Proscribed by Secretary of State Section 141.040, Texas Election Code 10/2011
La Jova l.S.D. School Board (name of political subdivision/party)
(Regular/Special/Primary) Electionballot may be tiled during the following time: (Circle one) (Seda avisopor la presente que las solicitudes para unlugaren la bolelade la Eleccion (Regular/Especial/Primaria) de (marcar una con circulo)
Physical address for filing applications in person for place on the ballot: (Direccion afisica parapresenlarlas solicitudes enpersonapara unlugar en la bolela) Central Administration Building Office of the Board ofTrustees Attn:
Irma Herrcra
200 West Expressway 83 La Jova, Texas 78560
Address to mail applications for place on the ballot (if filing hv mail): (Direcciona donde enviar las solicitudespara un lugar en la bolela (en caso de presenlarpor correo) Central Administration Building Office of the Board of Trustees Attn:
Irma Herrcra
200 West Expressway 83 La Joya, Texas 78560
_ l-speran/ii"Espie" Ochoa Printed Name of Filing Officer (Nombre en letra de molde del Oficialde Archives)
Signature ofFiling Officer (Firma del Oficial de Archivos)
made with the leaves of a plant, the vines that cover a wall, special soil that is created when rock is exposed to wind and rain, the appearance of gradually worn ...
74 Roll by DSIGNIO. 80 Play by DSIGNIO. 86 Core by DSIGNIO. 92 Kin ...... 28,5x24,7. C1. 10. 17,7. 84. B. D. H. Más información técnica: catálogo Argila.
las instrucciones de su etiqueta. Recubrimiento. • Aplique 3 o más capas medianas del producto mediante un trapeador para acabado limpio o los Sistemas ...
Sonido signature del gurú de la guitarra, Eric Clapton. Clapton's Choice 92/8 Phosphor Bronze. • ¿Qué tiene que decir Eric respecto a las cuerdas Martin?
FORTE is one of the largest European manufacturers of furniture for self-assembly. The furniture is created with passion by Polish and foreign designers.
DECORATING DIRECTIONS: 1. Stack four 8" round cake layers with icing or filling between each layer. 2. Measure Ariel Doll at the side of the stacked cake.
Stack four 8" round cake layers with icing or filling between each layer. 2. Measure Ariel Doll at the ... Structure. Back. Side 1. Side 2. Ariel Doll. Signature Cake.
14 dic. 2011 - When men hauled their own sleds or oven had dogs to pull their ... route will go to Mount Vang, then south to the Sweeney Mountains, west.
cido en el registro mercantil de la empresa. 3. Fecha de apertura de la cuenta (si se le proporcionó). 4. Número de cuenta. (si se le proporcionó). 7. Cargo que ocupan en la empresa los firmantes autorizados. EJEMPLO. La Tarjeta de Firmas es un docum
La temperatura, la humedad y la ventilación pueden afectar el tiempo de ... Recursos Atmosféricos de California (CARB) para el año 2011. Además, Signature® ...
comercial, con horarios definidos, registrada con la OAG (Official Airline Guide) en un viaje regular agendado, y administrada por un transportista comercial ...
montage-instruc es, het product goed te monteren of correct gebruik van het product. .... Under these Limited Warran es, for all of its products other than an Una ...
Very good knowledge of HR and payroll issues. • Excellent knowledge of labor law. • Very good knowledge of Excel. • Good knowledge of personnel and payroll ...
21 nov. 2016 - The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), has been established under Regulation (EU). 2016/1624 of 14 September 2016 (the ...
In production clusters, where throughput and efficiency of use are fundamental, it is important to be able to predict which system is more appropriate for an ...
6. Using tip #897, pipe Lemon Yellow #9537, Grass Green #17447, and Sky Blue #9526 drawers. 7. Using tip #32, pipe Lemon Yellow #9537 borders as shown.
Pídale que use cada palabra en una oración o demuestre sus significados. Vocabulario now (ahora) how (cómo) feel (sentir) him (a él) nod (inclinar la cabeza).
Por favor complete el siguiente formulario para incluir a cada bailarina dentro de la familia. Si su familia necesita ayuda financiera, por favor complete el ...
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Integrity Officer Central. El Comité Ejecutivo de Randstad Holding es el encargado de nombrar al Integrity Officer Central, que recibirá e investigará las ...