Word Search Pg 38

8. you're welcome (2 words). 20. how are you? (starts with Q). 9. “good byes”. 21. okay/so, so (one word). 10. “enchanted” (fem.) 22. greetings. 11. this is……. 23.
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Nombre: _________________________________ Per. _______

Escribe las palabras en ESPAÑOL: 1. good afternoon _______________________________ 13. see you soon ___________________________ 2. good morning/day _____________________________ 14. likewise _______________________________ 3. bye (begins with CH) __________________________ 15. I’m sorry ______________________________ 4. what’s your name? (fam) _______________________ 16. nice to meet you ___________ ____________ 5. excuse me ___________________________________ 17. it’s nothing/you’re welcome _______________ 6. pardon me ___________________________________ 18. see you (starts with N) ___________________ 7. courtesy ____________________________________

19. please ________________________________

8. you’re welcome (2 words)______________________

20. how are you? (starts with Q) ______________

9. “good byes”___________________________________ 21. okay/so, so (one word) ___________________ 10. “enchanted” (fem.) ____________________________ 22. greetings ______________________________ 11. this is……. __________________________________ 23. I’d like to introduce (fam) _________________ 12. thank you ____________________________________ 24. introductions ___________________________