Saturday, February 28, 2015

into the Handlery Hotel and Resort parking. From Downtown. Take 163 North to I-8 West; Follow I-8 West; Use the Hotel Circle exit and veer left at the stop sign.
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32nd Annual

Involved Exceptional Parents’ Day Conference for parents of children with special needs and the professionals who work with them

Circles of Support—Families, Communities and Providers


32a congreso anual día de padres exceptionales involucrados

para padres de niños con necesidades especiales y los profesionales que trabajan con ellos

Círculos de apoyo—familias, comunidades y proveedores

Saturday, February 28, 2015 Handlery Hotel Mission Valley, San Diego CA


858-576-2966 English 619-336-6600 Español

Workshops in Spanish Talleres en Español


Registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch and conference materials. El costo incluye desayuno continental, almuerzo y todos los materiales necesarios.

Childcare will not be provided. Please do not bring children. El cuidado de niños no será proporcionado. Por favor dejen sus niños en casa.

Parking Fee is $5 for the day, Sorry, no in and out. El costo del estacionamiento es de $5 por dia. No puede salir durante el dia.

Conference Schedule/Horario de las Conferencias 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Exhibits/Recursos 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Registration, Continental Breakfast, Resource Fair, Networking Inscripción, Desayuno Continental, Recursos, Redes

8:30 a.m


9:30 a.m.

Resource Fair, Networking/Recursos, Redes

9:30 a.m.


9:50 a.m.

Welcome and Introductions/Bienvenida e Introducción

10:00 a.m. -

11:30 a.m. Concurrent Workshops A/Talleres Simultáneos A

11:30 a.m. -

1:00 p.m.

Lunch, Resource Fair, Networking/Almuerso, Recursos y Redes

1:00 p.m.


2:30 p.m.

Concurrent Workshops B/Talleres Simultáneos B

2:30 p.m.


2:40 p.m.


2:40 p.m.


4:10 p.m.

Concurrent Workshops C/Talleres Simultáneos C

4:10 p.m.


4:30 p.m.

Wrap-Up/Sesión de Despedida

10 a. m. - 1 1 : 3 0 a. m . ~ C o n cu r r e n t Wor ks h op s / Ta lle r e s Simultáneo s


PROGRAMA DE EDUCACIÓN INDIVIDUALIZADA (IEP)—EPASO GENERAL** Marta V. Leyva, M.A.............................................................................ESCUELA PRIMARIA-SECUNDARIA Los participantes aprenderán sobre la importancia del IEP y el impacto que puede tener un IEP apropiado en la educación de sus hijos. Los temas que serán repasados: organización del expediente; las evaluaciones; el borrador del IEP y participación de los padres.


TRANSITION IFSP TO IEP Amy Ostrowski................................................................................................EARLY START-ELEMENTARY Parents and professionals will gain an understanding of the transition process from IFSP’s to IEP’s and the timelines followed by regional center and the school district. You will leave with tools to help transition from early start to the school district with less stress and also to build a positive relationship with the IEP team.


DEVELOP A VISION OF THE FUTURE (PREPARATION FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, INCLUDING COLLEGE) Sandra Assimotos McElwee................................................................................EARLY START-ELEMENTARY Learn how to prepare for school inclusion by becoming familiar with the law, learning how to be involved in their schools and districts, understanding who need to be present at the IEP, home to school communication, and introducing their child to their typical peers. Parents will create an outline of a book they can use to introduce their child to their typical peers.


JOURNEY THROUGH ADOLESCENCE Delia Lopez....................................................................................................ELEMENTARY-HIGH SCHOOL This presentation will provide parents with basic information about the changes that puberty and adolescence bring to every child. The information is intended to help participants feel more comfortable and confident as they help their children navigate the transition from childhood to adulthood, promoting independence, personal safety, healthy lifestyles, healthy relationships and social inclusion.


UNDERSTANDING IHSS: FROM ELIGIBILITY TO THE NEED TO KNOW NUANCES* Allan Roth; Erin Minelli.............................................................................................................................ALL Learn about In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) and how it can assist families of children with special needs. The presentation will cover the basics of IHSS and help participants understand eligibility, the application process, needs assessment, the benefits of the IHSS program and common legal concerns.

(*) Workshops A5, B5 and C5 are in English. Spanish translation will be provided. Los talleres A5, B5 y C5 serán presentados en inglés, pero la traducción española será proporcionada. (**) Workshop A1, B1 and C1 presented in SPANISH ONLY. El taller A1, B1 y C1 será presentados solamente en ESPAÑOL.

1 p . m. - 2 : 3 0 p . m . ~ C o n c u r r e n t Wor ks h op s / Ta lle r e s Sim ultáneo s


PREVENCIÓN DE LA INTIMIDACIÓN** Delia Lopez..................................................................................................................TODAS LAS EDADES Un taller sobre prevención de bullying dirigido. Se hablara sobre la dinámica de la intimidación, que se puede hacer para ayudar a los niños a hacer frente a esta situación. Se incluirá información acerca del papel de la escuela, las leyes y pólizas, y estrategias de prevención de bullying.


EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE: 20 YEARS OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION STUDIES Sandra Assimotos McElwee.......................................................................................................................ALL Research has consistently demonstrated that the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classroom results in favorable outcomes—for all students. This is the story of Sean McElwee’s pioneering inclusion that resulted in transforming his elementary school to be inclusive.


HOMEWORK HOTLINE: TOOLS TO HELP ADAPT AND COMPLETE MEANINGFUL HOMEWORK LESSONS Andrew Gilbert; Emily Dolton..........................................................................ELEMENTARY-HIGH SCHOOL Learn steps for a stress-reduced evening of homework including setting up the work/study area, snacks, movement breaks, and incentives. Also includes making homework meaningful for YOUR child, adapting project-based homework to YOUR child’s abilities, and speaking with teaching staff about how to make homework less of a battle at home.

b4 b5

ASSESSMENTS AND THE IEP PROCESS: PULLING THE PIECES TOGETHER Seth Schwartz.....................................................................................EARLY ELEMENTARY-HIGH SCHOOL A discussion about assessments in the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) process, the law, and the basics of interpreting and utilizing assessments to strengthen your child’s educational program. An educational psychologist and a speech/language therapist will address specific assessment questions. SIBLING PANEL*(Jody Bondurant-Strong, Facilitator)................................................................................ALL Being the sibling of a person with a disability is sometimes challenging and sometimes rewarding. Hear from siblings about the way they feel and the issues they face. Questions welcome.

2 : 40 p. m . - 4 : 1 0 p . m . ~ C on cu r r e n t Wor ks h op s / Ta lle r e s Simultáneo s

c1 c2

FLORECIENTE COMO UNA FAMILIA** Daniel O’Sullivan, IMFT; Rocio Ocampo-Gianocola, MFT; Suzanne Goh, M.D.......................TODAS LAS EDADES Un taller para el cultivo de nuevas posibilidades para la salud y el bienestar en la familia de un niño con necesidades especiales. BEYOND THE DIAGNOSTIC LABEL: TREATING THE SYMPTOMS INSTEAD OF THE DISORDER Thomas R. Montgomery, M.D.; Karyn Lewis-Searcy, M.A., CCC-SLP..............................................................ALL Often treatments are determined based on a diagnosis and not on the individualized needs of the child. This presentation will review a variety of treatment options and criteria to consider when selecting appropriate treatments and programs.


BEHAVIORAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES: WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS AND HOW DO YOU CHOOSE? Lauren Elder, Ph.D...................................................................................................................................ALL There are many different behavioral and psychological services available to support individuals with disabilities. Trying to choose between the many different models (e.g. ABA, CBT, PRT, RDI) can be overwhelming! This presentation will be a practical guide to the best options out there, and how to choose what’s right for the child in your life.


RAISING RESILIENT CHILDREN: HOW FAMILIES OVERCOME OBSTACLES Rienzi Haytasingh, Psy.D., ABSNP..............................................................................................................ALL Learn about the most current research regarding overcoming obstacles faced by many who are raising children with disabilities. Case studies as well as research will help the audience walk away feeling knowledgeable and empowered, and with knowledge that will allow you to maximize your child’s resiliency to achieving.


BE SAFE: HOW TO INTERACT SAFELY WITH POLICE* Emily Iland, M.A.............................................................................................. HIGH SCHOOL AND ADULT Many individuals with developmental disabilities have unsafe or disastrous encounters with law enforcement. This presentation focuses on how to teach safe behaviors for interacting with police. We will identify key safety skills, practical strategies and resources to create a safe circle of support so that every teen and adult can be more independent and safe in the community.

San Diego Regional Center

San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc. 4355 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 576-2996

Conference Sponsors

Patrocinadores de la Conferencia California State Council on Developmental Disabilities Regional Office XIII Community Interface Services Crimson Treatment and Research Center Down Syndrome Assn of San Diego Exceptional Family Resource Center Foundation for Developmental Disabilities Elizabeth McCoy, Attorney at Law San Diego Family Magazine San Diego Regional Center San Diego Unified School District Special Ed Division & Community Advisory Committee Southern California Housing Collaborative The Arc of San Diego Valerie’s List

For 32 years, parents and professionals have participated in this unique, one day conference. Share the opportunity to learn in a collaborative environment at San Diego’s annual Involved Exceptional Parents’ Day. Please join us! Por 32 años, padres y profesionales han participado en este tan especial congreso de todo un día. Le invitamos a compartir la oportunidad de aprender en un ambiente de colaboración en el Congreso 2015.

Directions/Direcciones Handlery Hotel 950 Hotel Circle No. San Diego CA 92108

From Interstates 805, 163 & 15 Take 8 West to Hotel Circle North; Turn left at stop sign; Turn right into the Handlery Hotel and Resort parking From Freeway 5 (San Diego International/Lindbergh Field) Take 8 East to 2nd Hotel Circle North Exit; Turn left at stop sign; Follow road back under freeway to North Side; Go through two signals and one stop sign; Turn right into the Handlery Hotel and Resort parking From Downtown Take 163 North to I-8 West; Follow I-8 West; Use the Hotel Circle exit and veer left at the stop sign Desde las autopistas 805, 163 y 15 Tome la autopista 8 West (oeste) y salga en Hotel Circle North; Dé vuelta a la izquierda en el semáforo; Dé vuelta a la derecha de inmediato en el estacionamiento del hotel Handlery Desde la autopista 5 (a la altura del aeropuerto internacional Lindbergh Field) Tome la autopista 8 East (este) hasta la segunda salida de Hotel Circle North; Dé vuelta a la izquierda en el semáforo; Siga por el camino bajo el puente hacia el otro lado de la autopista (lado norte); Pase dos semáforos y una señal de alto; Dé vuelta a la derecha de inmediato en el estacionamiento del hotel Handlery Desde el centro de la ciudad Tome la autopista 163 North (norte) hasta la autopista 8 West (oeste); Continúe por la 8 West; Salga en Hotel Circle y de vuelta a la izquierda en la señal de alto; Dé vuelta a la derecha de inmediato en el estacionamiento del hotel Handlery

Registration Form/Forma de Registro IEP Day ~ February 28, 2015 Please return this form along with your payment by 2/23/15. Por favor, adjunte el pago con la forma de registro antes del 2/23/15. Make checks payable to: IEP Day and mail to: Extienda el cheque: IEP Day y mándelo a: San Diego Regional Center, C.S. Dept., Attn: Barbie Lynch, 4355 Ruffin Road, #104, San Diego CA 92123

Print Legibly/Escriba Claramente

Submit a separate form for each attendee and complete all information. If you have questions contact Barbie Lynch at 858-576-2966 or (Español: Sonia Griffin, 619-336-6600, If you need special accommodations, please contact Michele Geving at 619-688-3323 no later than 2/13/15. Complete toda la información requerida en ésta hoja. Por favor, haga una copia de ésta hoja para cada persona que se registre. Si necesita arreglos especiales o tiene preguntas, por favor deje un mensaje al 619-336-6600 antes del 2/13/15.

Name/Nombre __________________________________________________________________________ Agency/Agencia __________________________________________________________________________ Address/Dirección __________________________________________________________________________ City/Ciudad _______________________ St/Est _____ Zip/Cod Postal _____________________________ Daytime Phone/Telefono Dia ( )____________________ E-mail: __________________________________ Primary Language/Lenguaje Primario ________________

Payment Information/Informacion del Pago

 Online Registration/registro en línea ~    Check Enclosed/Cheque Incluido  $48    I would like to sponsor another parent to attend this conference ($48 or extra amount enclosed):__________    Scholarship (funded by)/Beca (patrocinada por): _________________________________________________  San Diego Regional Center funded: Client Name/Cliente Nombre: ______________________________________________________________ Service Coordinator/Coordinador de servicios: ________________________________________________ Important! If you receive a scholarship and you DO NOT ATTEND, you will be billed $25. ¡Importante! ¡Si ústed recibe una beca y NO ASISTE, se le cobrará $25! NO REFUNDS for no-shows or cancellations received after 2/20/15. No habra reembolsos por cancelaciones recibidas despues del 2/20/15 o por no presentarse.  IEP Day reserves the right to use photos or videos taken at the conference for print and web Workshop/Lunch Selection/Preferencia de publication. Please check here if you do not want your photo to be taken. El Día de IEP reserva el Talleres/Almuerzo derecho de usar fotos o vídeos tomados en la st nd Please provide your 1 & 2 choices for each time slot: Por favor escoja su conferencia para publicación de web y letra. Por seleccion #1 o #2 y marquela en el espacio: favor marque aquí si no desea que su foto para ser A_______ A_______ tomado. st nd (1 choice/opción) (2 choice/opción) Space is limited and workshops fill up quickly. Every effort will be made to B_______ B_______ st nd assign your first choices, however, room sizes are limited and conference (1 choice/opción) (2 choice/opción) choices will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. El espacio es C_______ C_______ limitado y los talleres se llenan rapidamente. De cualquier manera, se (1st choice/opción) (2nd choice/opción) hara cualquier esfuerzo para asignarle su primera opción, el espacio de los salones es limitado y las opciones de clases seran asignadas en el orden LUNCH/ALMUERZO: Turkey/Pavo en que lleguen, quien llegue primero se le atendero primero. Vegetarian/Vegetariano

Scholarship Information: Some scholarships are available for this conference. Please check with your school district or organizations you are affiliated with. For a partial list of those who may provide scholarships visit

Información de la beca: Hay un número limitado de

becas para el congreso. Por favor pregunte a su distrito escolar o a las organizaciones que colaboran con su familia. Para una lista parcial de las agencias que le pueden proporcionar una beca, por favor visite

32 n

Involved Exceptional Parents’ Day Conference



Circles of Support—Families, Communities and Providers



32a Congreso Anual Día del Padre Involucrado Excepcional

Círculos de apoyo—familias, comunidades y proveedores

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Handlery Hotel Mission Valley, San Diego CA