march 2018

Chuck Simpson. James Thomas. Darrell Trimble. Joe Westmoreland. Jeff White. Zach Whitworth. Greg Yokley. Phillip Young. DEACONS. The Messenger is published monthly by ... Brown Elementary School and Baker Elementary School. Wayne served ... Kennedy of Columbia; sister: Frances (Richard) Brown of. Franklin ...
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Striving to be completely committed followers of Jesus. Discipling . Equipping . Serving . Loving

Sunday Mornings Worship 8:00 Coffee Fellowship 9:10 Bible Classes 9:30 Worship 10:30 Sunday Evenings First & Third Home Bible Studies Group meets in Chapel @6

Second- Sunday Night Connect Meets in Teen Center @ 6 Fourth-Home Devotionals Group meets in Chapel @ 6 Hispanic Assemblies: Sunday Morning Bible Classes Morning Worship

9:30 10:30

Wednesday Evenings Bible Classes:



Bill Alsup 505-2282 Tom Anderson 615-351-6239 John Corn 540-230-8713 Kerry Couch 840-0445 Wade Denney 619-0544


Jon Bennett Billy Brooks Eric Bryant Rob Cofer Steve Cofer Jim Criswell Randy Davidson Marty DeJarnette David Esslinger George Freeland Mike Forsthoff Paul Gibson Mike Greene

Staff The Messenger is published monthly by West Seventh Street Church of Christ 405 West Seventh Street Columbia, TN 38401 Return Service Requested


Randy Owens Alex Quintero Haley Schmidt Barry England

Jerry Duggin 731-613-1876 Mike Kesler 388-6125 John Law 698-2236 John Simmons 381-8869 John M. Smith 388-5841

Bill Hall Calvin Jackson Ben Jones Ivan Jones Porter King David Kirk Zach Kittrell Duane Leach Jacob Love Darrel Marlin Tommy McEwen Jerry Oakley Kent Pardon

Jim Robinson Willie Robinson Rickey Savage Chuck Simpson James Thomas Darrell Trimble Joe Westmoreland Jeff White Zach Whitworth Greg Yokley Phillip Young

Office - 388-6514 Preaching Tucker Vincent Student Hispanic Rachel Basham Secretary Children David Ward Facilities Marriage/Family

Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Columbia, TN Permit No. 710

IN M E MOR Y - W A Y N E K E NN E D Y Mr. Wayne Kennedy, age 73, former

League and Babe Ruth League, and he enjoyed playing soft-

Sherrie Kennedy, and a resident of Co-

for Columbia Central High School’s basketball team and

vice mayor of Columbia, husband of lumbia, passed away Friday, February

16, 2018 at NHC Columbia. A visita-

tion was held on Tuesday, February 20, Funeral Home.

2018 with a short ceremony at Heritage

A native of Maury County, Wayne was born on April 13,

ball for many years. Wayne served as a courtside announcer was the past president of the Parent Teacher Association at Brown Elementary School and Baker Elementary School. Wayne served on the city council from 2003-2006 before

being elected vice mayor in January 2006. He served as the vice mayor until January 2015. His lifetime career was in automobile sales.

1944 and was the son of the late James Frank Kennedy, Sr.

In addition to his wife of 51 years, Sherrie, he is survived

graduate of Columbia Central High, a post graduate of Co-

Josh (Becky) Kennedy of Columbia; brother: Jerry (Glenda)

and the late Alberta Virginia Kinzer Kennedy. He was a 1962 lumbia Military Academy, and attended Middle Tennessee State University. He married Sherrie Jane Crutcher on Oc-

tober 14, 1966 and they had two sons. Wayne was a lifelong member of West Seventh Street Church of Christ.

Wayne loved all sports, especially baseball and football. He served as the past president for both the Columbia National

by his sons: Kevin “Boo” (Misty) Kennedy of Columbia, Kennedy of Columbia; sister: Frances (Richard) Brown of Franklin; sister-in-law: Carolyn Kennedy of Franklin; grandchildren: Savannah (Kurtis) Moore, Cade Kennedy, Owen,

Madelyn, James, and Finley Kennedy; and several nieces

and nephews. Along with his parents, he was preceded in death by his brothers: Kenneth, Buddy, and Billy Kennedy; and sister-in-law: Patsy Kennedy.

II C a n t o C o n g r e g a c i o n a l

“Porque así como- el cuerpo es uno, y tiene muchos miembros, pero todos los miembros del cuerpo, siendo muchos, son un solo cuerpo, así también Cristo. Porque por un solo Espíritu fuimos todos bautizados en un cuerpo, sean judíos o griegos, sean esclavos o libres; y a todos se nos dio a beber de un mismo Espíritu. Además, el cuerpo no es un solo miembro, sino muchos. Si dijere el pie: Porque no soy mano, no soy del cuerpo, ¿por eso no será del cuerpo? Y si dijere a la oreja: Porque no soy ojo, no soy del cuerpo, ¿por eso no será del cuerpo? Si todo el cuerpo fuese ojo, ¿dónde estaría el oído? Si todo fuese oído, ¿dónde estaría el olfato? Mas ahora Dios ha colocado los miembros cada uno de ellos en el cuerpo, como Él quiso. Porque si todos fueran un solo miembro, ¿dónde estaría el cuerpo? Pero ahora son muchos los miembros, pero el cuerpo es uno solo. Ni el ojo puede decir a la mano: No te necesito, ni tampoco la cabeza a los pies: No tengo necesidad de vosotros.

Antes bien los miembros del cuerpo que parecen más débiles, son los más necesarios; y a aquellos del cuerpo que nos parecen menos dignos, a éstos vestimos más dignamente; y los que en nosotros son menos decorosos, se tratan con más decoro. Porque los que en nosotros son más decorosos, no tienen necesidad; pero Dios ordenó el cuerpo, dando más

abundante honor al que le faltaba, para que no haya desavenencia en el cuerpo, sino que los miembros todos se preocupen los unos por los otros. De manera que, si un miembro padece, todos los miembros se duelen con él, y si un miembro recibe honra, todos los miembros con él se gozan. Vosotros, pues, sois el cuerpo de Cristo, y miembros cada uno en particular.” --El Apóstol Pablo, I Corintios 12:12-27 Todos los que estuvieron presentes el día viernes, 2 de febrero, para el segundo Canto Congregacional del área, fueron testigos de este pasaje bíblico. Todas las 253 almas disfrutamos de un gran delicioso banquete mientras dimos la bienvenida a nuestros hermanos de Una, Rural Hill, Grandview, Philippi, North Boulevard, Church Street, Berry’s Chapel, Shelbyville, Crieve Hall, y Columbia. Pasamos dos horas cantando alabanzas a nuestro Señor. Cantamos de Su maravillosa gracia y Sus promesas, y de Su santidad, amor, y gloria. Cantamos de la bella historia y el gran día que viene. Cantamos de Cristo—la Roca fuerte, el Rey, nuestra fuerza, y Su obra redentora por medio de Su sangre. Cantamos de nuestra responsabilidad como soldados de Jesús, de combatir contra el enemigo y de sembrar la simiente preciosa, y la necesidad de obreros en la labor. Venimos de rodillas a decir a nuestro Salvador que le necesitamos ya y a darle gracias porque nos libró del pecado después de nuestros años viviendo en la vanidad. Y a final de la noche, cantamos a una sola voz: ¡Estamos bien con nuestro Dios! Los hermanos que vinieron disfrutaron de la confraternización y la adoración. Se fueron alegres y gozosos. Quedaron impresionados por la hospitalidad y el servicio de los hermanos unidos de West 7th. Muchas gracias a todos los que apoyaron, sirvieron, trajeron comida, limpiaron, y trabajaron juntos para hacer posible este evento. Esperamos seguir con este evento anual para el beneficio espiritual de la hermandad y para estimularnos al amor y a las buenas obras, cantando juntos con gracia en nuestros corazones. Amén.

Se c o n d c o n g r e g a t i o n a l s i n g i n g

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body— Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. 14 15

The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, 24which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, 25that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. 26If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 27Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”

--The Apostle Paul, I Corinthians 12:12-27

All of those who were present on Friday, February 2, for the second annual area-wide Congregational Singing were witnesses to this Bible passage. All of the 253 souls enjoyed a grand, delicious feast while we welcomed our brothers and sisters from Una, Rural Hill, Grandview, Philippi, North Boulevard, Church Street, Berry’s Chapel, Shelbyville, Crieve Hall, and Columbia. We spent two hours singing praises to our Lord. We sang of His wonderful grace, promises, holiness, love, and glory. We sang the wondrous story and of the great day that is coming. We sang of Christ—the strong Rock, the King, our strength, and His redeeming work through His blood.


We sang of our responsibility as soldiers of Jesus to combat against the enemy, sow the precious seed, and the need for laborers in the work. We fell on our knees and said to our Savior that we need Him every hour and gave thanks because He liberated us from our sins after our years spent in vanity. And, at the end of the night, we sang together with one voice, “It is well with my soul!” The brothers and sisters enjoyed the fellowship and the worship. They left happy and joyful. They were impressed by the hospitality and service of the united brothers and sisters at West Seventh. Many thanks to all who supported, served, brought food, cleaned, and worked together to make this event possible. We hope to continue this annual event for the spiritual benefit of the brotherhood and to stimulate us to love and good works, singing together with grace in our hearts. Amen.


By Marynelle Criswell

ings in righteousness.”

Previously, I have joined others in praying for “revival” for Maury County and for America. At the time we had in mind a great harvest of sinners--the unsaved who have never known God. However, the word revival indicates bringing back to life something that used to be alive, but is now is dormant or altogether dead. Thus, “revival” is for us, the church, so we can produce this harvest of the unsaved who have never had life in Jesus.

I feel a big ouch! Judgment? Fire? And it’s for us--a holy priesthood. (1Peter 2:5)

The church needs revival! Jesus desires to present to the Father a pure and spotless bride. (Ephesians 5:27, 2 Peter 3:14). Yet today the church universal is infested with the same unrepentant sins that flourish among the unsaved: self-centeredness, unforgiveness, bitterness, abortion, addiction, pornography, homosexual marriage, etc. When we think of the universal church, we may envision a big “blob” out there somewhere. Instead, imagine the faces of Christians in Idaho, Louisiana, England, Germany--real people, individuals, many of whom have become unresponsive to Jesus. A just God cannot ignore sinful attitudes and actions in His Body. “For the time [has arrived] for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will [be] the end of those who do not respect or believe or obey the good news (the Gospel) of God?” (1 Peter 4:17 Amplified) I am sure preachers often look out on their audiences and see some passive, bored, listless faces. Where is the passion, the fire? And speaking of fire, reflect on Malachi 3:2-3. “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like launder’s soap [which removes impurities and uncleanness]. He will sift as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi [the priests] and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord [grain] offer-

Refining fire burns up impurities in me and ignites me with passion for Jesus. The fear and fire of God has fallen on me more than once--and will again. His purpose is to bring me to repentance, purity and zeal--closer to His will. He never promised to bless uncommitted, lukewarm, half-hearted Christians. Indeed, He hates lukewarm disciples and will spit them out of His mouth. (Revelation 3:16). Some scholars have compared the church at Laodicea to the church from about 1900 to the present. Has our modern lifestyle created comfortable Christians who are satisfied with status quo commitment? We have learned that it only takes ten percent of a population to change the culture. The church today may be a small segment of the population, but what if that small remnant was passionate about Jesus and the gospel? Could it be that we are alive “for such a time as this”? (Esther 4:14). What if we actively stand in the gap and pray that the fear of God and the fire of God sweeps across the world- wide church? I hope we have not become “asbestos” Christians, protected from the refining fire of God. I pray that West Seventh will be included in the fear and the fire. Let the Holy Spirit have His way at West Seventh! Will you be included in this fire, allowing it to refine and purify and ignite your spirit with zeal for Him? A great opportunity to pray for the church in Maury County is to join other believers on Saturday, March 10, 2018. We meet at Cities Cafe at 9:00. See you there!

WEST SEVENTH PRAYER FOCUS FOR MAURY COUNTY Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

Prayer Focus for March 2018 Church leaders - elders, preachers, deacons, teachers – to allow the Holy Spirit to direct changes and decisions for their congregations.

1 0 , 0 0 0 P AIRS OF S H O E S

We were contacted by the Signal Mountain Church of Christ to help send 10,000 pairs of shoes to Africa. Dorian and Cheri Flynn (Partners4Africa. com) partners with local congregations in Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Southern Africa to spread the Good News of Jesus. They routinely ship 40-foot containers filled with supplies. One container supplies 30 congregations,

who in turn, distribute to needy families and schools in their community. Last year, the Signal Mountain Church collected 6,000 pairs of shoes. This year the goal is 10,000 pairs and they have invited other churches to help. Want to help? • Donate gently used, clean tennis shoes, walking shoes, sturdy sandals and boots. (Any shoes other than flip flops or high heeled shoes) • All sizes are needed – toddler, children and adult. • Or you can make a monetary contribution. Make checks payable to Signal Mountain Church of Christ and mark “Partners4Africa Shoes.” • Bring shoes to the collection bin at the Information Center by April 29. • Tie shoes together (by shoes strings) or place each pair in a bag.


The West Seventh Student Ministry thanks each one of you who prayed for us while we were at Winterfest! The weekend, as always, was phenomenal for not only our teens, but 13,000 others from across the United States. Over the weekend, we focused on the first part of Romans 8. We talked about all the if statements that we find throughout that passage and how they come into play in our lives. Thanks our chaperones: Ivan Jones, Stephanie Cofer, Tammy Kodatt, Jay Winget, Jamie Hubbell, and Baylie Farris for sacrificing their weekend to come and have a great time with us. We are so blessed to have so many parents who care for our teens and want to help them grow spiritually. Again, thank you for always supporting our ministry – enjoy these pictures!


MARCH FEBruary2018 2018






1 Macklin Matzkiw


2 Brad Beasley Davis Cofer

3 Oury Coleman

Women of Hope Conference




Brian Parsons Suzanne Turner

Spring Quarter Begins


8 Janet Martin Andrea Stevens

Terra Burm

9 Ginger Jackson Sandra Johnson Dana Salters

10 Christian Shrader

Mr/Mrs Jody Reed

Divorce Care

Home Bible Studies




Melissa Bryant Josh Hardin Andy Reed Daylight Saving Time Begins

Ladies’ Retreat

Grief Share

Mr/Mrs Matt Smith

Mr/Mrs Lyndell Fox

14 Rob Johnson Zoe Johnson Arturo Lezama Jean Outland John Price Anniston Taylor






Emily Diles Suzanna Pugh Mr/Mrs Boone Morrow

Divorce Care Grief Share


18 Elizabeth Matzkiw Mr/Mr James Thomas




Walker Jones Renee Leach

Justin Cook Sherry Davis

22 John Cary Becky Jackson Zach Kittrell

Mr/Mrs Brett Basham

Erin Haines

David H. Heffington Bob Johnson Elizabeth Kennedy

Special Contribution Divorce Care

Home Bible Studies


Grief Share



Charlie Ann Dugger Diane Campbell Collin Esslinger Mr/Mrs Josh Hardin Troy Rubert Mike Greene

28 Abigail Robinson Amely Xala

Divorce Care

Home Devotionals

Grief Share

Columbia Academy Spring Break


30 Tommy Case Hannah Haines

Good Friday Office Closed

31 Emily Ward