FORM TM-33 THE TRADE MARKS ACT, 1999 Request to enter

Request to enter change of name or description of registered proprietor (or ... I (or We) SOLIDQ GLOBAL S.A., A Company incorporated under the laws of Spain .... number. 272; and that the latter denomination was subsequently modified to.
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Receipt No.: 1490986 Date: 09/03/2016 Amount: Rs.1000/Ref No: 2192321 Form No: 155088

FORM TM-33 THE TRADE MARKS ACT, 1999 Request to enter change of name or description of registered proprietor (or registered user) of trade mark upon the register. [Section 58 rules 91,97] I (or We) SOLIDQ GLOBAL S.A., A Company incorporated under the laws of Spain hereby request that my (or our) name (s) and description (s) may be entered in the Register of Trade Marks as proprietor (s)/ register user (s) of the trade mark(s) No.2192321 registered in class 99 I am (we are) entitled to the said Trade Mark. use the said Trade Mark as registered user(s). There has been no change in the actual proprietorships identity of registered user(s) of the said Trade Marks, but We are enclosing herewith the notarized copy of conversion certificate dated 02/02/2016 regarding change in the name of applicant's company for your record and reference. The entry at present standing in the register gives my (or our) name(s) and description(3) as follows:SOLIDQ GLOBAL, S.L. Change To SOLIDQ GLOBAL S.A. 5.A copy of the request has been served upon the registered user(s)/Properiter(s) Additional Trademarks(Class): All communications relating to the application may be sent to the following address in india:- HK Avenue, 19. Swastik Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat, INDIA Dated this 08 March 2016 To, Digitally Signed The Registrar of Trade Marks The Office of the Trade Marks Registry at H. K. ACHARYA & COMPANY. AHMEDABAD

FORM 1M - 33 THE TRADE MARKS ACT, 1999 Agent's Code: 99 Proprietor's Code No.: 1285197 Request to enter change of name or description of registered proprietor (or registered user) of trade marks upon the register. [Section 58; Rule 91, 97] We. SOLIDO GLOBAL S.A., A Company incorporated under the laws of Spain, Address at Rey Juan Carlos I, 88, 4C, 03340 Albatera (Alicante) Spain, hereby request that name of company may be entered in the Register of The Trade Marks as Proprietor of the trademark No. 2192321 registered in class 16,41,42. There has been no change in the actual proprietorship of the said registered Trade Marks, but there is change in the name of applicant's company. We are enclosing herewith the notarized copy of conversion certificate dated 02/02/2016 regarding change in the name of applicant's company for your ,record and reference. The entry at present standing in the register gives name as follows:SOLIDO GLOBAL, S.L. Change To

SOLIDQ GLOBAL S.A. A copy of this request has beeR seF\«ed upon the registorod proprietor.

All communications relating to this application may be sent to the following address in India:Law office of

H K ACHARYA & COMPANY Advocate, Patent and Trade Marks Attorney HK Avenue, 19, Swastik Society Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009 INDIA


Dated this 8th day of March, 2016

For, Law Office of H K ACHARYA& COMPANY To, The Register of Trade Marks, The Office of the Trade Marks Registry At Ahmedabad





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T ESTIMONY .- 1, t he undersigned FRA NCISCO J AVIER G ARACH AGUAD O, N otary Pub lic of the Illustriou s Notary A ssoci at ion of Valencia an d resi dent of A licante------------[)fC C ~J\RfC: --- ------------------------ -T hat according to the exe cution co py o f elevation to P u blic Deed of corporate agreements be fore m e for the co nversion int o SA corporat ion , which was authorized nd by me on the 22 December tw o tho usand and fo urt een under the p rotocol nu mb er 2097, the co mpany "SOLIDQ GLOBAL, S.A." was founded under the n ame "KATlVIAI MENTORS, S.L.V. ", execute d b as a deed before m e on th e 2i February two thousand and six, when I was No tary Pu b lic in Crevillente, under the protocol number 272; and th at the latter de nom inat ion was su bsequen tly mod ified to " SO LID Q UALITY EUR O PE S.L.U." , th execute d as a deed before me on the 4 September two th ou sand an d seven under prot ocol nu mber 3 119, w hen I was Not ary Pu blic in CreviJIente; to " SOL TDQ G L OBAL, S. L." , executed as a deed before th me on th e 18 Marc h, tw o thou sand and nine , under protoc ol number 352 , and fin ally to its curren t nam e in the a foreme nti o ned de ed.---------- ---- ----- --------- --------- ---------That likewi se, ac co rding to the authorize d co py befor e me for the co nve rsion into SA nd corporation ex ec uted as a deed o n the 22 December two thousand an d fo urt een, un de r the protocol number 2097 , Fe rnando-G il Guerrero G omez and Antonio-Jose Soto Rodriguez we re appointed as j oint Ch ief Exec utive O ffi cers of the a bove-said corporation ; its corporate go als are th e cons ultan cy , tra ining and the pro vis ion o f

de la informaci on ; el domicilio social de la Mercanti l es A lbatera (Alicante), calle Juan Car los I, numero 88, 4C 03340 ; Y se encuentra inscrita en e l Registro Mercantil de esta provinci a AJicante al torno 375 2, folio 152, hoj a A -97866, inscripcion 64 y tiene asignado el C.I.F . espana I numero A54 J 01977. --------------------- ------- ----- ---- Y a los efectos oportunos expido el presente Testimonio que queda redactado a doble col umna, en idio rna castellano e ingles, que yo el Notario declaro conocer, en el presente folio de papel timbrado de usa exclusivamente notarial, de la serie BX y num ero 1906255 , yo el N otario, Doy fe .----En Alicante, a dos de febrero de dos mi l

services in the field of the information technology ; the company place of business is located in Albatera (Alicante), calle Ju an Carlos I, numero 88, 4C03340 ; and it is regist ered in the Trade Register of Alicante und er volume 375 2, document15 2, page A97866, entry 64, having the Spanish V. A.T. numberA541 01977. ----- ----------------------In witness whereof for all pertinent purposes, I, Notary Public, hereby issue this two-column deed drawn up in Spanish and Eng lish, which I declare to know, in this stamped notarial paper sheet havi ng the seri es BX and number 1906255, I atte st.----In A licante, February second two thous and and sixtcen.-

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