Westbrook Public Schools World Language Curriculum Spanish

Málaga is a city in Spain. ▫ It lasts for nine days. ▫ Musicians play on the streets. ▫ Fairgoers perform folkloric dance such as the Flamenco o. Feria de caballos.
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Westbrook Public Schools World Language Curriculum Spanish Grade 5

Unit 1: Repaso - Review Unit

Anticipated Length: 4 weeks (20 Lessons)

State/National Standards: Content Standard #1 Communication (Interpersonal Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will engage in conversation and correspondence, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions.  1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feeling and emotions, and exchange options. Content Standard #2 Communication (Interpretive Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics.  1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Content Standard #3 Communication (Presentational Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics.  1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Content Standard #4 Cultures: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate an understanding of the products, practices and perspectives of the cultures studied, and will use their cultural knowledge for interpersonal, interpretative and presentational communication.  2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relations between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.  2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied. Content Standard #5 Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language, and vice versa.  3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Content Standard #6 Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language.  3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures. Content Standard #7 Comparisons Among Languages: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate literacy and an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons across languages.  4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Content Standard #8 Comparisons Among Cultures: In at least one language other than English students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons across cultures.  4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Communities – Students participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.  5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting  5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners and using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment


CT Core Standards: Speaking/Listening  SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. Reading for Information  RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topics or subject area.



Students will know/understand: • Greetings/Expressions of Courtesy/Saying Goodbye/Introductions o Hola - Hello o Adiós - Goodbye o Buenos días - Good Day o Buenas tardes - Good Afternoon o Buenas noches - Good Night o ¿Cómo te llamas? - What is your name? o Me llamo… - My name is… o ¿Cómo estás? - How are you? o Hasta luego - See you later o ¿Cuántos años tienes? - How old are you o Yo tengo # años - I am # years old o Hasta mañana - See you tomorrow o Encantado - Delighted/Pleased to meet you o Igualmente - Same here/Likewise o Te presento - Let me introduce you to… o Mucho gusto - Nice to meet you o Me Gusta - I like • Los Colores (Colors) vocabulary including but not limited to… o Rojo - Red o Anaranjado - Orange o Amarillo - Yellow o Verde - Green o Azul - Blue o Morado - Purple o Negro - Black o Marrón - Brown o Gris - Gray • El Alfabeto (The Alphabet) o Focusing on the more difficult letter sounds and vowels o A - Ah o E - EH o I - EE o O - OH o U - UH o J - sounds like an H in English o H - is silent

Students will be able to: • Greet each other • Say goodbye • State their name • State their age • Ask how a friend is feeling • Ask the age of their friend • Ask the name of a peer • State how they are feeling • State what things they like • Introduce each other • Use appropriate greetings and expressions of courtesy • Talk about the colors of things • Identify different vowel sounds • Identify different consonant sounds • Dictate words in Spanish • Describe La Feria de Málaga • Describe el Paseo • Describe Feria de caballos • Use unit vocabulary correctly in conversations


Ge - pronounced like Heh in English Gi - pronounced like He in English Z - pronounced like S in English Ñ - pronounced like ny in Canyon in English La Cultura (Culture) o La Feria de Málaga  Celebrates King Ferdninand and Queen Isabella’s triumphant entrance into the coastal city of Málaga on Aug. 19, 1487  Málaga is a city in Spain  It lasts for nine days  Musicians play on the streets  Fairgoers perform folkloric dance such as the Flamenco o Feria de caballos  More than a thousand riders and over a hundred horse-drawn carriages and cars participate in el paseo o El Paseo o o o o

Essential Questions: • • • •

Unit Questions:

How do I use another language to communicate with others? (Interpersonal Mode) How do I understand what others are trying to communicate in another language? (Interpretive Mode) How do I present information, concepts and ideas in another language in a way that is understood? (Presentational Mode) How do I use my understanding of culture to communicate and function appropriately in another culture?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Tell someone good morning, good afternoon and goodnight. Tell someone goodbye. Ask someone their name. Tell someone your name State your age Ask a friend how they are feeling. Talk about something that you like. Introduce two friends. Let someone know that it is nice to meet them. What colors do you see in the room? What colors are your favorites? How do you pronounce the ‘Z’ in Spanish? What are the vowel sounds in Spanish? How do you pronounce the ‘Ñ’ in Spanish? What is El Paseo? What is Feria de caballos? What events in your community or regions are similar to those of the Feria de Málaga?

Possible Assessments:       

     

End of Unit Tests Journals Interviews Performance Tasks DBQs Teacher-created Tests Student reflection/Analysis of Performance

SBAC-like Assessments Student Presentations Entrance/Exit slips Research Projects Group Projects Other

Performance-Based (Authentic) Assessments: Un Diálogo Students will research the different ways young people greet, and say goodbye to each other in different Spanishspeaking countries. They will then choose one of those countries and write a dialogue using typical phrases. They will present their dialogues to the class and the students will discuss/compare the differences.

Summative Assessment: •

Unit test

Rubrics: •

Speaking and Writing rubrics - teacher and department created

Student Technology Integration: • • • • • • • • •

Interactive flashcards Online review games Online textbook Google Docs Google Slides Google Draw Kahoot.it Quizalize.com Quizlet.com

Resources/Suggested Works: •

Texts: o Textbooks:  Avancemos (p. C2-C3)  Exploring Spanish (pages 1-12, p. 167, 171, 173, 176, 178)  Exploring Spanish Workbook (p. 1-6, 75) o Art, Music, Media:  Sing-a-long CDs Online Resources: o Websites:  www.exploring spanish.com  www.spanishgames.com  www.kahoot.com  www.quizalize.com  www.quizlet.com o Online Textbooks:  Avancemos  Exploring Spanish


Sample Activities – (Instructional Strategies, Tasks and Questions): • • •

• • • • • •

Jeopardy to review for unit test Alphabet dictation Cultural Activity: o Describe an event or events in your community that are similar to those of the Feria de Málaga. Students will write a skit introducing a friend from another school SMART Board teacher created games to reinforce vocabulary and grammar learned in this unit Presentations: Dialogues using the vocabulary and grammar in this unit. Las Entrevistas:Students interview each other using questions that the teacher has prepared. Diálogos Rápidos: Quick dialogues that students spontaneously create. Práctica (Do now)

Anticipated Misconceptions: • • •

Confusion with the combination of different letters such as ge or gi Confusion with the sounds of of E and I Confusion about when to use tardes (afternoon/late) and when to use noches (night)

Differentiation Advanced: • Students are expected to write more and speak using more details during assessments. • Students will use additional vocabulary when appropriate. • Students will create longer dialogues

Struggling: • Students will take modified quizzes and tests when appropriate. • Students will be given additional time to complete assignments or assessments when needed.


Westbrook Public Schools World Language Curriculum Spanish Grade 5

Unit 2: En La Escuela - In The School

Anticipated Length: 4 weeks (20 Lessons)

State/National Standards: Content Standard #1 Communication (Interpersonal Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will engage in conversation and correspondence, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions.  1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feeling and emotions, and exchange options. Content Standard #2 Communication (Interpretive Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics.  1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Content Standard #3 Communication (Presentational Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics.  1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Content Standard #4 Cultures: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate an understanding of the products, practices and perspectives of the cultures studied, and will use their cultural knowledge for interpersonal, interpretative and presentational communication.  2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relations between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.  2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied. Content Standard #5 Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language, and vice versa.  3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Content Standard #6 Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language.  3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures. Content Standard #7 Comparisons Among Languages: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate literacy and an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons across languages.  4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Content Standard #8 Comparisons Among Cultures: In at least one language other than English students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons across cultures.  4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Communities – Students participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.  5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting  5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners and using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment 110

CT Core Standards: Speaking/Listening  SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. Reading for Information  RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topics or subject area.



Students will know/understand: • En La Clase (In the Classroom) vocabulary including but not limited to… o Un reloj - A clock o Un lapis - A pencil o Una pizarra - A white board o Un estante - Bookshelf o Un borrador - Eraser o Una impresora - Printer o Un cuaderno - A notebook o Un papel - Paper o Una mapa - A map o Un pupitre - A desk o Una papelera - Basket o Un marcador - A marker o Una ventana - A window o Un teclado - A keyboard o Un escritorio - A teacher’s desk o Una computadora - A computer • Las Expresiones (Classroom expressions) vocabulary including but not limited to… o Dilo en español - Say it in Spanish o Escribe - Write o Habla - Speak o Repite - Repeat o Pasa a la pizarra - Go to the board o Contesta la pregunta - Answer the question o Cierra el libro - Close the book o Completa las oraciones - Complete the sentences o Escucha - Listen o Lee - Read o Enciende la computadora - Turn on the computer o Apaga la computadora - Turn off the computer o Saca una hoja de papel - Take out a piece of paper

Students will be able to: • Identify and label classroom objects • Speak about classroom objects • Use classroom expressions to talk about what one should do in Spanish class. • Identify and use classroom commands • Demonstrate understanding by responding to verbal commands • Create a dialogue with a partner using classroom vocabulary • Identify the numbers one through onethousand • Count from one to one-thousand • Create and give answers to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems in Spanish • Describe El Día de La Independencia • Compare and contrast the meaning of Oct. 12th El Día de Colón (Christopher Columbus Day) in America with the meaning of the day in the Spanish- speaking world. For some it is el Día de la Hispanidad, a day to celebrate one’s connection with all other Spanishspeaking people. And for others, it is el Día de la Raza, a day when indigenous people come together as a community and celebrate their heritage.


o Levanta la mano - Raise your hand o Haz un dibujo - Make a picture o Abre el libro - Open your book Los Números (The Numbers) vocabulary o Diez - Ten o Veinte - Twenty o Treinta - Thirty o Cuarenta - Forty o Cincuenta - Fifty o Sesenta - Sixty o Setenta - Seventy o Ochenta - Eighty o Noventa - Ninety o Ciento - One-hundred o Doscientos - Two-hundred o Trescientos - Three-hundred o Mil - One-thousand La Cultura (Culture) o El Día de La Independencia (Independence Day)  Falls in September for many of the Spanish-speaking countries in the Americas.  Mexico celebrates on Sept. 15th and 16th. o El 12 de octubre - Oct.12th  It has many different meanings in the Spanish speaking world.  For all Spanish-speaking groups, it marks a key turning point in the lives and cultures of the people in Spain and those living in the Americas.

Essential Questions: • •

Unit Questions:

How do I use another language to communicate with others? (Interpersonal Mode) How do I understand what others are trying to communicate in another language? (Interpretive Mode) How do I present information, concepts and ideas in another language in a way that is understood? (Presentational Mode) How do I use my understanding of culture to communicate and function appropriately in another culture?


• •

• • • • •

What objects do you see in the classroom? Respond to commands such as close your book, turn on the computer or take out a piece of paper. What are some useful classroom commands? What is 20 x 8 (or other similar math problem) How do you pronounce the “Ñ” in Spanish? What is El Día de La Independencia? How is Oct. 12th different for those in Spanish –speaking countries?

Possible Assessments:       

     

End of Unit Tests Journals Interviews Performance Tasks DBQs Teacher-created Tests Student reflection/Analysis of Performance

SBAC-like Assessments Student Presentations Entrance/Exit slips Research Projects Group Projects Other

Summative Assessment: •

Unit test

Rubrics: •

Speaking and Writing rubrics - teacher and department created

Student Technology Integration: • • • • • • • • •

Interactive flashcards Online review games Online textbook Google Docs Google Slides Google Draw Kahoot.it Quizalize.com Quizlet.com

Resources/Suggested Works: •

Texts: o Textbooks:  Avancemos (pages C4-C5, pages C6-C7)  Exploring Spanish (pages 13-40)  Exploring Spanish Workbook (pages 7-18) o Art, Music, Media:  Sing-a-long CDs Online Resources: o Websites:  www.exploring spanish.com  www.spanishgames.com  www.kahoot.it  www.quizalize.com  www.onlinefreespanish.com  www.quizlet.com o Online Textbooks:  Avancemos  Exploring Spanish


Sample Activities – (Instructional Strategies, Tasks and Questions): • • •

• • • • • • •

Jeopardy to review for unit test Students perform math problems to practice number vocabulary Cultural Activity: o Compare and Contrast the way your town or city celebrates Independence Day with the celebrations in Mexico and Central America. How are they similar? Are there any differences? Cultural Activity: o Compare and Contrast the different ways people celebrate October 12th in their community or school? SMART Board teacher created games to reinforce vocabulary and grammar learned in this unit Presentations: Dialogues using the vocabulary and grammar in this unit Use Kahoot.it to review vocabulary Use Quizalize.com to review and practice vocabulary. Diálogos Rápidos: Quick dialogues that students spontaneously create Práctica (Do now) Students play Simon Says in Spanish to practice command forms

Anticipated Misconceptions: •

Confusion between some of the classroom command forms such as … o Open and close o Talking to one student verses more than one student (i.e. Habla vs. Hablan)

Differentiation Advanced: • Students are expected to write more and speak using more details during assessments. • Students will use additional vocabulary when appropriate. • Students will create longer dialogues

Struggling: • Students will take modified quizzes and tests when appropriate. • Students will be given additional time to complete assignments or assessments when needed.


Westbrook Public Schools World Language Curriculum Spanish Grade 5

Unit 3: El Tiempo/Las Estaciones - Weather/Seasons

Anticipated Length: 3 weeks (15 Lessons)

State/National Standards: Content Standard #1 Communication (Interpersonal Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will engage in conversation and correspondence, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions.  1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feeling and emotions, and exchange options. Content Standard #2 Communication (Interpretive Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics.  1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Content Standard #3 Communication (Presentational Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics.  1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Content Standard #4 Cultures: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate an understanding of the products, practices and perspectives of the cultures studied, and will use their cultural knowledge for interpersonal, interpretative and presentational communication.  2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relations between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.  2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied. Content Standard #5 Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language, and vice versa.  3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Content Standard #6 Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language.  3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures. Content Standard #7 Comparisons Among Languages: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate literacy and an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons across languages.  4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Content Standard #8 Comparisons Among Cultures: In at least one language other than English students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons across cultures.  4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Communities – Students participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.  5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting  5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners and using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment 115

CT Core Standards: Speaking/Listening  SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. Reading for Information  RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.



Students will know/understand: • El Tiempo y Las Estaciones (Weather and Seasons vocabulary) including but not limited to… o ¿Qué tiempo hace? - What’s the weather like? o Hace buen tiempo - It’s nice weather o Hace mal tiempo - It’s bad weather o Hace sol - It’s sunny o Hace calo r - It’s hot o Hace fresco - It’s cool o Hace viento - It’s windy o Está húmedo - It’s humid o Está nublado - It’s cloudy o Truena - It’s thunder (Verb) o Llueve- It’s raining (Verb) o Relampaguea - It’s lightening (Verb) o Hace frío - It’s cold o Nieva - It’s snowing (Verb) o El Verano - The Summer o El Invierno - The Winter o El Otoño - The Fall o La Primavera - The Spring o El Trueno - Thunder (Noun) o El Relámpago - Lightening (Noun) o La Lluvia - Rain (Noun) o La Nieve - Snow (Noun) • Los Días y Los Meses (Days and Months) o Lunes - Monday o Martes - Tuesday o Miércole s- Wednesday o Jueves - Thursday o Viernes - Friday o Sábado - Saturday o Domingo - Sunday o Enero - January o Febrero - February o Marzo - March o Abril - April o Mayo - May o Junio - June

Students will be able to: • State your favorite season and why. • State your favorite month and why. • Talk about the season and weather associated with each month. • Use weather expressions to create a dialogue with a partner. • Identify different types of weather in different parts of the USA and Spanishspeaking countries. • Complete a weather chart • Give a weather forecast for the week in Spanish • Create a dialogue with a partner using weather /season vocabulary. • Create a poster with pictures and words describing each season. • Explain the meaning behind the Day of the Dead. • Compare and contrast the meaning of the Day of the Dead with Halloween, October 31st.


o Julio - July o Agosto - August o Septiembre - September o Octubre - October o Noviembre - November o Diciembre- December Las Estaciones (The Seasons) o El Verano - Summer o El Otoño - Autumn o El Invierno - Winter o La Primavera - Spring La Cultura (Culture) o El Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead)  Spans two days: Nov. 1-2.  Families visit the cemeteries and grave sites of their loved ones.  Family members pass the day/night sharing food and conversation as they keep vigil for their ancestors.  Celebrated in Ecuador, México, Guatemala, and parts of the USA.

Essential Questions: • •

Unit Questions:

How do I use another language to communicate with others? (Interpersonal Mode) How do I understand what others are trying to communicate in another language? (Interpretive Mode) How do I present information, concepts and ideas in another language in a way that is understood? (Presentational Mode) How do I use my understanding of culture to communicate and function appropriately in another culture? How do I demonstrate an understanding of the similarities, differences and interactions across languages?

• • • • • • • • • •


What is your favorite season and why? What is your favorite month and why? Describe summer weather in different locations. Describe winter weather in different locations. What is the weather forecast for the week? What is the weather like when we head back to school? What is the weather like in____________ (insert a month)? What is your favorite kind of weather and why? How would you tell someone that it is thundering outside? Tell me about the Day of the Dead.

Possible Assessments:     

 End of Unit Tests      

Journals Interviews Performance Tasks DBQs Teacher-created Tests Student reflection/Analysis of Performance

SBAC-like Assessments Student Presentations Entrance/Exit slips Research Projects Group Projects

Performance-Based (Authentic) Assessments: Student will chose a Spanish speaking city and research the weather for the week using www.eltiempo.es. After gathering the necessary information, they will give a weather forecast in Spanish for the week for that particular city. They can use PowerPoint or Google slides.

Summative Assessment: •

Student will create a poster using their choice of Google Docs, Slides, Google Draw or regular poster board. The poster must include representation for each of the four seasons along with pictures that depict each. Students will also use different weather expressions for each season and will write what they like about each season to enhance their poster.

Rubrics: •

Speaking and Writing rubrics - teacher and department created

Student Technology Integration: • • • • • • • • •

Interactive flashcards Online review games Online textbook Google Docs Google Slides Google Draw Kahoot.it Quizalize.com Quizlet.com

Resources/Suggested Works: •

Texts: o Textbooks:  Avancemos (pages C8-9)  Exploring Spanish (pages192-204)  Exploring Spanish Workbook (pages 85-89) o Art, Music, Media:  Sing-a-long CDs Online Resources: o Websites:  www.exploring spanish.com  www.spanishgames.com  www.kahoot.it 118


 www.quizalize.com  www.onlinefreespanish.com  www.quizlet.com  www.eltiempo.es Online Textbooks:  Avancemos  Exploring Spanish

Sample Activities – (Instructional Strategies, Tasks and Questions):

• • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Students play jeopardy to review for unit test SMART Board teacher created games to reinforce vocabulary and grammar learned in this unit Presentations: Dialogues using the vocabulary and grammar in this unit. Use Kahoot.it to review vocabulary. Use Quizalize.com to review and practice vocabulary. Diálogos Rápidos: Quick dialogues that students spontaneously create. Práctica (Do now) Pictionary game to review weather and seasons. Students will complete weather charts describing seasons and weather in different parts of the USA and Spanish speaking countries. o Weather.com or eltiempo.es to forecast the weeks weather Crossword puzzles to review days of the week, months, weather and seasons. Word Searches to review days of the week, months, weather and seasons. Listening activities: Students will hear different types of weather being described in Spanish and they will need to indicate the season. Reading comprehension activities: Students will read short passages in Spanish that talk about the weather and seasons. After reading, they will answer questions relating to these passages.

Anticipated Misconceptions: •

Confusion between some of the weather expressions (i.e hace frío verses es frío, hace calor/es calor etc.).

Differentiation Advanced: • Students are expected to write more and speak using more details during assessments. • Students will use additional vocabulary when appropriate. • Students will create longer dialogues

Struggling: • Students will take modified quizzes and tests when appropriate. • Students will be given additional time to complete assignments or assessments when needed.


Westbrook Public Schools World Language Curriculum Spanish Grade 5

Unit 4: La Casa/La Familia - La Comida-House/Family/Food

Anticipated Length:4 weeks (20 Lessons)

State/National Standards: Content Standard #1 Communication (Interpersonal Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will engage in conversation and correspondence, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions.  1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feeling and emotions, and exchange options. Content Standard #2 Communication (Interpretive Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics.  1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Content Standard #3 Communication (Presentational Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics.  1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Content Standard #4 Cultures: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate an understanding of the products, practices and perspectives of the cultures studied, and will use their cultural knowledge for interpersonal, interpretative and presentational communication.  2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relations between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.  2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied. Content Standard #5 Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language, and vice versa.  3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Content Standard #6 Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language.  3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures. Content Standard #7 Comparisons Among Languages: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate literacy and an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons across languages.  4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Content Standard #8 Comparisons Among Cultures: In at least one language other than English students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons across cultures.  4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Communities – Students participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.  5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting  5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners and using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment


CT Core Standards: Speaking/Listening  SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.  SL.5.1 Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. Reading for Information  RI.5.4. Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.



Students will know/understand: • La Casa (The House) vocabulary including but not limited to … o El Baño - The Bathroom o La Cocina - The Kitchen o El Comedor - The Dining Room o El Jardín - The Garden o El Garaje - The Garage o La Sala - The Living Room o El Patio - The Patio/Courtyard o El Cuarto - The Bedroom/The Room o El Alcoba - The Bedroom o La Mansión - Mansion o El Apartament - The Apartment/The Condominium o La Casa - The House o La Cabana - The Hut/Cabin o El Edificio - The Building o La Carpa - The Tent • La Familia (The Family) vocabulary including but not limited to…. o La Abuela - Grandmother o El Abuelo - Grandfather o Los Abuelos - Grandparents o La Madre - Mother o El Padre - Father o Los Padres - Parents o El Hijo - Son o La Hija - Daughter o Los Hijos - Children o El Primo - Cousin (Male) o La Prima - Cousin (Female) o Los Primos - Cousins o El Hermano - Brother o La Hermana - Sister o La Sobrina - Niece o El Sobrino - Nephew

Students will be able to: • Talk about the food they like to eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner • Describe their family members • Identify where they live • Talk about the different rooms in a house • Design a family tree • Create a dialogue with a partner using family, house and food vocabulary • Identify parts of the house • Create a menu using food vocabulary • Create a floor plan using the house vocabulary • Describe foods • Compare and contrast the meaning of El Año Nuevo (The New Year) here in the USA with the that in the Spanish speaking world • Comprehend family, food and house vocabulary in short reading passages • Answer questions about the reading passage (using unit-specific vocabulary) • Interview classmates about their families • Interview classmates about what foods they do or do not like to eat and drink


o Los Sobrinos - Nieces and Nephews o El Nieto - Grandson o La Nieta - Granddaughter o El Esposo - Husband o La Espos a- Wife Las Comida- (The Food/Meals) vocabulary inducing but not limited to… o La Carne - Meat o El Bistec - Steak o El Pollo - Chicken o La Salchicha - Sausage o La Fruta - Fruit o La Piña - Pineapple o La Pera - Pear o La Manzana - Apple o El Plántano - Plantain o Las Espinacas - Spinach o La Sopa - Soup o Las Galletas - Cookies o Las Papas - Potatoes o El Pan - Bread o El Helado – Ice cream o Los Frijoles - Beans o El Pudín - Pudding o El Queso - Cheese o Las Cebollas - Onions o El Sal - Salt o La Pimienta - Pepper o El Platillo - Plate o La Taza - Cup o El Vaso - Glass o La Cuchara - Spoon o El Cuchillo - Knife o El Tenedor - Fork o El Desayuno - Breakfast o El Almuerzo - Lunch o La Cena - Dinner La Cultura - (Culture) o El Año Nuevo (The New Year)  Celebrates the arrival of the New Year.  La Nochevieja says goodbye to the old year.  Celebrated in: Perú, España, Colombia, and Guatemala  Traditions including making a toast, exchanging a kiss or hug and eating twelve grapes (one


for each stroke of midnight to ensure your wishes come true for the New Year.) Some people dress in masks representing El Año Viejo.

Essential Questions: • •

Unit Questions:

How do I use another language to communicate with others? (Interpersonal Mode) How do I understand what others are trying to communicate in another language? (Interpretive Mode) How do I present information, concepts and ideas in another language in a way that is understood? (Presentational Mode) How do I use my understanding of culture to communicate and function appropriately in another culture? How do I demonstrate an understanding of the similarities, differences and interactions across languages?

• • • • • • • • • • •

Tell me about the makeup of your family. What is your favorite room in your house? What did you have for dinner last night? What foods do you NOT like to eat? Describe the layout of your house including the number of rooms. Create a floor plan for the house of your dreams What are your favorite foods and beverages? How is Nochevieja celebrated in different parts of the Spanish speaking world? What is the definition of NocheBuena? Explain El Año Nuevo? Describe some typical traditions associated with El Año Nuevo?

Possible Assessments:       

     

End of Unit Tests Journals Interviews Performance Tasks DBQs Teacher-created Tests Student reflection/Analysis of Performance

SBAC-like Assessments Student Presentations Entrance/Exit slips Research Projects Group Projects Other

Summative Assessment: •

Unit test

Rubrics: •

Speaking and Writing rubrics - teacher and department created

Student Technology Integration: • • • • • • • •

Interactive flashcards Online review games Online textbook Google Docs Google Slides Google Draw Kahoot.it Quizlet.com 123


Resources/Suggested Works: • Texts: o Textbooks:  Avancemos (pages C12-C13)  Exploring Spanish (pages 59-70, pages 71-84, pages 110-122)  Exploring Spanish Workbook (pages 25-30, pages 31-35, pages 49-54) o Art, Music, Media:  Sing-a-long CDs • Online Resources: o Websites:  www.exploring spanish.com  www.spanishgames.com  www.kahoot.it  www.quizalize.com  www.onlinefreespanish.com  www.quizlet.com  Family tree templates • http://www.familyecho.com/ • https://www.familytreetemplates.net/category/kids o Online Textbooks:  Avancemos  Exploring Spanish Sample Activities – (Instructional Strategies, Tasks and Questions): • Student play Jeopardy to review for the unit test • Concentration Game to review the family, house, and food vocabulary • SMART Board teacher created games to reinforce vocabulary and grammar learned in this unit • Presentations: Dialogues using the vocabulary and grammar in this unit. • Use Kahoot.it to review vocabulary. • Use Quizalize.com to review and practice vocabulary. • Diálogos Rápidos: Quick dialogues that students spontaneously create. • Práctica (Do now) • Pictionary game to review the family, house, and food vocabulary • Crossword puzzles to review the family, house, and food vocabulary • Word Searches to review the family, house, and food vocabulary • Listening activities: Students listen to a passage and indicate which family member is being describe. • Reading comprehension activities: Students read passages about a family and the house that they live in and answer questions about it. • Vocabulary sets and games in Quizlet • Paired speaking activities in groups: Students talk about what kinds of foods and drinks they like. • Guided dialogues • Students will create a one day food menu that utilizes the vocabulary from this unit. • Students will create a family tree using the vocabulary from this unit. Student may use an online tool such as https://www.familytreetemplates.net/category/kids or http://www.familyecho.com/


Anticipated Misconceptions: • •

Confusion with family member relationships and the extended family concept. Students have difficulty with the importance of accents marks such as El papa - father and el papa - potato

Differentiation Advanced: • Students are expected to write more and speak using more details during assessments. • Students will use additional vocabulary when appropriate. • Students will create longer dialogues

Struggling: • Students will take modified quizzes and tests when appropriate. • Students will be given additional time to complete assignments or assessments when needed.


Westbrook Public Schools World Language Curriculum Spanish Grade 5

Unit 5: La Ropa/El Cuerpo/La Salud - The Clothing/ The Body/Health

Anticipated Length: 3 weeks (15 Lessons)

State/National Standards: Content Standard #1 Communication (Interpersonal Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will engage in conversation and correspondence, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions.  1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feeling and emotions, and exchange options. Content Standard #2 Communication (Interpretive Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics.  1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Content Standard #3 Communication (Presentational Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics.  1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Content Standard #4 Cultures: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate an understanding of the products, practices and perspectives of the cultures studied, and will use their cultural knowledge for interpersonal, interpretative and presentational communication.  2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relations between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.  2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied. Content Standard #5 Connections (Interdisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language, and vice versa.  3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Content Standard #6 Connections (Intradisciplinary Mode): In at least one language other than English, students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language.  3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures. Content Standard #7 Comparisons Among Languages: In at least one language other than English, students will demonstrate literacy and an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons across languages.  4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Content Standard #8 Comparisons Among Cultures: In at least one language other than English students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons across cultures.  4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Communities – Students participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.  5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting  5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners and using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment 126

CT Core Standards: Speaking/Listening  SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. Reading for Information  RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area. Writing  W.5.1 Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses



Students will know/understand: • El Cuerpo (The Body) vocabulary including but not limited to… o El Pelo - Hair o La Oreja - Ear o El Cuello - Neck o La Cabeza - Head o El Hombro - Shoulder o El Pecho - Chest o El Brazo - Arm o El Codo - Elbow o La Mano - Hand o La Pierna - Leg o El Dedo de La Mano - Finger o El Dedo del Pie - Toes o El Pie - Foot o La Cara - Face o La Frente- Forehead o El Ojo - Eye o La Nariz - Nose o La Boca - Mouth o Los Dientes - Teeth o El Labio - Lip o La Barbilla - Chin o La Salud - Health o Sano(a) - Healthy o Enfermo(a) - Sick o Bien - Well o Mal - Badly o Triste - Sad o Contento - Happy • La Ropa (The Clothing) vocabulary including but not limited to… o El Suéter - Sweater o El Pijama - Pajamas o El Traje - Suit o La Chaqueta - Jacket o Los Pantalones - Pants

Students will be able to: • Label and identify the parts of the body • Describe the clothing that they and others are wearing • Talk about what they like to wear • Commentate a fashion show in Spanish • Create a dialogue with their partner using body/clothing vocabulary • Recognize and comprehend the body and clothing vocabulary in short reading passages • Answer questions about reading passages • Interview classmates about what they like to wear in each season • Write about the importance of Cinco de Mayo in English and Spanish • Compare and contrast how Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in the USA, in Mexico and in other Spanish-speaking countries


o La Camisa - Shirt o La Corbata - Tie o El Pañuelo - Handkerchief o El Abrigo - Coat o El Vestido - Dress o La Blusa - Blouse o El Sombrero - Hat o El Cinturón - Belt o La Falda - Skirt o Los Zapatos - Shoes o Los Tenis - Sneakers o La Bata - Robe o La Gorra - Cap o La Camiseta - T-shirt o Los Jeans - Jeans o Los Pantalones Cortos - Shorts o El Traje de Baño - Bathing Suit o Hacer la maleta - Pack the suitcase o Llevar - To Wear o Me gusta llevar - I Like to Wear o Nuevo - New La Cultura- (Culture) o El Cinco de Mayo (May 5th)  Popular celebration throughout the USA.  Mexican holiday  May 5, 1862  The Town of Puebla fought against the French army and forced them to retreat  General Zaragoza led the army  Cinco de Mayo became a national holiday symbolizing Mexican unity  A Cinco de Mayo celebration includes: dancing, music, and reenactments of the battle

Essential Questions: • •

Unit Questions:

How do I use another language to communicate with others? (Interpersonal Mode) How do I understand what others are trying to communicate in another language? (Interpretive Mode) How do I present information, concepts and ideas in another language in a way that is understood? (Presentational Mode) How do I use my understanding of culture to 128

• •

Do you know of a Cinco de Mayo celebration in your community or religion? If so, how is it celebrated? What important battles or historic events are celebrated in your community or state? Compare one of these holiday celebrations with the Cinco de Mayo celebrations What is the origin of Cinco de Mayo? Label the parts of the body with Spanish

communicate and function appropriately in another culture? How do I demonstrate an understanding of the similarities, differences and interactions across languages.

• • •

words. What do you wear in the different seasons? What clothing items are made of leather? What would you pack for your vacation?

     

SBAC-like Assessments Student Presentations Entrance/Exit slips Research Projects Group Projects Other

Possible Assessments:       

End of Unit Tests Journals Interviews Performance Tasks DBQs Teacher-created Tests Student reflection/Analysis of Performance

Performance-Based (Authentic) Assessments: El Desfile de Moda Students create a fashion show in Spanish using the vocabulary learned in this unit. Students should work in groups of three or four taking turns describing each others’ clothing in Spanish. They can dress in different outfits and read from note cards or have slides up on the SMART board.

Summative Assessment: •

Unit test

Rubrics: •

Speaking and Writing rubrics - teacher and department created

Student Technology Integration: • • • • • • • • •

Interactive flashcards Online review games Online textbook Google Docs Google Slides Google Draw Kahoot.it Quizlet.com Quizalize.com

Resources/Suggested Works: •

Texts: o Textbooks:  Avancemos (pages C20-C21)  Exploring Spanish (pages 138-150, pages 152-164)  Exploring Spanish Workbook (pages 61- 66, pages 67-72) o Art, Music, Media:  Sing-a-long CDs Online Resources: o Websites: 129


 www.exploring spanish.com  www.spanishgames.com  www.kahoot.it  www.quizalize.com  www.onlinefreespanish.com  www.quizlet.com Online Textbooks:  Avancemos  Exploring Spanish

Sample Activities – (Instructional Strategies, Tasks and Questions): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Students play Jeopardy to review for unit test Flyswatter game: The teacher writes different words on the board in English. Two students come to the board, and try to be the first one to hit the correct word with a fly swatter after the teacher says it in Spanish. Concentration Game to review the parts of the body and clothing SMART Board teacher created games to reinforce vocabulary and grammar learned in this unit Presentations: Dialogues using the vocabulary and grammar in this unit. Use Kahoot.it to review vocabulary. Use Quizalize.com to review and practice vocabulary. Diálogos Rápidos: Quick dialogues that students spontaneously create. Práctica (Do now) Pictionary game to review the body parts and clothing vocabulary. Students will describe different types of clothing Students will connect clothing with the correct part of the body, utilizing unit vocabulary Students will describe the types of clothes one wears in the different seasons/different types of weather. This will require students to make a connection to the previous unit. Crossword puzzles to review the body part and clothing vocabulary. Word Searches to review the body part and clothing vocabulary. Listening activities: Students listen to passages related to clothing and indicate which body part that would be associated with that article of clothing. Reading comprehension activities: Students read passages related to clothing and answer questions. Vocabulary sets and games in Quizlet to review the body part and clothing vocabulary. Paired speaking activities in groups to review the body part and clothing vocabulary. Guided dialogues Students will create a human figure and label the parts of the body using vocabulary from this unit

Anticipated Misconceptions: •

Students sometimes confuse the parts of the body vocabulary with the clothing vocabulary or other words they already know. For example: El hombre - Man vs. El hombre - Shoulder and Bueno - good vs. Bien well.


Differentiation Advanced: • Students are expected to write more and speak using more details during assessments. • Students will use additional vocabulary when appropriate. • Students will create longer dialogues

Struggling: • Students will take modified quizzes and tests when appropriate. • Students will be given additional time to complete assignments or assessments when needed.