WORKSHOP SESSION 1 Be a Voice of the Poor Thomas E. Dwyer

Colleen Shaddox, Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance. Youth of color are treated more harshly in the juvenile justice system, entering at higher numbers.
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WORKSHOP SESSION 1 Be a Voice of the Poor Thomas E. Dwyer, Chair, National Voice of the Poor committee, and Northeast Region Voice of the Poor Leader What is justice? Toxic charity? Catholic Social Thought will be shown to be not abstract, but vital messages for a world facing complex challenges in bringing about a more just and human society. Practical examples of ways to be the Voice of and with the Poor will be provided. Stolen Lives – A gospel response to Human Trafficking Ann Marie Boulay, The Underground Lynn Campbell, OCSJM Human Trafficking is a horrific crime against the basic dignity and rights of the human person. It occurs across the state of CT. Children are particularly vulnerable. What can we do to transform the culture of sexual exploitation? While CT lawmakers work to strengthen the ability to prosecute, we cannot arrest away this problem. We must look at the demand side. Participants will learn about initiatives in CT to help victims and opportunities to respond to this crime. Immigration – How to Help People in Your Parish. Are Concerns Real? Ana Landskron, St. Louis West Haven – OCSJM Immigration Core Leader Maria Anthony, Blessed Sacrament Hamden With courage, a mother speaks about her undocumented status in the U.S. She will explore her journey as a Christian woman in the US, touching upon how her journey has been as an individual, as a wife, as a mother, and how the journey has affected her family. Color of Justice: Community Reintegration from Prison Colleen Shaddox, Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance Youth of color are treated more harshly in the juvenile justice system, entering at higher numbers compared to their white peers. Furthermore, the juvenile justice system often becomes the mental health system for them. This workshop will look at the reintegration process and how communities can best respond. “Es real la preocupación de los inmigrantes acerca de separación y deportación familiar?” Arturo Iriarte, OCSJM Claribel Tejeda, St. Mary New Britain Las preocupaciones de las familias migrantes no han desaparecido considerando todas las noticias que han emergido ultimamente. Este taller, explorará el escenario de una familia cuando prepara un “Plan B.” de emergencia. En consecuencia, que ocurriría si en una familia si el padre, la madre (o ambos) son detenidos por el Departamento de Inmigración? “Repercusiones en la familia cuando están sujeto a las leyes de inmigración” Oscar Cirio, Blessed Sacrament Hamden Attorney Rafael Pichardo Cual es el proceso moral de una familia cuando debe separarse? Los participantes aprenderán sobre del porqué las leyes migratorias pueden ser tan dañinas y deben tomarse seriamente, considerando el daño que puede generarle a una familia. Exploraremos juntos los diferentes escenarios tal como; debería la familia volver a su país?, Que es lo que deberíamos hacer?


Christ Be Our Light: Connecting Our Social Justice Ministry to the Liturgical Year Lisa Orchen, Satellite Theological Education Program (STEP) at University of Notre Dame Together participants will discover how the Catholic liturgical calendar reveals the mystery of Christ throughout the year. Participants will gain creative ideas for planning parish and school social justice outreach activities around the seasons, feasts and saint days of the liturgical year. Your Cousin, Your Neighbor’s Cousin Mary O’Brien with Peter Buck The workshop will discuss fair trade in chocolate and coffee, in the context of the ties between the peoples of the Archdiocese of Hartford, and the peoples of Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa. Best Practices for Refugee Ministry Three refugees will be speak about their experience of resettling in the U.S. Participants will have the opportunity to hear their stories about what the immigration process was like and what their experience has been now as legal immigrants. The panel will also include individuals who are directly involved with refugee outreach. For I was a Stranger, and You Welcomed Me – Growing a Parish Outreach to the Homeless Janice Gilman, Joan Pirtel, Nora Cash, Patricia Caprolione, & Raymond Falkoff – St. Mary, Branford Panelists will share the challenges and successes they encountered with outreach to the homeless. After participating with a New Haven homeless shelter, Columbus House, parishioners started an outreach committee that cooks and provides meals at Columbus house, provides sandwiches and warm clothing to homeless in New Haven, partners with Amistad Catholic Worker, and started a separate non-profit to run a transitional house in Branford. “Los Ministerios comienzan en la Fe, y se fortalecen al reafirmar nuestras relaciones con los otros…,” Arturo Iriarte, OCJSM and Marta Pezo, Marin Office of Family Life El taller nos permitirá observar las dinámicas de las relaciones humanas al interior de la familia; Como obtener una vision amplia de la misma, para que los ministerios Parroquiales sean un vehículo donde la fe se fortalezca. Aprenderán herramientas para el fortalecimiento y edificación de relaciones humanas, también desafíos que enfrentan las familias inmigrantes a medida que crecen sus hijos en Estados Unidos. Finalmente, que pasa cuando el padre esta sólo en USA. “Repercusiones en la familia cuando están sujeto a las leyes de inmigración” Oscar Cirio, Blessed Sacrament Hamden Attorney Rafael Pichardo Cual es el proceso moral de una familia cuando debe separarse? Los participantes aprenderán sobre del porqué las leyes migratorias pueden ser tan dañinas y deben tomarse seriamente,

considerando el daño que puede generarle a una familia. Exploraremos juntos los diferentes escenarios tal como; debería la familia volver a su país?, Que es lo que deberíamos hacer?