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The Medina I.S.D. Gifted & Talented Program . .... knowledge, comprehension, and application into areas of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Trained gifted ...
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MEDINA I.S.D. GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAM GUIDELINES AND HANDBOOK Approved October 10, 2002 Medina Independent School District Board of Trustees

Medina Independent School District Gifted & Talented Program Guidelines and Handbook Table of Contents Topic



District Philosophy of Gifted and Talented Education......................... 1


Definition of Giftedness ...................................................................... 1


The Medina I.S.D. Gifted & Talented Program ................................... 2 A. Student Population ................................................................... 2 B. Goals of the Program................................................................ 2 C. Screening and Selection Process ............................................. 3 1. Nomination Policy ............................................................ 3 2. On-going Participation ..................................................... 4 3. Furlough Policy ................................................................ 4 4. Exit Policy ........................................................................ 4 5. Re-entry Policy ................................................................ 5 6. Transfer Policy................................................................. 5 7. Reassessment Policy ...................................................... 5 8. Appeals ........................................................................... 5

Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional


D. Program Evaluation .................................................................. 6 Forms and Lists A. Nomination Form ...................................................................... 7 B. Parent Notification Form ........................................................... 8 C. Parent Notification Form/Spanish ............................................. 9 D. Furlough Form ........................................................................ 10 E. Exit Form ................................................................................ 11 F. Re-entry Form ........................................................................ 12 G. Administrator Evaluation ......................................................... 13 H. Teacher Evaluation ................................................................. 14 I. Student Evaluation (Grades 4-6) ............................................ 15 J. Student Evaluation (Grades 7-12)........................................... 16 K. Parent Evaluation ................................................................... 17

Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

I.District Philosophy of Gifted and Talented Education Medina ISD recognizes that gifted and talented students are important resources in our total society. These individuals come from various ethnic and socioeconomic groups and deserve the opportunity to discover, develop, and fulfill their potential. Medina ISD is committed to an educational program that recognizes the unique value, needs, and talents of these students. Such a program requires a flexible, multi- discipline curriculum that is adaptable to individual abilities. Through a variety of instructional and organizational approaches, the program is designed to encourage and develop critical thinking, investigative skills, in-depth analysis of ideas, and personal responsibility to self and society. This program provides a total educational opportunity through the coordination of available school, home, community, and state resources that develop self-motivated goals consistent with his/her talents. The ultimate goal of the program is to develop a desire for excellence and a sense of individual responsibility to self and society.

II. Definition of Giftedness Medina ISD bases its gifted education program on the following definitions of gifted and talented as stated in the Texas Education Code, Subchapter D. Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students #29.121. In this subchapter, Gifted and talented student means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership (3) excels in a specific academic field

1 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

III. Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program A. Student Population Approximately the top 3-5 percent of the student population on each campus will be identified as gifted and talented and have an opportunity to be served. Once a student is identified for eligibility, he/she will continue in that segment in subsequent years unless the program is deemed incompatible with the student’s needs as outlined in the adopted furlough or exit procedure. Students new to the District will be considered under the transfer policy.

B. Goals of the Program The program is to assist gifted and talented students in reaching, through enrichment and/or acceleration, the upper levels of achievement in the major categories of the cognitive domain. Specifically, the aim is to draw students from the cognitive area of knowledge, comprehension, and application into areas of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Trained gifted and talented personnel will coordinate the program for Grades K-12 using differentiated curriculum focusing on the development of general intellectual ability, creative production and specific subject matter aptitude. Regular classroom teachers will receive specialized staff development in areas of teaching high order thinking skills and the enrichment of classroom experiences. The primary goal of the Medina ISD Program is to develop self-directed learners by providing an instructional program that integrates the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor process. This may be achieved by:  Directing independent research, allowing for in-depth learning of self- directed topics within an area of study and integrating multiple disciplines into the area of study.  Encouraging divergent and productive thinking that challenges exciting ideas and produces “new” ideas resulting in the development of products that use new techniques, material, and forms.  Providing opportunities for creative problem solving, allowing for the development of productive, complex, abstract, and/or higher level thinking skills.  Facilitating self-acceptance of the gifted student by encouraging the development of self-understanding (i.e. recording and using one’s abilities, becoming selfdirected, appreciating likenesses and differences between oneself and others).  Developing higher cognitive processes using content that is related to broad-based 2 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

issues, themes or problems integrating basic skills and higher level thinking skills into the curriculum.

C. Screening and Selection Process 1. Nomination Policy 

Students may be nominated by any professional Medina ISD staff member, parents, guardian, self, or peers.

Parents will receive written notification of nomination and approval for testing will be secured.

Program admission in grades 1-12 will be based on a minimum of five equally weighted criteria that represent both objective and subjective assessment. Kindergarten program admission will be based on a minimum of three equally weighted criteria that represent both objective and subjective assessment.

The criteria will be selected from the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

State and local required tests Mental Abilities test Cognitive abilities test Behavioral checklist Non-verbal mental abilities test Teacher nomination based on classroom observations Student Interviews Student work products, if available Creativity assessment

Final selection of students will be made by a committee of at least three local district educators who have received training in the area of gifted education. This committee will consist of: 1. 2. 3.

The campus principal/designee; The G/T teacher; A counselor or other professional who has been trained in gifted education

3 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

2. On-Going Participation Students will be allowed to continue participation in the G/T program as long as they are making positive contributions to the program, working with others in a spirit of cooperation, acting in a responsible manner while participating in the program, and obeying the instruction of those in charge.

3. Furlough Policy In order for a furlough to be granted an application for furlough shall be obtained from the grade level gifted/talented teacher and must be submitted to the campus designee. A furlough from the program on behalf of the students may be requested by the student*, his/her parents, or legal guardian, teacher, counselor, or administrator. Reasons for a furlough could include, but not be limited to, the following.      

Increased demand upon time caused by scheduling or extra- curricular activities Emotional problems stemming from self, school, or home Request by parents, teacher, counselor, or administrator Inability to participate because of scheduling conflicts Desire to circumvent potential problems arising from placement (Example: inability to keep up with regular classroom work) Age and maturity considered.

NOTE: Furlough should NOT be used as a disciplinary tool and should be granted without adding undue pressure or prejudice to the student.

4. Exit Policy Exit from the Medina ISD Gifted and Talented program will be accomplished by petitioning a committee for removal. The committee will consist of the student, parent, building administrator, gifted/talented teacher, regular classroom teacher, and counselor, if available. A “Petition for Removal” may be initiated by the student, parent, gifted/talented teacher, building administrator, or classroom teacher. The committee will meet within five working days of the request to exit the program. (continued) Exit Policy - Continued

4 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

If gifted/talented teacher, administrator, or classroom teacher requests the exit, documentation must be provided to the committee. Should a student exit the program, exiting should be accomplished in such a manner to avoid adding undue pressure to the student or parent and without prejudice. The purpose of the gifted/talented program is to best serve the needs of the child. If those needs are best met in the regular classroom, that child should be returned to the regular classroom. Students who are removed from the program will remain eligible for participation at a later date. Students will not have to be re-identified to re-enter the program.

5. Re-entry Policy A re-entry form should be obtained from the grade-level gifted/talented teacher.

6. Transfer Policy Previously identified gifted and talented students from an approved G/T program in Texas will be enrolled in the G/T program in Medina ISD Students from G/T programs other than Texas may be required to undergo the Medina ISD identification process if there is an extensive criteria discrepancy from the sending school.

7. Reassessments Medina ISD does not perform routine re-assessments.

8. Appeals Parents or students may appeal any final decision of the selection committee regarding selection for or removal from the Medina ISD G/T Program. Appeals shall be made first to the selection committee; any subsequent appeals shall be made in accordance with Medina ISD Board Policy FNG (LOCAL) beginning at Level Two.

5 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

D. Program Evaluation The Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program shall be evaluated annually in April. Evaluation forms shall be completed by administrators, teachers who provide G/T services, G/T students, and parents of G/T students. The evaluations will be measured for each group, by campus, and combined together to provide a district analysis of the overall G/T program. The analysis of the G/T program shall be used for program improvement and to determine staff development needs. The results of this evaluation will be utilized to develop the district improvement plan and specific goals for improvement of the G/T program shall be listed in the district improvement plan.

6 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program Nomination Form Date: I nominate Gifted and Talented Program.

to be considered for the Medina ISD

Please take a few moments to describe the specific talent you think this student demonstrates and the reasons for this nomination.

Student’s school:

Current Grade:

Student’s address: Student’s home phone number:

Signature and Title of nominating person

7 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program Parent Notification Form Date:

Your child, , has been nominated to be screened for possible participation in the Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program. This means that a series of tests and evaluations will be initiated. Based on the results, he/she may or may not be placed in the program. Upon completion of the screening, you will be notified of the results. We need your permission or denial for further evaluation. Please check, sign, and date the form below to designate whether or not you want your student to participate in the screening process. Please return this form to his/her school as soon as possible.

I grant permission for testing and evaluations to determine the eligibility for the Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program. I do not grant permission for testing for the Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program at this time.

Parent or Guardian Signature


8 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina ISD Programa Dotado y Talentoso Notificación del padre Forma Fecha:

Su hijo/a se ha nombrado para posible participción en el programa Dotado y Talentoso de Medina ISD. Ésto significa que una serie de evaluaciones y pruebas seran conducidas. Segun los resultados, él/ella puede ser iniciado en el programa. Usted sera notificado de los resultados al final de las comprobaciones. Se requiere su permiso o rechazo para hacer más evaluaciones. Favor de verificar, firmar, y poner la fecha en esta forma para designar que si o no quiere que su hijo/a participe en el proceso. Favor de regresar esta forma a su escuela lo más pronto posible.

Si concedo mi permiso. No concedo mi permiso.

Firma de Padre o Guardiana


9 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program Furlough Form Date I,

, request a furlough from the Medina ISD Gifted and

Talented Program on behalf of

. (Student presently participating)

Reason(s) for request:

Date Granted:


(Signature, Student)

(Signature, Parent or Guardian)

(Signature, G/T Teacher)

(Signature, Other)

10 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program Exit Form Date: I,

, wish to request that (Parent, guardian, student, school personnel)

be allowed to exit the LISD G/T Program. (Participating Student)

Reason(s) for request:

Date approved: Comments:

(Signature, student)

(Signature, parent or guardian)

(Signature, G/T Teacher)

(Signature, Other)

11 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina ISD Gifted and Talented Program Re-Entry Form Date : I request re-entry to the G/T program on behalf of

. (Student)

Date Granted:


(Signature, person making request)

(Signature, Student)

(Signature, G/T Teacher)

(Signature, other)

12 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina Independent School District Gifted and Talented Needs Assessment Administrator Questionnaire I am an administrator at:

‘ elementary (K-6)

‘ secondary (7-12)

Please circle your response to each question below: Strongly Agree=SA Agree=A Neutral=N Disagree=D Strongly Disagree=SD 1.






The MISD G/T program meets the needs of identified G/T students.






The MISD G/T program provides opportunities for students to participate with other G/T students






There is continuity between the Gifted and Talented program from grade level to grade level






I need more in-depth knowledge of the activities of the G/T program






A specific G/T record should be kept on each G/T student to track student progress and collect SA data for evaluation of the program





There should be more staff development regarding current research in G/T education SA






What do you consider to be the strengths of the G/T program?


What do you consider to be the weaknesses of the G/T program?


How do you feel that the G/T program could be improved?

Medina Independent School District 13 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Gifted and Talented Needs Assessment Teacher Questionnaire I am a teacher at:

‘ elementary (K-6)

‘ secondary (7-12)

I am serving children in G/T models in the following:‘ math

‘ social studies

‘ science ‘ language arts

Please circle your response to each question below: Strongly Agree=SA Agree=A Neutral=N Disagree=D Strongly Disagree=SD 1.






The MISD G/T program meets the needs of identified G/T students.






The MISD G/T program provides opportunities for students to participate with other G/T students






There is continuity between the Gifted and Talented program from grade level to grade level






I need more in-depth knowledge of the activities of the G/T program






A specific G/T record should be kept on each G/T student to track student progress and collect SA data for evaluation of the program





There should be more staff development regarding current research in G/T education SA






What do you consider to be the strengths of the G/T program?


What do you consider to be the weaknesses of the G/T program?


How do you feel that the G/T program could be improved?

Medina Independent School District 14 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Gifted and Talented Needs Assessment Student Questionnaire Grades 4-6


I am currently participating in G/T models in: ‘ math

‘ social studies


I feel challenged in my gifted and talented program:


I would like to be more challenged in the following areas:

‘ science ‘ language arts

‘ strongly agree ‘ agree ‘ no opinion ‘ disagree ‘ strongly disagree ‘ I am happy with my classes now. ‘ science

‘ social studies ‘ math ‘ language arts 4.

How could your gifted and talented program be improved? ‘ faster pace

‘ slower pace ‘ more research and/or independent work ‘ more challenging content

‘ other (please list below)

4. What do you like most about your gifted and talented program?

5. What do you like least about your gifted and talented program?

15 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina Independent School District Gifted and Talented Needs Assessment Student Questionnaire Grades 7-12


I am currently participating in G/T models in: ‘ math

‘ social studies


I feel challenged in my gifted and talented program:


I would like to be more challenged in the following areas:

‘ science ‘ language arts

‘ strongly agree ‘ agree ‘ no opinion ‘ disagree ‘ strongly disagree ‘ I am happy with my classes now. ‘ science

‘ social studies ‘ math ‘ language arts 4.

How could your gifted and talented program be improved? ‘ faster pace

‘ slower pace ‘ more research and/or independent work ‘ more challenging content

‘ other (please list below)

4. What do you like most about your gifted and talented program?

5. What do you like least about your gifted and talented program?

16 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional

Medina Independent School District Gifted and Talented Needs Assessment Parent Questionnaire

My child is in:

‘ elementary (K-6)

‘ secondary (7-12)

My child is being served in G/T models in the following:‘ math

‘ science ‘ social studies ‘ language arts

Please circle your response to each question below: Strongly Agree=SA Agree=A Neutral=N Disagree=D Strongly Disagree=SD 1.






The MISD G/T program meets the needs of my child.






The MISD G/T program provides opportunities for my child to participate with other G/T students SA





There is continuity between the Gifted and Talented program from grade level to grade level






I need more in-depth knowledge of the activities of the G/T program






A specific G/T record should be kept on each G/T student to track student progress and collect SA data for evaluation of the program





There should be more staff development regarding current research in G/T education SA






What do you consider to be the strengths of the G/T program?


What do you consider to be the weaknesses of the G/T program?


How do you feel that the G/T program could be improved?

17 Medina ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin El Distrito de la Escuela Independiente de Medina no discrimina en raza, color, religión, genero o origen nacional