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offered a job in the number one market in the country, WWOR-TV in New York. ... libreros estan llenos de premios y trofeos, incluyendo 30 Emmy Awards.
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Pete Fuentes A native of dusty West Texas, Pete grew up in a town that fostered both family and dreams, Balmorhea Texas, population 200 (plus or minus). Pete’s long journey from West Texas began in the U.S. Army, and a posting as different from West Texas as night is from day; Anchorage, Alaska. But it was in the army that Pete discovered a career in broadcasting as a member of the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service and was named Billboard Magazine’s 1974 Air Personality of the Year. After discharge, Pete’s career continued to flower. Paying his dues back in Texas at KOSA-TV Odessa, KTSM-TV El Paso, KIII-TV in Corpus Cristi, and then in California at KSBW-TV Salinas and KCRA-TV Sacramento. Pete was then offered a job in the number one market in the country, WWOR-TV in New York. While at Channel 9 Pete won multiple Emmys for his Feature work. In 1999, Pete Fuentes joined FOX 6 news as Special Projects Director/Reporter. Pete’s impressive achievements at FOX 6 include 18 San Diego Emmys, and as head of Special Projects, Pete's unit has garnered more than 40 local Emmys. Since joining our family Pete also won 12 Golden Mikes, 4 RTNDA Murrow Award, plus top honors in the Society of Professional Journalists, and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists competitions. California Chicano News Media Association and San Diego Press Club Competition.

1405 Savoy Circle  San Diego, Ca 92107

Pete Fuentes 619 222 1198 [email protected] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:

Fuentes Consulting: For more than 30 years Pete Fuentes was a fixture on Television on the national and local level. That translates into someone who can manage a team of professionals in the media world. Pete is the IDEA MAN. He can take a concept, and bring that idea to life. Pete is helping train employees, and helping companies market their brand.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Winner: 23 Individual Emmy Awards for excellence in Broadcast News Features, and Investigative Reports. Other awards include Edward R. Murrow awards, Golden Mike awards, Associated Press broadcast news awards, and National Association of Hispanic Journalists honors.


Broadcast News Consultant

San Diego, California Jan 2008 to Present

 Trained more than 500 Televisa employees in Mexico. Achieved significant improvements in their productivity.  Develop unique solutions to otherwise unsolvable problems. Able to execute business models under the most challenging situations.  Manage news organizations to excel to new levels of performance, quality, and achieve record ratings, and revenues.

Broadcast News Affiliates

San Diego, and New York City Sept. 1987 to Dec. 2007

 Fox 6 News San Diego, California. Special projects director, and producer. Proven record of ratings success, led Fox 6 News to the number one news status in the San Diego Market. A major contributor to the company's 100 plus awards during his tenure.  WWOR-TV New York City. News Reporter, Contributed to two Emmys for best newscast in New York City. Captured multiple individual Emmys, and Associated Press awards for outstanding achievement in news.


Poynter Institute, Graduate “Power Reporting” 1995 NPPA Graduate “Photojournalism Seminar” 1986 Frank Magid Associates “Writing Seminar” 1990

PETE FUENTES, IMPACTA CON SU TRABAJO Publicado por El Diario Latino, San Diego, California Como periodista, Pete Fuentes busca informar a la gente y que su trabajo las haga reflexionar y pensar. Pete Fuentes es la encarnacion de exito sin pretension. Su oficina dentro de las modernas instalaciones de Fox News, donde diario transmite sus reportajes especiales para el Canal 6, esta tapizada de reconocimientos. Los libreros estan llenos de premios y trofeos, incluyendo 30 Emmy Awards. Pero Pete no muestra niguna arrogancia al respecto, parece tener cero preocupaciones. Es una persona sumamente cordial, amena y positiva. Quiza sean los treinta anos de yoga y meditacion que lo ayudan a mantener los pies en la tierra. Su trayectoria es impresionante. Crecio dentro de una familia muy humilde, de raices campesinas. “Doy gracias a Dios haber crecido entre la cultrua Mexicana”, Dijo Pete, que ademas de tener un ingles impeccable, es hispanoparlante. Nacio y paso su infancia en el oeste de Texas. Su padre y abuelo trabajaban de sol a sol en el campo, cumpliendo con un trabajo arduo y completamente fisico. Parecia que Pete iba por el mismo camino cuando el ejercito de Estados Unidos lo recluto, en el famoso draft de la Guerra de Vietnam y cambio totalmente su vida. Por suerte o por fuerza del destino, Pete fue asignado una posicion dentro de la radio military. Ahi trabajo como locutor. Cuando termino su servicio fue galardonado con Celebridad del ano por la revista Billboard en 1974. Despues de pasar varios anos cubriendo noticias en Texas, y California muy pronto se encontro trabajando en Nueva York por el canal 9. Era un sueno para cualquier periodista y especial mente para Pete que se encontro cubriendo historias de Rudy Guiliani, Donald Trump, y Puff Daddy. En 1999 se mudo al clima idoneo de San Diego, y comenzo su Nuevo reto como Director de Proyectos Especiales. En el ano 2000 Pete tambien empezo de Consultor para Televisa. Sus primeros alumnus eran de Investigaciones especiales o’ el equipo que le llaman “Los Reporteros”. Pete ha presentado cursos para Televisa Deportes, y Televisa Regional. Tambien este ano esta capacitando una escuela para TCS en El Salvador, Telecorperacion Salvadorena. El ano pasado inicio un curso basico con TV Azteca en Monterrey y alumnos de TVAzteca Noreste y el noticiero Info-7.