May 12, 2019
Pastor’s Corner... MASS INTENTIONS (INTENCIONES DE LA MISA) MAY 11-19 SATURDAY MAY 11 All Masses Mother’s Day Novena SUNDAY May 12 Acts 13:14,43-52; Ps100; Rv 7:9,14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 All Masses Mother’s Day Novena MONDAY MAY 13 No Mass TUESDAY MAY 14 8:30a.m. Por los Miembros y Familas del Grupo Guadalupano WEDNESDAY May 15 8:30a.m. DJM & Missionary of Mercy & In Thanksgiving for Lucy Ygnacio THURSDAY May 16 8:30a.m. †Efren Montoya & In Thanksgiving for Elvira Medina FRIDAY MAY 17 8:30a.m. †Craig Ygnacio SATURDAY MAY 18 5:00p.m. †Albert Espinoza &†Bruce Koenig 7:00p.m. Por la Comunidad de San Mateo SUNDAY May 19 Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a 8:00a.m. †William Pidaniy & †Annie Villalobos 10:00a.m. †Agnes Y. Nguyen & †Anna Ngah Nguyen 12:00p.m. †Graciela Tesono, †Alfredo Ortega y †Maria del Carmen Morales Readings for the Week of May 12, 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Our Lady of Fatima Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:1-10 Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113; Jn 15:9-17 Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67; Jn 12:44-50 Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89;Jn 13:16-20 Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:7-14
Praying for you… Mac Escobedo, Denise Alvarez, Chris Kornegay, Jerry Larson Jr., Dan Danchak, Jose D. Razo, Kelly Murray, Mario Sanchez, Kathy & Brea Randall
Meeting for all Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (English), This includes Mass Captains serving at the 5pm, 8am and 10am Masses as well as any new EM's. We will meet on Tuesday, May 21 at 7 pm in the Church to discuss various updates to the program. If you cannot attend this meeting, a make up meeting will be offered on May 30 at 7 pm in Room 129. You only need to attend one meeting, please plan on attending whichever is convenient. For more information, call Jennifer Piotrowski @ 713.614.2429.
Today is known as the Good Shepherd Sunday because, in each year of the liturgical cycle on this 4th Sunday, the Gospel is always taken from the 10th chapter of John where Jesus speaks of himself as the "good shepherd". In today’s passage Jesus emphasizes the self-sacrificing element in his own life: "The good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep." The good shepherd knows his sheep and they know him. There is a mutual bond of love and intimacy. That love is compared to the deep mutual relationship that exists between Jesus and his Father. "My own know me just as the Father knows me." Again the hired man or the self-interested leader will not have such a relationship with his charges. The Second Reading speaks in similar terms when the author says, "Think of the love that the Father has lavished on us, by letting us be called God’s children, and that is what we are." The good shepherd deeply desires that many other sheep should come to identify themselves with him. "There are other sheep I have that are not of this fold, and these I have to lead as well." The ultimate goal is that "there will be only one flock, and one shepherd", that the whole world will be united together with its God and Lord. This is the meaning of the Kingdom, which is at the heart of the Gospel message. Jesus emphasizes that, in giving his life for his sheep, he is doing so of his own will. It is not just by force of circumstances. His death is to be the living proof that "the greatest love a person can show is to give one’s life for one’s friends". This is the proof that Jesus truly is a Good Shepherd. Today is also known as the Vocations Sunday. On this day we are especially asked first of all to pray that the Church may be provided with the leaders needed to do its work of spreading the Gospel. We know that at the present time there is a critical shortage of such leaders, at least in the traditional sense – priests and religious. But, while we may earnestly pray that our Church be supplied with the leaders it needs, there can be a tendency among us to pray that others may answer that call. We do not see ourselves as included. We may pray earnestly for more young people to offer themselves as priests and religious but clearly exclude our own children. Around the Parish… Prayer for Vocations: Father, you call each one of us by name and ask us to follow you. Bless your church by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends who will serve your people as Sisters, Brothers, Deacons and Priests. Inspire us as we grow to know you, and open our hearts to hear your call. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen. Thank y’all for all you do for St. Matthew’s! The Pastor
Rev. Martial Oya Thank you to Mark & Cathy Miller For donating the altar flowers this weekend In Loving Memory of Grace Murphy, Helen Miller & Frances Susil
OBITUARY Our deepest sympathy to the family of †Ann Misiewicz, (sister of Helen Pidaniy). May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
$479,122.00 SATURDAY May 11 11:00a.m. 1st Communion Spanish Mass Church After all Masses Grupo Guadalupano Mother’s Day Sale SUNDAY May 12 Mother’s Day After all Masses Grupo Guadalupano Mother’s Day Sale MONDAY May 13 1:00p.m. Bridge 129 6:45p.m. Boy Scouts Morton 7:00p.m. Grupo de Oracion Chapel TUESDAY May 14 9:30a.m. Bible Study 216 9:30a.m. DJM 215 10:30a.m. Crafts From The Heart 205 6:00p.m. 1st Communion Rehearsal Church 6:45p.m. Women’s Club Monthly Mtg 129 6:45p.m. Boy Scouts Morton 6:45p.m. Cub Pack Mtg 106,108,109 7:00p.m. Stewardship Mtg. 216 WEDNESDAY May 15 10:30a.m. CDA Meeting 216 6:30p.m. Choir Practice Church 7:00p.m. RCIA 129 7:00p.m. Grupo de Oración Morton 7:00p.m. Youth Meet 7:00p.m. Pastoral Council Mtg. 216 THURSDAY May 16 9:30a.m. 50+ Club Game Social 129 6:30p.m. Choir Practice Church 7:00p.m. CDA Officers Monthly Mtg. 129 7:00p.m. Legion of Mary 203 7:00p.m. MPC 204,205 7:00p.m. Preparacion al Matrimonio 215 FRIDAY May 17 SATURDAY May 18 3:00p.m. Cub Scouts Ceremony Auditorium SUNDAY May 19 10:00a.m. 1st Communion Mass (E) After 12 Mass Popsicle Sale (MPC) Courtyard 2:00p.m. 50 + Club Mtg. Auditorium *Confessions on Wednesdays: 9:30am-4pm; by Appointment Only ** Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. in the Chapel
It is time to start planning for our Festival Launch Party (Saturday, August 24, 219) and our Fall Festival (Sunday, October 6, 2019).We are also looking for Booth Sponsors. The list of needs for each booth will soon be listed in the back of the church. Please sign up if you are able to sponsor a booth (or partial booth). Drop your donation in the collection basket (marked as festival booth sponsor) or at the parish office. Any donation is gratefully appreciated-all sponsors will be acknowledged in the bulletin. Thank you very much to our new sponsors: Raffle Tkt Prize Donors: Grupo de Oración Booth Sponsors: Bill & Rose Bielinda Thank you so much to these sponsors. If you wish to be a sponsor please come by the parish office or sign up on board at the back of the church and put your donation in the collection basket.
God our Father, you are the source of all goodness and of every blessing under heaven. We give you praise and thanks for the gift of our Catholic faith and for more than 170 years of living and witnessing to that faith in Texas. We ask for your blessings upon our effort to help secure the future of the Church in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. May your people respond with hope and generosity to our capital campaign, IGNITE: Our Faith, Our Mission May the sacrifices we make together today bear fruit in lives of faith for generations to come. We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Campaign Update: Totals as of Tuesday, May 7th
From only 58 families We have raised: $211,545
That is 45% of our IGNITE goal! Thank you to the generous donors who have already pledged -we’re getting closer to our goal! We need everyone’s participation to reach our final goal of $479,122 To prepare to our upcoming commitment weekend, this month the Archdiocese will mail a pledge packet to all our registered families in our parish community. During the month of May we give special honour and respect to Our Blessed Lady, the Mother of God and our mother too. Please join our Catholic Daughters of the Americas in the Holy Family Prayer Garden at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays during May to pray the rosary. All are welcome. We hope to see you there!
Dear Lord, please watch over and support all mothers in heaven and on earth… And help them to know how much they are loved and appreciated on Mother’s Day and every day. Amen.
ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST 9915 HOLLISTER ST. HOUSTON, TX 77040-1702 (713) 466-4030 Esquina del Párroco... Hoy se conoce como el Domingo del Buen Pastor porque, cada año del ciclo litúrgico de el 4º domingo, el Evangelio siempre se toma del capítulo 10 de Juan, donde Jesús habla de sí mismo como el "buen pastor". En el pasaje de hoy, Jesús enfatiza el elemento de sacrificio en su propia vida: "El buen pastor es aquel que da su vida por sus ovejas". El buen pastor conoce a sus ovejas y ellas lo conocen a él. Existe un vínculo mutuo de amor e intimidad. Ese amor se compara con la profunda relación mutua que existe entre Jesús y su Padre. "Los míos me conocen como el Padre me conoce". De nuevo, el hombre contratado o el líder egoísta no tendrá tal relación con sus cargos. La Segunda lectura habla en términos similares cuando el autor dice: "Piensa en el amor que el Padre nos ha prodigado, al dejarnos ser llamados hijos de Dios, y eso es lo que somos". El buen pastor desea profundamente que muchas otras ovejas lleguen a identificarse con él. "Hay otras ovejas que tengo que no son de este redil, y estas tengo que llevar también". El objetivo final es que "habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor", para que el mundo entero se una con su Dios y Señor. Este es el significado del Reino, que está en el corazón del mensaje del Evangelio. Jesús enfatiza que, al dar su vida por sus ovejas, lo hace por su propia voluntad. No es solo por la fuerza de las circunstancias. Su muerte será la prueba viviente de que "el mayor amor que una persona puede mostrar es dar la vida por sus amigos". Esta es la prueba de que Jesús es verdaderamente un buen pastor. Hoy también se conoce como el Domingo de Vocaciones. En este día, se nos pide ante todo especialmente que oremos para que la Iglesia reciba los líderes necesarios para hacer su trabajo de propagación del Evangelio. Sabemos que en la actualidad hay una escasez crítica de tales líderes, al menos en el sentido tradicional: sacerdotes y religiosos. Pero, si bien podemos orar fervientemente para que nuestra Iglesia reciba los líderes que necesita, puede haber una tendencia entre nosotros a orar para que otros puedan responder ese llamado. No nos vemos como incluidos. Podemos orar fervientemente para que más jóvenes se ofrezcan como sacerdotes y religiosos, pero claramente excluyan a nuestros propios hijos. Alrededor de la Parroquia… Oración para Vocaciones: Padre, tú nos llamas a cada uno de nosotros y nos pides que te sigamos. Bendice a tu iglesia al llamar líderes dedicados y generosos de nuestras familias y amigos que servirá a tu gente como Hermanas, Hermanos, Diáconos y Sacerdotes. Inspíranos a medida que crecemos para conocerte y abrimos nuestros corazones para escuchar tu llamada. Te lo pedimos por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amen. Gracias por todo lo que hacen por San Mateo El Párroco,
May 12, 2019 $479,122.00
Dios nuestro Padre, Tú eres la Fuente de toda bondad Y bendicion bajo el cielo. Te alabamos y te damos gracias por el regalo De nuestra fe Católica y por más de 170 años De vida y testimonio a esa fe en Texas. Pedimos tu bendición sobre nuestro Esfuerzo para asegurar el futuro de la Iglesia En la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston. Que tu pueblo responda con esperanza y generosidad a nuestra Campaña Capital, ENCIENDE: Nuestra Fe, Nuestra Misión. Que los sacrificios que hacemos juntos Hoy den fruto en vidas de fe para Generaciones venideras. Te lo pedimos Cristo Nuestro Señor.
Actualización de los Logros de la Campaña A partir del martes, 7 de mayo Gracias a la contribución de 58 familias hemos recaudado: $211,545
¡Esto significa que hemos logrado recaudar el 45% de nuestra meta! ¡Muchas gracias a todos los generosos donadores que ya entregaron su tarjeta de promesa para la campaña! Nos estamos acercando a la meta y necesitamos el apoyo de toda la comunidad para seguir avanzando y lograr nuestro objetivo final: $479,122.
Fiesta de Lanzamiento y Festival de Otoño Estamos buscando patrocinadores para los puestos de comida. La lista de artículos necesarios para cada puesto estará en la parte posterior de la iglesia. Por favor, deje su donación en las canastas de recolección o en la oficina parroquial. Cualquier donación es agradecida. Nuestra próxima reunión del festival es el miércoles 1º de mayo en el salón 129 a las 7pm. Por favor, venga y comparta sus ideas para hacer del 2019 la mejor Fiesta de Lanzamiento y Festival de Otoño que San Mateo ha celebrado. ¡Gracias a todos los que ya entregaron su donación para patrocinar un puesto y para las rifas de nuestro Festival de Otoño!
Rev. Martial Oya Preparación al Matrimonio: Para parejas que desean casarse en la Iglesia Catolica ya pueden registrarse para las clases de preparacion al matrimonio. Se reunen los jueves en el salon 215 a las 7pm. Por favor de comunicarse con Marcelo y Emma para mas informacion 832.516.2619 O 713.824.2726.
Los Caballeros de Colón, Consejo 7136, ofrece una beca de $500 para un graduado de preparatoria 2019, que asistirá a una universidad o universidad acreditada de dos o cuatro años este otoño. El estudiante o la familia de los estudiantes deben ser feligreses registrados en San Mateo y ser un miembro con buena reputación del Consejo 7136. Las solicitudes se pueden recoger en la oficina parroquial. La fecha límite para presentar la solicitud es el viernes 24 de mayo al mediodía.
Stewardship Reflection / Reflexión Sobre Las Lecturas _4th Sunday of Easter: May 12 That we continue to share the joy of our Catholic faith and be an example for others. “The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 13:52) The disciples heard Our Lord’s call and were able to spread the Gospel message with strength and vitality. We, too, can experience that same joy if we make room for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts. When we use our gifts in the way that God intends, He fills us with supernatural joy. A joy that others notice and are attracted to. _________________________________________ 4º domingo de Pascua: 12 de mayo Que sigamos compartiendo la alegría de nuestra fe Católica y sea esta un ejemplo para los demás. "Los discípulos se llenaron de alegría y del Espíritu Santo." (Hechos 13:52) Los discípulos escucharon el llamado de nuestro Señor y pudieron difundir el mensaje del Evangelio con fuerza y vitalidad. Nosotros también podemos experimentar ese mismo gozo si hacemos espacio para que el Espíritu Santo llene nuestros corazones. Cuando usamos nuestros dones de la manera que Dios quiere, Él nos llena de alegría sobrenatural. Una alegría que otros notan y a la que se sienten atraídos.
A long-time member of our 50+ Club recently lost her sister. It was not that long ago that she lost her brother and also her most beloved husband Bill; a wonderful member of our club and of St. Matthew the Evangelist. Please keep Helen Pidaniy in your prayers and pray for the soul of her sister (ANN MISIEWICZ).
MAY 19, 2019: Our next regular monthly meeting. This is the third Sunday. We cannot meet the second Sunday because the second Sunday is Mother’s Day. IT’S POTLUCK!!! We will have our 50/50 drawing.
50+ CARD/GAME SOCIAL: The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 9:30 a.m. in room 129. John Imhoff and Leonard Guerrero play great oldies and we have delicious snacks. Come and join us or come and bring a game you would like to teach us.
Knights of Columbus #8482 invite you join them in the ceremony to retire United States flags on Sunday, June 9th @ 3PM on 9623 Zaka Rd. Houston, Tx 77064. You may also bring your old, worn, torn, faded or badly soiled flags. They would love to help you retire your United States Flag with dignity and respect. Everyone is welcome!
A Stewardship Parish Parroquia Administradora de los Bienes de Dios 5-5-2019
Collection Goal: $10,000.00 Sunday Offering/Ofrenda del Domingo: $9,697.00 On-Line Giving/Donaciones hechas por Internet: $677.50 Children’s Offerings/Ofrenda de los Niños: $222.47 Total Collection/Colecta en Total: $10,596.97 We are Over!!! $596.97 Envelopes 277 International Food Festival $4,729.00 Bank Direct and Credit Card Donations available on our website by clicking on “Online Giving” button.
Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) DSF Summary Report– 2019 St. Matthew the Evangelist - Houston– DSF19
Parish Goal:
Total Amount Paid:
Total Amount Pledged:
Total Number of Participant:
*Total Number of Households
Average Participant Pledge:
Paid Over (Under) Goal:
Pledged Over (Under) Goal:
Percent Paid:
-In May, we recognize that persons living with mental illnesses, and their families, face many challenges and show how our faith leads us to create communities where all are welcome. “Respect for persons with disabilities and including them equally in the life of the Church is crucial for our understanding of the human person.” – Daniel Cardinal DiNardo. -En mayo, reconocemos que las personas que viven con enfermedades mentales, y sus familiares, enfrentan muchos desafíos y mostramos como nuestra fe nos lleva a crear comunidades donde todos son bienvenidos. "El respeto a las personas con discapacidad y su inclusión por igual en la vida de la Iglesia es fundamental para nuestra comprensión de la persona humana.” – Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
Prayer for the Disabled God of Compassion, In Jesus Christ you cared for those who were blind or deaf, crippled or slow to learn. Though all of us need help, give special care to those who are disabled. May they know the love you have for them, and come to trust you; through Jesus Christ who came to heal. Amen.