3. Your family is big. (friend). ______ familia es grande. 4. Our dog is young. ... When do we want to go? Cuando ______ queremos ir? 8. His health is not good.
PRACTICE WORKSHEET: POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Section #1 In this first section, just fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. If you need help remembering them, check out the vocabulary section @ http://gringoespanol.com/possessive-adjectives/. 1. My favorite program.
___________ programa favorita.
2. Your job is hard. (friend)
___________ trabajo es duro.
3. Their books are interesting.
___________ libros son interesantes.
4. Our trip is fun.
___________ viaje es divertido.
5. Your classes are easy. (teacher)
___________ clases son fáciles.
6. My head is big.
___________ cabeza es grande.
7. Your books are there. (plural)
___________ libros están allí.
8. Their stores are cheap.
___________ tiendas son baratos.
9. Our houses are small.
___________ casas son pequeñas.
10. Your children are nice. (somebody you just met)
___________ niños son lindos.
Section #2 In this second section, again fill in the blank, but this time with either the correct possessive adjective or the correct subject pronoun. For a subject pronoun refresher, check out the vocabulary section @ http://gringoespanol.com/quickies/personal-pronouns/. It might be a little weird, because you usually don’t use subject pronouns in Spanish, but it’s just for practice. 1. My brothers are intelligente.
___________ hermanos son inteligentes.
2. I am smart.
___________ soy inteligente.
3. Your family is big. (friend)
___________ familia es grande.
4. Our dog is young.
___________ perro es joven.
5. We are busy that day.
___________ estamos ocupados ese día,
6. Do you speak Spanish? (boss)
___________ habla español?
7. When do we want to go?
Cuando ___________ queremos ir?
8. His health is not good.
___________ salud no es buena.
9. Do you want to eat? (friend)
___________ quieres comer?
10. Their houses are in California and Florida.
___________ casas están en california y florida.
11. My breakfast is so good.
___________ desayuno es tan bueno.
12. We are here!
___________ estamos aquí!
13. Do you have clothes? (plural, formal)
___________ tienen ropa?
14. Let’s eat!
___________ comemos!
15. Your test starts now. (plural)
___________ examen empieza ahora.
16. He is very guapo.
___________ es muy guapo.
17. Her new phone arrives today.
___________ nuevo teléfono llega hoy.
18. Do you work tomorrow? (friend)
___________ trabajas mañana?
19. His new movie is not good.
___________ nueva película no es buena.
20. Our son is at school.
___________ hijo está en la escuela.
CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’RE DONE! Check your answers @ http://gringoespanol.com/possessive-adjectives/
Los adjetivos posesivos en inglés son: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their. Hacen referencia a ... On Sundays I play tennis with my friends. Los domingos juego ...
su, sus = his, her, its, their, your (formal) nuestro(s), nuestra(s) = our vuestro(s), vuestra(s) = your (plural) el libro = book la tienda = store ...
2. He denied. 3. He played (game/sport). 4. I paid. 5. You scrubbed. (formal). 6. You hung. (formal). 7. We arrived. 8. You both paid. (formal). 9. You both paid. 10.
They sold their house two years ago. 4. She counted the children. 5. My brother bought a ticket to the concert. 6. You started to study Spanish ten years ago. 7.
She is choosing. 4. You both are winning or earning. 5. You are seeming. 6. You both are answering. 7. You both are forgetting. 8. You are walking. (formal). 9.
You both greeted. 3. They dreamt. (masculine). 4. You passed. (formal). 5. They passed. (feminine). 6. He found, met. 7. She rented. 8. I passed. 9. You sat down.
9. You both travel. 10. They send. (males/mixed). 11. They watch. (males/mixed). 12. They pass. (males/mixed). 13. They love. (males/mixed). 14. You both sing.
You both touched, played (instrument). 11. I took out. 12. We practiced. 13. You practiced. (formal). 14. They took out. (feminine). 15. You both touched. (formal).
1. You started, began. 2. We started, began. 3. She started, began. 4. You both started, commenced. 5. They ate lunch. (masculine). 6. You started, commenced.
I spend. Section #6. 1. I attend. 2. She climbs. 3. You both sing. 4. I owe. 5. You both climb. 6. She unites. 7. You run. 8. You divide. 9. We run. 10. I practice. 11.
They travel. (males/mixed). 11. You hide. 12. You both suffer. 13. I draw. 14. You respond. 15. You owe. (formal). 16. I use. 17. I sell. 18. We unite. 19. You suffer.
They are going to suffer. (females). 4. You are going to suggest. (formal). 5. I am going to run. 6. I am going to fall. 7. They are going to deduce or conclude.