expressed the desire to contract marriage. ... possessed by those who wish to contract marriage, as ... permanent, and sacramental community of life and love.
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The DIOCESAN Chronicle The Official News of the Diocese of Baker

Published every two weeks for the sake of the unity of the Diocese and the “greater good of souls”

January 13, 2013

PRO-LIFE NEWS: January 22, 2013, will mark the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. An Evening of Prayer and the recitation of the Holy Rosary will be led by Rev. Robert Greiner, Pro Life Chaplain for the Diocese of Baker, St. Mary Chapel at the Powell Butte Retreat Center to pray for an end of abortion and for the protection of human life from the moment of conception to natural death. Pastors and parishes in the diocese were encouraged to do something similar. SERRA CLUB INVITATION: All are invited to join the Serra Club of the Baker Diocese at the Powell Butte Retreat Center, Saturday, January 19, 2013, to hear Bishop Cary share his story of priestly vocation. We will gather at 10:00 a.m. for coffee and cookies. Bishop Cary will speak at 11:00 a.m. A catered lunch will be served at Noon. The cost is $8.00 per person. Please RSVP to Patti Rausch at the Chancery by January 10, 2013. (541) 3884004 or [email protected]

RELIGIOUS RETIREMENT COLLECTION: January 26-27 The annual collection for the Retirement Fund will be conducted in our diocese on the weekend of January 29-30. In 2011 the Diocese of Baker collected over $71,708 and each year we receive 10 percent of our collection back. Over the past 23 years, the Diocese of Baker has supported the National Religious Retirement Collection, but the Priest’s Retirement Program for our diocese continues to remain underfunded. Please continue to support this important and necessary collection. Thank you for your generosity and support. BISHOP CARY’S SCHEDULE: Jan 19 Jan. 19-20 Jan. 22-24 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 4-6 Feb. 9 Feb. 10

Serra Club Meeting Masses at St. Thomas, Redmond Catholic Leadership Institute, Florida Year of Faith Teaching Series, Redmond 9am - Noon School Mass, St. Francis, Bend National Bioethics Meeting, Texas Year of Faith Teaching series, St. Mary, Pendleton Confirmation, St. Andrews Mission, Pendleton

Volume 4, Number 1

ANNUAL SCHOENSTATT FAMILY CHRISTMAS GATHERING: Please join us today from 3-6 p.m. at the Powell Butte Retreat Center for the Diocesan Schoenstatt Family Christmas Gathering “Christmas Every Day” with Rev. Robert Greiner, Priest Moderator of the Office of Pro-Life Activities. The celebration will begin with Eucharistic Holy Hour - Exposition, Benediction, Reposition, Holy Rosary and Evening Prayer Hymns in St. Mary’s Chapel. After Holy Hour, we will gather in the Center for traditional Christmas music, dancing, and family crafts. “The Twelve Days of Christmas” Musical will be provided by LeRoy Newport and Friends. Bring your festive finger foods, beverages, and desserts to share. Donation at the door $5 per person or $10 per family. Call Judy Newport for any other information at (541) 923-6946. All are invited with a special invitation to our Priests and Religious for it is “Christmas Every Day!”

DIOCESAN NEWS: Sandy Relief Fund Update Thank you to all those who supported the Special Collection for Hurricane Sandy Recovery. Because of your generosity our diocese was able to send over $47,000 to the USCCB Office of National Collections. These funds will be used to support the efforts of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities, USA, the official domestic relief agency of the U.S. Catholic Church, as they respond to immediate emergency needs for such necessities as water, food, shelter, and medical care, as well as to the long term need to rebuild after widespread destruction, and to the pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church. Catholic Relief Services and the Collection for Church in Latin America are already responding to the needs of the victims and the Church in the Caribbean, so all special collection funds will be used in the United States. FORWARD IN FAITH APPEAL 2012 Appeal gifts can now be made from the Diocesan website. TO DONATE ONLINE go to the Diocesan website

Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 22-23 Mar. 6 Mar. 9 Mar. 17 Mar. 21

Rite of Election, Redmond for the Central Deanery Review Board Meeting Department Head Meeting Men’s Conference in Pendleton NABRS Meeting-Beaverton RCIA Retreat – Powell Butte Chastity Presentation, St. Francis, Bend, new Church Chrism Mass – Baker City

Thoughts Along the Way from Bishop Cary

Pensamientos del Camino por el Obispo Cary

As the Year of Faith moves into 2013, I’ve begun the teaching sessions on faith that I’ll be giving around the diocese in the months ahead. The good people of Burns came out on a snowy morning before Christmas to reflect with me on the heritage of Abraham, “our father in faith.” To him God promised descendants and a land of their own. Thousands of years later we Christians - now counted among that promised multitude - join in the ancient Jewish journey to the Promised Land to claim our inheritance as children of Abraham too. So my first presentation is called “The Geography of Faith.” Faith is for those with a journey to make; and the first books of the Bible map out the path. The journey begins in Egypt, winds through the desert, crosses into the Promised Land, veers off to Babylon, and finally comes back home home to the house of the Father and the end of exile. This journey is about making our way to freedom. At the most basic level we put our faith in a God Who calls us to be free. Free not only in space but also in time. So my second presentation turns to “The Hour of Faith.” Moses’ experience at the Burning Bush discloses what happens to us when we take time to pray. God tells us Who He is and who we can become if we are faithful to His call to be true to ourselves in His sight. Moses left the Burning Bush a changed man. The hour of faith led him to discover the geography of faith, and both converged on the Promised Land of freedom. It turns out that faith is all about freedom. “You shall know the truth,” Jesus promises, “and the truth shall set you free.” There will be much more to say when these teaching sessions continue - especially about how the experience of the Burning Bush can help us consciously build into our private prayer what we unconsciously assimilate each Sunday in our public prayer at Mass. I would welcome your presence and your participation when “The Hour of Faith” strikes in your part of the diocese! I was ordained bishop in the church named for St. Francis of Assisi - a man who rejoiced in his poverty and was not ashamed to beg. As a parish priest I learned that I had to be willing to follow in the footsteps of the beggar of Assisi, and now that I’m bishop it is even more necessary to do so. In this Franciscan spirit, then, permit me to call your attention once again to the Diocesan Appeal: “Forward in Faith” launched before Christmas. The success of the Forward in Faith Appeal very much affects the ability of the Diocese to take full advantage of the extraordinary financial support we receive from the Catholic Extension Society. Extension has long provided us indispensable assistance for needed construction and repair projects and salary support. But now Extension has developed an imaginative new grant program to encourage mission dioceses like ours to undertake important projects we could not otherwise afford on our own. In doing so the Society is only being true to its name, which is, after all, Catholic Extension not Catholic Maintenance. So it is that Catholic Extension has named the Diocese of Baker one of five dioceses to participate in its new Diocesan Appeals Enhancement Initiative. In partnership with the International Catholic Stewardship Council, this Catholic Extension grant provides significant support and covers a large percentage of the costs of the Appeal over a two-year period. Catholic Extension has included the Diocese of Baker in its Enhancement Initiative because it sees promise in our effort to invigorate this year’s Appeal. I hope you will too. Please keep this information in mind as you give thought and prayer to the part you can play to build up the Diocesan Appeal in this Year of Faith.

A medida que el Año de la fe entra en el 2013, he comenzado las sesiones de enseñanza de la fe que estaré impartiendo por la diócesis en los próximos meses. La gente buena de Burns vino en una mañana nevada antes de Navidad para reflexionar conmigo sobre la herencia de Abraham, “nuestro padre en la fe.” A él Dios le prometió una descendencia y una tierra propia. ahora - somos parte de esa multitud prometida - participamos en la jornada a la Tierra Prometida por nuestra herencia como hijos de Abraham . Mi primera presentación es “La geografía de la fe.” La fe es para aquellos que emprenden un viaje, y los primeros libros de la Biblia marcan el camino. El viaje comienza en Egipto, atraviesa el desierto, hacia la Tierra Prometida, se desvía a Babilonia, y finalmente vuelve a casa - a la casa del Padre y al fin del exilio. Es el caminar hacia la libertad, este es el viaje . En lo más básico es poner nuestra fe en un Dios que nos llama a la libertad. Libres en espacio y en tiempo; Por eso mi segunda presentación vuelve a “La Hora de la fe.” La experiencia de Moisés en la zarza revela lo que nos pasa cuando oramos. Dios nos dice quien es Él y lo que podemos ser, si somos fieles a su llamado y sinceros a nosotros mismos ante Él. Moisés dejo la zarza siendo un hombre nuevo. La hora de la fe le descubrió la geografía de la fe, y ambos se reunieron en la tierra prometida, la libertad. La fe es la libertad. “Y conoceréis la verdad,” promete Jesús, “y la verdad los hará libres.” Habrá mucho más que decir al continuar las enseñanzas - especialmente la experiencia de la zarza puede ayudarnos a construir conscientemente en nuestra oración personal lo que inconscientemente asimilamos cada domingo en nuestra oración comunitaria en la Misa. ¡Espero su presencia y su participación en “La hora de la fe” cuando llegue a su parte de la diócesis! Fui ordenado obispo en la iglesia de San Francisco de Asís - un hombre que se regocijó en su pobreza y no se avergonzó de mendingar. Como párroco supe que tenía que ser como el méndigo de Asís, y ahora que soy obispo, es más necesario que lo haga. En este espíritu franciscano, permítanme llamar su atención una vez más a la petición Diocesana: “Adelante en Fe”, lanzada antes de Navidad. El éxito de la Apelación Adelante en Fe influye en la capacidad de la Diócesis para aprovechar el apoyo financiero que recibimos de la Extensión Católica. La Extensión nos ha asistido en la construcción y proyectos de reparación y apoyo salarial. Pero ahora Extensión está desarrollando programas de subsidios para fomentar a diócesis misioneras como la nuestra a llevar a cabo proyectos importantes que solo con su ayuda son posibles. Al hacerlo, la sociedad está sólo siendo fiel a su nombre, que es, Extensión Católica no Manutención Católica. La Extensión Católica ha nombrado a la Diócesis de Baker, una de las cinco diócesis a participar en su nueva Iniciativa Diocesana para mejora sus Apelaciones. En asociación con la International Catholic Stewardship Council, el subsidio de la Extensión Católica brindará un apoyo significativo y cubre gran porcentaje de los costos en un período de dos años. Extensión Católica ha incluido la Diócesis de Baker en su Iniciativa de mejora porque ve prometedor nuestro esfuerzo por la Apelación este año. Espero que usted también. Por favor, tenga en cuenta esta información cuando orando piense lo que puede hacer para incrementar la apelación Diocesano en este Año de la fe.

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OFICINA DIOCESANA DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Esperemos en Dios y nuestra Madre Santísima de Guadalupe que este año 2013, que es el Año de la Fe realmente comprendamos lo que es la fe y que podamos vivirla para que nos acerque y nos unamos más a Dios en nuestros hermanos. ¿Qué sentido da el Papa a este Año de la fe? ¿Qué objetivos pretende con él? Pienso que la respuesta la hallaremos en los dos documentos con los que fueron convocados los dos años de la fe después del Concilio Vaticano II: el de Pablo VI (1967) y ahora el de Benedicto XVI: 1) “Para confirmar nuestra fe rectamente expresada” (Pablo VI), “redescubrir los contenidos de la fe profesada, celebrada, vivida y rezada” (Benedicto XVI). 2) “Para promover el estudio de las enseñanzas del Concilio Vaticano II” (Pablo VI), “con el Concilio se nos ha ofrecido una brújula segura para orientarnos en el camino del siglo que comienza” (Benedicto XVI). 3) “Para sostener los esfuerzos de los católicos que buscan profundizar las verdades de la fe” (Pablo VI); “intensificar la reflexión sobre la fe para ayudar a todos los creyentes en Cristo a que su adhesión al Evangelio sea más consciente y vigorosa, sobre todo en un momento de profundo cambio como el que la humanidad está viviendo” (Benedicto XVI). A estos fines comunes a los dos Papas, Benedicto XVI añade, fijándose en las circunstancias actuales, algunos más: 1) “Invitar a una auténtica y renovada conversión al Señor, único Salvador del mundo”. 2) “Comprometerse a favor de una nueva evangelización para redescubrir la alegría de creer y volver a encontrar el entusiasmo de comunicar la fe”. 3) “Suscitar en todo creyente la aspiración a confesar la fe con plenitud y renovada convicción, con confianza y esperanza”. 4) “Comprender de manera más profunda no sólo los contenidos de la fe sino, juntamente también con eso, el acto con el que decidimos de entregarnos totalmente y con plena libertad a Dios”. Este último objetivo es el que más recalca el Papa Ratzinger. Le interesa subrayar la inseparabilidad del acto con el que se cree y de los contenidos a los que prestamos nuestro asentimiento: El acto de fe sin contenidos nos conduce a la total subjetivación de la fe. Los contenidos, sin el asentimiento de la fe, instruyen nuestra mente, pero no nos unen a Dios ni son capaces de transformar nuestra vida, de convertirla al Dios vivo. Sólo si la profesión de fe desemboca en confesión del corazón podemos hablar de una fe madura, bien formada, capaz de producir frutos en los demás. Libro para el Año de la fe es: el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Feliz y prospero Año 2013 AÑO DE LA FE Page 3

THE TRIBUNAL: On Marriage Nullity: Consent Makes Marriage Since the end of the twelfth century, it has been the Church’s constant teaching that the lawfully manifested consent between a man and a woman who are capable of marriage is what brings marriage into existence. The definitive decision to make this Church law was made by Pope Alexander III between 1159 and 1181. The pope’s position became the official Church teaching for many centuries, and was eventually affirmed by the Second Vatican Council (Constitution Gaudium et spes no. 48). Current church teaching found in the Code of Canon Law (canon 1057) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1625 -1627) largely repeat the teaching proposed by Vatican II and at the same time define the nature of consent. According to the code, “A marriage is brought into being by the lawfully manifested consent of persons who are legally capable. This consent cannot be supplied by any human power” (c. 1057 §1). This canon speaks about the effects and human agents of consent. To say that consent makes marriage is to imply that there is no marriage between two persons unless they have mutually expressed the desire to contract marriage. This could be done either in words or equivalent signs; personally or by legitimately appointed proxy. “Lawfully manifested” further qualifies the consent. Although marriage is a natural right for all persons, baptized or not, there are preconditions for the enjoyment of the right. The expression “lawfully manifested” implies the qualities to be possessed by those who wish to contract marriage, as well as the way and manner marital consent is to be exchanged. Factors such as age, the use of reason, and the presence of impediments outlined in canon law may prevent certain persons from either contracting or enjoying the permanent relationship of marriage. For marital consent to produce the effects acceptable by the law, it must be a personal act, given according to the means defined by the Church. The ordinary means of giving consent recognized by the church is the canonical form (liturgical celebration of marriage). Nonetheless, there are also other means of achieving the same effect. The second paragraph of canon 1057 concerns the nature and object of marriage consent: “Matrimonial consent is an act of will by which a man and a woman by an irrevocable covenant mutually give and accept one another for the purpose of establishing a marriage.” Marital consent is a juridical and human act. As regards the latter, it must be characterized by knowledge, critical deliberation, and free choice regarding the relative decision to enter into marriage. The object of marital consent is the exclusive, permanent, and sacramental community of life and love with another person, accepting to be supportive of the good of that person, open to procreation and the raising of the Children in the Catholic faith. In the Tribunal of Baker, marriage nullity processes are determined based on the absence, defect, or simulation of marriage consent prior to, or at least present, at the moment of contracting marriage. Reverend Jude Onogbosele, J.C.L Judge Pro Tem, Diocese of Baker

PARISH NEWS: St. Mary, Pendleton On December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, St. Mary’s celebrated the church’s 100th Anniversary. Bishop Cary made a special visit to Pendleton to lead the celebration. The Bishop presided over Mass. Mass was followed by a procession of the Blessed Virgin, recitation of the Rosary, and a reception where parishioners enjoyed a bountiful feast and a beautiful, delicious cake. At the reception, Bishop Cary noted that the stone structure of the church showed that it was made to last, and would be around for quite a long time in the future. While in Pendleton, Bishop Cary also visited Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute and baptized and confirmed several inmates. It was a moving experience for all involved. From September 17-23, we marked the actual date of the 100th anniversary with a full week of joyous activities. The Knight of Columbus led a historical tour of our building, explaining the history of the Parish and art of the Church. Other events included a talk to families, Divine Mercy Prayer night and Pie Social following the Sunday Mass, with high attendance from around the area. We also celebrated the 10th anniversary of our Perpetual Adoration program on September 17. A special celebratory anniversary Mass and Reception afterwards were held to celebrate this milestone. St. Mary’s parish itself was founded in 1884, but construction on the current building did not begin until 1912, and was finished by 1916. In the 1960s, extensive renovation was done to the Sanctuary and most of the historic beautiful murals were removed. In 2010, Fr. Clemens attempted to bring back a more traditional feel to the Church by installing altar rails, importing a beautiful new altar from St. Ladislaus Parish in Lorraine, Ohio, when it closed and commissioning a breathtaking new mural of the Crucifixion above the high altar. We also published a Cookbook in commemoration of our 100th anniversary with 244 recipes contributed by our parishioners. The cookbook is $12 and is available from our Parish Office at (541) 276-3615.

Bishop Cary leads parishioners in prayer in front of the Virgin Mary.

The cake baked for our 100th anniversary reception.

Bishop Cary addresses the parishioners gathered for the 100th anniversary reception.

The Sanctuary before the 1968 remodeling.

The Sanctuary after the 1968 remodeling.

The Sanctuary after the 2010 remodeling.

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