1 jun. 2018 - Week 36: May 28-June 1, 2018. Hi Families! The end of May is here! For the remainder of the school year, we will be focusing more on the ...
Week 36: May 28-June 1, 2018 Hi Families! The end of May is here! For the remainder of the school year, we will be focusing more on the Creative Curriculum Theme of “Transitioning to Kindergarten”. This week, we will be dong more writing and reflecting on the year and what to anticipate in Kindergarten. Explain to your child at home what “anticipate” means and encourage them to share, write, and draw what they anticipate about Kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers have already been in the building and are very excited for our students to come to their classrooms. Homework: Daily Reading Log Important Dates: May 28: Memorial Day: School Closed June 1: LAST SCHOLASTIC ORDER DUE June 7: Family Carnival @ 6 p.m. (Ms. Muñoz will be doing HENNA tattoos) June 15: Graduation (Please make necessary arrangements to attend the Graduation at Uniondale High School) Please check your child’s folder daily, Remind App, and the school Website for Homework, Announcements/Notices, and Child Work done in the classroom. Website: http://uufsdpk.uniondaleschools.org/classes/18984
Semana 36:28 de mayo-1 de junio 2018 Hola familias! ¡El final de mayo ha llegado! Para lo que queda del año escolar, nos enfocaremos en el tema del Currículo Creativo de “La transición a Kínder”. Esta semana estaremos escribiendo mas y reflexionando sobre lo que anticipamos de Kínder. Explique le a su hijo(a) lo que significa la palabra “anticipar” y anima a su hijo(a) a expresar, escribir, y dibujar lo que anticipan de Kínder. Las maestras de Kínder ya ha visitado la escuela y están bien entusiasmadas para que nuestras estudiantes vayan a Kínder. Tarea: Lectura Diaria Fechas Importantes: 28 de mayo: Memorial Day: Escuela Cerrada 1 de junio: ULTIMO DIA PARA LA ORDEN DE SCHOLASTIC 7 de junio: Carnaval Familiar a las 6 p.m. (Ms. Muñoz va hacer HENNA) 15 de junio: Graduación (Favor de hacer los arreglos necesarios para asistir a la graduación en la Uniondale High School) Por favor revise el folleto de su hijo(a) diariamente para tarea, noticias, y el trabajo de su hijo(a). También miren la aplicación de Remind en sus teléfonos celulares y la pagina de internet de la escuela. Pagina de internet: http://uufsdpk.uniondaleschools.org/classes/18984
11 may. 2018 - Please check your child's folder daily, Remind App, and the school Website for Homework,. Announcements/Notices, and Child Work done in ...
hace 7 días - Letters on Character Day, Pumpkin Patch Day, and School Spirit Wear ... the school Website for Homework, Announcements/Notices, and Child.
27 abr. 2018 - more about India: our country and culture we are representing for. Multicultural Day. Multicultural Day is May 18. More details will come soon.
9 nov. 2018 - letter, number and shape assessments. Please review this at home. Students should at least be able to know the first letter of their name, know ...
14 dic. 2018 - para tarea, noticias, y el trabajo de su hijo(a). También miren la aplicación de Remind en sus teléfonos celulares y la pagina de internet de la.
23 nov. 2018 - This is why it would be great if you could dress your child in 50's attire-it adds more to our learning. For homework this week, a packet of 50's.
Please check your child's folder daily, Remind App, and the school Website for Homework,. Announcements/Notices, and Child Work done in the classroom. Website: http://uufsdpk.uniondaleschools.org/classes/18984. Semana 20: 22-26 de enero 2018. Hola fa
26 may. 2017 - Hi Families! Thanks for coming out to Our Multicultural Celebration last Friday. Check our website to see pictures from that day. This week, we ...
25 ene. 2019 - Week 20: January 21-25, 2019. Hi Families! 4 day week ahead. Next week is also a 4 day week. Next week will be our last week with the ...
hace 6 días - Week 39: June 17-21, 2019. Hi Families! This week we have Field Day and Graduation this week. Field Day is Tuesday. June 18. Please dress ...
hace 6 días - The Pumpkin Patch Day and Character Day were a success! ... out your child's folder daily, Remind App, and the school Website for Homework,.
Week 13: November 27th-December 1st, 2017. Hi Families. This week we end our Tree Study Unit and begin our Buildings study. The last question of investigation is “What can we do with Tree Parts?”. Discuss this theme and question at home with your chi
1 may. 2017 - Thanking our amazing teachers for helping our students. Monday. B Blossom. Bring in a flower for your teacher. Tuesday. L Lots of Chocolate.
1 may. 2017 - ... Alicia Martinelli al. Celular #617-448-3747. **para ser voluntario, necesita estar en la lista de voluntarios aprobados por el condado de Wake.
31 may. 2018 - del Maestro. May 8 National Teacher Appreciation Day ... May 29 Regular School Board Meeting .... a.m. hasta las 12:15 p.m. de lunes-viernes.
hace 7 días - de Remind en sus teléfonos celulares y la pagina de internet de la escuela. Pagina de internet: http://uufsdpk.uniondaleschools.org/classes.
economía, pudo reducir el d~ficit presupuestario en 1978 a nivel sustancialmente ... no se puede prever la posibilidad de que un excedente presupuestario.
10 may. 2018 - dish and or a snack to share for the party. 3:45pm - 4:15pm: ... Por favor traiga un plato y o un bocadillo para compartir a la fiesta. 3:45pm ...
Note: Election Day Polling Places are subject to change at any time. Click on an address for directions via Google Maps or click on a location name to view a ...