Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
KS3 Long Term Plan 2015-16 and onwards. Term 1. Term 2. Term 3. Term 4. Term 5. Term 6. Year 7. Greetings ... El Crimen del pingüino or another revision.
Greetings Classroom Language Personal Information (Name/Age/Birthday/ Nationality)
Mi Familia (Family and Descriptions)
En el pueblo
La oficina de turismo
Mi rutina Diaria En casa (House description, furniture, house chores)
El tiempo libre (free time/sports/hobbies/ music)
Tapas y Bebidas/ Restaurante
De compras (Food Shopping)
La Ropa (Clothes and Clothes shopping)
Me duele
La paga (Jobs/ CV/ Job applications/ Cover letters/ Interviews)
El medioambiente
Los medios de comunicacion (Media/ Films/ Social Media )
El transporte El Instituto (Buying tickets/ (revise routine) Describing a journey in the past / Comparing transport)
* Daily Routine (Current year 8 2015-16)
Las vacaciones (past/future) (Booking hotel/Problems in a hotel/ Lost property) Revision of prior knowledge. El Crimen del pingüino or another revision project.