Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

24 jul. 2016 - John, was among the first disciples called by Jesus and he was associated with our Lord throughout his public ministry. James was a privileged ...
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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 300 Fulton Street ▪ Redwood City, CA 94062 Tel. (650) 366-3802 ▪ Fax: (650) 366-1421 [email protected] [email protected] ▪ www.mountcarmel.org

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2016 Parish Center Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Parish Staff

Pastor: Rev. Ulysses D’Aquila - 306-9583 Deacon: Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Boyle - 366-3802 Principal: Teresa Anthony - 366-6127 Development: Nori Jabba - 366-8817 Kid’s Place: Maureen Arnott – 366-6587 CCD: Magdalena Hernández - 368-8237 Youth Confirmation: Judy Draper - 368-8237 Director of Music: Bianca Remlinger - 366-3802 Spanish Music Ministry: Andres Garcia -366 -3802 Administrative Assistant: Alba Canelo – 366 -3802

Mass Schedule Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm (Español), and 5 pm Saturday: 8: 15 am and 5:00 pm Vigil Mass Monday to Friday 8:15 am Reconciliation/Confession Saturday 3:30 –4:30 pm You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. — Colossians 2:12

Baptisms / Bautismos Call parish at least two months in advance. Llame a la parroquia a lo menos dos meses antes.

Weddings / Bodas Call parish at least six months in advance. Llame a la parroquia a lo menos seis meses antes.

Mission Statement Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is a Christ-centered community in the Roman Catholic tradition. We try to share the Good News of salvation with others. As a diverse community, we value and respect individual differences. As God’s people, we gather in the Spirit to pray, to celebrate the sacraments, to teach, to learn, to console, to rejoice, to minister and to renew our faith with one another.

Notes from the Pastor

Notas del Párroco

I note that tomorrow, July 25th, we’ll be celebrating the feast of the Apostle St. James. This feast has its own readings including a letter from St. Paul to the Corinthians which I particularly like. Speaking of the great treasure which is the kingdom of Heaven that can be found within ourselves, St. Paul says “We hold this treasure in earthen vessels.” In other words, this great spiritual inheritance, the immortal soul is contained in our own physical bodies – these earthen vessels which are fragile, can crack and break, and do not last forever. St. Paul encourages his new Corinthian converts by reminding them that Jesus Christ himself occupied one of these earthen vessels, subject to every kind of illness, persecution and suffering. And that just as Jesus died, so shall we die, but “the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and place us [in God’s presence].” Therefore, though we might be afflicted, we should never despair; we might have to endure all sorts of indignities, but if we are in Christ, we are never abandoned. We might be struck down, but if we live in Christ, we can never be destroyed because we share his immortality. This is exactly what Jesus taught St. James and all the Apostles. We know that James, along with his brother John, was among the first disciples called by Jesus and he was associated with our Lord throughout his public ministry. James was a privileged witness of the Transfiguration of Jesus; he was present at the bringing back to life of the daughter of Jairus; and he kept watch during the agony of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. A very old tradition says that James preached the Gospel in Spain. One of the most revered shrines and places of pilgrimage in all of Europe is that of Santiago de Campostela where it is claimed St. James’ bones now rest. There is some suggestion in the scripture that James was actually a cousin of Jesus and that perhaps his mother was the sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What is certain is that Saint James was the first of the Apostles to suffer martyrdom. He was beheaded by Herod Agrippa between the years 42 and 44 AD according to Acts of the Apostles. Surely someone so close to Jesus in his earthly life must now enjoy a special place near the Lord in the eternal world. St. James is the patron of Spain, Chile, Guatemala and Nicaragua. His intercession is especially invoked by pilgrims, pharmacists, laborers and those suffering from arthritis. Fr. Ulysses

Me doy cuenta que mañana, 25 de julio, vamos a estar celebrando la fiesta del Apóstol Santiago. Esta fiesta tiene sus propias lecturas, incluyendo una carta de San Pablo a los Corintios, que me gusta especialmente. Hablando del gran tesoro que es el reino de los cielos que se pueden encontrar dentro de nosotros mismos, San Pablo dice que "llevamos este tesoro en vasos de barro." En otras palabras, esta gran herencia espiritual, el alma inmortal está contenida en nuestro cuerpo mortal, este vaso de barro que es tan frágil, que pueden agrietarse y romperse, y que no durará para siempre. San Pablo anima a sus nuevos conversos, los Corintios, recordándoles que el mismo Jesucristo ocupaba uno de estos vasos de barro, sujeto a todo tipo de enfermedad, a la persecución y al sufrimiento. Así como murió Jesús, nosotros también vamos a morir, pero "el que resucitó al Señor Jesús nos resucitará con Jesús, y nos pondrá [en la presencia de Dios]." Por lo tanto, a pesar de que podríamos estar afligidos, nunca debemos desesperar; podríamos tener que soportar todo tipo de indignidad, pero si estamos en Cristo, él nunca nos abandonará. Puede ser que seamos heridos, pero si vivimos en Cristo, nada nos puede ser destruir completamente porque compartimos la inmortalidad de Cristo. Esto es exactamente lo que Jesús enseñó a Santiago y a todos los Apóstoles. Sabemos que Santiago, junto con su hermano Juan, fue uno de los primeros discípulos llamados por Jesús, y se le asociaba con Jesús a través de su ministerio público. Santiago fue un testigo de la Transfiguración de Jesús, y estuvo presente en la resucitación de la hija de Jairo; por fin, no dejó solo a Jesús durante la agonía de Jesús en el huerto de Getsemaní. Una tradición muy antigua dice que Santiago predicó el Evangelio en España. Uno de los santuarios más venerados en toda Europa es el de Santiago de Compostela donde ahora descansan los huesos de Santiago. Hay alguna sugerencia en las Escritura que Santiago era primo de Jesús, y que tal vez su madre era hermana de la Virgen María. Lo que es seguro es que Santiago fue el primero de los Apóstoles que sufrió el martirio. Fue decapitado por Herodes Agripa entre los años 42 y 44 después de Cristo. Hay que pensar que alguien tan cerca de Jesús en su vida terrenal ya está disfrutando un lugar especial muy cerca del Señor en el mundo eterno. Santiago es el patrón de España, Chile, Guatemala y Nicaragua. Su intercesión se invoca especialmente por los peregrinos, farmacéuticos, trabajadores y aquellos que sufren de artritis. Padre Ulises

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Pre - School Program Our Pre– School Program still accepting applications for the pre school class. Children must be 3 before September 1st. Class meet Tuesday/Thursday from 9:00 am — 12:00 pm. Please contact Maureen Arnott @ 366-6587 or [email protected]

Registration Registrations for the coming year of Religious Education Program will begin in August, 2016. The First Communion Program is for children in First Grade and Older. The Confirmation Program is for teenagers in High School. For more Information please call Magdalena Hernandez, 650-368-8237.

Inscripciones para Clases de Catecismo Inscripciones para el siguiente año de Catecismo comenzaran el primer domingo de agosto. El Program de Primera Comunión es para niños en Primer Grade y mayores. El Programa de Confirmación para jóvenes de Escuela Secundaria. Información por favor llamar a Magdalena Hernández, 650-368-8237.

Archdiocesan Annual Appeal 2016 Thank all of you who have contributed to the Archbishop Annual Appeal. Our parish assessment this year is $74,614. To date we have received $31,102. Our new balance $43,512. Please consider how you can help us meet our goal. For those who have not, would you take one of the brochures and consider what you might do to help us make our goal?

Adult Religious Education

2016-2017 R.C.I.A. One Hour Sessions Begin Sunday September 4, 2016 Rooted from the very beginning of Church tradition, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the path for welcoming new inquirers into our community of believers. If you, or someone close to you, are considering becoming a member of the Catholic community here at Our Lady of Mount Carmel then please accept our invitation to join with us weekly on Sunday, following the 8:00 AM Mass in the Small Chapel on the James Street side of the Church. In a small group discussion format, we use this opportunity to discuss the readings of the week, “unpacking” layers of meaning, church tradition, and church teachings. Most importantly, we share the relevancy of these readings in our lives today. We also discuss questions regarding the Rite itself, look at what the Rite offers all of us during this wonderful spiritual journey, and how the Church uses the Rite for those seeking any or all of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. We encourage those already members of the community to consider being a part of the RCIA team where by sharing your faith you will receive the gift that comes by helping others grow in theirs. Finally, we ask you to consider being sponsors, walking with and supporting the inquirers as they grow. Please welcome them warmly into our community. For further information, contact John Spotorno, RCIA coordinator, [email protected] or call, cell (650) 3036292 or at home (650) 364-3704.

Please Join us for a Twilight Fashion Show!

SVdP’s Catherine Center supports women transitioning from incarceration back into society. SVdP’s Catherine Center relies on charitable donations to support our ministry. Please consider supporting us by purchasing tickets to our Twilight Fashion Show to be held Tuesday, August 30th at 5:30 p.m. at Trinity Church in Menlo Park. Enjoy delicious food and drinks while the women of Catherine Center model fun fashions from SVdP’s thrift stores! Tickets are $75 and are available at www.svdpsm.org.

Renovación Carismática El Grupo ALIENTO DE ORACION de la Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Monte Carmelo le invita a una Hora Santa con Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. El celebrante será el Padre Darwin Espinal de Panamá. El evento tomará lugar miércoles, 27 de Julio de 6:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. en el Salón Grande de la Iglesia Monte Carmel. Llame a Pascual (650) 834-0488 o a Jorge (650) 771-7595 para más información.

Saturday, July 23, 2016 5:00 PM Bill Mummert † Sunday, July 24, 2016 8:00 AM Miguela Urmeneta † 10:00 AM Catherine Lyons † 12:00 PM (Español) Silvia Bedolla † 5:00 PM Catherine Lyons † Monday, July 25, 2016 8:15 AM Huan Phan † Tuesday, July 26, 2016 8:15 AM John & Pat Quinn † Wednesday, July 27, 2016 8:15 AM Valentine Tanti † Thursday, July 28, 2016 8:15 AM Sister Parish (Int.) Friday, July 29, 2016 8:15 AM Pro-populo Saturday, July 30, 2016 8:15 AM Celia Lopez Prado †

THIS WEEK AT MT. CARMEL Monday, July 25, 2016 Charismatic Leaders 7 pm Tuesday, July 26, 2016 Men’s Basketball 8:30 pm Wednesday, July 27, 2016 Charismatic Group 7 pm Thursday, July 28, 2016 Good Grief 6 pm Ensayo Coro Hispano 7 pm

P. Center L Hall L/H O. Chapel. P. Center


Friday: Saturday:

St. James Ss. Joachim and Anne; World Youth Day, Krakow, Poland St. Martha St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary

GOOD GRIEF MINISTRY The loss of every loved one creates many changes, challenges and pain. “Good Grief”, an ongoing support group, meets every Thursday at the Parish Center, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. We care. We share. Do come.

HOMEBOUND MINISTRY If someone in your family is homebound, lives nearby and is unable to attend Mass, but would like to received the Eucharist, please contact Julie O’Leary at (650) 361-8681. Communion ministers are needed to bring the Eucharist to homebound parishioners. Please call Julie O’Leary if you would like to participate in this worthy ministry.

Welcome Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Registration Form The following confidential information will be entered in our parish data system. It is only for the purpose of knowing and serving you better. Name (s): _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ City:_________________ zip:_______________ Telephone:______________________________

e-mail:_________________________________ Others in your household:_________________ Number of adults over 18 years of age: ______ Number of children under 18 years of age: ________________________________________

OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL #919128 300 Fulton St. Redwood City, CA 94062 CONTACT PERSON Alba L. Canelo, Bulletin Editor: 650-366-3802 Fr. Ulysses D’Aquila, Pastor: 650-306-9583 EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft ®Publisher 2007 Adobe®Acrobat®X Window7® PRINTER Toshiba e studio 3055c TRANSMISSION TIME By 11:00 a.m. On Wednesday SUNDAY OF PUBLICATION Jul 24, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS None