Free pair of pocket binoculars for the first 25 families who arrive at the event! Games! crafts! Se hablA espanol. Help Birds. Along The Way! Free bird-friendly.
Free pair of pocket binoculars for the first 25 families who arrive at the event!
Se hablA espanol
Help Birds Along The Way!
We can provide reasonable modifications for people with disabilities upon request. Podemos proveer modificaciones razonables conforme la Ley de Personas con Incapacidades (ADA) con previo aviso al 703-2283403. TTY 711. Note that this event will be canceled in case of rain. Arlington Public Schools does not sponsor or endorse the individual or group providing this material, or any message contained herein. [Las Escuelas Públicas de Arlington no patrocinan o respaldan al individuo o grupo que provee este material, ni asumen responsabilidad por su contenido.]