North Valley Elementary School

It is my pleasure to welcome you back to North Valley Elementary; I hope you had a restful ... August 8 from 9:00am – 10:00 am - Coffee with the Principal.
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August 2018 Dear Parents, It is my pleasure to welcome you back to North Valley Elementary; I hope you had a restful summer! We have a very exciting year ahead for our students and our community. To begin the year, I would like to invite you to the following events for the month of August: August 8 from 9:00am – 10:00 am - Coffee with the Principal. Join our parent team as we discuss school events and answer questions and take suggestions to enhance our activities and programs. August 9 – 5:00 pm -Get involved by attending our Board Meeting at the Gadsden Administrative Complex 4950 McNutt Road in Sunland Park, NM. You’ll get a front seat and have the opportunity to see Superintendent Dempsey and our Board Members in action! August 16 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Open House. You will get to personally meet and greet your child’s teachers and staff. Join us and see what students are working on to start the year! August 30 – Yearbook Photos August 31st Jog-A-Thon. Please see attachment September 3 – Labor Day Holiday Agosto Del 2018 Estimados Padres de Familia, Es un placer darles la bienvenida a nuestra escuela primaria de North Valley! Espero que hayan disfrutado de sus vacaciones de verano! Anticipamos un ano excitante para nuestros estudiantes y para nuestra comunidad. Para comenzar el año, me gustaría invitarle a los siguientes eventos durante el mes de Agosto: 8 de agosto de 9:00am – 10:00 am – Café con la Directora. Sea parte de nuestra comunidad de padres. Estaremos platicando eventos escolares, responderemos preguntas, y tomaremos sugerencias para mejorar nuestras actividades y programas escolares. 9 de agosto – 5:00 pm – Asista la junta de nuestra Mesa Directiva en complejo administrativo de Gadsden, 4950 McNutt Road in Sunland Park, NM. Tendrá la oportunidad de mirar a nuestro Superintendente Travis y a nuestros miembros de la Mesa Directiva en acción! 16 de agosto de 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Open House. Le invitamos a saludar a los maestros, podrá admirar el trabajo y los proyectos que los estudiantes están haciendo al comenzar el año. 30 de Agosto – Fotos del anuario 31 de agosto Jog-A-Thon. Por favor vea el adjunto 3 de septiembre, Día Festivo, Día Laboral

North Valley Elementary School 300 Cascade Ave., San Miguel NM. 88058 Phone: 575 233-1092 Fax: 575 233-3772 E-Mail: [email protected]