Risk of Fraud in Financial Institutions
June 22, 2018 Mexico City
22 June | 10:00 am - 6:00 pm 23 June | 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
CHRISTIAMS VALLE JEFE DE PREVENCIÓN DE RIESGO OPERACIONAL TELEFÓNICA PERÚ Leader with over 25 years of experience in Operational Risk, Risk and Fraud Prevention, Project Management, and Transformation Processes in the digital era. Graduated in Business Administration and holds an MBA from EUDE Business School. For the last 17 years of professional activity he has served in the Telecommunications industry, being in charge of commercial projects, the Operational Risk department, and directly participating in cross-cutting projects of digital transformation. Christiams is an international speaker, specializing on Operational Risk and Fraud in Telecommunications. Over the last 6 years he has participated in more than 15 international events related to the Telecommunications industry. Currently he serves as Head of Operational Risk Prevention in Telefónica of Peru. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is addressed to all professionals directly or indirectly linked to the commercial process activities; that is to say, it includes all officials from the ones that have the product creation responsibility to those that maintain a close link with the commercialization chain, despite the role they play in their companies. OBJECTIVE: The goal is to provide all participants with the knowledge and skills required to facilitate the development of strategies, allowing them to be prepared for establishing an appropriate risk management framework in the commercial processes of a business that will enable executives and employees to take in risks in the decision making process, which will be align with the achievement of strategic objectives, taking into account the commercial process as one of the business main axes. TOPICS: •
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Basics. - What is a Fraud? - Most common kinds of banking Fraud. § Loss or Theft of Cards. § Duplicate or Skimming. § Data theft. § Identity impersonation. § Change of Identity. § Internal Fraud. - The sequence of a Fraud. Main Fraud indicators in the region. The appropriate environment for the Fraud, external and internal agents. The profile and motivations of the Fraudster. Safe processes, control mechanisms against Fraud. Key Risk Indicators / Red Flags against Fraud. Implementing a Risk of Fraud matrix. Hands-on exercise for building a matrix. Using technology as an ally against Fraud. Successful cases using biometrics, digital contracts, etc. Conclusions.
PRICE: $18,000.00 Mexican Pesos + Tax (16%)
REQUIREMENTS • Graduated from an economic and/or administrative career. • Preferably working in Financial Institutions. • Participants should bring a laptop.
DURATION: 16 hours (2 Sessions) VENUE: JW Marriott Santa Fe Hotel
Avenida Santa Fe 160 Col. La Fe Santa Fe, México, CDMX.
PAYMENT METHODS: 1. Bank Transfer in US Dollars (Foreign Institutions) BANK: BBVA Bancomer BRANCH NUMBER: 0956 SWIFT: BCMRMXMM BENEFICIARY: RiskMathics, S.C. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0121 8000 11 0583 0066 2. Credit Card: VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS.
Registration E-mail:
[email protected] Telephone: +52 (55) 5638 0367 +52 (55) 5669 4729