3. Your family is big. (friend). ______ familia es grande. 4. Our dog is young. ... When do we want to go? Cuando ______ queremos ir? 8. His health is not good.
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PRACTICE WORKSHEET: POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Section #1 In this first section, just fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. If you need help remembering them, check out the vocabulary section @ 1. My favorite program.

___________ programa favorita.

2. Your job is hard. (friend)

___________ trabajo es duro.

3. Their books are interesting.

___________ libros son interesantes.

4. Our trip is fun.

___________ viaje es divertido.

5. Your classes are easy. (teacher)

___________ clases son fáciles.

6. My head is big.

___________ cabeza es grande.

7. Your books are there. (plural)

___________ libros están allí.

8. Their stores are cheap.

___________ tiendas son baratos.

9. Our houses are small.

___________ casas son pequeñas.

10. Your children are nice. (somebody you just met)

___________ niños son lindos.

Section #2 In this second section, again fill in the blank, but this time with either the correct possessive adjective or the correct subject pronoun. For a subject pronoun refresher, check out the vocabulary section @ It might be a little weird, because you usually don’t use subject pronouns in Spanish, but it’s just for practice. 1. My brothers are intelligente.

___________ hermanos son inteligentes.

2. I am smart.

___________ soy inteligente.

3. Your family is big. (friend)

___________ familia es grande.

4. Our dog is young.

___________ perro es joven.

5. We are busy that day.

___________ estamos ocupados ese día,

6. Do you speak Spanish? (boss)

___________ habla español?

7. When do we want to go?

Cuando ___________ queremos ir?

8. His health is not good.

___________ salud no es buena.

9. Do you want to eat? (friend)

___________ quieres comer?

10. Their houses are in California and Florida.

___________ casas están en california y florida.

11. My breakfast is so good.

___________ desayuno es tan bueno.

12. We are here!

___________ estamos aquí!

13. Do you have clothes? (plural, formal)

___________ tienen ropa?

14. Let’s eat!

___________ comemos!

15. Your test starts now. (plural)

___________ examen empieza ahora.

16. He is very guapo.

___________ es muy guapo.

17. Her new phone arrives today.

___________ nuevo teléfono llega hoy.

18. Do you work tomorrow? (friend)

___________ trabajas mañana?

19. His new movie is not good.

___________ nueva película no es buena.

20. Our son is at school.

___________ hijo está en la escuela.

CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’RE DONE! Check your answers @