Youth Connection
Paul’s Ponders
Other Announcements
Did you know that today is Grandparent’s Day? Surprise! This is not a highly recognized National Observance. Our society is more in tune with the young. Grandparent’s Day is said to have begun with Marian McQuade organizing a community celebration for those over 80. She found that many were in nursing homes, forgotten or neglected by family. The preamble to the statute states that the purpose of this day is to "to honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children, and to help children become aware of the strength, information, and guidance older people can offer."
Youth Connection:
*Wednesday Night Bible Study *Sunday Morning Bible School *Children’s Church (during Sermon): Ages 9 and under
- Sept. 2019: Event Calendar Coming Soon *Times and events are subject to change.
College & Young Adult Connection
The Bible honors the aged: Leviticus 19:32 32"'Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.” I cringe slightly when I hear “The youth are the church.” It sounds like we are passing it off. There are plenty of seniors in our community to more than fill the church and have enough energy to rock the world. The youth are part of the church and so are the elderly. There is no discrimination in the church of Jesus Christ. We are all vital aspects. Can we add young or old to Paul’s statement? Galatians 3:28 “28There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Honor someone today. Encourage our senior saints.
Just Pondering - Sept. 2019: Event Calendar Coming Soon
Outreach and Family Ministry This team offers home bible studies, hospital and home visits, shut-ins visits, baptisms, and any encouragement needs. This team also offers general maintenance duties - such as minor home/yard work and heavy lifting.
MINISTER: Steve McCall (c)(972) 589-2688 FAMILY MINISTER: John Rice (c)(760) 702-7832 SPANISH MINISTER: Raye Kramar (c)(760) 580-1954 Ministry Team Members: Jim Sultzer Rafael Rodriguez Garry Sage Marco Aparicio
Bob Tripp Nick Macias Henry McNulty
Aveces Pienso Josué 10:12-13 Una historia que verdaderamente me conmueve es cuando Josué le pide a Dios que parara al Sol en Gabaon y tu luna en el valle de Ajalon, Josué peleaba para salvar a los Gabaonitas de cinco reynos diferentes. La idea era que no los alcanzara la noche, para que el ejército enemigo no se reagrupara y terminara extendiéndose el tiempo de lucha contra los Amorreos. La analogía de esta historia me hace pensar que en muchas ocasiones, nuestras luchas no son tan sólo con cinco reynos, el día camina tan lento y las noches muchas veces se hacen tan largas que parece como si nunca va a amanecer, olvidamos que quizás Dios detuvo el tiempo en un sentido literal para que habláramos con El y le hiciéramos saber nuestra situación ante tal circunstancia. 12 Entonces Josué habló al Señor el día en que el Señor entregó a los Amorreos delante de los Israelitas, y dijo en presencia de Israel: “Sol, detente en Gabaón, Y tú luna, en el Valle de Ajalón.” 13 Y el sol se detuvo, y la luna se paró, Hasta que la nación se vengó de sus enemigos. ¿No está esto escrito en el Libro de Jaser? Y el sol se detuvo en medio del cielo y no se apresuró a ponerse como por un día entero.
Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto......
On-Going Events SUNDAY MORNING: Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15a.m.. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen before and after class. Worship Service at 10:15. Headsets for Spanish translation are provided during Worship Service. CHILDRENS BIBLE HOUR: Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom. SUNDAY EVENING SMALL GROUP STUDY: Please see the insert for our “In the Word” Sunday Evening/Afternoon Bible Study locations. Group leaders are available for more information. SKY VALLEY WORSHIP & BIBLE STUDY: 4:00pm starts the combined Worship Service/In The Word Bible Study for the DHS/Sky Valley areas. LADIES’ TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Please join us for an uplifting study and fellowship with other women of faith every Tuesday morning from 10-11:30am. The current study is on the book of Psalm. MEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER: Wednesdays at 7:30a.m., the men meet at the church building for prayer and then go out for breakfast. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASSES: Wednesday Bible Class at 6:00p.m. SUNDAY SERMONS: Sunday Sermons can be accessed on YouTube under “Nick Macias” account.
Order of Service
Causes and Community Events
Today: 9-8-19
Next Week: 9-15-19
Song Leader: Raye Kramar Welcome: Robert Craven Prayer of Praise: Russ McKay Communion Lead: David Sanchez Assisting: Nick Macias, Bob Tripp, Bob Finnell, Joe Sidoti, Rafael Rodriquez, Jerry Bivens Kid’s Dismissal Scripture Reading: Daniel Sanchez Sermon: Steve McCall Closing Prayer: John Burton Spanish Translation: Beto Alvarez Greeters: Jane Forcier Henry McNulty
Song Leader: Raye Kramar Welcome: David Sanchez Prayer of Praise: Bob Finnell Communion Lead: Jerry Bivens Assisting: Daniel Sanchez, Bob Tripp, Rafael Rodriquez, Eric Gentry, Doug Brannon, Marco Aparicio Kid’s Dismissal Scripture Reading: Andrew Alvarez Sermon: Steve McCall Closing Prayer: Jack Brohamer Spanish Translation: Nancy Kramar Greeters: Rodriquez Family
Usher: Pierre Ortiz Closer: Raye Kramar
Usher: Pierre Ortiz Closer: Jack Brohamer
September 8, 2019
Palm Desert Church of Christ
Loving God...Loving People...Changing the World ~~~~
Iglesia de Cristo Palm Desert
Amar a Dios ... Amar a la gente ... Cambiar el mundo
“Where Does Faith Come From?”
September Birthdays Riley Shopshear Brianna Finnell Nancy Kramar Janet Bivens Abel Aranda Stella Wealand Josefína Escareño Richard Belcher Gilbert Garcia Amy Belcher Mark Rogers KaMia Elliott McKenna Levad Miguel Carmona
9/1 9/1 9/3 9/4 9/6 9/6 9/9 9/12 9/12 9/14 9/16 9/18 9/18 9/19
Darlene Allchin La Veda Brumfeld Veronica Aldape Chris Hanks Charles Jarrell, Jr. Nicholas E. Mata Raye Kramar
9/21 9/22 9/23 9/23 9/25 9/26 9/27
Hebrews 11:1, 2
September Anniversaries Matther & Jessica Pittelli Dylan & Caryl Brennan LaMar & Winnie Elliott Jeff & Kathy Hubbard Chris & Tina Hanks Richard & Amy Belcher
9/2 9/3 9/3 9/4 9/17 9/22
Gatherings: Sunday: Bible Study: 9:15am ~ Worship Service: 10:15am Wednesday: Bible Study: 6:00pm *********************
*DIRECTORY CHANGES* Please be sure to let the office know if you have any contact information changes or additions.
Last Week Attendance: 94
Contribution: $2,861
Kids for Kids: $85
78-135 Avenue 42 * Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 * Palm Desert, CA 92255 Phone 760.360.6595, Fax 760.360.6595 (please call first) Email:, Website: Office Hours: M-F 9am-2pm