somerton middle school

1 ago. 2018 - Spring Break ...... provider is not a licensed nurse, but has received adequate training and direction to perform the skilled service safely, and ...
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SOMERTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 1011 North Somerton Avenue Somerton, AZ 85350

Student/Parent Handbook 2018-2019 Jose Moreno, Principal Tiffany Middleton, Assistant Principal Telephone: (928) 341-6100 Telephone Fax: (928) 341-6190


Somerton Elementary School District No 11 343 N Carlisle Ave • Somerton, AZ 85350 • • 928-341-6000

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JULY 2018 Independence Day Holiday ........................................................................July 4 New Teacher Inservice .............................................................................July 18 Returning Teacher ...............................................................................July 26-31







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AUGUST 2018 First Student Day ...................................................................................August 1 Galileo Testing Window (1-8 Grades) ......................................................August

27 28 29 30 31 18 days FEBRUARY


Labor Day Holiday ..........................................................................September 3 Parent Conference Minimum Day ................................................September 5-6 40th Day .........................................................................................September 26 End of 1st Quarter (42 days) ..........................................................September 28






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Fall Break ........................................................................................October 8-12 NOVEMBER 2018 Veterans Day Holiday ....................................................................November 12 Parent Conference Minimum Day ............................................November 14-15 Thanksgiving Holiday ..............................................................November 21-23 Galileo Testing Window (K-8th Grades) ............................................November

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

DECEMBER 2018 Galileo Testing Window (K-8 Grades) ................................................December End of 2nd Quarter (46 days) .........................................................December 14 Winter Break ............................................................................. December 17-31

JANUARY 2019 Winter Break ..................................................................................... January 1-4 Classes Resume ....................................................................................January 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday .........................................................January 21 100th Day ...........................................................................................January 23

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21 days APRIL

Presidents Day Holiday ....................................................................February 18 Parent Conference Minimum Day .............................................. February 20-21

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MARCH 2019 End of 3rd Quarter (46 days) ................................................................March 13

APRIL 2019 Spring Break.......................................................................................... April 1-5 AzMerit Testing ...........................................................................................April Detailed testing schedule pending Good Friday ............................................................................................April 19

MAY 2019 Galileo Testing Window (K-8th Grades) ...................................................... May 8th Grade Promotion (Student Minimum Day) ....................................... May 23 End of 4th Quarter (46 Days) .................................................................. May 24 Last Day of School (Minimum Day for students and Teachers) ............. May 24 Memorial Day Holiday ............................................................................ May 27

SMS 7-8 Minimum Grades K-6 Minimum OGE K-6 Minimum Pre-School Minimum First/Last Student Day


End of Quarter

Parent/Teacher Conference

Minimum Days: Wednesdays, Conference and 8th Grade Promotion Day 180 Student Days • 88 1st Semester • 92 2nd Semester 183.5 Teacher Days • 189.5 New Teacher Days












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SCHEDULE 8:25AM 3:35 PM 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM 8:00 AM - 2:45 PM 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM 7:45 AM - 2:30 PM 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM


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10 days Adopted 2/13/18



GENERAL INFORMATION SCHOOL DAY Staff on duty - 8:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. First bell rings - 8:20 a.m. Class begins - 8:25 a.m. Class ends - 3:35 p.m. Title 1 Tutoring Sessions may be offered

3:45 - 4:45 p.m.

CLASS SCHEDULE- Regular day 7th Grade Period 1 8:25- 9:25 Period 2 9:28-10:25 Period 3 10:28-11:25 Lunch 11:25-12:05 Reteach 12:05-1:35 Period 4 1:05-1:35 Period 5 1:38-2:35 Period 6 2:38-3:35

8th Grade Period 1 8:25 -9:25 Period 2 9:28-10:25 Period 3 10:28-11:25 Period 4 11:28-12:25 Reteach 12:28-12:58 Lunch 12:58-1:38 Period 5 1:38-2:35 Period 6 2:38-3:35

EARLY DISMISSAL HOURS Somerton Middle School students will be dismissed early every Wednesday. Early dismissal time is at 1:00 p.m. BREAKFAST SCHEDULE Breakfast is available between 8:00 a.m. - 8:20 a.m. Check monthly school lunch menus. Students should not arrive at Somerton Middle School before 7:50 a.m. The menu is posted in each classroom and sent home monthly with each child. Eligible students receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch on school days. Parents are welcome to eat breakfast and/or lunch in the cafeteria. Parents must purchase their own meals. The following rules are to be followed while using the cafeteria: 1. All students will follow procedures: students will conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times. 2. All students will walk in a quietly and orderly straight line to the cafeteria with teacher’s supervision. 3. All students must have their school ID on a daily basis- students who do not bring his/her ID will still receive regular lunch but they will seated after the students who do bring IDs. Consequences will follow if no ID is provided 4. All students will dispose of trash and help keep the lunch area clean. 5. All students will cooperate with all cafeteria personnel and school staff. 6. Students may not take food out of the cafeteria. 7. Students will not be allowed to bring candy or snacks from home to eat during lunchtime. 8. All students are encouraged to eat the meal of the day including two servings from the salad bar. STUDENT DISCIPLINE Students, parents, and school staff will work together to encourage every student to have self-respect and selfconfidence. We will all care about the worth in every person and respect the rights and properties of each other. The information in this handbook needs to be read and understood so we can all be fair and consistent in requiring proper student conduct. All students will receive due process, which includes being told what they are being accused of and having the chance to say what happened from their own point of view. Somerton School District Attendance Regulations Somerton Middle School Students are expected to be in school every day and on time to class. The Somerton School District, along with Yuma County, has established guidelines for student attendance. Student attendance is the responsibility of both the parent and student. Below please read the regulations for student attendance. Excused absences are absences with a defined reason. Only confirmed cases of illness or certain type of appointments for the student are grounds for excused absences and must be verified with the school office. Unexcused absences are absences in which there is no defined reason for a student to miss school. Parents are required to call the school the day of their child’s absence. Students who are absent more than 2 consecutive days are required to bring a doctor or appointment notice/excuse upon return to school. Arizona State Law requires school to carefully monitor student attendance. Once a child has 5 or more unexcused absences (or a combination of 10 or more excused/unexcused absences) (or 10 or more tardies) the school may file a referral with the Juvenile Court and Yuma County Attorney’s Office.


Protocol for attendance: 1. 5 or more absences letter is sent home to parents 2. Continued absences parents will meet with principal and or truancy officer 3. Referral to Juvenile Court Students who have a combined total of 18 or more excused and/or unexcused absences during the school year may be retained in their current grade level for the following school year. Students cannot be picked up after 2:30pm on regular days or 12:00pm on Wednesdays unless an appointment card is provided. Students will only be released to an authorized adult (over 18 years of age). Students may not be removed from school by any adult NOT on the school’s emergency contact list. Parents/guardians must come in to the school to add or remove emergency contacts. Adults arriving to check out a student from school must sign in at the school’s main office and produce valid, unexpired, photo identification to the office staff. Adults who are not able to produce valid identification will not be allowed to remove a child from school, regardless of whether the adult’s name appears in the District student information management system as an emergency contact or authorized guardian. Information Due to the safety of our SMS students we have implemented strict policies to protect our students. We will no longer interrupt classroom instruction time and we would appreciate your help in our school policy. § Forgotten Items- If your child has forgotten an important item at home and he/she needs it for school we will leave the item in the office. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the office on his/her own lunch time to retrieve the item(s). § Messages- Parents who call our office requesting to relay a message to his/her child will also be informed that we will not relay any messages. Phone messages to students should be limited to emergencies only. Again, keep in mind that our strict policies are to ensure the safety of your children. STUDENT RECORDS Parents/guardians are allowed to examine their child’s school records when needed. Parents should call the front office to make an appointment. WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL Parents should notify the school office, in writing or by phone, 341-6100, at least two days prior to the student’s last attendance day. All school materials loaned to the student (example: iPad, charger and adapter) must be returned and/or paid for before leaving. Items that are lost or damaged should be paid for before the student is withdrawn. TITLE IX COMPLIANCE STATEMENT It is the policy of the Somerton School District #11 not to discriminate on the basis of gender in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to the District Administration, Somerton School District #11, P.O. Box 3200, Somerton, Arizona, 85350 (telephone number 341-6000) or to the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D.C. GRADING SYSTEM/RETENTION & PROMOTION Grades reflect how well students are doing in school. They can point out areas where students need to improve. Each nine weeks, students receive a grade in each subject. Every three weeks, a progress report is sent home. Quarterly, grades are based on standards taught and by productivity scale. Promotion to the next grade level at SMS includes accomplishment of the Arizona Standards in reading, written communications, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition to Arizona Standards, test scores, grades, teacher-principal recommendations, and other pertinent data will be used to determine promotion. A goal of Somerton Middle School is to help each student complete the requirements for promotion to the next grade in school. Academic Performance Indicator Scale: HP Highly Proficient P Proficient PP Partially Proficient MP Minimally Proficient *(aterisk) Modified Productivity Scale: E Excellent S Satisfactory I Improving N Needs Improvement U Unsatisfactory

90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 0-59%

EIGHTH GRADE PROMOTION CEREMONY PARTICIPATION Students whose suspension extends to the end of the school year may not participate in the promotion ceremony and activities. Promotion participation may be withheld for academic/disciplinary or administrative reasons.


REPORT CARDS Report cards may be distributed a week after the quarter ends. HOMEWORK AND MAKEUP WORK Homework is an important part of education because it strengthens what was learned in class. Homework is assigned as needed, expect homework each night. A student who is absent or suspended will be expected to makeup work. Students need to be responsible for asking teachers for makeup work after an absence. Parents need to call the school to ask for makeup work for students who are absent for several days. Please allow at least 24 hours for teachers to collect homework assignments. POWER SCHOOL Parents/guardians may access students grades and information through the PowerSchool website, which is available 24 hours a day. Parents/guardians may call the front office to get their child’s password to log on to Power School. To access the information online, go to the following Internet website: ( click on powerschool then click on public, and then complete the username and password sections. CONFERENCES Conferencing is a positive way to develop a two-way communication between home and school on how students are performing regarding academic and social development skills. Review the school calendar in front of the handbook for the scheduled conferences for the current year. Parents/guardians should feel free to conference with teachers as necessary. Please contact the school to set up a parent/teacher conference. Allow at least a day in advance notice when requesting to see a teacher in regards to a special individual conference. This is important since teachers are involved each day in team and individual planning, in addition to staff meetings. Parents must first conference with the teacher(s) and or academic coaches prior to contacting an administrator regarding a student concern. COMMUNICATIONS Calendars, brochures, flyers, school marquee, school newsletter, school messenger, and school web site ( Please check with your child daily. District application- more information on the web page SCHOOL BOUNDARIES All students must stay within school boundaries as set within the fencing. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD-LUNCHES Students will be issue an identification card at the beginning of school year. There will be a $5.00 replacement cost for lost, stolen, damaged or confiscated cards. Students may also work in the cafeteria for 5 days to earn a new card. IDs must be kept intact or they will need to be replaced. FEES AND FINES Students who owe money cannot participate in extra-curricular activities, get a report card, or a promotion certificate. Students must pay for lost books, library fines, athletic equipment, or supplies replacement. The cost of some school items is as follow: Replacement ID $5.00 P.E. Shirt/Uniform $10.00-$15.00 Spirit shirts $10.00-$13.00 iPad Insurance Fee(optional) $25.00 CLOSED CAMPUS For the protection and safety of our students, Somerton Middle School is a closed campus. The campus is open between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Students should not be on campus before 7:50 A.M. Parents and guardians need to sign out their children in the main office any time a student leaves the campus during school hours. Students may not sign themselves out (including lunch time). Students are not to be on campus after 3:40 p.m. unless participating in a school supervised function. Students that are found on campus in an unsupervised/unauthorized situation can be charged with trespassing by the police and will be subject to disciplinary action and/or arrested. Student drop-off and pickup areas are in the front of the school campus. Please follow the directions of the signs. Do not use the bus entrances. (North/South entrances) VISITORS Adult community members and parents are invited to visit our school. We do not allow student visitors. All visitors must sign in and obtain a visitor's pass in the main office and obtain a badge- must be worn at all times to identify the visitor. Visitors who do not have a pass will be asked to go to the main office to get one. This requirement allows us to identify visitors and ensure your child’s safety.


VOLUNTEERS Somerton Middle School encourages parent and community volunteers. If interested in volunteering, it will be required to visit our District web page and apply to volunteer, provide a fingerprint clearance card, and pay a fee. You may volunteer once the District has confirmed the clearance to the school. Volunteers must sign in when arriving and sign out when leaving the school grounds. This not only helps us credit the volunteers for their service but also allows us to locate them in the event of an emergency. Please call the school office at 341-6100 for more information. Badges are issued and must be worn to identify volunteers. This requirement allows us to identify volunteers and ensure your child’s safety. FORBIDDEN ITEMS The safest place for a personal item is at home. These items are, but are not limited to (especially if items is not being used for educational purposes): cell phones, ear phones (ear buds), media players, MP3 players, techdeck skateboard (finger board), iPods, laser pointers, candy, simulated guns, gum, seeds, stuffed animals, flowers, toys, spray paint and money not needed for school. Students are prohibited to bring the above items to school. Students who continue to bring these items will receive disciplinary action for defiance of authority. The school district is not responsible for these items if they are lost, stolen, damaged or held by a teacher or administrator. A parent must pick up items that are held due to continued violations and speak with an administrator. Selling, borrowing, or lending money or personal items on campus is also not allowed. Birthday presents, balloons, or flowers are not allowed during school hours and will not be delivered but held in the office. Balloons are not allowed on buses. Should a student choose to bring a forbidden item and the item is stolen, the school is not obligated to take a report or conduct an investigation into the matter. CELL PHONES Are not allowed on campus during school hours. If a cell phone is visible or heard vibrate/ring they will be confiscated. Cellular telephones that are confiscated during the school day are subject to the following: v

First offense = staff will remove cell phone from student, label it with student’s information, and send to the front office. Only parent or guardian may pick up cell phone.


Second offense = remove cell phone from student, label it with student’s information, and parent must meet with an administrator prior to recovering the cell phone.


Continued violations will have consequences from administrator.

Schools are not responsible for a loss of, damage, or theft of cellular telephones. Somerton Middle School is not obligated to conduct an investigation or file a police report. If a student chooses to bring a cellular telephone to school, the school reserves the right to review its content. Parents with questions about cell phone should contact their child’s teacher or the school principal. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL It is the responsibility of all school employees to report to an administrator any suspicion of the use, possession, or sale of drugs or alcohol. When there is probable cause that a student is involved in any of the above, administration, law enforcement authorities, and parents/guardians shall be contacted, and the student shall be subject to suspension or expulsion. A student who has been involved in a drug or alcohol related offense will be referred to the Superintendent for further action. Students who have been involved with drug situations while at the Alternative School will be referred for expulsion. GANG ACTIVITY/ASSOCIATION It is the district's position that gangs start and encourage activities that threaten the safety or well being of persons or property on school grounds or disrupt the school in ways that are harmful to education. Also, it is the district's position that the use of verbal statements, hand signals, graffiti, or the presence of any clothing, caps, body piercing (including but not limited to nose, lip, eyebrow, tongue, ear for boys) jewelry (long chains, oversized earrings), accessories, manner of dress or grooming that because of its color, arrangement, or anything else that shows or suggests membership or similarity to such a group is not allowed. For these reasons, the following activities are not allowed and will cause any student doing them to receive disciplinary action and may be reported to the authorities: a.

Any activity involving an initiation, hazing, intimidation, assault, or other activity related to group affiliation that is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to students or others.


Any student wearing, carrying, or displaying gang paraphernalia and/or exhibiting behavior or gestures that symbolize gang membership, or causing and/or participation in activities that intimidate or adversely affect the educational activities of another student or the orderly operation of the school.

Students can be referred to the School Resource Officer to document any gang related behaviors and will be registered in the Somerton Police Gang file.


SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER (SRO) The School Resource Officer has been placed on campus not only to enforce the laws but to ensure the Health, Safety, and Welfare of all students and staff. The SRO’s constant visibility on campus and throughout the classrooms assists the staff to ensure the students receive an education in the safest learning environment possible. In order to achieve this constant order, a “Zero, Zero, Zero Tolerance” program has been implemented. Zero Tolerance of violence on campus (especially involving gang activities or any affiliation with gangs), Zero Tolerance for any disruption in the classroom that effect the teachers’ ability to educate, as well as Zero Tolerance for safety issues brought into the school or developed on school grounds that may or will cause harm to anyone. STUDENT SEARCH To insure the school is safe for all students, it is sometimes necessary for school officials to search students and their personal belongings. There is no expectation of privacy in your personal items. Parents will only be notified if illegal items are found. We have a need, by law, to do searches whenever there is reasonable suspicion that a student may have broken school rules or the law. A student may be searched by having the student empty his/her pockets, socks, purse, or backpack. At least two adults will be present during this search.

Uniform Policy - Students will wear any solid color polo shirt (a polo shirt is a 2-4 buttoned, collared, short sleeve shirt). Any school spirit shirt with the official logo may be worn any day of the week. Long sleeve tshirts may be worn under the polo or spirit shirt as long as it is solid colored and features no design. No short sleeve shirts may be worn over polo shirt. - Any clothing recognized by administrators as gang related will not be permitted. - Pants, shorts, capris and or skirt color and material will be navy blue or black colored uniform fabric or plain blue or black colored jean fabric. - Sweaters, sweatshirts, and or outer jackets may not have logos or any design that is gang related or that displays lewd, vulgar, obscene or plainly offensive language or symbols.

Guidelines - Shorts and or skirts must be standard appropriate length, which are at or approach knee length. - Shirts or tops may be worn untucked as long as they fit properly. - All clothing must be properly fitted. Prohibited items of clothing: Oversized clothing, extremely baggy clothing, or improperly fitted clothing. Prohibited pants, shorts, capris, and jeans: torn bottoms, or “saggy” bottoms. All bottoms must be worn on the waist. - Hats and caps may not to be worn on campus. - Clothing or accessories shall not display gang- related, lewd, vulgar, obscene or offensive language or symbols. No opt-outs to the dress code will be allowed except for religious or medical/disability reasons or uniforms of nationally recognized organizations (i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.).

Where Can You Find These Clothes? - SMS sells school spirit wear, including t-shirts and sweatshirts. - Many local vendors carry the clothing you need for the Somerton Middle School uniform. Several offer catalog and on-line shopping in addition to the inventory they carry in the store. - In addition to Target, J.C. Penney, Old Navy, and Kohls (all at the Yuma Palms Regional Center), Sears, and Wal-Mart, stores also carry these items.

Additional guidelines for appropriate dress code can be found in the Student Handbook. Revised 7/13/18

Dress Code Continued v

Bare feet are never acceptable (In the interest of student safety, shoes must be worn at all times). Closed shoes are to be worn for any type of physical activity, such as physical education, etc. Flip-flops and slippers are not allowed.


Jewelry shall not be worn if it presents a safety hazard to self and/or others. Facial and body-piercing jewelry, other than normal size (quarter size maximum) earrings for girls, is prohibited. No spiked jewelry or belts are allowed.


No bandannas of any color, size, or shape may be carried or displayed in any classroom or at any school activity. This also includes simulations of anything representing "colors" or other gang related apparel.


No caps are allowed on campus.


Students may wear hoods, beanies, and gloves only in cold weather. However, these garments may not be worn inside the building or during warm weather.


Tattoos, hickies, and writing on skin are not acceptable. They must not be visible at any time.


As noted above, a student’s first offense is a warning to allow the student the opportunity to correct the violation before consequences are assigned. It is recognized that there may be instances when students wear clothing that is in violation of the dress code, and staff does not notice the inappropriate clothing. The fact that this may sometimes occur in no way will prevent the staff or administration from imposing disciplinary consequences when a student is found out of compliance with the dress code.

GRAFFITI The only thing that will be written on the outside of all school materials, including this agenda, is the student's name. Students will need to replace materials confiscated for violating this rule. There is to be no writing on students' skin at school. Students who write on school property or buildings may be arrested and or charged for damages. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES There are a wide variety of activities offered to students after school. Some of these include; basketball, wrestling, softball, soccer, volleyball, Spiritline, Robotics, and Media Production. Some of the clubs offered may include Drama, Science, Yearbook, Student Council, Health Ambassadors, and Chess. Eligibility for each of these activities requires that certain academic and behavioral standards be met. The requirements for each activity will be explained by its sponsor. All students participating in extracurricular activities must have passing grades. Students with “F”s will not be allowed to participate in games or events. AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS/EVENTS The policy for staying after school for Somerton Middle School home games is as follows: • Students must be academically and behaviorally eligible to attend any school sporting or extra curricular events. • An adult must accompany any non-student. • Students are expected to stay at the game location and not be wandering around campus. • Students are expected to behave in accordance to all Cobra Pride (respectful, responsible, reliable, reflective) and exhibit good sportsmanship towards the visiting teams. • Any student or visitor in violation of the Cobra Pride during after school events may be removed by any staff member, reported to the police, and may be arrested. • Students must follow all school rules and district policies. STUDENT COUNCIL Somerton Middle School has a Student Council. The responsibility of the Student Council is to help make decisions on programs and improvements to the school. Student Council provides an opportunity for students to develop leadership skills, responsibility, and pride in themselves and their school. The Council shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and publicity chair. The positions are filled through student elections. SPIRITLINE Spiritline is a group of students who demonstrate school spirit. They perform in most sports events, school activities, and parades. It is a yearlong commitment and requires good grades to participate. They follow a demerit system and coach has the right to dismiss them if rules are not being followed. Seventh and eight tryouts may be held each year. Members are responsible for their uniform and fees as required by the cheer coach. BAND Somerton Middle School band is a yearlong elective class. Members of the band are divided into different levels according to their grade level. As member of the SMS band program, students are expected to participate in various concerts during the school year, numerous parades in Yuma and Somerton, and fund-raising activities. SPORTS The following sports may be available during the school year for 7th and 8th grade students: • Girls Softball • Boys Wrestling • Boys and Girls Soccer • Girls Volleyball • Boys and Girls Track • Boys and Girls Basketball


NOTE: RELIGIOUS PRACTICES AND NON-ACADEMIC SCHOOL ACTIVITIES The Somerton School District #11 is sensitive to the fact that participation in certain non-academic activities at school is not practiced by some students due to religious preferences. The Somerton School District honors that belief and does not require a student to participate in any activity that is contrary to that belief. Parents or guardians are requested to inform the child’s teacher in writing of the decision to exercise this choice. REWARDS AND INCENTIVES Students are given rewards and incentives frequently and for a variety of reasons. Some of these rewards are for exemplary use of the agenda, excellent behavior, academic success, students of the month, fast track, cafeteria behavior, extracurricular participation, high grade point average, honor roll, open house participation, recognition by teams and/or teachers, recognition by the leadership team, recognition by PTSO, athletic contests, Galileo celebrations. Examples of rewards are but no limited to movie passes and gift items. STUDENT PROGRAMS/RECOGNITIONS • Honor Roll • Student of the Month • Fast Track • Cobra Cash • Sports Awards *Donations are welcomed to sponsor these programs. Tax credit/donation information is available by calling Somerton Middle School or District at 928-341-6000 or 928-341-6100. SPECIAL EDUCATION AND 504 SERVICES Somerton Middle School provides many services for students who may need special programs. Somerton Middle School complies with state and federal regulations under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. Parents as well as staff can refer a student for review. A student may need adaptations in the educational program or may be eligible for special education services. At parent/guardian or staff request, the principal convenes a team to review the student’s progress and areas of concern. A child suspected of having exceptional needs and educational requirements can be referred for a comprehensive evaluation through the district's Special Programs Office. Screenings and evaluations to determine special education needs are free and all information is kept confidential. Parents can also contact the Special Programs Office directly at 341-6041. The district provides special education programs with trained staff, speech, occupational, and physical therapies, specialized transportation, and other specific individualized services. Some students who are not eligible for special education services may be eligible for protections under a federal law: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A professional team makes the determinations and develops, with the parent/guardian, a written plan for the student. Additional information is available upon request. Special education services are provided in the district for preschool through middle school age children who have been identified as having a disability. Screening for possible disabilities will be completed within 45 calendar days after notification to the public agency by the parents/guardians of the child, or after any student enrolls in our school without appropriate records of screening, evaluation, and progress in school. The staff will look at the child’s ability in the area of academics, vision, hearing, adaptive living, communication, social/emotional, and motor skills. If the screening process indicates a possible disability, the name of the student will be submitted to the administrator for possible referral for a full and comprehensive individual evaluation or other service. A parent/guardian may request an evaluation of the student. All information is strictly confidential. If, after consultation with the parent/guardian, the responsible public agency determines that a full and individual evaluation is not warranted, the public agency will provide required notices to the parent/guardian within 60 calendar days. An initial, comprehensive evaluation of a child being considered for special education will be completed, at no cost to the parent/guardian, as soon as possible, but may not exceed 60 calendar days from receipt of informed written parent/guardian consent. In the case of a student who is identified with a special education need, a reevaluation of that need is conducted every 3 years, or more frequently if requested by the student’s parent/guardian or teacher. Some students who are not eligible for special education services may be eligible for support under a federal law: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A professional team makes the determinations and develops with the parent/guardian a written plan for the student. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Special Programs Office at 341-6041 or 341-6044 for information regarding preschool services.


HEALTH SERVICES/SCHOOL NURSE Health Services are provided to students in our District by a Registered Nurse, four Certified Nursing Assistants, and one health assistant who are assigned to the each of the schools in our District. Supervision and oversight are provided by the R.N. to the non-licensed staff in order to provide safe care to all of the students in the District. The R.N. together with the help of the Nursing Assistants will work with parents to ensure that students who have chronic health problems, and acute health problems receive the basic nursing care they need, to promote optimal health during the school day. Parents will be notified when their child has a medical condition that needs to have further evaluation and treatment by their physician. If your child needs skilled nursing care that is normally provided by a licensed nurse, you may be asked to sign a release stating that you are aware that the school health provider is not a licensed nurse, but has received adequate training and direction to perform the skilled service safely, and has your permission to perform the service. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s health needs being met at school, please ask the Nursing Assistant at your child’s school to contact the R.N. Coordinator to set up a meeting, so that the parent and the staff can develop a plan for your child’s school health care provider to follow. The School Health Center has two main functions. The first is to care for the general health of the child while he/she is at school; and the second is to conduct a health screenings of children in required grade levels, special programs, and for other students as time permits. Hearing & vision screening are required to be done on all Kindergarten, 1st , 2nd, and 6th graders, all Special Education students, any new students to our district, and any students who failed screening any either of these areas in the previous year. If a student does not pass a health screening for vision or hearing,, notification is sent to parents. Any parent that doesn’t want their child screened needs to submit a written letter to the nurse to be kept in the child’s record. A student needs to be at his/her optimum health level to gain the most benefit from the learning process. It is strongly suggested that he/she have a complete health appraisal before school starts, with immunizations and boosters brought up-to-date. In order to be at his/her learning best, a child needs adequate sleep, plenty of rest, and a good breakfast. If your child has a specific health problem or needs regular medication, please discuss it with the school health care provider, so that regular provisions for his/her care can be made. School and district policies are as follows: HEALTH RELATED DISMISSALS FROM SCHOOL When a student becomes ill or injured a staff member will give the student a pass to report to the nurses office. Students must not leave the school for any reason without the permission of the nurse or principal, and only after the parent or responsible person on file has signed the student out. Students are not allowed to use classroom phones or cell phones to call their parents to inform them that they are sick and/or need to be picked up. The student must go through the nurse’s office and it will be at the Nurse’s discretion to contact a parent for the student’s release. The nurse will notify the staff when the student needs to go home. ADMINISTERING MEDICINE TO STUDENTS If a child is required to take oral medication during school hours and the parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, only the school nurse or the principal's designee will administer the medication in compliance with the regulations that follow: 1. Written instructions, signed by the parent, will be required and will include: a. b. c. d. e.

Child's name Name of medication Purpose of medication Time to be administered Dosage

2. All medication must be provided in the current prescription container with the doctor’s instructions for dosage on the label. 3. The parent of the child must assume responsibility for informing the school nurse of any change in the child's health or change in medication. 4. The School District retains the discretion to reject requests for administration of medicine. 5. According to ARS. 32-1901, the State of Arizona does not allow medication from Mexico to be given by nurse or school personnel, unless it was prescribed by a Doctor in the United States, and only filled in Mexico. However, the parent may give medicine from Mexico if they come to the school to administer it. 6. Tylenol may be given by the nurse when deemed appropriate for pain or fever if there is a written permission by the parent or guardian on file. Tylenol dosage based on manufacturer’s recommendations per child’s age. 7. Pepto Bismol will only be provided to students who are 12 years old or older per manufacturer’s recommendations, with a signed parent permission slip on file.


IMMUNIZATIONS Arizona Law of every child requires an immunization history at the time of enrollment. Each child must be current on his immunization schedule. Please keep the school nurse informed of any new immunizations your child has received at a clinic or private doctor’s office so that the health records can be kept up-to-date. The following is the immunization record required for school enrollment 1. Arizona State Law requires that a child, upon first entering school, must have a record of immunization against preventable childhood diseases--diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, measles and rubella, hepatitis B, Varicella, and Hib up to age 5 years old, and one (optional) TB Skin test. 2. A permission slip will need to be signed by parents in case of a waiver in part or in full for medical or religious cases, or for personal beliefs. 3. In all cases, parent must file either a record of immunization or request a waiver of immunization. 4. All students at the age of 11 yrs. or older are required to have the Tdap, and Meningitis vaccines, also known as MCV4. HEALTH EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL 1.It is recommended that you keep your child home from school when he/she has any of the following conditions: Fever > 100.6 Vomiting Diarrhea Hacking cough Earache

Head Lice Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Any Rash/ or contagious condition Serious Cold/Severe Sore throat Severe Toothache, not relieved by Tylenol

2.If a child is found to have any of the above conditions while in school, parents will be notified and the child will be sent home for treatment. School Board Policy: Communicable/Infectious Diseases Any student with, or recovering from, a communicable disease will not be permitted in school until the period of contagion is passed or until a physician recommends a return, in accordance with A.R.S. 36-621 et seq, appropriate regulations of the State Department of Health Services, and policies of the County Health Department. Parents will be requested to provide a history of the communicable diseases for each student, and such records will be kept and maintained by the District. A student suffering from a communicable disease shall be excluded from school to protect the student’s own welfare and also to protect other students from illness. Early recognition of a communicable disease is of prime importance. The administrator or county health director shall make the decision for exclusion and readmission. Pediculosis (Lice Infestation) Students with pediculosis shall be excluded from school until treatment specific for pediculosis has been initiated and the student is symptom free. § Arizona Laws Pertaining to Pediculosis Screening- A.R.S. 15-802. Compulsory school attendance; exceptions, violation; classifications PHYSICAL EDUCATION EXCLUSIONS Requests in writing for student to stay indoors during scheduled Physical Education and/or free periods should be either approved by the school nurse or principal. We assume that the child who is well enough to be in school is well enough to play or sit outdoors. EMERGENCY CARDS Pupil data cards, which include medical conditions and emergency information, are to be completed for each student. Please see that the information is complete and kept up-to-date as to address, phone number, emergency number, etc. The nurse to reach the parent in case of an emergency uses these cards. They also include Tylenol consent and emergency care consent. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND HEALTH-RELATED ABSENCES Please keep your child home if he/she is ill. This helps prevent the spread of diseases. Students may return to school when their temperature has been normal for twenty-four hours. If they had been treated for head lice or pink eye, students need to be seen by the nurse before returning. PHYSICAL EXAMS Physical exams are required for any student who will participate in any sports activity, including Spirit line. Proof of the exam is required and is to be submitted to the nurse. Physical exam is only valid for 2 years. (This doesn’t apply to the elementary grade levels at this time, only the Middle School)


INSURANCE Insurance papers will be sent home the first week of school. This optional insurance covers students in case of an accident while in school. BOOKS Textbooks and workbooks are furnished without charge. If any textbook is lost or damaged due to negligence, the student will be required to pay for it. A book price list is available in the school office. LIBRARY The Somerton Middle School library is an important educational resource, and we encourage its full use. The library is open during scheduled school hours to all students for pleasure reading or reference work. Books may be checked out. We ask your cooperation in encouraging your children to return books when due in order to keep books in circulation. All library books must be returned or paid for when a student is withdrawn from school. Students will be responsible for lost or damaged books. Charges for lost or damaged books will reflect the condition and age of the book at the time it was checked out. LOST AND FOUND The school is not responsible for articles lost or stolen. Students should not leave money or valuables in their desks. Valuables should not be brought to school. Any found items can be sent to the office. At the end of the school year, we will send all remaining lost and found items to a charitable organization. FIRE, EMERGENCY DRILLS, AND LOCK DOWNS Fire, emergency drills and lock downs are held at irregular intervals throughout the school year. An alarm will be sounded over the speaker system. We have drills often to teach students the safest, quickest route for departure from school buildings. WALKERS Students will follow “safe walking” procedures. BICYCLES AND SKATEBOARDS SMS students may ride their bicycles to and from school if they follow basic safety rules. Students must park their bicycles immediately upon arrival at school. It is strongly recommended that each student riding a bicycle have a lock for daily use. The school does not assume responsibility for stolen or damaged bicycles. Failure to follow school and safety rules will result in loss of bicycle riding privilege. BUS REGULATIONS & SAFETY RULES Riding a school bus is a privilege. Students are required to follow the school rules in the bus at all times (this includes dress code). Proper conduct is required for continued use of the bus. Students will be issued Behavior Reports when they violate the safety and behavior rules. Continued disorderly conduct or refusal to respect the authority of the bus driver shall be sufficient reason for the student to be denied transportation Violations are as follows: 1. Fighting 2. Littering 3. Vulgarity, rudeness, cursing 4. Threatening to commit harm to another student or adult 5. Eating and drinking on the bus 6. Unnecessary noise 7. Disobeying the driver 8. Defacing or damaging the bus 9. Part of the body hanging out of the window 10. Not sitting in the assigned seat 11. Dress code Students may be suspended from the bus on the first offense if their behavior so warrants. Safety Rules: 1. Arrive at your bus stop at least ten minutes early 2. Line up in an orderly, respectful manner and have school I.D. ready to ride the bus 3. Keep all items and hands to yourselves 4. Keep balloons, toys, pets and other animals at home 5. Be respectful and follow the Cobra Code when lining up 6. Listen attentively to the directions and instructions given by the driver. Bus drivers deserve our respect 7. Remain seated until the bus has come to a complete full stop 8. If you must cross the highway or street, cross in front of the bus, never behind the bus 9. Only “Bus Students” attending Somerton Middle School may ride the school bus


SOMERTON MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS/RULES/DISCIPLINE The purpose of these guidelines is to maximize the educational opportunities available to all students and to insure operation of an orderly, successful school. All students are required to comply with certain standards of behavior. EXPECTATIONS FOR ALL STUDENTS ALL SMS Cobras will follow the PBIS Expectations: COBRA PRIDE: 1. 2. 3. 4. § § § § § § §

Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Reliable Be Reflective

Keeping close consideration to: Be courteous and respectful to all adults and classmates Give their personal best Be on time to school daily Take pride in our school and help make it the best Take responsibility for actions, attitudes and achievements Students who do not follow our rules and PBIS expectations may be placed in ALC based on our matrix Students in ALC may assist with beautification of the school (cleaning).

iPADS The Student/Parent Technology Handbook and Contract are located at

STUDENT ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM AND LONG TERM SUSPENSION Students who have gone through the Long Term Suspension process or have been placed in the classroom will return to Alternative School setting to complete his/her 7-8 grades. Administration reserves the right to continue with Alternative School setting if academic or behavioral goals are not met.


SOMERTON MIDDLE SCHOOL COMPACT The Title I program is designed to develop each student’s potential for intellectual, emotional, and physical growth. In order to achieve this, the home and school must be willing to recognize and agree upon the responsibilities of each party in the learning process. STUDENT AGREEMENT It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following: 1. Come to class on time and prepared to work; 2. Respect the rights of others to learn without distraction and disruption; 3. Show respect and cooperation with all adults in the school; 4. Complete all assignments to the best of my ability; 5. Show respect for people and property; 6. Spend time at home daily studying or reading; 7. Know and follow the directives of the student handbook. Student Signature


PARENT/GUARDIAN AGREEMENT I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following: 1. See that my child attends school regularly and on time; 2. Establish a time and place for homework; 3. Help my child become a responsible person; 4. Know and encourage my child to follow the directives of the student handbook; 5. Attend parent-teacher conferences and other school activities. Parent/Guardian Signature


TEACHER AGREEMENT It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following: 1. Help each student achieve to his/her fullest potential; 2. Provide an environment conducive of learning, with efficient use of the learning time; 3. Supply clear evaluations of student progress and achievement to both students and parents; 4. Ensure students understand and follow directives of the student handbook; 5. Regularly provide homework assignments for students. Teacher Signature


PRINCIPAL AGREEMENT I support this form of parent involvement. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following: 1. Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between teacher, parent/guardian, and student; 2. Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction; 3. Support families in helping their children work to their best ability; 4. Enforce the student handbook policy. Principal Signature


Student/Parent Handbook can be located at


ACUERDO DE LA ESCUELA SOMERTON MIDDLE SCHOOL El programa Title I esta diseñado para desarrollar el potencial intelectual y emocional así como el crecimiento físico de cada uno de los estudiantes. Para poder lograr estas metas, el hogar y la escuela deben de estar dispuestos a reconocer y aceptar sus respectivas responsabilidades en el proceso de aprendizaje. ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE Es muy importante que yo trabaje lo mejor que pueda. Así es que, yo me comprometo a: 1. Llegar a tiempo a clase y listo(a) para trabajar; 2. Respetar los derechos de otros para aprender sin distracciones o interrupciones; 3. Mostrar respeto y cooperación con todo adulto en la escuela; 4. Terminar las tareas lo mejor que pueda; 5. Mostrar respeto hacia las persona y propiedades; 6. Leer y estudiar en casa todos los días; 7. Conocer y seguir los reglamentos del manual estudiantil. Firma del Estudiante


ACUERDO DEL PADRE/TUTOR Yo quiero que mi hijo(a) tenga aprovechamiento. Así es que, yo lo(a) alentare al hacer las siguientes cosas: 1. Me asegurare que mi hijo(a) asista a clases regularmente y a tiempo; 2. Estableceré una hora y lugar para hacer la tarea; 3. Ayudare a mi hijo(a) a que sea una persona responsable; 4. Conoceré y me asegurare que mi hijo(a) siga el reglamento establecido en el manual estudiantil. 5. Asistiré a las conferencias de padre-maestro y otras actividades escolares. Firma del Padre/Tutor __________


ACUERDO DEL MAESTRO(A) Es muy importante que todo estudiante tenga aprovechamiento. Así es que, yo me asegurare de: 1. Ayudar a cada estudiante para que logre su máximo rendimiento; 2. Proveer un ambiente en el salón que sea conducente al aprendizaje, con el uso efectivo del tiempo de clase; 3. Proveer evaluaciones claras del progreso y aprovechamiento del estudiante para ambos estudiante y padre/tutor; 4. Asegurar que todo estudiante siga el reglamento establecido en el manual estudiantil; 5. Mandar tarea a casa regularmente. Firma del Maestro(a)


ACUERDO DEL DIRECTOR(A) Yo apoyo esta manera de participación de los padres/tutores. Así es que, yo me comprometo a hacer lo siguiente: 1. Proporcionar un ambiente positivo que promueva la comunicación efectiva entre maestro, padres/tutores, y estudiantes; 2. Asegurarme que las tareas asignadas estén relacionadas con la instrucción en el salón; 3. Apoyar a las familias para que ayuden a sus hijo(a) para que obtengan su mayor rendimiento; 4. Aplicar el reglamento establecido en el manual estudiantil. Firma del Director(a)


Manual del Estudiante/Padre se encuentra en


SCHOOL-WIDE RULE I have read with my parents this student/parent handbook. I understand the consequences if I choose any of the undesirable behaviors described in this handbook. In signing, I am indicating an awareness of the student discipline system.

__________________________________ Student Signature

________________________________ Parent Signature

__________________________________ Date

________________________________ Date

_________________________________ Teacher Signature

_______________________________ Date

REGLAMENTO ESCOLAR He leído con mis padres esta guía de estudiante/padre. Entiendo las consecuencias sí elijo no seguir los comportamientos aceptables. Al firmar, reconozco y entiendo el sistema de disciplina del estudiante, sus reglas y consecuencias. __________________________________ Firma del Estudiante

________________________________ Firma del Padre

__________________________________ Fecha

________________________________ Fecha

_________________________________ Firma del Maestro(a)

________________________________ Fecha

Student/Parent Handbook can be located at Manual del Estudiante/Padre se encuentra en


Somerton Middle School Elizabeth Garza, Principal

Behavior Referral Form / Reporte de Comportamiento Student Name: ___________________________________ Period: ____ Grade: 6 7 8 Name of Victim or Student(s) Involved: Date: ____________ Time Frame: During Official School Hours Before School After School Unknown Location/ Lugar:_________________________ Referred By: ___________________________ Date of Last Parent Contact: Minor Behavior Issues State Reportable-Non-Mandatory

**Must complete and enter (PowerSchool Log Entry) at least 2 actions prior to an ALC Referral Other Violations of School Policy ____Defiance/Disrespect/Non-compliance / Desafiante, Irrespetuoso, No Obedece ____Disruption / Interrupción ____Language, Inappropriate/ Lenguaje inapropiado ____Dress Code Violation / Vestimenta inapropiada ____Other

Major Behavior Issues State Reportable-Mandatory ____Repeated Minor Infractions / Infracciones menores repetidas o severas (On 4th Occurrence) Harassment, Threat, Intimidation ____Harassment (Non-sexual)/Acoso no Sexual ____Bullying / Molestar Continuamente ____Threat or Intimidation / Amenazar o Intimidar ____Hazing / Forzar a alguien a cometer actos dificiles, humillantes, peligrosos (Iniciación) Aggression ____Endangerment / Poner en peligro a otros ____Fighting / Pleito ____Assault / Asalto Físico

Aggression ____Verbal Provocation (Teasing) / Provocación Verbal (Molestar/Burlarse) ____Minor Aggressive Act (Rough Play) / Acto Agresivo Menor (Juego Rudo) ____Disorderly Conduct / Desorden ____Recklessness / Falta de Cuidado

Sexual Offenses ____Indecent Exposure / Exponerse Indecentemente ____Sexual Harassment / Acoso Sexual

Lying, Cheating, Forgery or Plagiarism ____Dishonesty / Deshonestidad ____Cheating / Copiar tarea o durante prueba

Theft ____Petty Theft / Robo menor ____Theft / Tomar propiedad ajena

Other / Otro ___________

Other / Otro ___________

Teacher Action Taken

Administrative Decision

____Conference with student / Conferencia con estudiante ____In-class Time Out / Retirado del grupo en clase ____Student Apology / Disculpa del Estudiante ____Mediation / Mediación entre compañeros ____Lunch Detention / Pérdida del Recreo de Comida ____Parent Contact / Aviso a los Padres ____Referred to ALC / Referido a ALC (on 3rd Occurrence)

____Parent Contact / Llamada a los padres de familia ____Parent Conference / Junta con padres de familia ____Restitution (Work detail) / Restitución (Asignación de Trabajo) ____Verbal and/or Written Apology / Disculpa Verbal Escrita ____Behavior Contract or Plan / Plan o Contrato para Mejorar la Conducta ____Threat Assessment / Evaluación de Riesgo ____ALC (ISS) (No. of Periods/Days: Dates: ) ____Out of school suspension (No. of Days: Dates: ) ____Other ________________________

Comments:________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ **Please sign and return this form / Favor de firmar y regresar esta forma Parent Signature/Firma del Padre _______________________________________________ SMS Behavior Expectations – Expectativas de Conducta *Respectful / Respetuoso * Responsible / Responsable * Reliable / Confiable *Reflective / Reflexivo GLOSSARY


GLOSSARY Alcohol and Non-Prescribed Drugs - Possessing, selling, offering to sell, using or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs (except that use of medication is allowed if it is prescribed by a physician, used in accordance with the prescription and Governing Board Policy and is administered from the Health Center). Destruction or Defacement of Property - Destroying or defacing objects or materials belonging to the school, school personnel, or other persons. Disorderly Conduct, Including Profanity and Obscene Behavior - Conduct and/or behavior that is disruptive to the orderly educational procedure and process of the school. Disrespect - Failure to be respectful to another person. Dress Code - Failure to comply with the published dress code of the school. Endangerment/Fighting - Engaging in conduct that endangers, or threatens employees or students. This includes physical contact for the purpose of inflicting harm. Forgery - Writing and using the signature or initials of another person. Gambling - Participating in games of chance for the purpose of gaining money. Harassment - This can be in relation to other school students or staff. Insubordination - Failure to comply with a reasonable request. Dishonesty - Giving false information or information calculated to mislead. Obscenity - The use of defamatory or obscene words or phrases, or distribution of defamatory or obscene materials. Play Fighting – “Rough Housing”, causing accidental harm to others. This will be categorized as fighting. Tardiness - Arriving late to a scheduled class. Theft - Taking or concealing property that belongs to others. Threats - Any type of conduct, including verbal or physical threat, insult, abuse or fighting with any student, teacher, administrator, school visitor or any other person. This includes borrowing or attempting to take or borrow property from another person by an expressed or implied threat. Tobacco - The use, sale or possession of tobacco of any kind. Unexcused Absence and Ditching - Any absence that has not been both excused by a parent or legal guardian and approved by the appropriate school official. Weapons - The possession or use of firearms, weapons, explosives, fireworks, knives, lasers, matches, cigarette lighters, bullets or any other instrument reasonably capable of harming any person or property or reasonably susceptible of creating the impression of such harm. ITEMS NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL guns (real or toy) knives (any type) cigarette lighters weapons roller skates walking roller shoes hard balls bats (any type) cigarettes radios mini skateboards condoms any electronic game CD players toys cellular phones

box cutters permanent markers hats/caps lasers e-cigarettes/cigars cameras camera phones alcohol iPods/ iPads video games MP3 Players drugs spray paint


DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Students involved in inappropriate behavior will be subject to certain disciplinary actions. Depending upon the behavior problem of the student, one or more of the following actions may be taken by school officials: Informal Talk - A school official will talk to the student and try to reach an agreement regarding how the student should behave. Conference - A formal conference is held between the student and one or more school officials. This conference will be documented.



Detention - 7 and 8th graders will serve lunch/or after school detention and a note will be sent home with student to be signed. Parent Involvement - Parent or guardian is notified by telephone, personal contact, behavior referral form, letter or certified letter. A conference may be conducted between the student, parent or legal guardian, appropriate school personnel, and any other concerned individuals. This conference will be documented. Alternative Learning Center (ALC)- (In-school detention/ suspension) to be served during recess, lunch, before or after school, at the discretion of the administration. This will be documented. Students may participate in school beautification (cleaning). In- School Suspension (ISS) - The student is temporarily removed from one or more classes but remains at school during these class periods. Students will be sent to the Alternative Learning Classroom (ALC) for one or more class periods as determined by staff and or administration. This will be documented. Short Term Suspension - The student is informed that he/she is subject to a short-term suspension (ten days or less). The student’s parent or legal guardian is notified by telephone or certified letter that the student is subject to a short-term suspension. This notification will be documented. Long Term Suspension - The student is informed that he/she is subject to a long-term suspension (eleven days or more.) The student’s parent or legal guardian is notified by letter and telephone contact will immediately be attempted. This action will be documented. Summary Suspension - The student is immediately suspended pending further administrative action. Suspensions of this type are only made when it is necessary to remove the student from school in order to eliminate any potential and present danger to student and staff. The student’s parent or legal guardian is notified by telephone and/or letter regarding the action of the school district. This action will be documented. Expulsion - The student is informed that he/she is subject to permanent removal from school. The student’s parent or legal guardian is notified by telephone and letter that the student is subject to expulsion. The district Superintendent, or her/his designee, will recommend to the Governing Board the student be expelled. SAP – Somerton Alternative Program MULTIPLE SUSPENSIONS If a student receives a second suspension, the student and their parent/guardian will be required to complete a meeting with the Principal before he or she may return to school and review information on SAP. If a student receives three suspensions during a school year, the student may be referred for a long-term suspension hearing in which the administration may recommend a one calendar year suspension. If the student is referred to longterm suspension hearing, the student will be placed in ALC after serving the third suspension pending the long-term suspension hearing.

RIGHTS OF HOMELESS STUDENTS Somerton School District shall provide an educational environment that treats all students with dignity and respect. Every student experiencing homelessness or transition shall have access to the same free and appropriate educational opportunities as students who are not homeless. This may include tutoring, free lunch, transportation or other services the School feels are appropriate. If you have any questions, please contact your school or the District Homeless Liaison, Shelly Mezei, at 341-6032. El Distrito Escolar de Somerton proveérá un ambiente educativo que trate a todos los estudiantes con dignidad y respeto. Cada estudiante que se encuentre con la experiencia de no tener un hogar ó en transición, tendrá acceso a las mismas oportunidades de una apropiada y gratuita educación, al igual, que a los estudiantes con hogar. Esto puede incluir servicios de tutor, comida gratuita, transportación y otros servicios que la escuela crea que son apropiados. Si usted tiene una pregunta, por favór pongase en contacto con su escuela ó con la intermediaria de Familias sin Hogar de él Distrito, Sra. Shelly Mezei 341-6032


Somerton Middle School Parent Permission Form for Publication of Student Work/Photo/Name/Video Clip Student Name: ____________________________________________ Teacher: _________________________________ We understand that our child’s art work/writing/photo/video clip and/or first name may be considered for publication as part of school-related projects. Publications may occur on the Internet as part of our school’s web page during this school year. We also understand that all work will appear with a notice prohibiting the copying of any student’s work for our photo without express written permission of the school, the student and his/her parent. No student’s full name, social security number, student number, home address, telephone number, or e-mail address, or those of the student’s family members, will be published without separate permission of the parent. We grant permission for the publication of our son/daughter’s art work/writing/photo/video clip and/or first names as part of school related projects for the school year 2013-2014. Publication may include the school’s web page. A copy of the web page containing our child’s art work/writing/photo/video clip and/or first name may be printed out and sent home at the request of the parent. q q

Yes, I agree with the information above. No, I don’t agree with the information above.

_______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

________________________ Date

Permiso Para la Publicación de Trabajo/Fotografía/Nombre/Video Clip del Estudiante Comprendo que el trabajo de arte/escritura/fotografía/video clip y/o el nombre de mi hijo/a puede ser considerado para publicación como parte de trabajos escolares. Dichos trabajos pueden ser publicados durante este año escolar en el Internet como parte de la página en la red del distrito escolar. También comprendo que todos los trabajos aparecerán con una nota prohibiendo el derecho de copiar el trabajo o fotografía del estudiante sin permiso por escrito de la escuela, el estudiante y los padres. El nombre, número de seguro social, número de identificación del estudiante, dirección, número de teléfono, o dirección electrónica (e-mail.), del estudiante o los miembros de la familia no se publicarán sin permiso de los padres. Doy permiso para que la publicación de trabajo de arte/escritura/fotografía/video clip/ y/o nombre de mi hijo/a como parte de trabajos relacionado con proyectos escolares para el año escolar 2013-2014. La publicación puede incluir la pagina de la red del distrito escolar. A petición de los padres, una copia de la página en la red que contenga el trabajo de arte/escritura/ fotografía /video clip y/o nombre de mi hijo/a puede ser imprimida para enviar a casa.

q q

Sí, estoy de acuerdo. No, estoy de acuerdo.

_______________________________________ Firma de Padre


________________________ Fecha


I ______________________________, student of Somerton Middle School agree to join together to stamp out bullying at our school. I believe that everybody should enjoy our school equally, and feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, gender, popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, religion, and nationality. Bullying can be pushing, shoving, name calling, picking on, making fun of, laughing at, excluding someone, and trying to intimidate by violating someone’s personal space. Some bullying acts are considered assault and are suspendable. Bullying causes pain and stress to victims and is never justified or excusable as “kids being kids”, “just teasing”, or any other rationalization. The victim is never responsible for being a target of bullying. By signing this pledge, I agree to: 1.

Value student differences and treat others with respect.


Not become involved in bullying incidents or be a bully.


Be aware of the school’s policies and support system with regard to bullying.


Report honestly and immediately all incidents of bullying to a faculty member.


Be alert in places around the school where there is less adult supervision such as bathrooms, locker rooms, and pod areas.


Support students who have been or are subjected to bullying.


Talk to teachers and parents about concerns and issues regarding bullying.


Work with other students and faculty to help the school deal with bullying effectively.


Encourage teachers to discuss bullying issues in the classroom.

10. Provide a good role model for younger students and support them if bullying occurs. 11. Participate fully and contribute to assemblies dealing with bullying. I acknowledge that whether I am being a bully or see someone being bullied, if I don’t report or stop the bullying, I am just as guilty. Signed by: __________________________________________________ Print name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________


Somerton Middle School Promesa de Anti-Acoso

Yo ______________________________, como estudiante de Somerton Middle School me comprometo a combatir y a no promover el acoso en contra de ningún estudiante o personal de la escuela. Creo que cada estudiante debe disfrutar de nuestra escuela, y sentirse seguro y aceptado sin tener en cuenta color, raza, género, popularidad, capacidad atlética, inteligencia, religión, o nacionalidad. El acoso incluye empujar, poner sobre nombres, burlarse (carrilla), excluir a alguien, y tratar de intimidar al invadir el espacio personal de alguien. Algunos actos de acoso son considerados un delito y el estudiante puede ser sujeto a ser suspendido. El acoso causa dolor y tensión a víctimas y nunca es justificable con argumentos como “solo son niños,” “estábamos jugando,” o alguna otra razón. Firmando esta promesa, yo estoy de acuerdo a: 1.

Valorar las diferencias de estudiantes y tratar a mis compañeros con respeto.


No involucrarme en situaciones de acoso o ser un acosador.


Estar consciente de las pólizas de la escuela y sistema de apoyo en cuanto a el acoso.


Reportar honestamente e inmediatamente todos los incidentes de acoso al personal de la escuela.


Estar alerta en sitios alrededor de la escuela en donde hay menos supervisión por parte de un adulto. Por ejemplo, los baños, vestuarios y áreas de los salones de clases.


Apoyar a estudiantes que han sido o victimas de acoso.


Dirigirme a profesores y padres sobre preocupaciones y cuestiones en cuanto al acoso.


Me comprometo a trabajar con otros estudiantes y personal de la escuela para ayudar evitar el acoso.


Animar a los profesores a hablar de cuestiones acerca del acoso.

10. Me comprometo a ser un ejemplo a seguir para otros estudiantes y a apoyarlos cuando sea necesario. 11. Me comprometo a participar y contribuir en asambleas que traten el acoso. Reconozco que si soy un testigo o un estudiante que acosa, soy igualmente culpable al no reportarlo. Nombre:_________________________________________ Firma:___________________________________________ Fecha:___________________________________________



BE RESPONSIBLE • I will keep my device in the district-issued case at all times, and not place anything between the case and display. • I understand that the device is vulnerable to damage if dropped, thrown, or crushed and I will take care when placing it in my school bag, backpack, or locker. I will not throw or swing my backpack containing a device. • I will keep my device away from food, beverages and other liquids. • I will use only a soft, lint free cloth to clean the device, instead of liquids, cleansers, or household cleaning products. • I will keep my device in places where the temperature is between 32° and 95°F, for example taking it inside with me instead of leaving it in the car on a hot day. • I understand that many services and products are available for a fee and acknowledge that I will be financially responsible for any expenses incurred without district authorization. BE RELIABLE • I will keep my device in my school bag or backpack when traveling to and from school. • I will put away my device at the bus stop. • I will always supervise my device, and when it is not in use at school, it will be stored in a locked locker or other secure location. • I will add a PIN/Password to my device to protect my personal information and prevent unauthorized access to the device and its contents. • I will not reveal anyone’s home address or personal phone numbers including my own. • I will not open emails from someone I don’t know or from someone I know is a bully. BE REFLECTIVE • I will ensure my device is fully charged for school every day. • During instructional time, I will only use apps and websites as directed by my teacher or as required for my assignments. • I will always have enough memory on my device to download, access, and create any educational applications or files required by my teachers. I understand that I may need to delete any personal content on my device if I am running low on memory. • I will use the device to do my own work and avoid plagiarism by giving credit to my sources. • I will respect my iPad and follow iPad rules. BE RESPECTFUL • I will not bully, harass, harm, or spread lies or misinformation about others. • I will use the camera and microphone to take appropriate pictures, videos and audio recordings. • I understand that my use of the camera in a bathroom or locker room is strictly prohibited. • I will use my device to access, submit, post, publish or display material that is legal, true, nonthreatening, free of racially offensive content, and does not hurt someone’s reputation. Student Name:

Student ID#:

Student Signature: Date: Apps, Web-based Services and Parental Consent In order for Somerton Elementary School District to facilitate a 1:1 personalized learning environment, the District will utilize applications (apps) and web-based services operated by third parties to provide students with access to online communication and collaboration tools and other instructional tools and materials. The District is required to comply with the federal regulations that require parental consent for students under age 13. By signing below, I consent to allowing Somerton Elementary School District to issue a device to my child named above, to create any accounts necessary for my student to utilize district-approved applications and web-based services, and to share limited personal information with any third-party providers, including school issued Apple IDs and email. Parent / Guardian Signature:



Your Student Has an Assigned Device: What You Need to Know

Somerton Elementary School District provides students with access to district technology resources for educational purposes. Students must adhere to all district policies and guidelines, including Technology Usage and Safety, Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Technology by Students, Student Discipline Policy, and the Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook, in order to maintain that access. Failure to comply with these guidelines and those outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook may result in the loss of take home privileges.

SOMERTON DISTRITO ESCOLAR PRIMARIO DE LOS PADRES / ESTUDIANTE DISPOSITIVO DE CONTRATO Distrito Escolar de Somerton proporciona a los estudiantes el acceso a los recursos tecnológicos del distrito para propósitos educativos. Los estudiantes deben cumplir con todas las polítizas del distrito, incluyendo el uso de tecnología y seguridad, Directrices para el Uso Aceptable de Tecnología de los estudiantes, la política de disciplina del estudiante, y los derechos de los estudiantes y el Manual de Responsabilidad, con el fin de mantener ese acceso. El incumplimiento de estas directrices y las señaladas en el Manual de Padres / Estudiante puede resultar en la pérdida de privilegios para llevar a casa. SÉ RESPONSABLE • Mantendré mi dispositivo en el caso del distrito emitida en todo momento, y no coloque ningún objeto entre la caja y la pantalla. • Entiendo que el dispositivo es vulnerable a los daños en caso de caída, tirado, o se ha roto y voy a tener cuidado al colocarlo en mi mochila escolar, mochila o casillero. No voy a tirar o hacer pivotar la mochila que contiene un dispositivo. • Mantendré mi dispositivo separado de alimentos, bebidas y otros líquidos. • Voy a utilizar únicamente un trapo suave libre de pelusa para limpiar el dispositivo, en lugar de líquidos, productos de limpieza o productos de limpieza para el hogar. • Voy a mantener mi dispositivo en lugares donde la temperatura está entre 32 ° y 95 ° F, por ejemplo tomarlo dentro de mí en vez de dejarla en el coche en un día caluroso. • Entiendo que muchos servicios y productos están disponibles por una tarifa y reconocen que seré financieramente responsable de todos los gastos efectuados sin la autorización del distrito. FIABLE • Mantendré mi dispositivo en el bolso o mochila de la escuela cuando se viaja hacia y desde la escuela. • Voy a guardar mi dispositivo en la parada de autobús. • Siempre supervise mi dispositivo, y cuando no está en uso en la escuela, será almacenado en un armario cerrado con llave o en otro lugar seguro. • Voy a añadir un PIN / contraseña de mi dispositivo para proteger mi información personal y evitar el acceso no autorizado al dispositivo y su contenido. • No voy a revelar el domicilio de una persona ni números de teléfono personales, incluyendo la mía. • No abrir mensajes de correo electrónico de alguien que no sé o de alguien que sé que es un “bully”. ser el reflejo • Me aseguraré de que mi dispositivo está completamente cargado para la escuela todos los días. • Durante el tiempo de instrucción, sólo voy a utilizar las aplicaciones y los sitios web según las indicaciones de mi maestro o como se requiere para mis tareas. • Siempre tener suficiente memoria en el dispositivo para descargar, acceder y crear todas las aplicaciones educativas o archivos requeridos por mis maestros. Entiendo que puedo necesitar para eliminar cualquier contenido personal en mi dispositivo si estoy quedando sin memoria. • Voy a utilizar el dispositivo para hacer mi trabajo y evitar el plagio por dar crédito a mis fuentes. • Respetaré mi iPad y seguir las reglas del iPad. SE RESPETUOSO • No voy a intimidar, acosar, dañar o difundir mentiras o información errónea acerca de los demás. • Voy a utilizar la cámara y el micrófono para tomar fotografías apropiadas, videos y grabaciones de audio. • Entiendo que mi uso de la cámara en un baño o vestuario está estrictamente prohibido. • Voy a utilizar mi dispositivo de acceso, enviar, publicar, publicar o material de pantalla que es legal, es cierto, no amenazante, libres de contenidos racialmente ofensivo, y no hace daño a la reputación de alguien. Nombre del estudiante: # de identificación del estudiante: Firma del estudiante: Fecha: Aplicaciones, servicios basados en la Web y consentimiento de los padres A fin de que el Distrito Escolar de Somerton Primaria para facilitar una relación 1: 1 ambiente de aprendizaje personalizado, el Distrito utilizará aplicaciones (apps) y servicios basados en la Web operados por terceros para proporcionar a los estudiantes el acceso a las herramientas de comunicación y colaboración en línea y otras herramientas de enseñanza y materiales. El Distrito está obligado a cumplir con las regulaciones federales que requieren consentimiento de los padres para los estudiantes menores de 13 años. Al firmar abajo, doy mi consentimiento para permitir Distrito Escolar de Somerton para emitir un dispositivo para el joven nombrado anteriormente, para crear las cuentas necesarias para que mi hijo para utilizar aplicaciones aprobados por el distrito y servicios basados en la Web, y para compartir información personal limitada con cualquier proveedores de terceros, incluyendo la escuela emiten identificaciones de Apple y correo electrónico. Firma del Padre / Tutor: _____________________________________







! Mother

! Father

! Guardian


Parent/Guardian Information: Personal Information for: (Check One) Full Name: Address: Apt. P. O. Box _______________

City __________________________ State AZ

City __________________________ State AZ

Contact Information: Home: (____) _______________ ______________

Work: (____) ______________

Cell: (____) _______________

Message: (____)

Language Preference: ! English ! Spanish ! Other ___________ Please call my: (Check all that apply)

! Home

! Cell

! Work

! Message

Best Time To Call: (Check all that apply) ! During School ! After School ! Afternoon ! Evenings ! Weekend ! Other ________ Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I Pledge to take personal responsibility for my child's safety and education. I can volunteer a minimum of: (Check all that apply) 5 hrs each semester

10 hrs each semester

15 hrs each semester

Special Events

Informacion de el Estudiante(s): Student Name



Student Name



Survey Of Volunteer Interests (Check all that apply) I am interested in volunteering in the classroom: ! Tutor a student ! Work with individual students. ! Work with small groups of students. ! Listen to students read ! Translate for students. ! Help with teacher's clerical work. ! Prepare materials ! Attend field trips ! Help students with dramatic performances, special events ! Help out in class with art projects, science experiments, etc. ! Appear as a guest speaker to: ! share my professional experiences ! share my travels ! share my culture ! share my talent, skill, or craft

I am interested in volunteering in I am interested in helping by working at home: other areas: ! Organize or help with school security (bus, school grounds, etc.) ! Building maintenance ! Carpentry ! Gardening or yard work ! Work in school library ! Photograph school activities ! Videotape school activities ! Provide transportation to parents for conferences, events, etc. ! Type or do clerical work ! Prepare newsletters ! Prepare posters, displays, etc. ! Do copying and laminating ! I am interested in working with children on computers and supervising children while they surf the Internet.

! Recruit parents, citizens and local businesses to participate in special reading programs for students. ! Call parents, organize phone trees for attendance and special projects ! Enter data on a computer ! Gather resource materials ! Sew ! Provide snacks ! Correct papers ! Cut out letters ! Prepare bulletin boards ! Stuff envelopes ! Distribute brochures door-to-door ! I am interested in improving our schools by working with other parents on sitebased councils, and projects and issues concerning our school.

FORMULARIO DE INTERÉS PARA SER VOLUNTARIO Escuela (Seleccione una): ! ELC Informacion de los Padres/Tutores:


Informacion Personal de: (Seleccione una) ! Madre


! Padre



! Tutor

Nombre Completo: Direccion: Apt. P. O. Box ________________

Ciudad __________________________ Estado AZ

Ciudad __________________________

Estado AZ

Informacion de Contacto: Casa: (____) ____________ ______________

Trabajo: (____) ___________ Celulcar: (____) ___________ Mensaje: (____)

Idioma de Preferencia: ! Ingles

! Español

! Otro ________________________________

Favor de llamar directamente a: (Seleccione todas las que apliquen) Mensaje

! Casa

! Celular

! Trabajo


Mejor horario para llamar: (Seleccione todas las que apliquen) ! Durante el horario escolar ! Despues de clases ! Por la tarde ! Por la noche ! Fines de Semana ! Otro __________________ Correo electronico:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Al ser voluntario yo me comprometo, a tomar responsabilidad de la seguridad y educacion de mi hijo/a: (Seleccione todas las que apliquen) 5 hrs por semestre

10 hrs por semetre

15 hrs por semetre

Eventos escolares

Informacion de el Estudiante(s): Nombre Del Estudiante



Nombre Del Estudiante


Encuesta Para Servir de Voluntario (Seleccione todas las que apliquen) Estoy interesado en trabajar como voluntario en el salón: ! Como tutor a un estudiante. ! Con estudiantes individualmente. ! Con estudiantes en grupo. ! Escuchando a los estudiantes leer. ! Traduciendo para los estudiantes. ! Ayudándole al maestro. ! Preparando materiales. ! Participando en las excursiones. ! Ayudando a los estudiantes con presentaciones o eventos especiales. !Ayudando con proyectos de arte o ciencias ! Puedo ser un invitado especial para: ! compartir mis experiencias profesionales. ! compartir mis viajes. ! compartir mi cultura. ! compartir mi talento o habilidad.

Estoy interesado en trabajar como voluntario en otras áreas: ! A organizar o ayudar con la seguridad de la escuela antes/después de clases o eventos especiales. ! Mantenimiento. ! Carpintería. ! Jardinería. ! Trabajando en la biblioteca. ! Tomando fotos en eventos especiales. ! Tomando video durante eventos especiales. ! Proporcionando transporte a los padres a juntos o conferencias escolares. ! Trabajo de oficina. ! Preparando el boletín escolar. ! Preparando posters, exhibiciones, etc. ! Haciendo copias y laminando. ! Me interesa trabajar con niños cuando usen la computadora para supervisarlos cuando usen el Internet.

Estoy interesado en trabajar como voluntario en casa: ! Reclutando a padres, ciudadanos, y negocios locales para que participen en un programa especial de lectura para estudiantes. ! Llamando a padres de familia y organizar un sistema de comunicación referente a asistencia y proyectos especiales. ! Introducir datos en la computadora. ! Reuniendo materiales para proyectos. ! Cosiendo trajes. ! Proporcionando refrigerios. ! Corrigiendo tareas. ! Recortando letras. ! Preparando los tablones de anuncios. ! Llenando sobres. ! Distribuyendo folletos a domicilio. ! Estoy interesado en mejorar nuestra escuela como miembro del consejo del distrito en proyectos y pláticas sobre logros académicos.
