la Omega

25 nov. 2018 - The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. November 25, 2018 ... Notre Dame Academy .... 10:30 a.m. † Alfred &. Maryann ...
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The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

November 25, 2018

St. Joseph Campus: 1310 Mainstreet, Hopkins St. John Campus (Parish Office): 6 Interlachen Road, Hopkins 55343 Phone: (952) 935-5536 Website: Fax: (952) 938-2724 CONTACTS Parish Office……….. CELEBRATION OF MASSES St. Joseph Campus Saturday……..….4:30 p.m. (English) Sunday………...…8:30 a.m. (English) Tue & Thu..…….….7:00 a.m. (English) Morning Prayer & Rosary Mon, Wed, & Fri……..…..7:00 a.m. St. John Campus Sunday…………. Wed, Fri & Sat …..8:00 a.m. (English) SACRAMENTAL LIFE Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: Perpetual Adoration open 24 hours at St. Joseph Campus Baptism: Contact the office 2 months prior to Baptism to schedule the required preparation conference. Matrimony: Contact priest 12 months in advance of desired date. Reconciliation (Private) St. Joseph Campus Saturday ……………….3:30 p.m. St. John Campus Saturday…...………..8:30-9:30 a.m. Sunday ………………..12:30 p.m. Anointing: Communion or BeFriender Visit Contact the Parish Office …………………...(952) 935-5536 Parish Registration Contact the Parish Office at: ………………….....(952) 935-5536 Bulletin Deadline Fridays at 12:00 p.m. - 10 days before the bulletin date, except for holidays. Email to:

“Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega,” dice el Senor Dios, “el que es, el que era y el que ha de venir, el todopoderoso.” Apocalipsis1:8

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “the one who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty.” Revelation1:8

Parish Staff


Pastor Fr. James Liekhus


Deacons Deacon Darrel Branch

4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: Deacon D. Branch, C. Carlson, J. Jelinek, C. Murphy, D. Specken, J. Specken, A. Tangney Lector: C. Murphy (1), C. Carlson (2) Sacristan: K. Jamison Greeters: R. Harrigan, P. O’Gorman, A. Tangney Servers: Reinhard E., Julius K. Ushers: K. Jamison, J. Jelinek, Dave Specken, Dale Specken 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph Campus Extraordinary Ministers: R. Boyer, J. Brannan, J. Clemen, M.A. Erpelding, H. Lodermeier, P. Weinbender Lectors: B. Tangney (1), B. Clemen (2) Sacristan: K. Kopesky Greeter: B. Johnson, D. Lauzon, S. Tangney Servers: Sophie M., John M. Ushers: P. Ames, D. Nelson, S. Tangney 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. John Campus Extraordinary Ministers: Deacon D. Branch, B. Davies, K. Davies, S. Kessler, D. Noll, M. Noll, A. Pravinata, G. Sicheneder, M. Sicheneder, F. Tautin, B. Tautin Lectors: K. Cambre (1), S. Kessler (2) Sacristan: B. Tautin Greeters: J. Fish, S. Loeffler, S. Zettel Servers: Renee Lynn M., Zuri P., Emmanuel P. Ushers: G. Dunkley, M. Dunkley, W. Dunkley, D. Noll, M. Noll, B. Rottach, M.K. Rottach

Deacon Francis Tangney (952) 935-8530 Parish Business Administrator Lori Thul Bookkeeper Mary Karen Keneally Director of Worship & Music Katie Schafer Ministry Coordinator Sheila Przesmicki Director of Youth Formation Cindy Novak Pre-School Coordinator Kathleen Esh (952) 933-7610 Custodian Ricardo Torres Parish Trustees Bill Clemen Joe Fish Pastoral Council Members Rhonda Pantila Karen Fish Edali Mendez Jeff Ward Therese Otten Romaine Bechir Notre Dame Academy 13505 Excelsior Blvd Minnetonka, MN 55345 Ginger Vance, Principal (952) 358-3500 email:

Please pray for those in nursing homes, the families of the sick, caregivers, the military and their families, and for the following: Deborah Anderson, Howard Anderson, Nancy Bishop, Fr. Ralph Goman, Paul Jelinek, The Keane Family, Justin Keyes, Ken Leick, Andrew Loo, Jim McSherry, Mark Muellner, Sandy Muschenheim, Marty Noll, Joe Roberts, Eugene Rohrbeck, Marcella Samuelson, Deacon Francis Tangney, Sheryl Tatum, Debra Thompson, Joanne Urbanski, Janine Weideman, Mary Ann Weldon, and Marilyn Zayac To add a name to the list, please notify the Parish Office. Because of the length of the list, names will be published for one month unless otherwise requested. Thank you.

Returning our gifts to God and His Church St Gabriel the Archangel's Sunday Giving This information has been removed for the online version Please contact the Parish Business Administrator with any questions (952) 935-5536

“Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom does not belong to this world.” John 18:36 How often do we put all our time and energy into building a kingdom here on earth, forgetting that life here is short? The real kingdom is in the next life. Yet, how much time and energy do we invest in working for that eternal kingdom?

ACH and Credit Card giving is available Visit our website for Online Giving options or call the parish office at (952) 935-5536.

This information has been removed for the online version Please contact the Parish Business Administrator with any questions (952) 935-5536

Parish News Dear Parishioners, This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. To accept that Christ is our king is to give him a trust and obedience that we would never give to those with authority here on earth. While we judge the way our earthly rulers exercise their authority and hold them accountable for their actions, we would never try to judge the Lord, and decide that He should have done something differently. While we look at the laws that our legislators write and judge whether or not they are just, we would never look at the laws that our Lord has given us and decide for ourselves whether or not we should follow them. While we look at the judgments of our courts and discern whether or not they are just, we never look at the judgment of our Lord and decide that He was wrong and that we know better than Him. Christ is our king, and to be a part of His Kingdom is to recognize Him as such. But wouldn’t that make us less free? “If I accept such absolute authority over my entire life, that would put limits on what I can do, limits on my freedom.” Not so, because Christ is not a tyrant. He offers us citizenship in his Kingdom, but He doesn’t force us. We are free to accept or reject that offer. Accepting Christ’s kingship does not mean we hand over our free will. It means we conform our will to His, because we recognize that His will is always for our good, it always leads to our happiness. It is only in accepting Christ as our king that we can ever be truly free, free from the slavery to sin and death, free to live a life of holiness. So we must exercise our free will and make a choice. Will I put my trust in God, the God who created me out of love, who sent His Son to me out of love, who died on the cross and saved me from my sins out of love? Or will I not, will I be my own king, and refuse to be a part of Christ’s Kingdom? Let us choose the Lord, conforming our will to His, so that we can live forever in His Kingdom. –Fr. Liekhus

Weekly Calendar Sunday, November 25 10:15 a.m. Children’s Ministry—Music Room St. John Campus 10:30 a.m. Nursery—Nursery St. John Campus 10:30 a.m. Pre-School Ministry, Pre-School Room St. John Campus 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal , Social Hall St. Joseph Campus Monday, November 26 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Elevator Lobby Church Level, St. Joseph Campus 1:00 p. m. Legion of Mary Meeting—Library St. Joseph Campus 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall, St. Joseph Campus 7:30 p.m. Bell Choir Practice St. Joseph Campus 7:30 p.m. AA Cafeteria St. John Campus Boyce Street Door Tuesday, November 27 10:00 a.m. Penance Service, St. Joseph Campus 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. Making Mittens-Community Room St. John Campus 7:00 p.m. Holy Spirit Prayer Group Library, St. Joseph Campus 8:00 p.m. Tuesday Basketball-Gym St. John Campus Wednesday, November 28 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer, Elevator Lobby Church level, St. Joseph Campus No 8:00 a.m. Mass 9:30 a.m. NDA Mass, St. John Campus 6:00 p.m. Middle School/High School Ministry Music Rm. Leo’s Den, Café & Gym, St. John Campus 6:30 p.m. Choir Practice St. John Campus 7:00 p.m. Pastoral Council—Conference Room St. John Campus 7:30 p.m. MS Sacramental Prep—Music Room St. John Campus

Thursday, November 29 7:00 p.m. Mitten Making-Library St. Joseph Campus Friday, November 30 1:00 p.m. Senior Christmas Party Set up Social Hall St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. WMYA Game Night, Gym, St. John Campus Saturday, December 1 11:00 a.m. Senior Christmas Party 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal Social Hall, St. Joseph Campus 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Community Prayer Group Community Room, St. John Campus Sunday, December 2 9:30 a.m. Donut Sunday hosted by the Prayer Shawl & Funeral Luncheon Ministries Social Hall St. Joseph Campus 10:15 a.m. Children’s Ministry, Music Room St. John Campus 10:30 a.m. Nursery—Nursery St. John Campus 10:30 a.m. Pre– School Ministry –Pre-School Room, St. John Campus 11:30 a.m. Donut Sunday hosted by the Prayer Shawl & Funeral Luncheon Ministries Community Room St. John Campus 2:30 p.m. First Reconciliation Celebration 5:30 p.m. Loaves & Fishes Meal, Social Hall, St. Joseph Campus 6:00 p.m. Confirmation Prep Session—Community Room, St. John Campus

St. Andrew’s Feast Day is Friday November 30th

Parish Penance Service Tuesday, November 27th, 10-11a.m. at St. Joseph Campus Thursday, December 6th 7-8 p.m. at St. John Campus


Sunday, November 25 8:30 a.m. †Irene Hansen 10:30 a.m.† George Mogush 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, November 27 7:00 a.m. † Marianne Martini Wednesday, November 28 8:00 a.m. Sanju Family Thursday, November 29 7:00 a.m. † Ramon Alba & † Teodora Puentas Friday, November 30 8:00 a.m. † Joseph & Rosa Doan Saturday, December 1 8:00 a.m. †Alice George 4:30 p.m. † Charles Munster Sunday, December 2 8:30 a.m. Pedy Bajar 10:30 a.m. †Alfred & Maryann Nordaune 1:00 p.m. People of the Parish

THE NURSERY IS OPEN! If you are looking for a fun and loving option for your active child during the 10:30a.m. Mass, our nursery is just the place! We have caring adults waiting to play with your children and introduce them to the love of Jesus in a space that is designed just for them. We are located in the lower level of the school building (follow the signs!). More adults are also welcome to join our Nursery Team. If interested, leave your contact information with a Nursery Team member and Cindy will follow up.

Our program is growing and we need more adults and older youth to join our Children’s Ministry Team! We are especially looking for people to assist with crafts and with games during our ministry time. Prep time is minimal. Ideally you would be able to serve every Sunday (10:15-11:35a.m.) but we can use you if you can commit to once or twice a month, too! Contact Cindy to get started (, 952-540-4762).

Join us for the weekly West Metro Young Adults Sport’s Night. These events are Friday nights at St. Gabriel’s, Interlachen Road campus in Hopkins. All young adults ages 18-39 are invited to join us at 6:30p.m. Basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, great fun come inside and play!

EPIPHANY EVE PAGEANT plans have begun! Spots will fill up fast for parts of Mary, Joseph, 3 Kings, Shepherds, Angels and a Dancing Star! We need some Sheep and a Donkey, too! The only Rehearsal will be January 4th at 6:30 pm at the Campus of St. Joseph and the Pageant will be right after the 4:30 pm Mass on Saturday, January 5th. Preschool age children welcome! Please email your children's name, grade, and what part they hope to play ~ first and second choices. Contact Kathleen Esh,

Winter is here!! We will be making colorful mittens to donate to: Caring and Sharing Hands. Please come help us even if you cannot sew. People are needed to cut and assemble as well. Join us! On Tuesday, November 27th, 7 pm. to 9 p.m. at St. John campus Community Room or Thursday, November 29th 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at St. Joseph campus Social Hall Questions? Please call Judy Mages 952-544-5286

The NDA School Mass will be at St. Gabriel’s (St. John campus) on Wednesday November 28th at 9:30 a.m.

Sick Call Procedure Because of the Right to Privacy Laws, churches are not notified of parishioners who are hospitalized or in nursing homes unless the person asks specifically that we are called. If you, a family member, or friend would like a visit from the parish, call the Parish Office at (952) 935-5536.

Golden Age Christmas Party December 1, 2018 St. Gabriel parish invites all seniors to the Golden Age Christmas party on Saturday December 1st from 11:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. at St. Joseph campus social hall. To RSVP , call Myra, 952-938-1293 before November 26th. We could use help with setting up on Friday November 30th at 2:00p.m. and on Saturday December 1st with serving and clean up. Please call Myra, 952935-1293 to volunteer.

Nocturnal Adoration Society Not able to commit to a regular hour each week of Eucharistic Adoration? Is Eucharistic Adoration a new form of prayer for you? Members of the Nocturnal Adoration Society are called to spend one hour, once a month, during the hours of the night in prayer before the Eucharist. The St. Gabriel Nocturnal Society meets every FIRST FRIDAY of the month in the chapel at St. Joseph campus, from 8:00 to 11:00pm. The next evening of Nocturnal Adoration is Friday, December 7. We invite all parishioners to come to the chapel at 8:00, 9:00, or 10:00pm and “spend one hour with Him.” Our monthly hour before the Blessed Sacrament is a mixture of read prayer and responses from the “Office of the Blessed Sacrament,” the official prayer book of the Nocturnal Adoration Society, and silent individual prayer. Join us once a month for an hour to explore how Eucharistic Adoration can deepen your experience of communion with Christ Eucharistic!

Entrusted With A Mission Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted their Commitment Card to the church. For those parishioners who have not yet had the opportunity to submit their card, a letter will be mailed to you with a personalized Commitment Card. It is important that all parishioners complete a Commitment Card as we will be mailing out a Summary Report of the program and need all commitments accounted for in this report. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office. We also encourage all parishioners to consider our electronic giving method and to set up your reoccurring offertory gifts electronically. We have all received gifts from God …. Are you energized by getting to know your fellow parishioners better? Do you work to extend those relationships beyond Sunday Mass? You may have the gift of Relator. Your gift could be used in our small group ministry. CHRISTMAS PLANTS It’s not too early to make monetary contributions to the Flower Fund. Use the Flower Memorial envelope in your quarterly envelope packet to honor or remember someone special to you or to offer an intention that you may have. No Flower Memorial envelope: write your memorial or intention on a piece of paper and put it in a regular envelope along with any donation you wish to give. Additional Flower Offering envelopes are also available at the back of church.

Fellowship November 25, 2018 ~ Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Daniel 7:13-14, Responsorial Psalm: 93 1-2, 5 (1a), Revelation 1:5-8, John 18:33b -37 On this final Sunday of the liturgical year, we celebrate Jesus Christ as ruler over ourselves and the universe. Our Lord is going to return in glory. He will sit on his throne and be our King forever. We will inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for us. This brings us joy, strengthens our faith and hope, and can help us to persevere through the current state of the world with its wars and strife, hunger and poverty, hatred, diseases, and natural disasters, etc. Its days are numbered. All the evil will not triumph in the end. To prepare ourselves for our judgment, we must do our heavenly Father’s will. We are then at peace. The comforts and trials of this life are temporary. The glory of our salvation is eternal. That is what we strive for. Trust our Lord and work now with the end in mind. Persevere so we can enjoy that communion with Him for which He created us. Our First Reading gives a striking picture of Daniel’s vision: “One like the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heavens.” All nations will serve Him. He will bring everything under His Kingship that shall not be destroyed. The Book of Revelation offers insights into what Christ’s kingdom means for us. Christ has freed us from our sins by His blood. He rules over our hearts, making His kingdom within us. In the Gospel, Jesus stands before an earthly ruler, Pilate, who asks if He is King of the Jews. Jesus explains that His Kingdom is not of this world. Pilate says to Jesus, “Then you are a King.” Jesus answers, “You say I am a King. For this I was born and for this I came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” •Have you thought of yourselves as royalty, sons and daughters of a King with an everlasting domain? How does that make you feel? •What do the images in the first and second readings have in common? What image do you have of the Second Coming? If Jesus were to come right now, what would your thoughts or feelings be? •What words in the Responsorial Psalm speak to you of Kingship? •Jesus tells us in the Gospel that His Kingdom is not earthly and that He came into the world to testify to the truth. What does He mean? For more information or to sign up for a small group, contact Karen Fish at 952-239-1949. Last weekend’s Donut Sunday hosts: St. Gabriel’s Parish Finance Council: Each parish in the Archdiocese is required by canon law to have a Finance Council that serves as an advisory body to the pastor on financial matters pertaining to the parish. It does not make decisions for the pastor, but provides information and guidance regarding the material concerns of the parish. The Council must follow both the civil and canon law when helping with parish administration. The Council helps to prepare an annual balanced budget, review financial reports, creates a long-range plan for the parish for operational and maintenance needs, oversees investments, and advises the pastor and parish council on financial concerns. It assists with the preparation of the annual financial report to both the parish and the Archdiocese. It has representatives to Notre Dame Academy, the consolidated school sponsored by St. Gabriel’s, and our Cemetery and Stewardship committees. Members of the Council must be practicing Catholics, parish members, have financial and/or management expertise, and be committed to the faith and mission of the Catholic Church and the parish. They should be available to attend the Council meetings on a regular basis. They are appointed by the pastor for a three year term, with the opportunity to serve another consecutive term. Finance Council meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 P.M. in the parish offices. Generally, the meetings are not open to non-Council members. Voting Members: Carl Corneliuson , Keith Cambre & John Reissner Administrative Members: Fr. James Liekhus, Pastor, Lori Thul, Parish Business Administrator , Joe Fish, Trustee and Bill Clemens, Trustee

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Confesiones, domingos 12:30pm Santa Misa, domingos 1:00pm

Pastor: Rev. Padre James Liekhus (Padre Jim) 952-935-5536 Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo

25 de noviembre de 2018

Queridos feligreses, Este fin de semana, celebramos la solemnidad de Cristo Rey. Aceptar que Cristo es nuestro rey es darle la confianza y la obediencia que nunca le daríamos a aquellos con autoridad aquí en la tierra. Mientras juzgamos la forma en que nuestros gobernantes terrenales ejercen su autoridad y los responsabilizamos por sus acciones, nunca trataremos de juzgar al Señor y decidiremos que Él debería haber hecho algo diferente. Mientras observamos las leyes que escriben nuestros legisladores y juzgamos si son justas o no, nunca veremos las leyes que nuestro Señor nos ha dado y decidiremos por nosotros mismos si debemos cumplirlas o no. Mientras miramos los juicios de nuestros tribunales y discernimos si son justos o no, nunca miramos el juicio de nuestro Señor y decidimos que Él estaba equivocado y que sabemos mejor que él. Cristo es nuestro rey, y ser parte de su reino es reconocerlo como tal. ¿Pero eso no nos haría menos libres? "Si acepto tanta autoridad absoluta sobre toda mi vida, eso pondría límites a lo que puedo hacer, límites a mi libertad". No es así, porque Cristo no es un tirano. Él nos ofrece la ciudadanía en su Reino, pero no nos obliga. Somos libres de aceptar o rechazar esa oferta. Aceptar el reinado de Cristo no significa que entreguemos nuestro libre albedrío. Significa que ajustamos nuestra voluntad a la suya, porque reconocemos que su voluntad es siempre para nuestro bien, siempre nos lleva a nuestra felicidad. Es solo aceptando a Cristo como nuestro rey que podemos ser verdaderamente libres, libres de la esclavitud al pecado y la muerte, libres de vivir una vida de santidad. Por eso debemos ejercer nuestro libre albedrío y tomar una decisión. ¿Pondré mi confianza en Dios, el Dios que me creó por amor, que envió a su Hijo a mí por amor, que murió en la cruz y me salvó de mis pecados por amor? ¿O no lo haré, seré mi propio rey y me negaré a ser parte del Reino de Cristo? Escojamos al Señor, conformando nuestra voluntad a la de Él, para que podamos vivir para siempre en Su Reino. –Fr. Liekhus .



Confiado con una misión .

Gracias a todos los feligreses que han completado y presentado su Tarjeta de compromiso a la iglesia. Para aquellos feligreses que aún no hayan tenido la oportunidad de presentar su tarjeta, se le enviará una carta con una Tarjeta de compromiso personalizada. Es importante que todos los feligreses completen una Tarjeta de Compromiso, ya que enviaremos un Informe Resumen del programa y necesitaremos que todos los compromisos se tengan en cuenta en este informe. Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con la oficina de la parroquia. También alentamos a todos los feligreses a que consideren nuestro método de donación electrónica y configuren sus donativos recurrentes de manera electrónica. CONFIADO CON UNA MISÍON

Adoración Eucarístia Perpetua Venga a rezar en la capilla en cualquier momento. (La capilla se cierra a la medianoche del sábado hasta el mediodia del domingo). Si usted puede comprometerse con una hora semanal, los horarios para los cuales necesitamos adoradores están a continuación. Necesitamos voluntarios para adorar a Nuestro Señor: Domingo a las 2 p.m. y 11 p.m., lunes a las 12 a.m. medianoche y 7 a.m., martes a las 11 p.m., miércoles a las 7 p.m. sábado a las 11 a.m. Para más información o para registrarse para adorar a Nuestro Señor, por favor llame a Luis Becerra: (612) 490-0081