gran drama que se desarrolla alrededor de la mesa por siglos. Mi vocación se enfoca .... “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit” – the first celebration of the Sacrament of ...
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The DIOCESAN Chronicle The Official News of the Diocese of Baker

Published every two weeks for the sake of the unity of the Diocese and the “greater good of souls” May 5, 2013

CHRISM MASS: St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, Baker City The Chrism Mass was celebrated March 21st at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral and was attended by all the priests of the Diocese this year and a nice crowd was in attendance, too. Parishioners from various parishes made the trip to see their priests with Bishop Liam Cary for the first time during the annual blessing of the oils. The staff of St. Francis Cathedral parish filled the small bottles with the Oils of Catechumens, the Oils of the Sick and the Sacred Chrism, to be used in all the parishes for the administration of various sacraments. As is customary, the priests prayed together during a Holy Hour at 3:00 p.m., followed by dinner hosted by the Altar Society. The Chrism Mass started at 7:00 p.m. A Chrism Mass retreat was held on the Wednesday before with a Holy Hour and a talk on “The Beauty of the Faith,” by Father Julian Cassar.

Volume 4, Number 9

DIOCESAN NEWS: Retirement Party for Virginia Mohr Please join us Tuesday, May 14, at 5:00 p.m. at the Powell Butte Retreat Center, to say “Farewell” to our longtime co-worker and friend, Virginia Mohr, of the Tribunal Office. Although we wish her well as she enjoys her new-found freedom, we will miss her presence and her cheery personality here at the Chancery. With 25 years of experience, her shoes will be difficult to fill. If you would like to send a special message to Virginia to be presented at the Reception, please either email your message to: [email protected] or mail it to the Diocese of Baker, P.O. Box 5999, Bend, OR, 97708, Attention: Terri. Please call the Chancery Office to R.S.V.P. as we will be serving dinner. (541) 388-4004.

Clergy of the Diocese of Baker attended the Chrism Mass in Baker City at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral. Bishop Cary presiding.

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NOTICIAS HISPANAS: Apologética Hoy comenzamos una serie de capsulas de apologética pero primero veremos que es la apologética: Es tal la ignorancia religiosa que ha originado la sociedad secularizada, que muy pocos, son los católicos que tienen un conocimiento correcto, la que tiene la inmensa mayoría es tan superficial y, muchas veces equivocado. Y si no conocen bien las doctrinas de la Religión Católica, mucho menos conocerán sus fundamentos, ni la demostración de la verdad de ellas, ni siquiera les pasa por la imaginación que exista tal demostración. Aun siendo personas cultas en ciencias profanas, generalmente no tienen la más remota idea de que pueda demostrarse la Religión, y mal entienden la frase “la fe debe ser ciega”, lo que significa que la fe debe ser completa, firme, absoluta, creen que tratándose de Religión no hay demostración, y que solo se cree o no se cree lo que ella enseña. Gracias a la ignorancia religiosa tan general, los enemigos del Catolicismo hacen aceptar a no pocas personas la idea de que el Catolicismo impone sus dogmas a la fuerza y como el hombre, que es un ser racional, se resiste CON PLENA RAZON a aceptar imposiciones arbitrarias, esta idea esclavizaste contribuye a apartarnos de la Religión. En el próximo numero seguiremos con más sobre este tema que Dios los Bendiga hoy y siempre.

THOUGHTS ALONG THE WAY from Bishop Cary PENSAMIENTOS DEL CAMINO por el Obispo Cary “I know my sheep, and mine know me,” Jesus “Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz y yo las conozco”, assures us each year on Good Shepherd Sunday. Jesús nos lo asegura cada año en el Domingo del Buen We know Him because we hear His voice inviting us Pastor. Nosotros lo conocemos porque oímos su voz to follow Him along the path of our vocation. que nos invita a seguirlo por medio de nuestra vocación. A vocation is a call to a uniquely personal La vocación es una llamada a una misión personal que mission in life which no one else can fulfill. St. Paul en la vida nadie más puede cumplir. San Pablo recibió su received his vocation on the road to Damascus. vocación en el camino a Damasco. Jesús lo llamó a ser Jesus called him to be an apostle and promptly sent him to apóstol y rápido lo envió a ser bautizado. Así también tú be baptized. So are your vocation and mine intimately vocación y la mía están íntimamente ligadas por el bautismo linked with baptismal adoption as children of the Father que nos hace hijos adoptivos del Padre y por el nacimiento and the baptismal birthright of a place at the table of the bautismal tenemos derecho a un lugar en la mesa de la Eucharist. Our vocation is the part Jesus gives us to play in Eucaristía. Nuestra vocación es la parte que Jesús nos da en el the great drama that has unfolded around that table down gran drama que se desarrolla alrededor de la mesa por siglos. the centuries. My vocation comes into ever clearer focus Mi vocación se enfoca cada vez más por las palabras de Jesús as the words of Jesus take hold and the path of His will for y Su voluntad endereza la historia de mi vida. me re-directs the story of my life. Mi trayectoria puede coincidir con la de otro/a en una My path may converge with another’s in a mutual vocación común al matrimonio, o me puede llevar a la vocation to marriage, or it may lead me along the path of a soltería. El Señor me puede llamar para consagrarme a Él single life. The Lord may call me to consecrate myself to en el servicio a su Iglesia por un voto de virginidad como Him in service to His Church by a vow of virginity as a religiosa o por un voto de celibato como sacerdote. religious sister or by a vow of celibacy as a priest. Cualquiera que sea la vocación lo que cuenta es que mi Whatever my vocation may be, what counts is that my respuesta refleje la fidelidad del Dios que me llama, el response reflect the faithfulness of the God Who calls me, Dios que siempre es fiel a su promesa de estar conmigo the God Who is always true to His promise to be with me hasta el final. to the end. En 2013 la vocación al matrimonio indispensable para la In 2013 the humanly indispensable vocation to humanidad enfrenta un reto sin precedentes en el intento marriage faces an unprecedented challenge in the attempt de redefinir una sola carne en la unión de un hombre y una to redefine the one-flesh union of man and woman to mujer para dar cabida a la pareja del mismo sexo. Este accommodate couples of the same sex. Not only would cambio no sólo haría más grande nuestra confusión social such a change magnify our societal confusion about the sobre la naturaleza y responsabilidad del matrimonio, sino nature and responsibilities of marriage, it would also put que también pondría en peligro la libertad religiosa de los at risk the religious liberty of Christians to proclaim and cristianos a proclamar y practicar el Evangelio. Esta es la practice the Gospel. This is why the National Conference of razón porque la Conferencia Nacional de los Obispos ha Bishops has called for a concerted nationwide campaign of llamado a una campaña nacional de oración por la defensa prayer for the legal upholding of marriage—in the Prayers legal del matrimonio en las peticiones durante la misa, en of the Faithful at Mass, in Eucharistic Adoration, in special la adoración Eucarística, en Rosarios especiales por el group Rosaries for Marriage, and in voluntary fasting and matrimonio, en ayuno y abstinencia de carne los viernes. Los abstinence from meat on Fridays. I encourage you and animo a usted y a su familia a practicar una o más de estas your family to take up one or more of these practices prácticas entre hoy y el 4 de julio. El próximo número de la between now and the 4th of July. The next issue of The Crónica explicará más. Chronicle will explain them more fully. Otra vocación que también necesita nuestras oraciones. Another vocation very much needs our prayers as La mayoría de los sacerdotes que parten el pan de vida para well. Most of the priests who break the Bread of Life for nosotros en la Diócesis de Baker, escuchó el llamado de Dios, us in the Diocese of Baker heard God’s call far from lejos del Este de Oregon—en Nigeria, Tanzania, Polonia, Eastern Oregon—in Nigeria, Tanzania, Poland, India, Sri India, Sri Lanka, Malta o México. Pero no pensemos que Dios Lanka, Malta, or Mexico. But we should not think that God no puede llamar a hombres de entre nosotros para asumir el fails to call men from our midst to take up the priestly ministerio sacerdotal. Él está siempre dispuesto a darnos ministry. He is ever ready to give us indigenous priests, but sacerdotes nativos, pero Él quiere que le pidamos con He wants us to ask Him with a persistence proportionate persistencia nuestras necesidades. En toda la diócesis to our need. Throughout the diocese we must unceasingly debemos pedir con insistencia al Señor de la mies que envíe beg the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into His obreros a su viña. Con la ayuda del Club Serra se esta vineyard. With the assistance of the Serra Club a diocesanplaneando un programa de adoración Eucarística en toda la wide program of Eucharistic Adoration for vocations is diócesis por las vocaciones y pronto será implementado. being developed and will soon be implemented. More Más información será publicada en la crónica en junio, pero information will be published in The Chronicle in June, but no espere hasta entonces para comenzar a orar por esta don’t wait till then to begin to pray for this vital intention. Page 2 intención vital.

PARISH NEWS: Adult Bible Study, St. Thomas, Redmond Bishop Cary has graciously offered to expound on issues concerning the early Church and all the challenges Christians had to contend with as the grand finale to St. Thomas’ 20 week adult bible study on Acts of the Apostles. The event is open to all adult parishioners in the diocese whether or not you participated in the bible study. The agenda for the evening is Mass at 6:00 p.m., followed immediately by a pot luck dinner in the Parish Center. The Bishop’s talk will begin around 7:15 p.m. If you would like to attend, please contact the Parish Office and let them know if you are planning to join them for the pot luck, or just the talk, so that they can plan for enough food and seating. The number is (541) 923-3390.

BISHOP CARY’S SCHEDULE: May 11: Evangelization Council meeting at Powell Butte May 14: Retirement Party for Virginia Mohr May 17: Confirmation, Milton-Freewater May 18: Confirmation, Boardman May 19: Confirmation, Hermiston May 22: Redmond Bible Study Group - open to all Please note: We will be publishing Bishop Cary’s schedule for a two week period going forward with each issue of The Diocesan Chronicle. SAINTS AND FEASTS: THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD, May 9

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

DIOCESAN SUMMER RETREAT SCHEDULE:  Upper Elementary Camp: Friday, June 28 through Sunday, June 30  Family Camp: Wednesday, July 3 through Saturday, July 6  Middle School Camp: *Thursday, July 18 through Sunday, July 21 *Correction to The Diocesan Chronicle, Issue 7, April 7.  High School Camp: Steubenville NW, Spokane Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28  Campamento Familiar 1 Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28  Campamento Familiar 2 Friday, August 30 through Monday, September 2

Whenever I speak about the Sacrament of Confirmation, I always refer to this passage. It was spoken at the time of Christ’s Ascension to Heaven; forty days after his Resurrection and ten days before Pentecost, the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit” – the first celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. (John 14:26) One of the effects of Confirmation, brought about by the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit, is the obligation to “spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ.” (CCC 1303) How, then, have we lived this out in our lives? How has the dunamis (power; from which the word dynamite comes) of the Holy Spirit been realized in our evangelization to the ends of the earth? The promise of the Holy Spirit, given by Christ, fulfilled at Pentecost, and poured out on us at our Baptism and Confirmation, is a promise, not only of the Holy Spirit’s guidance of the Church but, “that Christ has not departed from us, but that he is now, thanks to being with the Father, close to each one of us forever.” (Pope Benedict XVI, Homily from May 7, 2005) When David was anointed by the prophet, Samuel, “the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon [him] from that day forward.” (1 Samuel 16:13) We, too, have had the Holy Spirit poured out mightily upon us. Have we moved forward from being the confused disciples at the time of the Ascension to the Spirit-filled apostles proclaiming the “mighty works of God” seen in Acts 2? We must no longer be those apostles cowering in the upper room waiting for Jesus to return. We must be the apostles who went out. Be the apostles who received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and proclaimed the Word of God fearlessly, with reckless abandon. I want to encourage you, as we journey towards Pentecost, to respond to our mission of making disciples, teaching them and loving them as Christ has loved you. — David O’Neill, Director of Youth Ministry

For more information, please visit our diocesan website at .

Do YOU want to be a part of the

CAMP CONNOLLY – CAMP AMBASSADOR EXPERIENCE? The Diocese of Baker is busily preparing for our annual Camp Connolly Camps at Powell Butte Retreat Center. Our theme this year is “The Vatican Express.” We are looking for interested high school students (sophomores to seniors) and adults to serve as Camp Ambassadors for these awesome summer experiences. You’ll be able to help with everything from leading small groups and being a chaperone (adults) to running games and activities for people of all ages. Speak to your Youth Minister for an application today! There’s something for everyone! If you’re interested, please contact David O’Neill at (541) 388-4004 or email [email protected]. Don’t miss out on this fantastic experience! Page 3

PARISH NEWS: St. Francis of Assisi, Bend Over 400 people attended Father Michael Sears’ Healing Mission on March 4th, 5th, and 6th at the Historic Church in downtown Bend. God’s great gift of healing and mercy really manifested itself through Father Sears for many people in our Community. Father Sears began each evening with the celebration of the Eucharist and, afterwards, called forth people seeking prayers for healing. Through the laying of hands and calling upon the power of the Holy Spirit, many people were moved in various ways. Many ‘rested in the Spirit’ and others experienced healing from physical and spiritual anxieties.

DIOCESAN NEWS: “Walk Through Fire” – Second Annual Young Adult Retreat April 12 – 14, 2013, marked the second annual young adult retreat for the Diocese of Baker. We expanded beyond the Baker Diocese to include speakers, musicians, and retreatants from the Diocese of Boise and Archdiocese of Portland. Musician, Alex Street (Diocese of Boise) and retreatant, Dave Bentz (Archdiocese of Portland) led the group in some awesome praise and worship music throughout the weekend. Seminarian Daniel Miller talked to the group about “Dynamic Catholicism,” based on teachings by Matthew Kelly (and even incorporated Matthew Kelly’s Australian accent!). Barry Metzentine talked with the group about Intentional Discipleship and ways that we can spread our faith with others and meet them where they are at with love, not condemnation. It was a very good and relaxing retreat—and 100% said that they would recommend the retreat to others. For next year’s retreat, we hope to assemble a team to coordinate and implement various elements of the retreat (e.g. music, talks, games,

To learn more about Father Michael Sear’s Healing Ministry, you can email The Confraternity of Priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary and Joseph at this address: [email protected] . On March 30th, St. Francis of Assisi Parish welcomed 19 adults into Full-Communion at the Easter Vigil Mass. The Liturgy began with the traditional blessing of the fire and the lighting of the Paschal Candle to bring light into the church to hear the stories of Creation and of the prophets. Leading us to the Baptism of our adults, we joined in the singing of the Litany of the Saints and then renewed our own Baptismal promises. The adults were then Confirmed and joined us at the Table of the Lord for Eucharist. What a joyous occasion! We all gathered to welcome them at the reception following the Mass. Please pray for them as they continue on their spiritual journey. — Rosie Wyllie

behind the scenes, etc.). If you are interested in being a part of planning next year’s retreat, please contact Katie Beaubien, Sacred Heart Youth and Young Adult Minister by phone at (541)884-4566 x101 or email [email protected]. As Pope Francis once said, “Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony, go out and interact with your brothers, go out and share, go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit.” PARISH NEWS: Sacred Heart, Klamath Falls

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On Saturday, April 6, 2013, Bishop Liam Cary confirmed 33 youth and young adults at the 5:30 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart Church. The youth received their sacramental instruction from Sarah Pence and Bonita Fillmore (Junior High), and Katie Beaubien and Erin DeCarlow (High School). A cupcake reception sponsored by the Catholic Daughters was held after Mass for the confirmandis.