Youth Connection Youth Minister:
Youth Connection:
Caleb and Ashley Gervin Caleb: (c) 760-898-9776 Ashley: (c) 760-625-6935
*Wednesday Night Bible Study *Sunday Morning Bible School *Children’s Church (during Sermon): Ages 9 and under
- April 21st: Annual Easter Egg Hunt (after service today) - April 28th: CVRM Community Service (4pm-6pm) - May 5th: Progressive Dinner (3pm-7pm) *Times and events are subject to change, so please check with Caleb or Ashley for more information.
Paul’s Ponders Revelation 12 tells of a woman about to give birth and a dragon. It stood in front of the woman who was ready to give birth to the baby. It wanted to eat the woman’s baby as soon as it was born. (v4) Since being chased out of Eden, Satan knew that he was going to have to battle with God. The idea of a Messiah must have rankled Satan so that he was constantly looking for him. And then God slipped the Messiah by Satan using a virgin and a barn. Perhaps Satan didn’t catch on until Jesus was baptized and God announced that his Son had come. The match had been set and a head to head battle didn’t take long to materialize. The Holy Spirit led Jesus to the wilderness ring where Jesus and Satan battled it out for 40 days. Satan limped away realizing that head to head was not going to be the way to get Jesus. He’d have to be indirect. Satan surrounded Jesus with demon possessed people and Jesus cast them out. Satan threw a monstrous storm at Jesus in the sea and Jesus slept and then calmed the storm. The only flaw that Jesus seemed to have is that he loved too much. So Satan sent him helpless, destitute, diseased and dead people. Jesus healed, gave life and hope to them. Since Satan could not destroy his compassion he decided to fight love with hate. There was a group of people who were offended by the things Jesus did and taught. Satan manipulated them so that they despised Jesus and vowed to kill him. Hah! They will get rid of the Son of Man for him. His plan worked. People rose up and shouted “Crucify Him!” So they did. And nothing would ever be the same again. Satan had destroyed the Messiah. But Satan didn’t know about Easter. Satan’s final foothold was death. Jesus rose from the dead destroying Satan’s power and stranglehold on mankind. 55
College & Young Adult Connection - April 21st: Annual Easter Egg Hunt (after service today) - April 28th: CVRM Community Service (4pm-6pm) - May 5th: Progressive Dinner (3pm-7pm) Every Wednesday Evening: Bible Study (6:00-7:00)
Outreach and Family Ministry This team offers home bible studies, hospital and home visits, shut-ins visits, baptisms, and any encouragement needs. This team also offers general maintenance duties - such as minor home/yard work and heavy lifting.
MINISTER: Raye Kramar (c)(760) 580-1954 FAMILY MINISTER: John Rice (h)(760) 347-3928 Ministry Team Members: Jim Sultzer Rafael Rodriguez Garry Sage Marco Aparicio
Bob Tripp Nick Macias Henry McNulty
Other Announcements
“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?” 56 The sting of
death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. – I Cor 15:55-57.
Just Pondering
Aveces Pienso 2 Reyes 6:5-7 Si aún viven tus padres puedes tu pensar en algo que te llame la atención, y si ellos han partido puedes tu recordar algo extraordinario que te haga reflexionar en las diferentes etapas de tu vida, piénsalo... hace dos años una plaga termino con la vida de uno de mis árboles al frente de la casa, el vecino me hizo saber que tenía un serrucho eléctrico si lo quería usar, sonrió cuando le dije que no, no quería que le fuera a pasar algo y después terminar diciendo "Dios mío y ahora que voy hacer si era prestado", no sé si te habra pasado. Hubiera sido fácil usar un serrucho eléctrico, pero la memoria de mi aPá estaba en mi corazón yo sabía que sería difícil, pero usar un serrucho eléctrico disiparía la memoria de mi aPá, siempre recuerdo la entereza, la perfección en el corte, la chispa del metal al tocar la corteza del árbol, la astilla casi clavándose en tu cuerpo cuando salía disparada por el corte del hacha; porque te comparto mis memorias en un sentido literal, nosotros somos como hachas y un hacha sin filo para que sirve, el esfuerzo aplicado para derribar un árbol sería enorme, y navegar por la vida sin el Espíritu Santo equivale a lo mismo. Constantemente por el uso nuestra hacha necesita ser ajustada por la cuña, para afilar nuestra hacha tendremos que dar forma al Alma cuidando su simetría y con una piedra de esmeril y aceite afilamos en círculo en dirección del filo, y eso es precisamente lo que hace el aceite de la unción (El Espíritu Santo) nos saca filo para confrontar la adversidad de esta vida que hoy estamos viviendo. Un día ciertos hombres hijos de profetas salieron al Jordan para cortar árboles. 5 Pero sucedió que cuando uno de ellos estaba derribando un tronco, el hierro del hacha se le cayó al agua; y gritó, y dijo: “¡Ah, señor mío, era prestado!” 6 Entonces el hombre de Dios dijo: “¿Dónde cayó?” Y cuando le mostró el lugar, cortó un palo y lo echó allí, e hizo flotar el hierro. 7 Y Eliseo le dijo: “Tómalo.” Y el hombre extendió la mano y lo tomó. Jesucristo vive el resucitó porque no dejar que el sea la cuña que nos ha de ajustar al mango, por que no dejar que la unción del Espíritu Santo nos siga sacando filo!
Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto......
On-Going Events SUNDAY MORNING: Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15a.m.. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen before and after class. Worship Service at 10:15. Headsets for Spanish translation are provided during Worship Service. CHILDRENS BIBLE HOUR: Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom. SUNDAY EVENING SMALL GROUP STUDY: Please see the insert for our “In the Word” Sunday Evening/Afternoon Bible Study locations. Group leaders are available for more information. SKY VALLEY WORSHIP & BIBLE STUDY: 4:00pm starts the combined Worship Service/In The Word Bible Study for the DHS/Sky Valley areas. LADIES’ TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Please join us for an uplifting study and fellowship with other women of faith every Tuesday morning from 10-11:30am. The current study is the book “Wild and Free”. MEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER: Wednesdays at 7:30a.m., the men meet at the church building for prayer and then go out for breakfast. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASSES: Wednesday Bible Class at 6:00p.m. SUNDAY SERMONS: Sunday Sermons can be accessed on YouTube under “Nick Macias” account.
Order of Service
Causes and Community Events
Today: 4-21-19
Next Week: 4-28-19
Song Leader: Larry Fisk Welcome: Robert Craven Prayer of Praise: Dylan Brennan Communion Lead: John Rice Assisting: Caleb Gervin, Steve Cardinal, Bob Tripp Marco Aparicio, Joe Sidoti, Jimmie Stevenson Kid’s Dismissal Scripture Reading: Jack Brennan Sermon: Raye Kramar Closing Prayer: Jack Brohamer Spanish Translation: Beto Alvarez Greeters: Elliott Family
Song Leader: Mark Rodgers Welcome: Robert Craven Prayer of Praise: David Sanchez Communion Lead: Mike Young Assisting: Bob Finnell, Miguel Carmona, Travis Dempster, Doug Brannon, Michael Mendoza, Rafael Rodriquez Kid’s Dismissal Scripture Reading: Mark Haye Sermon: Raye Kramar Closing Prayer: Jerry Bivens Spanish Translation: Nancy Kramar Greeters: Rodriquez Family
Usher: Pierre Ortiz Closer: Jack Brohamer
Usher: Pierre Ortiz Closer: Jerry Bivens
April 21, 2019
Palm Desert Church of Christ
Loving God...Loving People...Changing the World ~~~~
Iglesia de Cristo Palm Desert
Amar a Dios ... Amar a la gente ... Cambiar el mundo
April Birthdays Smiley Kenley Ashley Gervin Marco Aparicio Jeff Cline Rozelle Poignard
4/2 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/17
Justina Larson Lynn Jarrell Steven Cardinal Bob Biggers Jesús Escareño Dylan Brennan Larry Fisk Stori Hoffman Bob Tripp Juanita Darwin Debra Norby
4/18 4/19 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/24 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/29 4/30
April Anniversaries Jimmie & Andrea Stevenson
Tom & Darlene Allchin
4/11 4/22
Sunday: Bible Study: 9:15am ~ Worship Service: 10:15am Wednesday: Bible Study: 6:00pm *********************
*DIRECTORY CHANGES* Please be sure to let the office know if you have any contact information changes or additions.
Last Week Attendance: 114
Contribution: $2,744
Kids for Kids: $145
78-135 Avenue 42 * Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 * Palm Desert, CA 92255 Phone 760.360.6595, Fax 760.360.6595 (please call first) Email:, Website: Office Hours: M-F 9am-2pm