Notice of Drawing for Place on Ballot for the Special Election
8 feb. 2018 - COUNTY OF GALVESTON AND HARRIS. )( Notice is hereby given of a drawing to determine the order in which the names of candidates are to be printed on the ballot for the Special Election to be held on May 05, 2018, in Friendswood,. Texas. The drawing for the unexpired term of Council Position No.
)( )( )(
Notice is hereby given of a drawing to determine the order in which the names of candidates are to be printed on the ballot for the Special Election to be held on May 05, 2018, in Friendswood, Texas. The drawing for the unexpired term of Council Position No. 4 will be held at 8:30 AM on March 12, 2018, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. Aviso del sorteo para un lugar en la boleta Por lo presente se da aviso que habra un dibujo para determinar la orden en que apareceran los nombres de los candidatos en la boleta para la eleccion que se celebrara el 05 de mayo, 2018, en la cuidad de Friendswood, Texas. El sorteo para posicione numero 4 tendra lugar a las 8:30 AM el 12 de febrero, 2018, en city Council Chambers de City Hall en 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas.
Melinda Welsh Officer conducting drawing Oficial que conduce el dibujo ****************************************************************************** This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (281) 996-3270 for further information. ****************************************************************************** I, Melinda Welsh, City Secretary of the City of Friendswood do hereby certify that the above notice was posted in a place convenient to the general public on February 08, 2018 at 11:45 AM.
will be held at 4:30 p.m. on August 23, 2018 at Elections Administration Office, 107 S. St. Mary's St. Beeville, TX 78102. Laura Warnix, Elections Administrator.
27 ago. 2012 - candidates are to be printed on the ballot for the election to be held on Tuesday, ... located at 201 East Expressway 83, La Joya, Texas. Narciso ...
DIRECCIÓN RESIDENCIAL PERMANENTE (No incluya una casilla postal o una ruta rural. Si usted no tiene una dirección residencial, describa el lugar en que ...
hace 5 días - (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.), within the Kountze Independent School District at Kountze Intermediate. School, 110 W. Vaughn Street, Kountze, Texas ...
Ningún funcionario podrá nombrar, votar por o confirmar el nombramiento o empleo de ninguno de sus parientes en segundo grado por afinidad (matrimonio) o ...
I request that my name be placed on the above-named official ballot as a candidate for the office indicated below. OFFICE SOUGHT (Include any place number ...
clerk, or commissioner of any court of record, a notary public, a justice of the peace, city secretary (for a city office), and the. Secretary of State of Texas.
fechas pertinentes a la Elección del 4 de mayo de 2019: First Day to File for Place on Ballot. Wednesday, January 16, 2019. Primer día para solicitar el lugar en ...
14 dic. 2018 - 800 North Williams. Spur, TX 79370. Address to mail application for place on the ballot (If filing by mail):. (Direccion a donde enviar las ...
24 abr. 2017 - las 7:00 p.m. el Mayo 6 , 2017 para votar en la Eleccion para ... Recreational Facility located at 2821 Main Street, Ingleside, Texas. (Todas los ...
20 sept. 2016 - Centro Cívico de Yuma, 1440 W. Desert Hills Drive, Yuma. Iglesia Cristiana Comunitaria, 6480 E. Highway 95, Yuma. Iglesia Católica St. John Neumann, 11545 E. 40th Street, Yuma. Primera Iglesia Bautista del Sur de Wellton, 11711 Willia
23 jul. 2016 - Notice is hereby given that applications for a place on the. (name of political subdivision/party). (Regular/Special/Primary) Election ballot may ...
Por la presente se da aviso de que las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta de la Elección Regular de la. Junta de Fideicomisarios de Woodville ISD se ...
14 feb. 2018 - Section 141.040, Texas Election Code. 10/2011. NOTICE OF ... (Regular/Special/Primary) Election ballot may be filed during the following time:.
23 ene. 2018 - Interim City Hall. Bay Vista Shopping Center. 2334 Hwy 361, Suite 162. Ingleside, TX 78362. Address to mail applications for place on the ballot (if filing by mail): (Dirección a donde enviar las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta
17 dic. 2018 - (Se da aviso por la presente que las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta de la Elección. Regular de Highland Park ISD Board of Trustees ...
20 jun. 2018 - Address to mail applications for place on the ballot (if filing by mail):. (Direcci6n a donde enviar las solicitudes para un lugar en Ia boleta (en ...