Please come join us for our Kindergarten Tea!

We will share important information and tips to help you prepare your child for kindergarten!! Tuesday, June 5, 2018. 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.. P.S. 13 Auditorium.
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The New York City Department of Education 

THE MARGARET L. LINDEMEYER SCHOOL   Public School 13  191 Vermont Ave    Staten Island, NY 10305  Phone 718-447-1462  Fax 718-447-8681

Paul Martuccio​ Principal


Stephanie Fremer

​Assistant Principal

The ​B​est You Can ​B​e” 

Danielle Nola    Assistant Principal

Valerie Panzella  Assistant Principal   

Please come join us for our Kindergarten Tea! We will share important information and tips to help you prepare your child for kindergarten!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. P.S. 13 Auditorium (doors will open at 2:50 pm)

The New York City Department of Education 

THE MARGARET L. LINDEMEYER SCHOOL   Public School 13  191 Vermont Ave    Staten Island, NY 10305  Phone 718-447-1462  Fax 718-447-8681

Paul Martuccio​ Principal


Stephanie Fremer ​Assistant Principal

The ​B​est You Can ​B​e” 

Danielle Nola    Assistant Principal

Valerie Panzella  Assistant Principal   

Por favor únase a nosotros para nuestro ¡Té de Kindergarten! Compartiremos información importante y consejos para ayudarlo a preparar a su hijo para el kindergarten !!

Martes, 5 de junio de 2018 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. P.S. 13 ​Auditorio (las puertas se abrirán a las 2:50 p.m.) 

  The New York City Department of Education 

THE MARGARET L. LINDEMEYER SCHOOL   Public School 13  191 Vermont Ave    Staten Island, NY 10305  Phone 718-447-1462  Fax 718-447-8681

Paul Martuccio​ 校长


Stephanie Fremer ​副校长

Danielle Nola  副校长

The ​B​est You Can ​B​e” 


Valerie Panzella  副校长

请来参加我们的幼儿园茶会! 我们将分享重要信息和建议, 帮助您和您的孩子为幼儿园做好准备!

2018年6月5日,星期二 下午3点至3点30分 13小学礼堂 (校门将在下午2点50分开放)