Índice Librito checklist El vocabulario diario El vocabulario diario El vocabulario diario El vocabulario diario La escuela La escuela La escuela Gender & Number Gender & number lists Gender & number lists cont. Los artículos Gender and Number En la clase The-a-an-some Otra vez/putting it all together 10 translations Pocos problemas Subject Pronouns Subject Pronouns in Spanish Personas Famosas Subject Pronouns chart Subject replacement activities Ser Verbo Ser #1 & #2 10 translations Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary Act. 1-4 from p. 41 of text Act. 7 from p. 42 of text # 40-199 Teléfonos Importantes Números de teléfono Hay#/crucigrama de los # #200+ Interesante Everything complete from last librito checks
Librito: 1C Details
From 30/11/11 Señor - joven Autobús - hay Mano - diario Número – los estados unid. Escuela - computadora Lección - pizarra Professor - compañero Notes 4 columns 4 columns continued Notes 2 sided worksheet 2 sided worksheet 2 sided worksheet 2 sided worksheet The man is Mr. Lopez… 1 sided worksheet Mickey mouse song 2 sided worksheet 1 sided worksheet Notes A has 10, B has 18 Notes 2 sided worksheet It is 8:30 in the morning… Casa – residencia estudi. Clase – trimester Materias – matemáticas Humanidades – música 4 activities, written out 10 analogies, written out Notes 15 phone numbers, written 20 phone numbers, digits 2 sided worksheet Notes 1 sided worksheet Are missing assignments complete now?
TOTAL 1. All” Hazlo” pages must be DATED and LABELED. 2. No loose pages- all papers must be ATTACHED---taped, glued or stapled. 3. Papers must be in order (or VERY close to it) AND NUMBERED. 4. Pages must be COMPLETE or NO credit will be given.