SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDE COP21 Lima-Paris Action Agenda ... - COP20

Agriculture Organization (FAO) (@FAOKnowledge). •. Kirstine Sundtoft (@TSundtoft), Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment. •. Frank Ning, Chairman ...
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SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDE COP21 Lima-Paris Action Agenda Focus on Forests We’re looking forward to the LPAA Focus on Forests event on Tuesday, 1 December. Below are some helpful resources for social media. We’d love you to participate in the lead up to and during the meeting! Here’s how you can engage:     

Follow us on Twitter at @lpaa_live Use the hashtags #LPAA and #standwithforests. Also, use #COP21 Share these graphics in your Tweets or posts: Check out more information about LPAA on social media on the trello page: Look out for the Twitter Wall which visualizes worldwide Twitter conversations around the meeting. This visualization can also be accessed online at the following web address:

Here are some relevant links you can share or link back to in your posts:  Live feed for the press room (8:45 am-9:15 am on Tuesday)  LPAA at COP21 (Links to agenda): We’d also appreciate if you could contribute to Tweeting during the event. We’ve created this list of speakers and organizations by session. Please mention them in posts, share photos and interesting quotes. And remember, please use the tag #LPAA and #standwithforests in all posts. *Note that some speakers are not confirmed. Opening and Introduction (9:30–9:45)  HRH Charles (@ClarenceHouse), Prince of Wales  Manuel Pulgar-Vidal (@manupulgarvidal), Minister of Environment, Peru  Ségolène Royal (@RoyalSegolene), Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France Setting the Scene (9:45-10:00) 

Frances Seymour (@FrancesJSeymour), Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

Brazil: “From net sources to net sinks” (10:00-10:35)      

Moderator: Carlos Klink, Secretary for Climate Change and Environmental Quality, Ministry of the Environment, Brazil (@mmeioambiente) Izabella Teixeira, Minister of the Environment, Brazil (@mmeioambiente) Luciano Penido, Chairman, FIBRIA (@fibria_brasil) Gilberto Câmara, Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE) Jorge Viana (@JorgeVianaAcre), Senator, Brazilian State of Acre Gabriel Visconti, Deputy Director Official, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)/Amazon Fund (@bndes_imprensa)

Indonesia: Progress at Country Level (10:35-11:00) With a recurring forest fire problem, the government has stated to implement a forest policy in order to protect the country's natural resources and human health.

 Moderator: Wimar Witoelar, Founder, Intermatrix Communications  Siti Nurbaya Bakar (@SitiNurbayaLHK), Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia*  Awang Faroek Ishak, Governor, Province of East Kalimantan*  Suahasil Nazara, Head of Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sintesa Group and Vice-Chairwoman for Sustainability, KADIN (@sintesa_group)  Abdon Nabadan (@AbdonNababan), Secretary-General, AMAN Africa: Tackling Rural Poverty While Reducing Emissions from Forests This session will demonstrate the result of the association between Governments, sub-national governments and private sector. The objective is to eliminate deforestation from the production of agricultural commodities such as palm oil and cocoa.       

Moderator: Lerato Mbele (@BBCLerato), Presenter of BBC Africa Business Report, BBC World News Robert Bopolo Bogeza, Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (@Info_Congo) Harrison Karnwea, Managing Director of Forestry Development Authority, Liberia: Datuk Franki Anthony Dass, Managing Director of Plantation Division, Sime Darby Rémi Allah-Kouadio, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Côte d’Ivoire Hubert Weber, Executive Vice-President and President, Mondelez Europe (@MDLZ) Cécile Njebet, Co-chair of the REDD+ Platform for CSOs and Indigenous Peoples, Cameroon

Latin America: Showcasing Greater Ambition in Forests Through Collaborative Partnerships (12:05 – 12: 45) This session will show the commitments of Latin America's forest countries to tackle deforestation and to implement initiatives on the restoration of deforested and degraded lands.      

Moderator: Rosa Maria Vidal, Governors’ Climate & Forests Fund* Manuel Pulgar (@manupulgarvidal), Minister of Environment, Peru Indigenous Peoples Representative (from AIDESEP), Peru (@aidesep_org) Rolando de Barros Barreto, Minister Secretary of the Environment (SEAM), Paraguay (@Seam_Py) James Spalding, Director General, Itaipu, Paraguay (@itaipuparaguay) Gabriel Vallejo (@GabrielVallejoL), Minister of Environment and Development

Global Action (12:50 – 13:35) The panel will offer a vision for future collaborative action on development and protection of tropical forests. Major business commitments will be displayed.         

Moderator: Marisol Argueta de Barillas, Head of Latin America, World Economic Forum (@WEF_ES) Marc Bolland, CEO, Marks & Spencer (@marksandspencer), and vice co-chair, Consumer Good Forum (@CGF_The_Forum) Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim (@hindououmar), Coordinator, Co-Chair International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change Marco Lambertini (@WWF_DG), President, WWF International Makhtar Diop (@Diop_WB), Vice-President for the Africa Region, World Bank Group Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility (GEF) (@theGEF) Maria Helena Semedo (@MariaLenasemedo), Deputy Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (@FAOKnowledge) Kirstine Sundtoft (@TSundtoft), Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment Frank Ning, Chairman, China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO Group)

Closing Remarks 13:35 -13:45  Felipe Calderon (@FelipeCalderon), Former President, Mexico