2018 May / June | Mayo / Junio
“Reading Takes You Everywhere!” 2 0 1 8 S U M M E R READING PROGRAM: SA VE T HE DA T E
Saturday, June 9th, 11AM-2PM. Summer Lunches / Summer Reading Kick Off event. Face Painting! Food! Games! Prizes! Fun for the whole family!
Monday, June 4th- Saturday, July 28th.
This year’s summer reading theme is all about how reading transports you to different places. Participants can pick up their passport reading logs starting on Monday, June 4th. Read to win prizes to your favorite museums, restaurants, and more! All ages. Register at the reference desk or children’s desk starting June 4th. S U M M E R LU N C H E S
Monday through Friday June 4th through July 27th, 12-1PM. We will provide free lunches to youth up to age 18.
All are invited to our Celebration Luau on Saturday, July 28th,12PM. Special performance by Aloha Chicago.
Oscar Arellano |
[email protected] | 708.388.1078 x30 U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .
his summer the BLUE ISLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY will again be providing lunches to youth up to age 18 during the months of June and July. We are expanding this service to 5 days/week and are looking for adult volunteers willing and able to spend an hour or so from noon to 1 pm one to two days/week, handing out meals and monitoring activity in the room. There will be training and a background check. This program is possible through the Illinois State Board of Education and the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Interested individuals should contact Colleen Waltman at (708) 388-1078 or
[email protected]
@ The Library All the Time
Stitching Space!
Wednesday, May 2nd & Wednesday, June 6th, 5PM. Bring your own needlework, crochet, knit, latchhook, or sewing project, or you can try something we have available here. We can help each other through project blocks, learn new tips or tricks, or you can just use this time to finally get done the projects you keep putting off! All skill levels welcome! EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS:
‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes
Oscar Arellano |
[email protected] | 708.388.1078 x30 U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .
Learn How to Make a Balloon Photo Frame Job Skills Workshop: Resume Writing
Wednesday, May 9th, 11 AM. Learn how to make your resume stand out to employers. Aunt Martha’s Work Force Development team will teach participants how to create and perfect their resumes.
Job Skills Workshop: Marketing Yourself
Wednesday, May 16th, 11 AM. Learn how to market yourself in interviews and cover letters. Aunt Martha’s Work Force Development team will teach participants how to professionally market themselves.
Young Adults @ The Library All the Time
Monday, May 21st, 6:30PM. Take party pictures in this balloon photo frame that you can make yourself. Registration is required. Register online or at the reference desk.
Thursday, June 7th, 11AM. Create a glitter garden butterfly with a 3D print and glitter glue for your beautiful garden!
iMovie Basics
Tuesday, May 22nd, 11AM. Are you interested in movie editing? Come and learn the basics of iMovie.
Crochet Owl Basket
Every Friday, May 25 through June 8th, 3PM. Learn to make a crochet owl basket. Registration on website required. 3 sessions required. Space limited.
Illinois’ Most Haunted Locations
Tuesday, June 19th, 7 PM. Join Chad Lewis for a presentation that will take the audience on a ghostly journey to some of the most haunted places in the state. It covers the entire state, from wandering ghosts in the North Woods, to a haunted B&B in Springfield.
Micah Rademacher |
[email protected] | 708.388.1078 x31 U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M A K E R S PA C E .
Creative Nonsense
Every Monday, 6-8PM. Teen Open Studio. Be a part of ongoing effort to produce a library “zine”, or work on your own stuff. With art supplies purchased through a grant from the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation, we draw, write, paint, print, or other . . . creative nonsense.
Movie and a Pizza Night
Last Thursday of every month (5/31, 6/28),
Cut-Bottle Planters
Thursday, May 3rd, 5-6PM. Make a selfwatering planter out of a cut bottle, some screening, and some string. All supplies, including succulent plant cuttings, included. Space limited to 10. Priority given to YA patrons.
Seed Bombs!
Garden Glitter Butterflies
Two sessions! Monday, May 14th, and Monday, May 21st, 5:30-6PM. Clay, soil, and seeds! That’s all you need to make a seed bomb. Let it set, and then let it
6-8PM. As the title suggests – come eat some pizza and watch a movie. Come early, and help us decide which film to screen. Don’t forget to check out a book on your way out!
Carving Club
First Monday of every month (5/7, 6/4), 5PM. Test run at a maker group focused on carving. Use our tools and supplies or bring your own. Space limited.
fly into an abandoned lot or other public space in need of a little green. Nature will do the rest. All ages welcome. Children under 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
ones we have hanging in the makerspace, or something simpler if you are so inclined. Space limited to 10. Priority given to teen patrons.
Guerilla Gardening - Seed Bombs!
Thursday, June 7th, 6:30PM. Make a little felt doll with button eyes and a creepy demeanor. If you’ve read the Youth Book Talk book of the month, you’ll know what bit of spookiness we’re going for . . . Space limited to 10. Priority given to teen and youth patrons.
Thursday, May 24th, 5:30PM. For a slightly more mature crowd . . . Clay, soil, and seeds! That’s all you need to make a seed bomb. Let it set, and then let it fly into an abandoned lot or other public space in need of a little green. Nature will do the rest. Priority given to YA patrons.
Thursday, June 7th, 4PM. Maker session with Papier-mâché. Make a fish like the EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS:
“Other Mother” Dolls
3D Print With TinkerCad
Wednesday, June 20th, 3:30PM. Learn basic 3D modeling with TinkerCad and 3D print your own keychain!
‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes
Deborah Beasley |
[email protected] | 708.388.1078 x22 U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .
@ The Library All the Time Family Friendly Friday Movies
Preschool Storytime
Board Game Madness
Blue Island Children’s Books Club Discussion
Blue Island Children’s Books Club Discussion
Leftover Crafts with Ms. Kassandra
Fridays, May 4th through June 29th, 3PM. All movies are rated G or PG. All adults must be accompanied by a child. Please check the library website calendar of events for movie listings.
Thursday, May 17th, 5:30PM. Kids are welcome to join us to discuss the book, “Heck: Where the bad kids go” by Dale E. Basye, Copies of the book will be available at the circulation desk.
All Ages
Every Wednesday, May 9th through June 27th, 10AM. Kids will enjoy an hour of enriching songs, and stories. For ages 1to 3.
Thursday, June 21st, 5:30PM. Kids can meet up to discuss the newest YS Book Club Book, “Coraline” by Neil Gaiman. Copies of the book will be available at the circulation desk.
Monday through Thursday, May 1st through June 28th, Kids can play board games, puzzles, coloring crafts, Legos and more, in the Children’s Department.
Every Tuesday, May 1st through June 26th, 6PM. Kids can random crafts from our leftover stockpile this summer.
Lunchtime Crafts
Mondays through Fridays, All of June, in the Children’s Department.
Oscar Arellano|
[email protected] | 708.388.1078 x30 U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .
@ The Library All the Time Design | Tips & Software Tutorials
APPOINTMENT ONLY. Ages 12+. Ever wanted to design a flyer, or a book cover, or poster? Well, this program’s focus is to expose you to some design principles and get you trained in design software. Lock in your time now!
Songwriters Circle: Weekly Meet-Up
Every Tuesday, 6PM. A weekly gathering for anyone interested in songwriting: get to know other songwriters, discuss a variety of topics related to songwriting, and get hands-on experience crafting, sharing, and critiquing songs.
Blizzard Hearthstone: Fireside Gathering
9:30AM-4:30PM. Join the library, in the electronic card game Hearthstone with a Fireside Gathering and celebrate some friendly competition! (Laptop or Smart Device Required.)
Microsoft Word Clinic
Monday, May 14th, 6-7PM. Ages 12+. Microsoft Word got you frustrated? Come to our free clinic to get the support you need. Register online.
Saturday, May 12th & Saturday, June 16th,
Makerspace Tours and Orientation
Take fifteen minutes out of your regularly scheduled routine to let us show you around the BIPL Makerspace and orient you to what it has to offer you in tools and materials. ALL AGES WELCOME! EVENT CODES / CÓDIGOS DE EVENTOS:
Tour and Orientation start at 3PM on the following dates: Wed, May 23rd Tue, May 29th Fri, Jun 8th Thu, Jun 14th
‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes
All Ages
Oscar Arellano|
[email protected] | 708.388.1078 x30 U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .
Cinco De Mayo Loteria Game
Thriving Artist Series: Mail Chimp Tuesday, May 1st, 7PM. Learn how to use Mail Chimp to create and manage your email lists and create visually appealing email campaigns to keep in touch with others.
En Español @ La Biblioteca Todo el Tiempo
Thursday, May 3rd, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Come to play loteria in the library. Prizes for the winners! Optional: Bring a Mexican snack to share during the game.
Family Feud Style Trivia
Thursday, May 17, 3PM. Join us for some family fun trivia in the style of Family Feud. Sign up with a team of up to 5, or sign up individually to be placed on a team.
U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E I N D I C AT E D , E V E N T S TA K E P L A C E I N T H E L O W E R L E V E L — M E E T I N G R O O M .
¡Ven a Tejer con Nosotros!
Todos los miércoles, 6 de Junio al 25 de Julio, 12-2PM. Ven a aprender a tejer bolsos en una variedad de tamaño, estilos y colores. Desde
Jueves, 3 de Mayo, 11:30AM-12:30PM. Viste tú traje mexicano o los colores de la bandera y ven a jugar lotería a la biblioteca. ¡Habrá premios para el ganador! Opcional: Traer aperitivo mexicano para compartir mientras juegas.
La Obscuridad a la grandeza: Illinois y Lincoln,1830 A 1861
2433 York St., Blue Island, IL 60406
[email protected] 708.388.1078 | blueislandlibrary.org Monday - Thursday : 9AM-9PM Friday & Saturday : 9AM-5PM
un pequeño monedero hasta bolsos para la playa. Principiantes y tejedoras avanzadas son bienvenidas. No inscripción requerida. Instructora C. Martinez.
Jueves, 10 de Mayo, 10AM. Kevin Wood representa en primera persona a Abraham Lincoln vestido de época, habla al público sobre su propia vida y momentos, en particular sobre sus años en Illinois. Será una forma divertida de aprender sobre la historia de los EE.UU. Este evento es producido en parte por Illinois Humanities Road Scholars Speaker Bureau.
Social Media:
May 28th, Memorial Day
Tuesday, June 5th, 7PM. Learn how to use Todoist to capture, track, schedule and complete your most important todos across all of your creative projects.
Sonia Rodriguez |
[email protected] | 708.388.1078 x18
Cinco De Mayo Juego De Loteria
Scheduled Closing:
Thriving Artist Series: Todoist
facebook.com/BlueIslandPublicLibrary blue-island-ya.tumblr.com/ youtube.com/BlueIslandLibrary
Director Colleen Waltman
[email protected] Adult Reference / Technical Services
[email protected] Children’s Services Deborah Beasley
[email protected]
Circulation Dave Boras
[email protected] Hispanic Outreach Sonia Rodriguez
[email protected] Programming / Social Media Oscar Arellano
[email protected] Tech Annex / Blue Island History Museum
[email protected] Young Adult Services Micah Rademacher
[email protected]
‘A’=adult / adulto, ‘C’=children / niños, ‘G’ all ages / todas las edades, ‘YA’ young adult, teen / adultos jóvenes, adolescentes