Noventa y Nueve, A Sr. Wooly Card Game

(before the next person goes) or you'll have fewer cards for the rest of the game. How to Play: Everyone starts with 3 cards. When it is your turn, play a card on ...
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POWER CARD: 0 and reverse



Noventa y Nueve—A Sr. Wooly Card Game



Goal: Don’t go over 99. When someone plays a card that takes the total over 99, the game ends and that person loses.







Set up: Everyone gets 3 cards. Keep 3 cards in your hand at all times. You must remember to draw a card after you play one (before the next person goes) or you’ll have fewer cards for the rest of the game.


How to Play: Everyone starts with 3 cards. When it is your turn, play a card on the pile and say the total points in the pile. Then, draw a card so that you always have 3 cards in your hand. Your turn is over and the next person can go. If you forgot to draw a card before the next person went, you can’t ever replace that card—you’ll have to play with fewer cards for the rest of the game. Most cards are worth their face value, but there are several POWER CARDS too. Tip: Everyone must keep scrap paper with a running total. It solves disputes and helps everyone think clearly.

J la jota Q la reina K el rey A el as

POWER CARD: minus 10 10 10 POWER CARD: 99 points Total score becomes 99 when played. Can’t play on 1st round.

1 or 11 points (player’s choice)

Tip: Play to 990 by adding 0 to everything.

Me toca a mí My turn

Te toca a ti Your turn

más plus

menos minus

¡Baraja! Shuffle!

¡Reparte! Deal!

Inverso Reverse.

¡Vamos! Come on! (As in, “let’s

(For use with 4’s.)

keep the game moving”.)

Pierdo. (Perdí) I lose. (I lost.)

Pierdes. (Perdiste) You lose. (You lost.)

Gano. (Gané) I win. (I won.)

Ganas. (Ganaste) You win. (You won.)

¡Sáquelo! (Sah-keh-lo) ¡Sáquela! (Sah-keh-la) Kick him / her out!

¡No es así! It’s not so!

Estoy salado, -a I’m never lucky.

(That’s not right!)

(No) tengo suerte. I’m (not) lucky.

¡Me tumbaron! I’ve been scammed!

Todavía estoy vivo. I’m still alive.

¡Traidor! ¡Traidora! Traitor!

(Literally: I’m salted)

¡Esto se acabó! It’s over between us!