school health services guidelines to possess and self
prescription asthma medicine while on school property if: 1. The prescription asthma ... I understand that by law the medicine must have a prescription label on it.
SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES GUIDELINES TO POSSESS AND SELF-ADMINISTER PRESCRIPTION ASTHMA MEDICINE House Bill 1688 passed by the 17m Legislature allows a student with asthma to possess and self-administer prescription asthma medicine while on school property if: 1. The prescription asthma medicine has been prescribed for the student as indicated by the prescription label on the medicine; 2. The self-administration is done in compliance with the prescription or written instruction from the student's physician or other licensed health care provider; 3. A parent/guardian of the student provides to the school a written statement from the student's physician or other licensed health care provider, signed by the physician or provider that states: a. That the student has asthma and is capable of self- administering the prescription asthma medicine b. The name and purpose of the medicine c. The prescribed dosage for the medicine d. The time at which or circumstances under which the medicine may be administered e. The period for which the medicine is prescribed This form must be completed to allow your child to possess and self-administer prescription asthma medicine.
SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES PHYSICIAN STATEMENT I have prescribed the following asthma medicine for__________________________________________ Student’s Name
Name of medicine_____________________________________________________________________ Purpose of the medicine________________________________________________________________ Dosage______________________________________________________________________________ Time or circumstances of administration___________________________________________________ Time period for which the medicine is prescribed____________________________________________ The student IS or IS NOT capable of possessing and self-administering the above medication ( Circle One)
while on school property or at school related event or activity. Physician's Name Printed___________________________________
Phone __________________
Physician Signature_______________________________________ Date____________________ PARENT AUTHORIZATION I authorize my child,_________________________________________, to possess and self- administer prescription asthma medicine while on school property or at a school related event or activity in accordance with the above physician authorization. I understand that by law the medicine must have a prescription label on it. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ________________________________Date ____________________ STUDENT AGREEMENT I agree to use my prescription asthma medicine in accordance with the above physician statement and parent authorization and that I will ensure that other students do not have access to my medicine. I also agree to report to the school nurse/health aide if my symptoms are not relieved by my medicine. Student Signature ______________________________________ Date__________________________
ESCUELA DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD DIRECTRICES PARA POSEER Y AUTO ADMINISTRARSE MEDICAMENTOS PARA EL ASMA RECETA Proyecto de Ley 1688 aprobado por la Legislatura 17m permite a un estudiante con asma de poseer y auto administrarse medicamentos para el asma recetados, mientras que en la escuela si: 1. La prescripción de medicamentos para el asma se le ha recetado para el estudiante como se indica en la etiqueta del medicamento en la medicina; 2. La auto-administración se realiza en cumplimiento de la prescripción o instrucción por escrito del médico del estudiante u otro proveedor de cuidado de la salud; 3. Un padre / tutor del estudiante proporciona a la escuela una declaración escrita del médico del estudiante u otro proveedor de atención médica, firmada por el médico o proveedor que dice: a. Que el estudiante tiene asma y es capaz de auto-administración del medicamento para el asma recetados b. El nombre y el propósito de la medicina c. La dosis prescrita por la medicina d. El momento en que o las circunstancias bajo las cuales puede ser el medicamento que se administra e. El período para el cual se le recetó el medicamento Este formulario debe ser completado para permitir a su hijo a poseer y auto administrarse medicamentos para el asma recetados.
ESCUELA DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD DECLARACIÓN DEL MÉDICO Me han recetado el medicamento para el asma para los siguientes Nombre del Estudiante
Nombre del medicamento Propósito de la medicina Dosis Tiempo o las circunstancias de la administración de la medicina El estudiante es o no es capaz de poseer y auto-administración de la medicación anterior, mientras que en la escuela o en el evento relacionado con la escuela o actividad.. _____Si, _____No Nombre del Médico Impreso
Firma del médico
AUTORIZACION DE PADRES Autorizo a mi hijo,_________________________________________, de poseer y auto administrarse medicamentos para el asma recetados, mientras que en la escuela o en un evento relacionado con la escuela o actividad de acuerdo con la autorización médica anteriormente. Entiendo que por la ley del medicamento debe tener una etiqueta del medicamento sobre el mismo. Firma del padre / tutor legal ________________________________ Fecha ____________________
ACUERDO DEL ESTUDIANTE Estoy de acuerdo en usar mi medicamento para el asma recetados, de acuerdo con la declaración del médico por encima y por autorización de los padres y que se asegurará de que otros estudiantes no tienen acceso a las medicinas. También estoy de acuerdo que informe a la enfermera de la escuela / salud en el hogar si mis síntomas no se alivian con mi medicina. Firma del estudiante ______________________________________ Fecha __________________________
Annual Student Health Information 2018-2019 ... child's campus of any changes with your child's health status during the school ... administration, diabetes management/care, asthma management/care, severe ... I _____do or_____ do not wish to receive
ALERGIAS A MEDICACIONES: Alergia al colorante rojo. Alergia al látex. No puede tragar pastillas. Por favor marque Cuál de las siguientes medicaciones ...
Nivel de Ingresos*. *Los rangos de ganancias son del Conda- do de Suffolk, MA. Los datos son basados en las tablas AMI del 14/5/17 de HUD. Es capaz de.
Annual Student Health Information. 2017-2018. Please notify the nurse/clinic assistant on your child's campus of any changes with your child's health status ...
French-Canadian students from a junior college (N = 498) com- pleted the Academic ... ty, 1205 Dr. Penfield Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1. 607.
6 may. 2015 - Golden West High School Gymnasium. Dear Parents and Student Athlete: Sports physicals will be provided on Thursday, May 19thh, for all ...
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by TB germs and is usually transmitted by an adult person with active TB lung ... Place a mark in the appropriate box: Yes.
¿Estás de mal humor? ESTEBAN: Sí, mis padres me vuelven loco. Estoy castigado y dicen que no puedo salir ni jugar juegos electrónicos. AMELIA: ¿Por qué?
The guidance counselor will then alert the student's teachers via e-mail and will assist in academic accommodations. a.) The ATC and school Nurse will be cc'd ...
13 jul. 2015 - los estudiantes, padres, profesores, comunidad y escuelas de educación ... Los puntos de calificación de la escuela preparatoria asignados a ...
Notice — DC, New York, and Georgia residents only: Unless tax exempt number is added to order, New York and Georgia state law require us to collect sales ...
If your child has an emergency and emergency services (e.g. 911) are called, what is your choice of hospital for treatment? Note: Hospital choice may not be an ...
procedures are in accordance with the rules (WACS) of the State Board of Education. If your child develops a life-threatening condition during the year, it is vital ...
Your child has been identified as having a Life-Threatening Condition. As you prepare for next school year, please take a few minutes to review the enclosed ...
12 ago. 2019 - August 27th Kinder, 4th-5th, and Special Day Class. Please see the âwebsite calendarâ for schedule details. Orientación para Estudiantes. Y.
who commit intimate partner violence are not inhibited by the moral ... moral absolutism leads to a moral licensing effect in such a way that feelings of moral.
A randomized controlled trial examined the growth and form of multidimensional self-esteem over a 12-month period (6-month exercise intervention and ...
National Pork Board • P.O. Box 9114 • Des Moines, Iowa 50306 USA • Phone: (515) ...... Administración Nacional de Bioseguridad de la Universidad de Purdue.