja, promueve, xxxxxx xxxxx seguridad razonamiento, Strategy: Xxxxxx Strategy: Greek and Latin Prefixes

Strategy: Context Clues: Xxxxxx Clues Sentence

Xxxxxxx xxxx Strategy: Reread Xxxxx Skill: Character, Setting, Plot: Sequence Author’s Craft: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Author’s Craft: Text Structure

1 Week 3 Xxxxxxxx Words with b, v 2 Week 4 Xxxxxxx xxxx Words with r and rr

1 Week 3 Xxxxx Expression and Phrasing Week 2 Xxxxxxx Week 4 xxxx Rate

Differentiated Spelling Lists available Lists available

Respond to Reading Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Personal Narrative XxxxxxxConclusion xxxx Revise: Strong Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Peer Conferences; Editxxxx and Xxxxxxx Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate Xxxxxxx xxxx

Xxxxxx of Farming Product: History Project Study Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Skill: Evaluate Sources Study Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Blast: Ropa, alimento y refugio

Week 3: Xxxxxxx xxxx Grammar and Mechanics Week 3: Compound Sentences; Comma Xxxxxxx xxxx

Xxxxxxx xxxxclause; Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 4: Subordinate Punctuation in Sentences

Paired Selections Genre: Persuasive Xxxxx Article A: “Sin “Xxxxxx sustituto” xxxxx” O: “Sin “Xxxxxx sustituto” xxxxx” B: “Sin “Xxxxxx sustituto” xxxxx”

Literary Elements: Strategy: Reread Xxxxxxx xxxx Skill: Author’s Point of View Skill: Xxxx Author’s Craft: Author’s Author’s Craft: Xxxxx Purpose

Xxxxxxx xxxx Words with ce, ci, z Differentiated Spelling Lists available Lists available

Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy and Phrasing

Respond to Reading

Xxxxxxx xxxx Product: Debate

Writing Process Xxxxxxx Essay xxxx Opinion

Xxxxxxx xxxx Study Skill: Plan a Debate

Xxxxxxx xxxx Text Expert Model: Argumentative XxxxxxxIntroduction xxxx Plan: Strong

Xxxxxxx xxxxde la locura Blast: En la cresta tecnológica

Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Relevant Evidence Grammar and Mechanics Xxxxxxx xxxxSentences; Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 5: Juxtaposed Titles

Differentiated Genre Passages available

Week 6

Reading Digitally


Show What You Learned

Extend Your Learning


Presentation Options

Review, Extend, and Assess

Genre: Online Xxxxxx Xxxxx Article

Reader’s Theater: “Xxxxxxx “No se puede xxxx” hacer”

Passage 1 Genre: :Xxxxxxx Narrative xxxx “Xxxxxxx xxxx” Nonfiction

Comparing Genres Understand Point of Xxxxxxx View Connect to Use New Vocabulary Content Analyze Plot Write an Connect to Content Advertisement Xxxxxxx xxxx“Cópialo Make a Map “Xxxxxxx xxxx” de la naturaleza” Create a Fact Card

Writing Process Xxxxxxx Essay xxxx Opinion

Reader’s Theater Research and Inquiry Inquiry Space Writing

“Cópialo de “Xxxxxxx xxxx” la naturaleza"

“Una protectora Passage 2 de la Genre: Xxxxx “xxxxx” naturaleza” Passage 2 Genre: Realistic Fiction “Nada, nada, mariposa"

Xxxxxxx xxxx Revise: Logical Order Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Peer Conferences; Xxxxxxx Edit and xxxx Proofread; Xxxxxxx xxxx Publish, Present, and Evaluate





Scope and Sequence

Unit 2

Genre Focus

Read Aloud

Shared Read

Literature Anthology

Leveled Reader



Phonics and Spelling


Writing and Grammar

Research and Inquiry

Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2

Interactive Read Aloud: “La Confederación iroquesa”

“La creación de una nación” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 660L

Anchor Text ¿Quién escribió la Constitución de Estados Unidos? Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 770L

Main Selections Genre: Expository Text A: La Declaración de Derechos Lexile: 820L O: La Declaración de Derechos Lexile: 920L B:La Declaración de Derechos Lexile: 1000L

Words: comités, convención, debatir, propuesta, representantes, resolver, situación, unión

Strategy: Reread

Week 1 Words with c, s, z

Week 1 Accuracy and Rate

Respond to Reading

Product: Make a Poster

Week 2 Words with c, k, q

Strategy: Context Clues

Author’s Craft: Print and Graphic Features

Week 2 Accuracy and Expression

Paired Selections Genre: Expository Text A: “Expresa tu opinión” O: “Expresa tu opinión” B: “Expresa tu opinión”

Strategy: Dictionary and Glossary

Main Selections Genre: Folktale A: El salto de Tequendama Lexile: 700L O: En una calle de Santo Domingo Lexile: 800L B: La zarigüeya encuentra el fuego Lexile: 880L

Words: amuleto, agazapado, desaparecer, empinado, horizonte, invencible, dirección, resultado

Genre: Expository Text Essential Question: ¿Cuándo es bueno unir dos ideas para resolver un problema?

Paired Selection “Forjadoras de palabras” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 950L

Text Features: Headings and Timelines Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4 Genre: Folktale

Interactive Read Aloud: “El lago perdido y la copa dorada”

Anchor Text La piedra del Zamuro Genre: Drama Lexile: NP

“La tortuga y el conejo” Genre: Folktale Lexile: 650L

Paired Selection “Pecos Bill y el monstruo del lago Bear” Genre: Tall Tale Lexile: 670L

Essential Question: When has a plan helped you accomplish a task? Literary Elements: Setting

Interactive Read Aloud: “Un lobo joven y un zorro viejo”

Genre: Poetry Essential Question: ¿Qué nos lleva a realizar un sueño?

“Un viaje a las nubes,” “¡Qué facil es volar, qué fácil es!” Genre: Narrative and Free Verse Poetry Lexile: NP

Anchor Text “Geología,” “Ilusión” Genre: Narrative and Free Verse Poetry Lexile: NP Paired Selection: “Clave” Genre: Free Verse Poetry Lexile: NP

Text Structure: Narrative and Free Verse Differentiated Genre Passages available

Main Selections Genre: Realistic Fiction A: Limpieza de la selva Lexile: 680L O: Quiero montar a caballo Lexile: 760L B: Cambio de objetivos Lexile: 880L

Strategy: Make Predictions Skill: Theme Author’s Craft: Logical Order

Strategy: Personification

Study Skill: Primary and Secondary Sources Blast: Lleguemos a un acuerdo

Week 3 Words with ge, gi, j Week 4 Words with ga, go, gu, gue, gui, güe y güi

Week 3 Expression and Phrasing

Respond to Reading

Week 4 Rate

Revise: Logical Order Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate

Writing Process Expository Essay

Product: Make an Illustrated Food Web Study Skill: Research Plan Blast: Cumple tu plan

Grammar and Mechanics Week 3: Direct object; Periods Week 4: Indirect object; Ellipses

Words: ambicioso, satisfacción, transcurre, averigua Poetry Terms: verso libre, repetición, poema narrativo, rima Strategy: Homographs

Literary Elements: Repetition and Rhyme

Words with ba–, ban–, bar–, bene–, bien–, bor–

Skill: Theme

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Author’s Craft: Voice

Expression and Phrasing

Respond to Reading

Product: Create an Illustration

Writing Process Narrative Poem

Study Skill: Figurative Language

Expert Model: Narrative Poem

Blast: Realizando un sueño

Plan: Sensory Language Draft: Figurative Language Grammar and Mechanics

Paired Selections Genre: Poetry A: “Corbatas a la plancha,” “Bufanda al cuello” O: ”Molino de viento,” “Idilio de abril” B: “La Gioconda,” “Con las amigas y los amigos”

Week 5: Figurative Language


Show What You Learned

Extend Your Learning


Presentation Options

Review, Extend, and Assess

Genre: Online Article “¿El camino hacia la ruina?”

Reader’s Theater: “Un muchacho llamado Abe”

Passage 1 Genre: Expository Text “En busca de la libertad”

Comparing Genres Homographs

Writing Process Narrative Poem

Connect to Content Write an Advertisement Make a Timeline “¿El camino hacia la ruina?”

Revise: Concrete Words

Reader’s Theater Research and Inquiry Inquiry Space Writing


Expert Model: Expository Text Plan: Research Draft: Supporting Details Grammar and Mechanics Week 1: Nouns; Abbreviations that Show Respect

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Strategy: Roots

Reading Digitally

Passage 2 Genre: Poetry “El oso de los anteojos”

Writing Process Expository Essay

Week 2: Singular and Plural Nouns; Abbreviations and Symbols

Week 6


Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Paired Selections Genre: Expository Text A: “De la fibra a la moda” O: “Haz un tambor” B: “De las abejas para ti”

Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 3: Week 5

Skill: Text Structure: Problem and Solution

Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate





Scope and Sequence

Unit 3

Genre Focus

Read Aloud

Shared Read

Literature Anthology

Leveled Reader



Phonics and Spelling


Writing and Grammar

Research and Inquiry

Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2

Interactive Read Aloud: “Alimentos para pensar”

“La abuela de Max” Genre: Realistic Fiction Lexile: 770L

Anchor Text Esperanza renace Genre: Realistic Fiction Lexile: 800L

Main Selections Genre: Realistic Fiction A: El lado bueno Lexile: 725L O: Llámenme Max Lexile: 800L B: En la guarida del león Lexile: 900L

Words: atroz, escasear, incredulidad, obstinado, percepción, revolucionar, sonreír, torcido

Strategy: Visualize Xxxxxx

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Words with h

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy and rate

Respond to Reading

Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Product: Make a Public Service xxxx Announcement

Week 2 Xxxxxxwith nv Words

Week 2 Xxxxxxx xxxx Expression

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Paired Selection “Una mochila cargada de historias” Genre: Personal Narrative Lexile: 995L

Essential Question: ¿Cómo nos enriquecen las diferencias? Literary Elements: Dialogue Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4 Genre: Expository Text

Interactive Read Aloud: “Trabajo en equipo en el espacio”

“Superhéroes del derrame del Golfo” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 760L

Essential Question: ¿Cuáles son las ventajas de trabajar en equipo?

Anchor Text La cola de Winter Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 870L Paired Selection “Manos auxiliadoras” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 900L

Text Features: Problem and Solution

Genre: Argumentative Text

Main Selections Genre: Biography A: Patrones del tiempo atmosférico Lexile: 740L O: Patrones del tiempo atmosférico Lexile: 900L B: Patrones del tiempo atmosférico Lexile: 1010L

Interactive Read Aloud: “Stonehenge, rompecabezas del pasado”

Essential Question: ¿Cómo se explica lo que ocurrió en el pasado?

“¿Cuál era el propósito de las cuerdas incas?” Genre: Argumentative Text Lexile: 870L

Anchor Text Machu Picchu: ciudad antigua Genre: Argumentative Text Lexile: 950L Paired Selection: “¡Investiga esta tecnología!" Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 870L

Text Structure: Compare and Contrast Differentiated Genre Passages available

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Words: artificial, colaborar, dedicarse, flexible, función, ocasionar, obstáculo, técnicas Strategy: Latin Roots Strategy: Similes and Metaphors

Main Selections Genre: Expository Text A: Los antiguos pueblos Lexile: 775L O: Los antiguos pueblos Lexile: 885L B: Los antiguos pueblos Lexile: 950L

Words: arqueológo, conservado, era, fragmento, historiador, intacto, reconstruye, restos Strategy: Context Clues: Sentence Clues

Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Study Skill: Key Words xxxx Blast: Echemos una mano Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx

Week 2: Present Tense of Regular Verbs; Use of Dash (–) for Word Division

Xxxxxxx xxxx Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions Skill: Xxxxx Skill: Main Idea and Key Details Author’s Craft: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Author’s Craft: Literal and Figurative Language

1 Week 3 Xxxxxxxx Words that Begin with hue–, hui–, hosp–, hum–, hidr–, Week 2 hipo– Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 4 Words with y, llSpelling and Diacritic Differentiated Lists Accent available

1 Week 3 Xxxxx Accuracy and Rate 2 Week 4 Xxxxxxx xxxx Rate

Xxxxxxx xxxx Plural Form of Words Ending In Consonants, ú and i Differentiated Spelling Lists available Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Realistic Fiction Xxxxxxx xxxx Revise: Word Choice Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Peer Conferences; Editxxxx and Xxxxxxx Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 3: Xxxxxxx xxxx Grammar and Mechanics Week 3: Main Xxxxxxx xxxx and Auxiliary Verbs; Use of Lowercase Letters Week 4: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Xxxxxxx Literary Elements: Summarize xxxx Skill: Author’s Point of View Skill: Xxxx Author’s Craft: Figurative Author’s Craft: Xxxxx Language

Respond to Reading

Xxxxxx a Television Product: Create Segment Study Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Skill: Generate and Clarify Study Questions Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Blast: Dos cabezas piensan mejor que una

Week 4: Linking Verbs; Italics use

Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy and Rate

Respond to Reading Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Persuasive Article Xxxxxxx xxxx Text Expert Model: Argumentative Xxxxxxx Facts xxxx and Details Plan: Specific

Xxxxxxx xxxx Product: Research Presentation Xxxxxxx xxxx Study Skill: Audio and Visual Features Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx Blast: Restos del pasado

XxxxxxxOrder xxxx Draft: Logical Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Week 5: Irregular Verbs; Use of xxxx Commas with Vocatives

Reading Digitally


Show What You Learned

Extend Your Learning


Presentation Options

Review, Extend, and Assess

Genre: Online Article “Animales sobrevivientes”

Reader’s Theater: “Mil millas hacia la libertad”

Passage 1 Genre: Expository Text: “Trabajo en equipo y destino”

Analyze Hyperbole; Main Idea and Key Details; Identify the Purpose of Insets

Writing Process Persuasive Article

Reader’s Theater Research and Inquiry Inquiry Space Writing

Passage 2 Genre: Realistic Fiction “Un campamento casi fallido”

Connect to Content Create a Sidebar Parts of a Dolphin


Xxxxxxx xxxx Expert Model: Fantasy Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Plan: Sequence Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Dialogue

Grammar and Mechanics

Paired Selections Genre: Persuasive Article A: “Los antiguos pueblos fueron astrónomos” O: “Los antiguos pueblos fueron astrónomos” B: “Los antiguos pueblos fueron astrónomos”

Revise: Precise Language

Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Fantasy

Grammar and Mechanics Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 1: Non–Finite Verbs; Punctuation in Dialogues Week 2: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Strategy: Adages

Week 6


Author’s Craft: Author’s Xxxxxxx xxxx Purpose

Paired Selections Genre: Biography A: “Atlas de las nubes” O: “Atlas de las nubes” B: “Atlas de las nubes”

Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 3: Week 5

Paired Selections Genre: Expository Text A: “La gran excursión” O: “Intercambio de moda” B: “La pared”

Strategy: Context Clues: Cause and Effect

Skill: Theme Xxxxxxx xxxx

Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate





Scope and Sequence

Unit 4

Genre Focus

Read Aloud

Shared Read

Literature Anthology

Leveled Reader



Phonics and Spelling


Writing and Grammar

Research and Inquiry

Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2

Interactive Read Aloud: “La lucha por el cambio”

“Frederick Douglass: voz de la libertad” Genre: Biography Lexile: 710L

Anchor Text El rey de las octavas Genre: Biography Lexile: 910L

Main Selections Genre: Biography A: Jane Addams: una mujer de acción Lexile: 720L O: Jane Addams: una mujer de acción Lexile: 810L B: Jane Addams: una mujer de acción Lexile: 870L

Words: compostura, contratar, desafiar, esclavo, esperanza, franca, libre, reconocido

Strategy: Summarize Xxxxxx

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxxTriphthongs Diphthongs, and Hiatuses Week 2 Xxxxxx2 Week Identifying the Stressed Syllable Differentiated Spelling Lists available Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Expression

Respond to Reading

Product: Design Xxxxxxxaxxxx Plaque Xxxxxxx xxxx Study Skill: Create a Bibliography Study Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Libertad y justicia Blast: para todos Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx

Genre: Biography Essential Question: ¿Qué puede hacer la gente para lograr cambios positivos?

Paired Selection “Nuestra voces, nuestros votos” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 830L

Text Features: Photographs and Captions

Interactive Read Aloud: “El acertijo misterioso”

“La biblioteca de mi abuelo” Genre: Drama Lexile: NP

Genre: Drama

Anchor Text El reglamento es el reglamento Genre: Drama Lexile: NP Paired Selection “Un chico, un caballo y un violín” Genre: Legend Lexile: 900L

Essential Question: ¿Qué se puede descubrir cuando se mira algo una segunda vez? Text Structure Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 3: Week 5

Interactive Read Aloud: “Canción para John Lennon”

Genre: Poetry

“La fruta,” “Deleitosa,” and “Flor americana” Genre: Lyric and Free Verse Poetry Lexile: NP

Essential Question: ¿Cómo expresas algo que es importante para ti?

Anchor Text “Oda a la cebolla” “Vegetaciones” Genre: Free Verse and Lyric Poetry Lexile: NP Paired Selection: “La Tierra” Genre: Free Verse Poetry Lexile: NP

Text Structure: Lyric and Free Verse Differentiated Genre Passages available

Strategy: Prefixes and Suffixes Strategy: Hyperbole

Week 2 Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy and Rate

Main Selections Genre: Drama A: Una torta para mamá Lexile: NP O: Una aventura en el Amazonas Lexile: NP B: Un día en el museo Lexile: NP Paired Selections Genre: Realistic Fiction A: “El caso del melocotón extraviado” O: “La cesta de regalo” B: ““El ladrón de ropa”

Main Selections Genre: Realistic Fiction A: Cuéntame las historias viejas, viejas; Lexile: 680L O: Para ti de mí Lexile: 825L B: Cada pintura cuenta una historia Lexile: 900L

Words: atender, complicación, inquisitivo, interpretar, muestra, obligación, ocultar, voluntad

Words: bruces, celebrar, expresión, significativo Poetry Terms: aliteración, estrofa, lírica, métrica Strategy: Simile and Metaphor


Show What You Learned

Extend Your Learning


Presentation Options

Review, Extend, and Assess

Genre: Online Article “Luchadores contra la sequía”

Reader’s Theater: “La puerta de oro”

Passage 1 Genre: Biography “Cesar Chavez: héroe de la clase trabajadora”

Identify and Use Prefixes and Suffixes; Research Adages and Proverbs; Puns

Writing Process Narrative Poem

Reader’s Theater Research and Inquiry Inquiry Space Writing


Expert Model: Biography Xxxxxxx xxxx Plan: Focus Xxxxxxx onxxxx a Person Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Transitions Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Grammar and Mechanics Week 1: Pronouns Xxxxxxx xxxx andXxxxxxx Antecedents; xxxx Punctuation in Letters Week 2: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Week 1 Week 3 Xxxxxxxx Oxytone Words Week 2 Week 4 xxxx Xxxxxxx Paroxytone Words Differentiated Spelling Lists Differentiated Spelling Lists available available

Week 1 Week Xxxxx 3 Phrasing Week 2 Week 4 xxxx Xxxxxxx Accuracy and Expression

Strategy: Synonyms and Antonyms

Paired Selections Genre: Poetry A: “Sonatina” and “El leopardo” O: “Cae la lluvia” y “Cuentos de invierno” B: “Canción al tren” y “Oda al perro”

Connect to Content Analyze Flashback “Droughtbusters”

Strategy: Xxxxxxx xxxx Strategy: Visualize Skill: Xxxxx Skill: Point of View Author’s Craft: Xxxxxxx xxxx Author’s Craft: Figurative Xxxxxxx xxxx Language

Strategy: Adages and Proverbs

Reading Digitally

Passage 2 Genre: Drama “¿Tienes miedo?”

Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Biography

Week 2: Reflexive and Indefinite Pronouns; Capital Letters in Acronyms and Roman Numerals

Week 6


Author’s Craft: Text Xxxxxxx Structure xxxx

Paired Selections Genre: Expository Text A: “Gus García se enfrentó a Texas” O: “Gus García se enfrentó a Texas” B: “Gus García se enfrentó a Texas”

Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4

Skill: Author’s Xxxxxxx xxxx Point of View

Revise: Figurative Language

Respond to Reading Respond to Reading Writing Process Writing XxxxxxxProcess xxxx Biography Revise: Xxxxxxx xxxx Revise: Conclusion XxxxxxxStrong xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Publish, Xxxxxxx xxxx Present, and Evaluate Week 3: Xxxxxxx xxxx Grammar and Mechanics Xxxxxxx xxxx and Indirect Object Pronouns; Week 3: Direct Week 4: Xxxxxxx Quotation Marks xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Product: Xxxxxx Product: Write a Formal Letter Study Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Study xxxx Skill: Generate and Clarify Questions Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Blast: Una segunda mirada

Week 4: Possessive and Prepositional Pronouns, Comma

Xxxxxxxand Literary Elements: Stanza xxxx Repetition Xxxx Skill: Theme Author’s Craft: Xxxxx Voice

Xxxxxxx xxxx and Proparoxytone Superproparoxytone Words Differentiated Spelling Lists available Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Xxxxxxx xxxx Expression and Phrasing

Respond to Reading Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Free Verse Poem Xxxxxxx xxxx Expert Model: Free Verse Poetry Xxxxxxx xxxx Plan: Imagery Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Visual Arrangement

Xxxxxxxa xxxx Product: Create Timeline Xxxxxxx xxxx Study Skill: Relevant Information Xxxxxxx xxxxde libertad Blast: Expresiones

Grammar and Mechanics Week Conjunctions; Demonyms Week 5: 5: Correlative Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate





Scope and Sequence

Unit 5

Genre Focus

Read Aloud

Shared Read

Literature Anthology

Leveled Reader



Phonics and Spelling


Writing and Grammar

Research and Inquiry

Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2

Interactive Read Aloud: “Cambio climático, cambio de vida”

“Cambios visuales de la Tierra” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 840L

Anchor Text ¿Cuándo un planeta no es un planeta? Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 900L

Main Selections Genre: Expository Text A: Marte Lexile: 740L O: Marte Lexile: 810L B: Marte Lexile: 890L

Words: aproximadamente, astronómico, cálculo, criterio, diámetro, evaluar, orbita, esfera

Strategy: Ask Xxxxxx and Answer Questions Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Skill: Text Structure: Cause and EffectCraft: Xxxxxxx xxxx Author’s

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Root Words

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Expression

Respond to Reading

Week 2 Xxxxxx -able, -mente Suffixes

Week 2 Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy and phrasing

Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Product: Make a Diagram xxxx Skill: Reading a Diagram Study Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx ¿Qué edad tiene tu agua?” Blast:

Strategy: Greek Roots

Author’s Craft: Imagery

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Paired Selections Genre: Science Fiction A: “Zach el marciano” O: “Zach el marciano” B: “Zach el marciano”

Strategy: Thesaurus

Main Selections Genre: Historical Fiction A: El fabricante de herramientas Lexile: 725L O: El embajador Lexile: 825L B: El secreto de Chihul Lexile: 925L

Words: confiar, doblez, juicioso, lámina, rumor, sabiduría, solidario, túnica

Genre: Expository Text

Paired Selection “El cuervo y la jarra” Genre: Fable Lexile: 740L

Essential Question: ¿Cómo pueden los conocimientos científicos cambiar con el tiempo? Text Features: Diagrams Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4

Interactive Read Aloud: “La ciudad en la isla”

Genre: Realistic Fiction

“Los hijos del escriba” Genre: Historical Fiction Lexile: 925L

Anchor Text Las ruinas indias Genre: Historical Fiction Lexile: 1178L Paired Selection “Impresiones musicales de la Gran Depresión” Genre: Expository Tex Lexile: 920L

Essential Question: ¿Es útil compartir experiencias para adaptarse a los cambios? Literary Elements: Dialect Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 3: Week 5 Genre: Argumentative Text

Interactive Read Aloud: “Represas para aprovechar el poder del agua”

Essential Question: ¿Cómo afectan los acontecimientos naturales y las actividades humanas al medioambiente?

“¿Deben vivir aquí plantas y animales de otros lugares?” Genre: Argumentative Text Lexile: 830L

Anchor Text El caso de las abejas desaparecidas Genre: Argumentative Text Lexile: 790L Paired Selection: “Las ocupadas y beneficiosas abejas” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 880L

Text Structure: Charts and Headings Differentiated Genre Passages available

Paired Selections Genre: Realistic Fiction A: “Símbolos mayas” O: “La mejor pirámide” B: “Libros de corteza de árbol”

Main Selections Genre: Expository Text A: Las grandes llanuras Lexile: 770L O: Las grandes llanuras Lexile: 830 B: Las grandes llanuras Lexile: 920L

Strategy: Idioms Strategy: Puns

Words: agrícola, disminuye, extiende, probable, identificar, inesperado, prospera, desorden Strategy: Root Words

Paired Selections Genre: Persuasive Article A: “Salvemos los lobos de las Grandes Llanuras” O: “Salvemos los lobos de las Grandes Llanuras” B: “Salvemos los lobos de las Grandes Llanuras”

Reading Digitally


Show What You Learned

Extend Your Learning


Presentation Options

Review, Extend, and Assess

Genre: Online Article “¿Hay alguien ahí?”

Reader’s Theater: “Jane Addams y Hull House”

Passage 1 Genre: Argumentative Text “Lobos en Yellowstone”

Comparing Genres Historical Setting

Writing Process Opinion Essay

Connect to Content Foreshadowing Research About the New Deal “¿Hay alguien ahí?”

Revise: Sentence Structure

Reader’s Theater Research and Inquiry Inquiry Space Writing



Xxxxxxx xxxx Expert Model: Expository Text Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Plan: Take Notes Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Categorize Information

Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx

Grammar and Mechanics Xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx Question Week 1: Pronouns andXxxxxxx Antecedents; Marks Week 2: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 2: Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns; Parentheses and Commas

Week 6

Passage 2 Genre: Historical Fiction “Chabuca y un recreo fuera de lo común”

Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxxEssay Explanatory

Xxxxxxx xxxx and Strategy: Make, Confirm, Revise Predictions Skill: Xxxxx Skill: Character, Setting, Plot: Compare and Contrast Author’s Craft: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Author’s Craft: Text Structure

1 Week 3 Xxxxxxxxdes–, im–, in–, re–, Prefixes Words that Begin With ex–, Week 2expr–, extra– expl–, Xxxxxxx xxxx Week 4 Compound Words and Lists Their Differentiated Spelling Accentuation available

1 Week 3 Xxxxx Rate 2 Week 4 Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy

Xxxx Skill: Author’s Point of View XxxxxChoice: Author’s Craft: Word Puns

Xxxxxxx xxxx in –ción, –sión, Words Ending –cción, –xión Differentiated Spelling Lists available Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Research Report XxxxxxxOrder xxxx Revise: Logical Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Peer Conferences; Editxxxx and Xxxxxxx Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate Xxxxxxx xxxx

Xxxxxx a Collage Product: Create Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Study Skill: Credible Sources xxxx Blast: Experiencias compartidas Blast: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx por medio de laxxxx música

Week 3: Xxxxxxx xxxx Grammar and Mechanics Week 3: The Xxxxxxx xxxxAdverb; The Hyphen

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Literary Elements: Xxxxxxx Strategy: Ask and Answer xxxx Questions

Respond to Reading

Xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx Week 4: Adjectives thatXxxxxxx compare; The Dash

Xxxxxxx xxxx Accuracy and Rate

Respond to Reading Writing Process Xxxxxxx Essay xxxx Opinion Xxxxxxx xxxx Text Expert Model: Argumentative Plan: Support Plan: Develop Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Strong Conclusion Draft: Xxxxxxx xxxx Grammar and Mechanics Grammar and Mechanics Week 5: Comparing with Good and Bad; Irregular Comparative Week 5: Xxxxxxx xxxx Forms Xxxxxxx xxxx

Xxxxxxxa xxxx Product: Create Mock Blog Report Study Skill: Xxxxxxx xxxx Study Skill: A Research Plan Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx Blast: Nuestras huellas

Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate





Scope and Sequence

Unit 6

Genre Focus

Read Aloud

Shared Read

Literature Anthology

Leveled Reader



Phonics and Spelling


Writing and Grammar

Research and Inquiry

Genre Study 1: Weeks 1 and 2

Interactive Read Aloud: “Esperanza para las tropas”

“Embarcados” Genre: Historical Fiction Lexile: 840L

Anchor Text El código indescifrable Genre: Historical Fiction Lexile: 690L

Main Selections Genre: Historical Fiction A: Los discos de la señora Gleeson Lexile: 720L O: El sombrero de Norberto Lexile: 770L B: El huerto de la victoria Lexile: 830L

Words: alistarse, boletín, contribución, diversidad, interceptar, operación, recluta, supervivencia

Strategy: Summarize Xxxxxx

Week 1 Xxxxxxx Words ofxxxx Greek and Latin Origin and Words from Week 2 Mythology Xxxxxx Week 2 Unknown and Spelling Multiple-Lists Differentiated Meaning available Words

Week 1 Xxxxxxx xxxx Expression and Phrasing Week 2 Xxxxxxx Week 2 xxxx Intonation

Respond to Reading

Xxxxxxxa xxxx Xxxxxxx Product: Create Cause/ Effect xxxx Chart

Genre: Historical Fiction

Paired Selection “Aliados en acción” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 920L

Essential Question: ¿De qué modo contribuyen los distintos grupos a una causa?

Paired Selections Genre: Expository Text A: “Colectas de desechos y libretas de racionamiento” O: “El programa Bracero” B: “Horticultura para el Tío Sam”

Text Features: Flashback Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 2: Weeks 3 and 4 Genre: Expository Text

Interactive Read Aloud: “Las bacterias: están en todas partes”

Anchor Text Supervivencia a 40 bajo cero Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 910L

“Océanos misteriosos” Genre: Expository Text Lexile: 840L

Paired Selection “¿Por qué los árboles perennes no pierden sus hojas?” Genre: Pourquoi Story Lexile: 790L

Essential Question: ¿Cómo se adaptan a su medioambiente los seres vivos? Literary Elements: Maps Differentiated Genre Passages available

Genre Study 3: Week 5

Interactive Read Aloud: “El ritmo”

Genre: Poetry Essential Question: ¿Qué nos puede enseñar nuestra conexión con el mundo?

“Este niño don Simón,” “Pintar un mundo,” “¡Sorpresa!” Genre: Lyric and Narrative Poetry Lexile: NA

Anchor Text “Caupolicán,” “¿Quién es…?” Genre: Lyric and Narrative Poetry Lexile: NP Paired Selection: “Barcarola” Genre: Lyric Poetry Lexile: NP

Text Structure: Lyric and Narrative Poetry Differentiated Genre Passages available

Main Selections Genre: Expository Text A: Criaturas de las cuevas Lexile: 760L O: Criaturas de las cuevas Lexile: 860L B: Criaturas de las cuevas Lexile: 930L Paired Selections Genre: Pourquoi Story A: “Por qué vuelan los murciélagos de noche” O: “Por qué vuelan los murciélagos de noche” B: “Por qué vuelan los murciélagos de noche”

Main Selections Genre: Realistic Fiction A: Tu mundo, mi mundo Lexile: 720L O: Vuelo a casa Lexile: 820L B: Ayuda a los necesitados Lexile: 950L

Strategy: Homophones

Words: adaptación, ágil, aislado, buscar, glacial, hibernar, inactivo, precavido Strategy: Context Clues: Paragraph Clues Strategy: Sound Devices

Words: conexión, describir, formidable, robusto Poetry Terms: asonancia, consonancia, imagen, lenguaje figurado Strategy: Personification

Reading Digitally


Show What You Learned

Extend Your Learning


Presentation Options

Review, Extend, and Assess

Genre: Online Article “La tortuga y la planta solar”

Reader’s Theater: “La vuelta al mundo con Nellie Bly”

Passage 1 Genre: Expository Text “Adaptaciones únicas de los animales”

Compare and Contrast Assess Stereotypes Identify Sound Devices

Writing Process Lyric Poem

Reader’s Theater Research and Inquiry Inquiry Space Writing



Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Historical Fiction Xxxxxxx xxxx Expert Model: Historical Fiction Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Plan: Sequence Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Develop Plot Xxxxxxx xxxx

Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Study Skill: Relevant Information xxxx Blast: Contribuciones notables Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx

Grammar and Mechanics Xxxxxxx xxxxand Xxxxxxx xxxxAdverbs; Week 1: Conjunctive Quantity Punctuation in Letters Week 2: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Week 2: Comparative Adverbs; Dash in Dialogues

Xxxxxxx xxxx Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions Skill: Xxxxx Skill: Text Structure: Cause and EffectCraft: Xxxxxxx xxxx Author’s Xxxxxxx xxxx Author's Craft: Point of View: Third Person Limited Point of View

1 Week 3 Xxxxxxxx Homophones

1 Week 3 Xxxxx Accuracy and Rate

2 Week 4 Xxxxxxx xxxx Homographs

2 Week 4 Xxxxxxx xxxx Expression and Phrasing

Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Respond to Reading Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Historical Fiction Xxxxxxx xxxx Revise: Transitions Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx Peer Conferences; Editxxxx and Xxxxxxx Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate Xxxxxxx xxxx

Xxxxxx a Slideshow Product: Create Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx Study Skill: Photo Research xxxx Blast: Camuflarse Blast: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Week 3: Xxxxxxx xxxx Grammar and Mechanics Week 3: Double Xxxxxxx xxxx Negatives; Commas in digressions Week 4: Xxxxxxx xxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx

Week 4: Compound Words; Comma in ellipses

Week 6

Passage 2 Genre: Poetry “Similitudes”

Author’s Craft: Print Xxxxxxx andxxxx Graphic Features

Strategy: Literal and Figurative Language

Paired Selections Genre: Poetry A: “La canción de las estaciones” O: “El mundo que nos rodea” B: “La lluvia, el sol y el árbol”

Connect to Content Find and Evaluate Sources “La tortuga y la planta solar”

Skill: Theme Xxxxxxx xxxx

Revise: Concrete Words

Xxxxxxx Literary Elements: Assonance xxxxConsonance and Xxxx of View Skill: Point Author’s Craft: Imagery Xxxxx Author's

Xxxxxxx xxxxOther Languages Words from Differentiated Spelling Lists available

Xxxxxxx xxxx Expression and Phrasing

Respond to Reading

Xxxxxxx Product: Write an xxxx Email

Writing Process Xxxxxxx xxxx Lyric Poem

Xxxxxxx xxxx Study Skill: Formatting an Email

Xxxxxxx xxxx Expert Model: Lyric Poem

Xxxxxxx Blast: Sé buenoxxxx

Xxxxxxx Language xxxx Plan: Sensory Xxxxxxx xxxx Draft: Rhyme Grammar and Mechanics Week Punctuation in Week 5: 5: Prepositional Xxxxxxx xxxx Phrases; Xxxxxxx xxxx Sentences

Peer Conferences; Edit and Proofread; Publish, Present, and Evaluate


