Tuition Rates for 2019-2020 Preschool

Financing: Tuition may be paid annually prior to August 15th, semi-annually prior to ... January 15th, or 10 monthly payments automatically withdrawn from your ...
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Tuition Rates for 2019-2020 Preschool Financing: Tuition may be paid annually prior to August 15th, semi-annually prior to August 15th & January 15th, or 10 monthly payments automatically withdrawn from your bank account. To enroll in monthly payments, an additional form needs to be completed. Enrollment Fee: There is a $25.00 enrollment fee if the student is enrolled on or before April 5, 2019. After April 5th the fee will be $50.00. 3/4 year-olds: Students entering must be 3-years-old by August 1st. Classes will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 1st Semester $775.00

2nd Semester $775.00

Total $1,550.00*

Monthly Automatic Payments: $155.00 4/5 year-olds: Part-Time: Students entering must be 4-years-old by August 1st. Classes will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Students will need to provide their own lunch each day. 1st Semester $1,450.00

2nd Semester $1450.00

Total $2,900.00*

Monthly Automatic Payments: $290.00 

Full Time: Students entering must be 4-year-old by August 1st. Classes will be held Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Students will need to provide their own lunch each day.

Parishioner Rate 1st Semester $2,151.00

2nd Semester $2,151.00

Total $4,302.00*

Monthly Automatic Payments: $430.20 Non-Parishioner Rate 1st Semester $2,431.00

2nd Semester $2,431.00

Monthly Automatic Payments: $486.20 * Snack milk/juice included in tuition price.

Total $4,862.00*

Cuotas de matrícula para el año 2019-2020 Preescolar Financiamiento: pagos escolares puede pagarse anualmente antes del 15 de Agosto, semestral antes del 15 de Agostoy el 15 de Enero o 10 pagos mensuales se retiraran automáticamente de su cuenta bancaria. Para inscribirse en los pagos mensuales, una forma adicional necesita llenarse. Cuota de inscripción: hay una tarifa de inscripción de $ 25.00 si el estudiante está inscripto el 05 de abril de 2019 o antes. Después del 5 de abril, la tarifa será de $ 50.00. 3/4 años: Estudiantes entrando deben tener 3 años de edad el 1 de Agosto. Las clases se llevarán acabo el Martes, Miércoles y Jueves por la mañana de 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 1er semestre $775.00

2do semestre $775.00

Total $1,550.00*

Pago automático mensual: $155.00 4/5 años: 

Tiempo parcial: Estudiantes entrando debe tener 4 años de edad el 1 de Agosto. Estudiantes tendrán que proporcionar su propio almuerzo cada día. 1er semestre $1,450.00

2do semestre $1,450.00

Total $2,900.00*

Pago automático mensual: $290.00 

Tiempo Completo: Estudiantes entrando deben tener 4 años de edad el 1 de Agosto. Las clases se realizarán de Lunes a Viernes de 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Estudiantes tendrán que proporcionar su propio almuerzo cada día.

Cuota de feligrés 1er semestre $2,151.00

2do semestre $2,151.00

Total $4,302.00*

Pago automático mensual: $430.20 Cuota de no-feligres 1er semestre $2,431.00

2do semestre $2,431.00 Pago automático mensual: $486.20

* Leche / jugo de merienda incluido en el precio de la matrícula.

Total $4862.00*