St. Stephen's News - St. Stephen Catholic School

26 ago. 2016 - grades and is offered from 3:15-5:30pm every day of the week during ..... Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. AUG 28. Festival of. Diversity.
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St. Stephen’s News With Faith, Hope and Love we will make the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Editor: Wendy Vanderhoof

August 26, 2016

SUMMER IS NOT ALL FUN AND GAMES….especially for our staff!!! This was a summer of learning for many of us. Here’s the scoop on what our team members have been doing: Kitty Whittington and Gissela Dillow completed Brain Injury training in May. Laura Carter, Kate Hatch and Glenda Oliver successfully completed Edivate training in June. Glenda Oliver successfully completed a Spanish for Teachers class at CMC. Gissela Dillow, Beth Mexted, Laura Carter, Maria Kruse, Kelly Hillbrand, Cheryl Cormier, Diane Steuben, Chris McSwain and Glenda Oliver completed Orton Gillingham training in July. Laura Carter went to Notre Dame for ENL training! Kate Hatch, Guy Brickell, Cheryl Cormier, Kitty Whittington, Kelly Hillbrand, Maria Kruse, Laura Carter, Beth Mexted, Gissela Dillow, Rosario Young, Tammy Kenning, Yvette MacEachen, Megan Stewart and Glenda Oliver successfully completed Learning Ally training in August. Arahana successfully Medical Administration training. Yvette and Megan successfully completed Medical Administration, First Aid/CPR and Blood Bourne Pathogen trainings. Congratulations! I am so proud to be part of such a great professional Learning Community that’s working hard to do what’s best for kids!

WEEK AT A GLANCE  AUG 27 & 28 Festival of Diversity—see attached flyer and schedule of events!! FRIDAY, SEPT. 2nd

Jersey/Scout Day



ATTACHMENTS  Annual Golf Registration Form Festival of Diversity flyer 2016-2017 General Walking Field Trip Form— English and Spanish DUE September 9th

September 2016 Pizza Lunch Order Form September 2016 Calendar Student Insurance Information ACH Agreement

St. Stephen’s School Golf Classic! September 30, 2016 Ironbridge Golf Course

THURSDAY MASS—September 1st: Our worship leaders will be made up of students from the 8th and 5th grades, the bread servers are from the 1st grade and the wine servers are from the 2nd grade. Please join us!! Commentator:

Nadia Shea


Emily deMoraes and Samuel McDermott

Altar Servers:

Grace Oliver, Connor Powell, Burgundy DeHerrera and Braydon Duncan

Wine Server:

Darey Contreras and Valeria Castillo

Bread Server:

Cody Brickell and Elosia Capraro

The St. Stephen's School Golf Classic is a fun fall tradition that earns “buco” bucks for our school. We need all families to help spread the word to our community . Be sure to print out the registration form and ask your family, friends, neighbors, and bosses to get involved. Of course we will need bodies at the golf course the day of the event, along with other volunteer opportunities….so stay tuned!! Please contact Lori Pedersen at 970.309.3119 or [email protected] if you would like to volunteer.

Page 2

St. Stephen’s News

Principal’s Corner First and foremost, I want to thank you for making the commitment to sending your children to a Catholic school. Together we are building the future of our Church through creating home grown disciples of Christ. This is a really exciting time at St. Stephen Catholic School and there is so much to be grateful for: This year, for the first time ever in our 35-year history, we have been awarded Title I and Title II monies to help to support our students’ learning and to increase professional development for our teachers. This money comes from the Federal Government and it would have been unclaimed had we not sought it out. We’re not taking funding away from other schools. Through the generous donations of parishioners, local donors and foundations we were able to give $100,000.00 in scholarships to help give numerous families a hand up and more students the opportunity of a Catholic education. Our technology resources have increased by another cart of computers and an additional cart of tablets, not to mention getting City Wifi throughout the building. Our teachers have access to more professional development than they’ve ever had before. Better teachers make for better instruction. Better instruction means that students learn more. We are united with the parish and our many generous parishioners in the mission of Catholic schools to grow future leaders in our children. Our mission is to work with parents to take good children and to grow them into the leaders of tomorrow who can and will change this world for the better. Together with faith, hope and love we can make the ordinary into the extraordinary! Abundant Blessings, Mrs. Oliver, Principal OFFERTORY DURING CHILDREN’S MASS—Again this year we will be having an offertory during children’s mass to help raise needed funds for the Capital Campaign and our new school. Last year we raised over $1,400. Students are encouraged to bring in a part of their allowance, loose change they might find in your car or maybe they can do an extra chore around the house to earn the money to contribute to the offertory. Any and all pennies are appreciated!! Student Accident Coverage Insurance We again are giving you an option to purchase insurance for your student through K&K Insurance Group, Inc. See the flyer for more information. You can pick up a detailed packet from the school office. MILK PROGRAM This year we are offering a pre-payment discount for milk. If you would like to take advantage of the discounted price for milk, you must pay in advance. The minimum advance payment that will be accepted is $10. If you choose to pay everyday the cost for a carton of milk is $.50, if you pre-pay for milk the cost is $.40. Here are your pre-payment options:

CURRENT FAMILIES: We need you to visit with the front office to verify your emergency contact information on your Emergency Card. Even if you think nothing has changed….we would rather be safe than sorry as to the information. You can either call the office at 945-7746 or just stop by for a visit.

1st Quarter $16.00 2nd Quarter $16.40 3rd Quarter $17.60 4th Quarter $16.80

NEW FAMILIES: Be on the look out for an Emergency Card to come home with your child. We need you to fill this out and return as soon as possible. Be sure to fill out both sides of the card!!

1st Semester $32.40 2nd Semester $34.40 Year $66.80

Page 3

St. Stephen’s News

This area of the newsletter will be used to post various volunteer opportunities that become available through our SSPTA committee or to acknowledge our amazing volunteers for their time and talents.

Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, September 30th: We still looking for volunteers. Please call Lori Pedersen @ 970-309-3119 or [email protected]. TUITION PAYMENTS If you are paying your tuition on a monthly basis, remember all payments are due by the 15th of each month. Please be sure to check your Sycamore Education online account to verify your balance and payment amounts. If you have any questions in regards to your tuition billing, please contact our financial manager, Paula Busk at 970.618.6430 or by email to [email protected].

JERSEY/SCOUT DAY You will notice this day on the monthly calendars….on Friday’s students are allowed to wear their scout uniform top or their jersey shirt of the current sport they are enrolled in, with their uniform bottoms

AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM OPPORTUNITIES After School Program: Did you know the first 45 minutes of our Regular After School Program is dedicated to homework time everyday. Your student can receive extra help from a caring staff member, if they need it. This would be a great opportunity for your child to get all or part of their homework done BEFORE you pick them up for an after school sport. Wouldn’t it be great to have homework done when you get home. The After School Program is available for students in all grades and is offered from 3:15-5:30pm every day of the week during regular school days. This program is not offered on NOON dismissal days. Middle School Homework Help Sessions: This is available for students in 5th-8th grades and will be offered from 3:15-4:30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s during regular school days. Cost: $7 per hour For additional details and more information on both programs, please pick up an After School Program Handbook from the school office or you can download it from the school website.

Page 4

SYCAMORE SCHOOL NEWS Sycamore School: Family and Sycamore School: Student are both available for download from Google and Apple mobile marketplaces. Users will have access to many of the same great tools that they've enjoyed in the previous versions with a few changes: 1) Interface: Users will notice 'School' and 'Personal' tabs for their convenience and we've brought in more of an emphasis on quickly and easily access student grades, which now pop up when visiting the 'Personal' tab. 2) All Features are Free: Sycamore has always tried to be a one line item company and we weren't able to do that with the last app. We're happy to offer every feature in this version as part of the free package. Features from the premium version will arrive in the free version shortly. Users trying to login with the old version may experience difficulty so please ask families to remove the old version from their phones and use the appropriate app that features the images above. A staff app will be released shortly.

St. Stephen’s News


ST. STEPHEN’S f o D l i v a e v r i s t i t s y e F 27 & 28 AUGUST

, 2016


Join us for Food, Fun & Family! Saturday, August 27 • 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Kids Games, Bounce Houses and Dunk Tank Mexican, Polish, Greek, and Italian Food Wine and Beer for Adults Sweet Shoppe, Soft Drinks, Ice Cream and Watermelon All Day Music and Entertainment Defiance String Band (plays at noon) Bilingual Mass @ St. Stephen Catholic Church at 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, August 28 Bilingual Mass in the park at 9 a.m. Pancake Breakfast to follow

Raffle Tickets with great prizes! Drawing at 11 a.m. on Sunday, August 28



D e d i v l e r a s i v d i a t s e F 7 Y 28 DE AGOSTO DEL 2016 d 2


Acompáñenos a la Comida, Diversión, y Familia Sábado, 27 de Agosto • 12 p.m. a 7 p.m. Juegos para Niños, Brinca-Brinca, y ‘Dunk Tank’ Comida Mexicana, Polaca, Griega, y Italiana Vino y Cerveza para Adultos Sweet Shoppe, Refrescos, Nieve y Sandia Música y Entretenimiento Toda el día Misa Bilingüe @ Iglesia Católica San Esteban a las 5:30 p.m.

Domingo, 28 de Agosto Misa Bilingüe en el parque a las 9:00 a.m. Desayuno después de misa

Boletos de Rifa con Grandes Premios Sorteo de boletos a la 11 a.m. el Domingo, 28 de Agosto

1709_ENROLL_ONLINE_ENGLISH_SPANISH_Layout 1 5/16/11 3:23 PM Page 1

Enroll Online

Inscríbase en Internet

Our Student Insurance products protect thousands of kids from the bumps and bruises of growing up.

Nuestros productos de Seguros para estudiantes protegen a miles de niños de los golpes y moretones de la infancia.

K12 Accident and Health Plans available through your school: • Injury and Sickness (available in AZ,FL,NC,OK only) • At-School Accident Only • 24-Hour Accident Only • Extended Dental • Football

Los Planes de salud y accidente para estudiantes en grados K-12 disponibles a través de su escuela son: • Lesión y enfermedad (disponibles únicamente en AZ, FL, NC y OK) • Accidente en la escuela únicamente • Accidente con cobertura las 24 horas únicamente • Plan dental extendido • Fútbol americano

How to Enroll

Cómo inscribirse

Enrolling online is easy and should take only a few minutes. Go to and click the “Enroll Now” button.

Inscribirse en Internet es fácil y no debería tomarle más que unos minutos. Vaya a y haga clic en el botón “Inscribirse ahora”.

1. Start by telling us the name of the school district and state where your child attends school. 2. We’ll request each student’s name and grade level. 3. You’ll see the available plans and their rates. Select your coverage and continue to the next step. 4. We’ll request information about you, like your name and email address. 5. Next, you’ll enter information about the child or children to be covered. 6. Enter your credit card or eCheck payment information. 7. Finally, print out a copy of the confirmation for your records.

1. Para empezar, díganos el nombre del distrito escolar y el estado donde está la escuela a la que asiste su hijo. 2. Le pediremos el nombre y el grado de cada estudiante. 3. Verá los planes disponibles y sus cargos. Seleccione su cobertura y vaya al siguiente paso. 4. Le pediremos información sobre usted, como por ejemplo su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico. 5. A continuación, introducirá la información sobre el(los) hijo(s) para los que solicita cobertura. 6. Introduzca la información de pago con su tarjeta de crédito o un cheque electrónico. 7. Por último, imprima una copia de la confirmación para sus registros.

For further details of the coverage including costs, benefits, exclusions, any reductions or limitations and the terms under which the policy may be continued in force, please refer to Student is able to purchase the coverage only if his/her school district is a policyholder with the insurance company.

Diríjase a para más detalles sobre la cobertura, incluidos los costos, beneficios, exclusiones, toda reducción o limitación y los términos en virtud de los que la póliza puede continuar estando vigente. El estudiante puede adquirir la cobertura únicamente si el distrito escolar tiene una póliza con la compañía de seguros.

1709 (05/11_K12)

AUG & SEPT 2016 PIZZA LUNCH ORDER FORM Please make sure that all money and order forms are returned to the school office no later than



(late orders or payment will not be accepted)


as we have to pre-order the

Please keep this money separate from all other events as this is a special fundraiser for the school.

pizza the day before and we don’t want to run out of pizza.

Sign my child up for these days:

Includes: 2 slices of one choice of pizza below, with fruit and a vegetable. If no choice is selected, your child will receive cheese pizza. _______________________ GRADE: ____ TEACHER: _________ Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 2nd

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 9th

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 12th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 16th

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 19th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 23rd

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 26th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese


# ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni

_______________________ GRADE: ____ TEACHER: _________

Monday, August 29th

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 2nd

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 9th

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 12th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 16th

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 19th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 23rd

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 26th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese


# ___Pepperoni

# ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni

_______________________ GRADE: ____ TEACHER: _________

Monday, August 29th

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

Friday, September 2nd

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 9th

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 12th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 16th

Pepperoni [ ]

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

Monday, September 19th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Friday, September 23rd

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

Monday, September 26th [ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

Pepperoni [ ]

[ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese [ ] Extra Slices ; $1 per slice # ___ Cheese

# ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni # ___Pepperoni

Note: If you have additional children, please use a separate form. Thank you!!

[ ] yes, $5.00 – Cheese [ ]

check [ ] - #______ Total Amount Enclosed $_______________

Monday, August 29th

PAYMENT: cash [ ]



FIELD TRIP AUTHORIZATION The Parish/School/Organization is planning an activity off the premises (a “Field Trip”). We welcome your child’s participation in the Field Trip, but before your child may participate, we require that you review and sign this authorization. Please return this form no later than: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th Parish/School/Organization: St. Stephen Catholic School Child’s name: Destination and purpose of Field Trip: GENERAL OFF SCHOOL GROUNDS Date and time of departure: 2016-2017 School Year Date and time of return: Designated supervisor (s): Teachers and Parents Cost:

Method of transportation: Walking

(or) I will transport my child to and from the destination: Parent/Guardian Name: Home Address: Home phone:

Business Phone:

I understand and acknowledge that participation in the Field Trip involves inherent risks of injury to my child, including risks associated with transportation by motor vehicle. I acknowledge that this vehicle may be operated by a volunteer driver. I authorize the Designated Supervisor(s) of the Field Trip to authorize and consent to any medical care for my child that he or she reasonably believes necessary, including, but not limited to, hospitalization or surgery. I agree to pay any expenses related to such medical care. I understand and acknowledge that the Designated Supervisor(s) of the Field Trip will attempt to obtain my permission by telephone before authorizing or consenting to any medical care for my child if time and conditions permit. I understand and acknowledge that any medical expenses related to illness or injury to my child while on the Field Trip are not covered by any insurance program maintained by the Parish/School/Organization or the Archdiocese of Denver, and that I am primarily responsible for such expenses. As parent and/or legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above-named minor (child). I agree on behalf of myself, my child named herein, or our heirs, successors, and assigns, to hold harmless and defend the above-named Parish/School/Organization, its officers, directors and agents, chaperones, or representatives associated with the event, and the Archdiocese of Denver from any claims arising from or in connection with my child attending the event or in connection with any illness or injury or cost of medical treatment in connection therewith, and I agree to compensate the Parish/School/Organization, its officers, directors and agents, chaperones, or representatives associated with the event, and the Archdiocese of Denver for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses arising in connection therewith. I hereby consent to my child’s participation in the Field Trip. I have carefully read this Field Trip Authorization, and I understand and agree to each of the covenants and conditions set forth above.

Parent or Guardian Signature: Date:

Emergency Telephone Number:


Appendix VII.B(1)



La Parroquia/Escuela/Entidad está planeando una actividad fuera de su local (un paseo). Nos gustaría que su hijo participara en el paseo, pero antes de que él pueda ir, es necesario que Ud. revise y firme esta autorización. Por favor, devolverla firmada antes de VIERNES, 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE . Parroquia/Escuela/Entidad: Escuela Catolica San Esteban Nombre del niño: Destino y razón del paseo: General - fuera de la area escolar Fecha y hora de salida: año escolar 2016-2017 Fecha y hora de regreso: Supervisor: Maestros y Padres de familia Costo: Medio de transporte: Caminando (o) yo voy a llevar y traer mi hijo del paseo: Nombre de los padres o custodios: Dirección de la casa: Teléfono de la casa:

Teléfono del trabajo:

Yo entiendo y reconozco que la participación de mi hijo en el paseo trae consigo riesgos de daño para mi hijo, incluyendo riesgos asociados al transporte por vehículos motorizados. Yo reconozco que el vehículo puede ser manejado por un chofer voluntario. Yo autorizo al(a los) Supervisor(es) del Paseo a autorizar y consentir cualquier tipo de cuidado médico para mi hijo, que él razonablemente considere necesario, incluido, pero no limitado a, hospitalización y cirugía. Yo estoy dispuesto a pagar todos los gastos relacionados a tal cuidado médico. Yo entiendo y reconozco que el(los) Supervisor(es) del Paseo tratará(n) de obtener mi permiso por teléfono antes de autorizar o consentir cualquier tipo de cuidado médico para mi hijo, si el tiempo y las condiciones lo permitan. Como padre y/o custodio legal, yo permanezco responsable por cualquier acción personal realizada por el menor mencionado arriba (niño/a). Yo acepto mi propia responsabilidad, la de mi hijo/a nombrado arriba, o nuestros herederos, sucesores y designados, para defender La Parroquia/Escuela/Entidad nombrada arriba, sus oficiales, directores y agentes, chaperones o representantes asociados al evento, y la Arquidiócesis de Denver de cualquier reclamo originados o en conexión con mi hijo que atiende al evento, o en conexión con cualquier enfermedad, daño o costo por tratamiento médico en dicha circunstancia, y me dispongo a compensar La Parroquia/Escuela/Entidad, sus oficiales, directores y agentes, chaperones o representantes asociados con el evento, y la Arquidiócesis de Denver por costos razonables de abogados y otros gastos originados en conexión con el evento. Yo autorizo la participación de mi hijo/a en el Paseo. He leído cuidadosamente esta Autorización para Paseos, la entiendo y estoy de acuerdo con todas las alianzas y condiciones aquí establecidas. Padre o custodio: Fecha:


Teléfono de emergencia:

Appendix VII.B(2)




NAME ___________________________________ HOMEROOM TEACHER _________________________________


YOUTH SIZES: YS-(6/8), YM-(10-12), YL(14/16) , YXL-(18-20) ADULT SIZES: AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL, A3XL

QUANTITY:_______________________ LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT / COLOR: NAVY


SIZES: _______________________

YOUTH SIZES: YS-(6/8), YM-(10-12), YL(14/16) , YXL-(18-20) ADULT SIZES: AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL, A3XL


QUANTITY:_______________________ SIZES: _______________________ ADD NAME TO SLEEVE ADD $6.00 (COLOR WHITE) (PRINT NAME)___________________________________________________ LIGHTWEIGHT HOODED SWEATSHIRT / COLOR: NAVY $26.00 *** NOTE SIZE CHANGES FOR YOUTH HOODIES *** YOUTH SIZES: YM-(6-8), YL-(10-12), YXL(14/16) ADULT SIZES: AS, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL, A3XL

QUANTITY:_______________________ SIZES: _______________________ ADD NAME TO SLEEVE ADD $6.00 (COLOR WHITE) (PRINT NAME)___________________________________________________

TOTAL AMOUNT = $______________________________________ RETURN ORDERS AND PAYMENT TO OFFICE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th DATE: _____________________________________________________



Friday, September 30, 2016 1:00 pm shotgun

Aspen Glen Club Carbondale, CO

Entry Fee $185 per player or $700 per 4-person team Includes 18 holes at Colorado’s premiere private club, as well as tee gift, prizes for winners, hole-in-one prize, and fabulous dinner reception in the beautiful Clubhouse following the tournament.

Format: 4-person scramble Event Schedule


Check-In & Warm Up…....11:30am Tournament Rules...........12:45 pm Shotgun Start.....................1:00 pm Dinner and Awards in Clubhouse….6:00pm

Registration * Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle, and Birdie sponsorship deadline is September 1st

New this year! Dinner only option. Please join us for the fun following the tournament.

About St. Stephen School…

Name/Company___________________________________ St. Stephen School is a non-profit, Catholic school dedicated to Address: ________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: _____Zip: _______ Phone: _________________Email: ___________________

Please Select from the Following

providing a quality education to students from pre-school through 8th grade. Our high academic standards are developed in an atmosphere that promotes healthy moral and social development. These future leaders are performing far above average levels of excellence. Facility improvements and expansion is needed for our school to benefit future generations. Please ask us how you can help.

Sponsorships  Bald Eagle Sponsorship ($1200ea) * $_______ Bald Eagle Sponsor………………....………….…....$1200  Golden Eagle Sponsorship ($900ea) * $_______ Includes one (4) person team, one complimentary round of golf for (4)  Birdie Sponsorship ($300ea) * $_______ people good through 2017, company sign prominently displayed at the  Par Sponsorship ($125ea) $_______ Clubhouse, as well as special recognition at reception and in all tournament material and school media.  Golf Team / Single ($700 / $185) $_______ Golden Eagle Sponsor….……..….……......…………$900  Dinner Reception Only ($40 per person) $_______ Includes one (4) person team, one range sign, as well as special Total $________ recognition at reception and in all tournament material and school media. Birdie Sponsor ………………………………………..…. $300 Method of Payment Check (Payable to St. Stephen School) Credit Card#_____________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________ Security ID: _______ Name on Card: ___________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ Please mail your completed form with payment to: St. Stephen School 414 S. Hyland Park Dr. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Visit us online at: For more information, contact: Lori Pedersen [email protected] Steve VanDyke [email protected]

Includes one hole sign and special recognition at reception and in all tournament material and school media.

Par Sponsor …………………………………………...…. $125 Special recognition at reception and in all tournament material and school media.

Team Name_________________________________ Players Name 1. _____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________  Please connect us with others to complete OUR group

September 2016 Sun







AUG 28 Festival of Diversity

AUG 29 Pizza Lunch

AUG 30

AUG 31


2 Pizza Lunch Jersey/Scout Day







9 Pizza Lunch Jersey/Scout Day



12 Pizza Lunch

13 Ind. Pictures


15 MASS Tuition Pmts. Due Scrip Orders Due

16 Pizza Lunch Jersey/Scout Day


18 19 Children’s Choir Pizza Lunch


21 1:30 DISMISSAL Staff Development


23 Pizza Lunch Eagle Spirit Day





29 MASS Scrip Orders Due

30 NO SCHOOL Staff Development Day—Denver Annual Golf Tournament


26 Pizza Lunch